A Fair Trade

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A Fair Trade Page 4

by BA Tortuga

  "Oh." Cotton took a moment, then that smile broke out. "I got y'all. We got food. We got enough to keep us busy. What do all do I need out there?"

  They both threw themselves at him, tumbling him to the blanket, laughing and kissing him madly. Theirs. Their own Cotton. And now they would show him how they loved him. Cotton gasped and twisted, chuckling as they grabbed him, pinched and licked and dragged their fingers over his skin.

  Kaya found Cotton's nipples, sucking and licking one before moving to the other. Kasa started higher, just under Cotton's ear, nuzzling in to smell and taste.

  "My pretty birds..." Cotton's hand was on his shaft, thumb sliding up to spread the liquid at the tip.

  "Our Cotton-man."

  "Ours." Kaya sounded so fierce. Kasa loved his twin even more for how he loved their man. So deep, his brother's love. So wide. Like their sky.

  "Y'all's. I swear it. I ain't leaving. I won't." Cotton dragged Kaya up, kissed his twin good and hard. That was what they needed to hear, for then they stopped talking, just kissing Cotton. Kasa pushed in, tasting his twin, his man, the touch all but burning.

  They rolled on the bedding, rubbing away. Cotton's mouth was on his nipple, on Kaya's jaw. Their hands moved together, his and Kaya's finding Cotton's shaft and tugging, teasing his balls. Their man was wet for them, hot and hard. Ready.

  "Please. Y'all. I got a powerful need."

  "We do..."


  "Kaya. Make me wet."

  His twin knew what he meant, moving to put that hot, wet mouth against his backside, making him ready to take Cotton in.

  Cotton made the finest noises, praising him, praising Kasa, calling them beautiful and wanton, perfect and fine. When he climbed atop Cotton's body and took that shaft deep within him, the words became rough noises, sounding almost like the cry of a bird. He and Kaya both answered, loud and strong.

  Cotton's shoulders left the bedding, hands tugging him down as that hungry mouth crashed against his own. Such heat, hidden in their Cotton-man. Such need. He'd needed them to find him. That was the only answer. Kasa kissed him right back, even as Kaya moved around to bend to Kasa's shaft, pushing between them to fit.

  "Y'all." Cotton leaned back, giving Kaya room, sharing the pleasure between them.

  They gave and took, Kasa sliding down on Cotton's prick, feeling his body open to take it all. When Kaya licked and sucked at him, he threw back his head to cry his pleasure to the world.

  "That's it. Just so. My pretty birds." Cotton's hands looked almost pale in Kaya's dark hair, those bright eyes capturing him.

  Kaya smiled up, looking so happy, and Kasa moved faster, starting to babble. He hoped in Cotton's language. Ours and yes and more and harder...

  Of course, it didn't matter, not a bit. Cotton and Kaya heard him, answered him in two voices and he understood it all.

  When he spent himself it was like watching new stars explode into the night sky. It was like flying, swooping on the wind. He fed himself to Kaya and took Cotton deep within, and he had never been happier.

  Cotton's chest was warm and soft under him, Kaya happy and quiet beside him, their home all around him.

  They had made themselves a fair trade.


  He’d stumbled over the bones of an ancient nag about an hour ago and him and Frank had started digging, started searching to see if there was something worth saving, something one of them could use in their latest installment.

  It still sort of stunned Billy a little – that him and Frank were making a name for themselves, were actually about to break into the art world. Hell, today it was the foyer in the American Bank building in Phoenix. Tomorrow? Maybe Chicago. LA. New York.

  Southwest stuff was hot right now.

  So were gay couples.

  It was a win-fucking-win situation.

  “Babe, look at this. There’s fucking saddlebags!” Frank’s dark eyes just shone, the sweat beading up on the tanned face as a pair of leather saddlebags came up out of the sand.

  “Look at that…” How had no one found them before? This was getting close to desert, but it wasn’t really. He didn’t get it. People had to have been exploring up here, camped.

  Too weird.

  “There’s an old knife, what looks like it might have been a shirt, once.” The dusty, mostly faded into dust things were pulled out. They saved what they could – buttons and flatware, a bent coffee cup. Packing them away in the bags.

  “Oh, babe, we’re going to be able to do something fucking great with…” Frank stopped, tilted his head. “What’s that over there?”

  Something was glinting in the sand, something shiny and bright and just catching the sun. Billy headed over, eyes caught. It looked like jewelry or something. Maybe part of the tack? Maybe a tin can?

  He knelt down, lifted the belt buckle off the ground. Jesus, it was pretty. All shiny and fine.

  Frank’s heat pressed right up against his back, long fingers tracing the braided edge of the silver buckle. “Man, look at that handiwork. It’s got to be a hundred years old.”

  “No, it can’t be. Turquoise wouldn’t hold up out here; it’s a soft stone…” God, it was in pristine condition. Perfect. “And the silver isn’t marred, isn’t oxided. Isn’t.” He sighed, shrugged, just kept touching. “It doesn’t matter; it’ll fit in with the rest of the…”

  A shadow passed overhead, a loud cry just splitting the air.

  “What the fuck?” Frank grabbed his hand, eyes searching the sky.

  ”A bird, I guess?”

  The words had just left his mouth when the biggest duo of ravens he’d ever seen landed in the dust in front of him.

  Frank made a strangled sound. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess.”

  The birds cawed and fluttered, bright eyes staring at the shiny buckle in his hand. “Man, they look like they’re…”

  “Yeah, yeah they do.” Frank’s hand was warm on his side. “Put the buckle down, babe.”

  “What? Are you crazy? This thing could be worth…” Silly boy.

  One of the birds spread its wings, beak wide open.

  “Babe, those things look serious. Put the buckle down.”

  “I’m just supposed to.” He looked over at Frank, jumping back when the bird flew up, snatched the buckle right out of his fingers.

  Frank’s eyes were huge. “Uh-huh. You’re just supposed to. Let them have it.”

  The big birds stood and postured, wings fluttering and sharp beaks flashing in the sunlight. Billy and Frank just stood there, staring, until they turned as one, flying off, buckle held tight in one’s claws. The harsh sun made them seem to shimmer, to almost glow for a second before they simply disappeared.

  They watched the sky, searching for those birds, both just staring into the sun like the biggest idiots on earth. Billy shook his head, grinned over at Frank. “The weirdest shit happens out here in the boonies, huh?”

  Frank didn’t smile, but he got a nod. “Yeah, yeah, babe, I guess…”

  A soft chuckle interrupted him, a laugh that just made him shiver.

  “Y’all did find it. So good to me.”


  “We are.”

  He looked around, heart pounding in his chest. There wasn’t anyone. Anywhere. What the hell? “Frank?”

  Frank was already moving, grabbing their bags and heading for the Jeep. “We’re leaving, babe.”





  He could swear that he heard laughter, swirling around him, making all the little hairs on his arms stand up on end.

  “Yeah. Yeah, okay. Now.”

  Goddamn deserts. What the hell did they want to stay out here with the lizards for anyway?

  Birthstones: A Fair Trade

  Copyright © 2006 by BA Tortuga

  All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in case o
f brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address Torquere Press, PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

  Printed in the United States of America.

  Torquere Press electronic edition / December 2006

  Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.





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