Oberon Dragon

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Oberon Dragon Page 40

by Sage Hunter

  On her path to the river she saw a man and a woman returning; she was pregnant, and he had her in his arms, her weight not seeming to matter to him. He looked at her in an odd way, and his eyes followed her until they passed. There were many more at the river, and the women were seen washing the men, dutifully, but not seeming bothered by it. It was all new to Valerie, though she felt too self-conscious about taking her clothes off. The woman moved robotically, and began stripping Valerie as soon as she stepped into the water. She stood still, and allowed her to work, and while she stood in the river and allowed the cool water to wash over her, she finally opened her mind to the possibility that this world was nothing of Earth.

  Back at the hut, she went directly to the man in charge. “Where exactly am I?” she asked him again.

  “I told you; The Village Masawa on the Planet Xenon. Come,” he told her and walked off.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she tried to keep up with him and his party. The heavy tunic she wore that practically hugged her ankles obstructed her walking.

  “To the place we found you. I want to know how you got here. Maybe there was a vessel we missed,” he said.

  “There is no vessel,” she said when she caught up with him. He didn’t seem to hear her, and kept walking. She grabbed his arm then, and he stopped abruptly and turned to her.

  “This doesn’t make any sense. If there is no ship, then how did you get here? What were you doing?”

  “I was with some people in the jungle in Mexico when I got lost. I tried to find them, slid down a slope and lost track of where I was. That’s when I ran into you.”

  He stood there, biting his lips and looking around, and then grabbed her by the arm and led her in another direction. “Maybe Master Shakh will know.”

  “Master who?” she asked.

  “Master Shakh. He is our wise one. He will know what happened better than any of us,” he replied and tugged her along.

  They got to the dwelling place of their wise one and he left them outside while he went in. After a few moments, he emerged with who she had expected to be an old man, but instead, he seemed as young as the rest of them.

  “So this is woman from earth?” he asked, and then beckoned to her. “Come, come,” he told her and waited for her to get to him. Then he placed his arm around her and brought her inside the hut. “I never seen earth woman before. My grandfather told me about one he see, but that was thousands of years ago.” He looked at her, and plucked her skin, and then smiled at Malek. “She is nice one.”

  “That’s not why we are here. We need to know how she got here,” Malek told him. “Maybe we can send her back.”

  “I’m afraid I can give you idea of how she came, but not sure if I can make a way back,” he said and went over to a table he had filled with candles and herbs.

  Malek and Valerie shared surprised looks and then turned to Master Shakh again. “You know how I got here? Oh my God!” she exclaimed. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  “Not so fast,” he told her. “That may not be such good news.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “History tells of gateway from this world to yours. A time portal. My grandfather privileged to go through two times in his life. I never did, but would love to see other world.”

  “A gateway? But that means if we can find the spot, then I can go back through,” she said excitedly.

  “I’m afraid it isn’t that simple. Gateway only opens once every generation, and only when sun and moon come together. I can try and tell when something like that will happen again, but I don’t think it will be soon.”

  “An eclipse!” she exclaimed when she realized what event the man referred to. “That shouldn’t be so hard to track, and it may be soon.” Valerie asked and turned about in the hut as she tried to make sense of it, but even with her limited knowledge, she knew eclipses were rare.

  “Only if Earth woman lucky,” Master Shakh told her. Then he went over to her and patted her on the shoulder, and with a grin, “Welcome to Xenon.”


  Valerie spent the next couple of days in the Masawa, learning their ways and observing their interactions. After a while, she lost interest in returning home. What was she returning to anyway? At least here, she felt like she belonged; like she was a part of something. She accompanied the women when they went to gather berries, herbs and fruits. She helped when the men returned with game from their hunt, and she even taught them new ways to prepare their food. She figured anything that was a bird would require the same preparations as chicken. She even got accustomed to the Tsar, the wolf-bear creature that was nothing more than an overgrown golden retriever at heart.

  “Everything is so simple here,” she remarked to Naresh one day. She was one of the women she had grown more familiar with.

  “What you mean?” the woman asked.

  Valerie smiled when she imagined the girl didn’t understand what simple meant. “I mean, where I’m from, you had to be busy all the time; running to catch the subway to get to work; being stuck in a cubicle all day in a cramped space; smiling at people you didn’t even want to be around; running again at the end of the day to catch the train before it leaves; just to get home to a husband who doesn’t even appreciate that you are there,” she said and sighed.

  “What is subway?” the girl asked.

  Valerie jumped just then when she heard a twig snap behind her. She was relieved to find that it was only Malek. “You scared me,” she told him.

  “There is nothing to be afraid of in Masawa,” he said and held out his hand for her.

  “That depends on what scares you. I could be afraid of a spider,” she said and laughed. He chuckled too, and she couldn’t help but notice the sparkle in his eyes when he did, or the way his skin color change from bronze to crimson. She walked next to him, and to the hut that had been a home to her from the beginning. The women had given her clothing, and considering that in this world being oversized was the norm, she fit right in.

  “I heard what you were saying to Naresh earlier,” he told her when they got inside and he was sitting on the trunk that seemed to be his personal favorite.

  “Wh-what did you hear?” she asked nervously and pulled her golden hair behind her ears.

  “You didn’t sound as if you were happy with the life that you had,” he told her directly.

  Valerie smiled then, and hung her head. “No, I wasn’t happy,” she told him.

  “And you had a husband…is that the word for mate?” he asked curiously.

  “Yes, that’s what he was,” she said and heaved an exasperated sigh.

  “He wasn’t a good mate?” Malek asked.

  “No,” she said, and even though she was far from her ex-husband, and he couldn’t hurt her anymore, his effect lingered enough to tear at the strings of her heart and provoke tears she hadn’t set free in weeks. She quickly brushed them aside, but for each one she did, another would take its place. “I’m sorry, I’m not usually like this.”

  “Why do you cry?” he asked her, and the concern was visible upon him.

  “I gave him everything, and he left me for another woman because he said I was too fat,” she said and wiped her eyes. “If he had done it for any other reason, I could have understood; but to know that he left me for nothing is what got to me. So, no, at first I thought I would, but I don’t miss being home, and I don’t miss Earth.”

  Malek did not know the right words to say that would stop her tears from flowing. Instead, he stood and pulled her to him, and in the silence of the hut he held her, and in so doing gave her more than her ex-husband had in the months preceding their divorce.

  “If Master Shakh does find a path home-some miraculous way of reopening the portal to Earth-I don’t think I’ll want to go back,” she sputtered, amidst the tears.

  “You only say that now because you are upset,” he told her, and then held her away from him so he could look her in the eyes. “Th
e feeling will pass and then you will want to go back, but you have to think about it carefully. When that gateway reopens, and then closes again, it may not do so for another hundred years, and by that time I will no longer be here.”

  Valerie turned then so that she was facing away from him. “Maybe,” she said. Then she spun, as if jolted. “I’ve seen the way the men here treat the women; the way you carry them around like they were made from glass; how you bring them something from every hunt; how they smile and float around without a care in the world because the men protect and provide. I’ve never had that; so why would I want to go back?”

  “Well, if that’s how you feel, then you are welcome to stay here, and we won’t treat you any differently,” he told her and sat down again.

  She sat there looking at him, and then something occurred to her. “How is it that someone like you, a strong warrior, hunter and leader, does not have a mate of your own?”

  Malek smiled to himself and turned his face outdoors. “I’m not sure I can answer that question,” he told her.

  “You can try,” she urged.

  He lowered his body and took up a piece of stick and played with it between his fingers. “I guess, it has never felt quite right before,” he told her. “But I’m hopeful.” His eyes scanned her curves, and a smile escaped.

  Valerie blushed when he spoke, and her mind played on the word ‘hopeful’ as she imagined it might just be her.


  It didn’t take Valerie long to adjust to life in a different kind of jungle. The Village expanded further than the collection of huts nearby, and was but a small part of a very big planet. There were several other tribes surrounding the one she was in, and every couple of days they would host a big feast and have games, and the women would dance and entertain the men and children. Valerie was beginning to feel more a part of this world than she ever did back home.

  “Come,” Naresh said and tugged her by the arm. “We dance,” she said excitedly.

  Valerie had never been known to be a good dancer, but by all indications, no one here would be able to tell the difference. She held hands with the other girls skipping and bobbing around the large bonfire in the center of the village. Their laughter filled the night air, and soon she grew dizzy and weary from all the excitement.

  When she fell down on the ground again, weary with exhaustion, Malek came to her. “I see you are getting the hang of it,” he told her and laughed.

  “That is a lot harder to do than it looks. See the way Naresh and Willow move? I can hardly do that,” she said, her words coming in gasps.

  “It will come with time,” he told her.

  “I like the sound of that,” she said and smiled.

  “Would you like to take a midnight stroll with me?” he asked her.

  Valerie smiled and nodded, and then she got up and went with him. For a while they walked without speaking, and then he held her hand and turned her to him. “You should never let any man tell you that you aren’t beautiful, because you are,” he told her. “You are strange, and different from what I know, but that’s good, because I was never attracted to what I knew. And I never knew why, until I saw you on that path that day. You were running and looked so scared, and I felt like I had to protect you, though I didn’t know why.”

  He placed his hand on her face and stroked her cheek, and she raised her hand to keep it there. She closed her eyes and imagined all the times she had wanted to feel needed by a man. And all it had taken was a trip to another planet by an invisible force. Her eyes were still closed when she felt something soft and warm on her lips, and when she opened her eyes, they met his. He held her gaze, even as his lips moved over hers, slowly and purposely, and she felt the tear as it raced down her cheek. Then he pulled her closer than before, deeper into his kiss, so that their bodies almost became one. She received him gladly, and as they stood there in the dark, with the rays of the moon celebrating on their skin, making patterns through the leaves, their differences didn’t matter.

  They held hands after that, and he led her to a place by the river where it was serene and beautiful, and they sat for a long time watching the waters flow. Valerie had never known peace like that before, and she nestled against Malek and enjoyed being his company.

  The following day when she went out with the other women to gather the crops, she became the subject of conversation.

  “You go with Malek in the night,” one of the women said to her.

  Valerie blushed and bit her lips. “I just went for a walk.”

  “Men in Masawa never just take woman in night on walk. There was something more,” Naresh told her and giggled. “Malek is strong, and good leader; he will make good mate.”

  “Who said anything about a mate?” Valerie asked.

  “It true,” Willow chimed in. “Many women in Masawa, but Malek choose you. It is a good thing,” she said and smiled. “You will not feel bad after you go with him.” She looked at Naresh and both women started giggling.

  “What’s going? What did I miss?” Valerie asked.

  “When he takes his thing and put it here in your…” Willow began.

  “Oh, I get it,” Valerie said and stopped the woman before she got even more embarrassed.

  “Malek tall and strong,” Naresh teased. “Make him drink green root tea and you make baby, first time,” Willow added.

  “How is it you aren’t jealous that he would want me and not another woman from the village?” Valerie asked. “I would be offended if it were me in your positions. Neither of you are married either.”

  “True,” Naresh replied. “But you can’t force man to take you. When right one comes, then you know. We know Malek for you when you come. We see how his eyes get black when he looks at you.”

  Valerie did not always understand their language, in as much as she had to clarify some things to them whenever she spoke. But she knew enough, by context, to fully understand their childlike innocence and generosity, and what it meant when they mentioned Malek’s eyes growing black. Did he really feel for her as much?

  “You take to our ways very easy,” Naresh told her. “You would make good leader too.”

  “Wait, what leader?” Valerie asked, not fully understanding what they were saying now.

  “You and Malek,” Willow said.

  And then it registered. If she and Malek were mates, then she would be the woman all women in the tribe looked up to. Right away she felt the weight of the responsibility resting on her, and she looked to them for emotional support. Their smiles seemed to do the trick, and Valerie smiled in return, but she wasn’t sure if it was out of happiness, anxiety or relief, that she was in a place where she was respected by all. she blinked rapidly as if to wake up, but when she trained her eyes again, she saw them looking and smiling still, and already so expectant.


  Time passed by much differently on Planet Xenon than it did on Earth, and by the time Valerie realized, she was already months into her new life. It felt natural to her, and even more so the longer she spent with Malek. He took her to the river, on what she termed dates, and which amused him incredibly. They were on one such date, at a little spot by the waterfall, the soothing sounds of the flow creating a gentle ambience. They were sitting on a piece of canvas, and Malek had his arms around her.

  “I didn’t even know there was another planet in the Solar System,” she said as she curled up against him.

  “We always knew there were others out there, but we have never had the pleasure to travel anywhere. It has been said that some of the Yacuza, the people who live in the city, they have travelled to distant planets. I heard that when I went to study there for a while.”

  “Didn’t you ever want to though? I’m sure if I knew there were other worlds I’d want to go.” She shifted so that she could be more comfortable next to him, and he smoothed her hair that fell flat against her forehead.

  “Wanting to do something and actually being able to are different th
ings. Not everyone gets the chance to go into space.”

  “So, there are more like you out there? Other worlds?” Valerie was growing more fascinated with the idea that Earth had not been the only planet all along.

  “I guess,” he said. “But no more of that talk now,” he said and lowered his head to kiss her on the forehead.

  Valerie sighed contentedly, and leaned in closer to him. “What else did you have in mind?” she asked playfully.

  She felt his grip tighten on her, and it didn’t take long to understand just what he was about. He kissed her temple and smoothed her hair, and she closed her eyes as her heart raced in anticipation of what was about to happen. His lips, as warm as a summer’s day, and as gentle as the waters that flowed not too far from them, travelled down her face, until he buried his head in her enclave. Valerie shuddered, and he stopped to ensure she was alright. She smiled at his patience and gentleness, and held her head back to allow him room. His left hand held her firmly around the middle as his other stroked her stomach, kneading her flesh and moving slowly upwards until he cupped breasts that were ripe and ready.

  Then, slowly he rose and rested her against the canvas, and hovered above her, with the moon as his light and the stars making their own showy display of brilliance. Valerie’s chest heaved, and though she was nervous, her body called to him, and for each time he touched her, she trembled. He removed the dress he wore, and in one fluid motion he tossed it aside and stood before her, his bronze skin appearing anything but that in the silvery glow of the moon. She held out her hands for him, and he knelt before her and removed her clothing. When he came down before her again, he found the hard surface of her taut nipples, as goose pimples lined her entire frame. He suckled her breast, and tasted every part of her, crisscrossing her ample frame and not seeming to get enough.


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