Surviving The Chaos Of Life (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 4)

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Surviving The Chaos Of Life (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 4) Page 1

by Vera Quinn




  Thank You


  Character List



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Also by Vera Quinn

  Contact or follow me:

  Rules in Life


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Surviving The Chaos Of Life

  Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book Four

  Vera Quinn


  Copyright © 2018 by Vera Quinn

  Cover design by Tracie Douglas @ Dark Water


  Editing by Sandra Leblanc

  Formatting by: Maggie Kern

  This book is a work of fiction. The names characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used factiously and are not construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations are entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Except for short quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced, in any form, or used in whole or part by any means existing or produced in the future without written permission from the author.



  Surviving The Chaos Of Life is a continuing series. This is the last book in a four-book series. To get the full story it would be better to read the first three books in the series first:

  Surviving For Tomorrow

  Surviving One Day At A Time

  Surviving Until The End


  This ebook is meant for mature readers 18+.

  There are sexual situations, profanity, and illegal activities throughout the ebook. If this something that you are not comfortable with or any of these subjects offend you, then this may not be appropriate reading for you. Read with caution.


  There is a 20,000-word novella at the end of this book, Rules In Life. It is not available anymore in publication, so I am adding it, so you can get some backstory on Shine and Katie’s story.

  This is not an attempt to stuff pages. I don’t believe I should need to charge .99 for a forty-page novella. I am giving a warning about it, so everyone understands.

  Thank You

  My special thanks to my husband, Charles. He is always my rock and my biggest supporter. I love you always.

  To my family and friends that support me every day, thank you for always being there. Nicole Lloyd is my sanity at times and the best PA. I have a great admiration for this woman.

  I need to thank both, Sandra LeBlanc and Mary. I hope this is the beginning of great adventure.

  Daverba, I thank you for sharing all my work. You are the best.

  Joanne, as always, you calm my fears with your feedback.

  To the members of my support groups. You ladies keep me going from your good mornings to the messages I receive of encouragement. For not only the support you give me but all the authors in our group and outside. Authors need the support you give to know they are doing things right.

  To my readers, a special thank you and a big Texas hug from this woman. I am humbled every time I release a book and the feedback I get and the support that you show me.


  This book is dedicated to all the people who believe in friendship, loyalty, and mutual respect. The last few years have been hard on me determining who is a real friend and who is all about status and climbing that popularity poll. I was on the verge of just stepping away from writing, but a few very smart ladies told me to not let the people that hurt me win. I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else. The moral of all this is to say, surround yourself with people that are loyal friends because one real friend is worth twenty fake ones. I am blessed to have real friends.

  Character List

  Connor Family

  Alice Connors/Ma

  Darren Connors/ Pa

  Faith Connors

  Charity Connors

  Samson Harmon/Sam

  Demented Revengers MC both chapters:

  Quitman Chapter:





  Tip-Tech Guy

  Dawg Man


  Cue Ball

  Spinner X

  Tyler/Mother Chapter




  Zig Zag - SAA

  Red Cap - Tech guy




  NSA Agents:

  Cooper Dean

  Lachlan Dean

  Ewan Dean

  Quinn Dean

  Sean Walsh

  Riley Walsh

  Connor Walsh

  Ryan Walsh



  I have never pretended to be a good man.

  I don’t like rules, and I refuse to conform to what society thinks I should be.

  My loyalty is to my club, and the family that has taken me in.

  I have no family, no parents or siblings, only brotherhood and my adopted family.

  I would fight and die for them, and not much else matters to me in my life until I meet a little spitfire.


  My life has been sheltered from what is normal for most people.

  This is my time. I want to spread my wings and fly, and I won’t let a sexy biker distract me.

  Demented Revengers MC

  Death and war have been brewing in the small towns and counties of Northeast Texas for too long. It’s all coming to a head and blood will flow.

  We’re protecting our own and just hoping we all will be Surviving the Chaos Of Life.



  I am that woman. It took me a while to recognize and understand it all, but it’s me. Everyone looks at me as a child. I am seventeen years old, but my upbringing should be taken into consideration. I might as well have been raised in a cult. I was told what to eat, how to dress, what I was going to be when I grew up and what everyone’s expectations were of me. I was not to use my brain or even have a thought that was just for me.

  Charity, my sister, was my only saving grace. She is the only person who I think has ever loved me. I have always been her burden, not that she would say that, but she
could’ve escaped years before if it had not been for me. She took care of me with my asthma and protected me as much as she could. When she finally did escape she came back for me. Charity and Brody would protect me for the rest of my life, but Charity has her own family now, and she needs to quit being so selfless and concentrate on her own happiness, and I will not keep her from it.

  Con thinks that I am a naïve immature female. I can’t help it if I’m an old soul caught in a young person’s body. I may be inexperienced in the emotions and physical attraction between a man and a woman, but I will not be pushed away by a man and still hang around to be ridiculed by the same man. Con will not get that chance again.

  I know it’s dangerous for me to leave alone, but I have no other choice. The Demented Revengers MC have become family to me, and they’re in trouble. I know someone is watching me and they are going to strike when the Demented Revengers MC least expect it. I am going to make my play first. It’s time for people to understand I am more than a burden. I know the community’s weak links in their group, and I am going to make my strike first, even if I don’t make it back. It’s time for me to spread my wings and fly or face the consequences. I want more than to be Surviving The Chaos Of Life.

  Chapter One


  I just arrived at the Quitman Chapter’s clubhouse for the celebration of Brain’s life. Brain may not have been a Demented Revengers member, but he lost his life fighting a war that belongs to the Demented Revengers, and not the BlackPath MC. That made him a soldier fighting for us and we do not forget our friends, and we celebrate the life they chose to live, and that is what tonight is about.

  I haven’t been looking forward to being back at the Quitman’s clubhouse for anything. I know being the Vice President of the Tyler chapter or Mother Chapter of the Demented Revengers, I’m expected to be at things like these when Shine can’t make an appearance. Shine, and I are still adjusting to our new positions. It’s only been two weeks since Cap stepped down as President, and it was a surprise to most people. Not me. I knew that Cap had been wanting to get Lil away from this life. I think it broke all our hearts when Lil lost some of her beloved farm animals, they were her babies, and Cap was torn between staying with Lil while she mourned her loss and fighting this damn war we’re fighting. Cap has stepped down, but I know until we get rid of every Hell Keeperz MC member and all the community people that there is no way he’s walking away to take Lil to see the world. Cap promised Lil when his time at the club was over he would take her to see the world. Lil has stood by his side and supported him every day, and Cap will keep his word to her or die trying.

  Cap took Shine, and me in when we were young, but Lil made us family. Where Cap gave us structure and guidance, Lil always gave us love and made a home for us. It’s the first time I felt love, and I would die before I would let anything bad touch Lil.

  I know Shine and Katie will be here tonight, but they’re bringing their cage and they will be leaving early. Since Katie found out she was pregnant, Shine has been in protective mode. It didn’t help the day Katie was at a doctor’s appointment that her and the prospect were attacked on the way back to the clubhouse. I’ve never witnessed Shine lose it the way he did until Katie was safe back at the clubhouse. I thought we were going to need to sedate my brother until Katie was in his arms. Katie is the perfect woman for Shine. She is strong and stands beside Shine. She gives him the support and love he and I have both craved since we lived on the streets. I’m happy for Shine, but I don’t think that kind of love is in the cards for me. Katie is like a little sister to me and we all fit as a family, but I know things are changing, and soon I will be the outsider looking in and that is alright by me.

  Being domesticated isn’t something I think I would be good at. When I watch Shine or Cap with Katie and Lil, I want it and then I think of being with one woman for the rest of my life. I’m a man that likes to drink, and I like a variety of pussy. I don’t deceive the women that I’m with. I tell the woman, or women, I choose for the night what the score is and then they can either agree with it, or I walk away. I like to fuck but being a bastard and trying to deceive a woman isn’t my thing. Lately there has been only one woman on my mind and she is too damn young for me to have those thoughts about her. I’ll give her a few years to spread her wings, and then maybe, or I might have fucked her out of my thoughts. I don’t think so, I worry about her safety, and if she is happy. I worry some other man is going to take advantage of her, she’s so naïve, but I would kill whatever asshole that touched her. I worry the community will get their hands on her. She’s been through too much because of them. It’s been hard the last two weeks staying away from Quitman. I have fucked every club girl who hangs around that has been at our clubhouse, in Tyler, trying to get that female out of my mind. It hasn’t worked. I’m not even into younger chicks. I have always wanted mine on the seasoned side. Big hair, big tits, some cushion in the ass and hips, thick makeup, and up for a nice hard ride. It takes experience to learn how to please a man the right way and to be perfectly honest, the older ones know the score with the brothers. They enjoy what I give them and smile the next time I show up. Is that being an ass? I’m pretty sure it is, but I don’t give a fuck. I need to get tonight over with, and get back to Tyler, and stay as far away from Faith Connors as I can for the next few years.

  I drive into the parking area for visitors and park in the first spot designated for any visiting officers. The parking area is almost full. I see bikes I recognize and know that this place is going to be packed tonight. I make my way to the door and as soon as I walk in the lights are dim, so I step in and let my eyes adjust. I look around the room and I see Cap and Lil have already made it here. I also see Chief and Rebel talking close to Cap. I make my way through the crowd and stop and hug Lil and nod at Cap. I make a quick assessment of the room. I see some of the brothers from Tyler have made it, but they’re at the bar drinking. Shine and Katie aren’t here yet. I see Sarge and Shield walking up to Rebel and Chief. I see a table full of women, but I don’t take them as club girls, they have too many clothes on, so they must be ol’ ladies. I don’t see Brody, Charity, or Faith. I also don’t see Kaden. I see Katie and Shine walk through the front door. They’re walking towards me as I walk towards them. We meet half way and I point out where Cap and Lil are seated. We walk Katie over and leave her with the two of them. We know she will be safe there. Shine, and I don’t need to say a word to each other. We make our way over to Rebel and Chief and we see that Sarge is standing on the other side. I give nods to them all as we step up. Shine gives the half hug greeting.

  “We have a problem. Faith is missing. Brody and Charity thought she stayed at our clubhouse when they went home. We thought she was at Brody’s house with them. Charity texted her every day and checked in with her and Faith lead her to believe she was here at the clubhouse.” Rebel looks at me. “Faith stopped texting back a few days ago when Charity insisted they needed to go dress shopping for the wedding, which is supposed to be the end of next week. We have searched the clubhouse, and I questioned everyone, and no one remembers seeing Faith since the night before we left the bunker.” Chief is looking at me closely.

  “How the hell does a woman just disappear, and no one notices it? We were supposed to be protecting Faith.” I’m outraged but I catch myself. I need to keep my rage to myself. I have no ties to Faith. I catch Shine with a smirk on his face, until he sees that I see and then Shine’s poker face appears. I’m pissed everyone keeps looking at me. I’m not the one that should be in question.

  “Con, I’m going to tell you this once and only once. You touch Faith a day before she turns eighteen and you will answer to me.” Chief surprises everyone standing in our small circle. “My Baby Girl was young when she got mixed up with the likes of Devil, and I thought she was too young then, and I still do.”

  “What’s it to you? You’re not her blood, but I have no intention of touching Faith at all and you don’t even like those two C
onnor girls anyway. Every time I heard you talk to either one of them you were a complete asshole to them both.” I give back to Chief. He’s nodding his head back and forth and looks at Shine. Shine smirks at Chief.

  “Give it to him old man or I will.” Shine tells Chief. Shine and Chief haven’t always seen eye to eye, but lately the hostility seems to be gone, and they have formed a friendship. That is the best thing for both the Demented Revengers and the BlackPath MC’s.

  “If you have some great wisdom just give it to me so we can form a plan to find Faith.” I stare Chief down, but he never flinches.


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