Big Brother's Breeding Dance (Virgin Sister Impregnation Sex)

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Big Brother's Breeding Dance (Virgin Sister Impregnation Sex) Page 2

by Nicole Snow

  “So, how about that dance? Looks pretty sparse in here to find any cute guys today.” He smiled wickedly, eying me for new red flushes.

  He loved to tease, rattle, and make me blush. But not this time.

  “I think I've got that figured out,” I said, gathering all my confidence for one final push. “Why don't you take me, Jack? You know how much you like the attention. The other girls won't take their eyes off us when they see who I've snagged.”

  His smile withered. My heart began to race, and I momentarily wondered if my brain had been scrambled by heat stroke on the way into town.

  “Are you seriously asking me to the dance?”

  “Yes,” I said, my tone more sheepish than before. “Why not? You've been gone for so long that we won't get any weird looks. Maybe I want to dance with a guy who knows exactly what he's doing on the floor. Those skinny little boys from class don't interest me.”

  “Yeah, nor should they.” He laughed, so low and soft it sounded like a growl. “Okay, Sis. We'll consider it a date.”

  I beamed. I reached over for his hand, trying to caress him as his sweet sister, and not the wanton slut his touch dared me to become.

  “On one condition,” he added, his fingers wrapping tight around mine. “I've been noticing the way you've grown up since I was away. You're cute, Stacey. Really fucking cute.”

  I gasped and held it, all my senses alive and whirling.

  Holy shit. Is this really happening?

  “We'll dance the night away, but then you'll do something special for me afterward. And by something, I mean anything. It's been too long since I went out with a girl who really appreciates me. And you, little Sis, know exactly who I am beneath all the hard muscle. I want a tender little girl who knows what's good for her by following my lead.”

  I shivered. My teeth involuntarily plucked at my bottom lip.

  I uncrossed my legs and then crossed them again. The air conditioning probably drove the temperature down to sixty degrees where we sat, but sweat lined my forehead.

  “I...I can do that. I never knew you felt so strongly, Brother.”

  Christ. Do you even know what you're saying? What he's saying?

  I didn't know. I said a quick prayer that I wasn't hallucinating.

  He squeezed my hand again and the world grew brighter. Reality restored. We locked eyes and stared at each other in silence, almost for a full minute.

  “I don't have to spell it out. You're a smart girl, Stacey. You already know exactly what I want.” He wore a hard mask, a determined warrior's eyes set in stone flesh.

  “But...where's this coming from? Why so sudden?” I knew I should shut up and enjoy it, but curiosity forced me to ask.

  “My time in the city wasn't all it was cracked up to be. School was awesome, yeah, but the women were shallow. They were good with their tongues and great at hopping from one guy to the next. A little too experienced and uninterested, if you know what I mean. They fucked like men, and I don't want another man in my bed.”

  His words summoned a full blush to my cheeks. I squeezed, linking us together tighter, smiling back at his pleasurable expression as he followed the red betrayal on my skin.

  “It's okay, little Sis. You really think I didn't notice the way you looked at me every time I came home for Christmas break or for a summer stay? I saw it, I liked it, and now I want what only you can give me. I want a virgin in my bed, Stacey. Not another meaningless whore.”

  My lips opened and solidified in silence. I didn't know what to say.

  My darkest fantasies were finally, finally coming...true? Or was this all a mad hallucination?

  I keep asking that, I know. But there's only one way to be sure...

  With my free hand, I reached beneath the table and pinched my thigh. I winced from the pain, but didn't wake up.

  Holy shit!

  Big brother's hand tightened on mine and pulled. I rose with him, following him out the door.

  If he wanted to take me right there, without bothering with the dance, I would've given up everything.

  We settled on the motorcycle without another word and he started it up. I eyed every flat field on the way home, wondering if he'd bring us to a screeching halt, tear at my clothes, and savage me on the cool earth.

  As soon as we were onto the dusty home stretch, I pushed my lust aside, momentarily distracted by looking for Dad. I smiled happily when I saw his truck was gone, and Mom with him.

  Then it hit me.

  Oh, no. My brother, my love, just confessed everything. And now we're going to be together. Alone.

  My sex pulsed like someone had taken a hammer to my flesh from the inside out. Soft, wet, and achingly ready, I wanted him.

  Desire replaced my blood and brain, turning me to a sticky mess of hot jelly in a girl's shape.

  I was still sitting on the bike after the engine ceased and he climbed off. Jack walked several paces, realized I wasn't behind him, and then spun around and looked at me.

  “What's up, Sis? Better get off and freshen up before they come home.”

  “That's all you have to say?” I asked, finally swinging one stiff leg over it, onto the ground. “We might be alone for hours, Jack. Don't you want to...?”

  I couldn't say it. The words stuck in my throat.

  He came close to me, wrapped his hands around my back, and pulled me into his chest. Whimpering, I laid my cheek on his breast, relishing the incredible power coiled against me.

  “Not yet. Anticipation is part of the game, little Sis. But for you, a small taste.”

  His hand crawled along my face, sweeping a stray lock of hair behind my ear. I was too shaken, deep in my own breathing, to notice him leaning in until he was right on top of me.

  We kissed. Fireworks exploded in my belly, and then dashed much lower.

  I moaned into his mouth, wrapping my arms tighter, hands clawing at his back. But he held steady, kissing me like a conqueror, an owner.

  His strong tongue flicked out, smoothing itself against my lips, before disappearing just as quickly.

  “Oh. Oh, Jack. I want you so bad,” I groaned, shifting my hips into him.

  His breathing caught – the masculine double of my feminine moan. But his hands clamped around my shoulders and nudged me away, like a giant easily toying with a peasant girl.

  “Not now, Sis. Just wait until dance night. You'll get everything you want, but it may not be as slow and sweet as you're expecting.” A slow, harsh smile crept along his face. “Remember, you agreed to anything if I take you to this thing.”

  But that was before you told me how much you like me...

  He turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts, my fire. I wondered what he meant as I began the long trek upstairs to my room.

  I had to take care of this brutal throb between my legs. I'd never pleasured myself so fast and efficiently before, pinching my clit and nearly taking my virginity with my fluttering, sticky fingers.

  Is this what he's talking about? I can handle fast and rough. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

  Or is Jack into something much darker?

  Afterward, I straightened my clothes and shuddered. I had about a week to find out, and I had no earthly idea how I'd resist him until then.

  II: Going All In

  “Congratulations, honey!” Mom slapped her son on his broad shoulders. “You've found a job faster than anyone I know.”

  Jack smiled uneasily as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. I sat across from him, never breaking our gaze, surprised that he kept his eyes trained on me amid all the attention.

  “Special days like this only come every so often,” Dad said. He stood up and walked over to the cupboard next to the stove, the place where he secured his liquor.

  He poured three shots of whiskey and divided them between the three adults who could legally drink. Not to leave me out, he filled a mug of coffee and pushed it into my eager palms.

  Special day? Oh, you h
ave no idea, Dad. Jack's job offer alone makes it one hell of a day. But tonight, he's all mine...

  “Congratulations, Jack,” I whispered. “Any big plans?”

  Jack downed his glass and I laughed as his eyes widened. He let out a loud whoop.

  I laughed first, but soon everyone helped fill the dining room with laughs that bounced off the balls and echoed from the ceiling.

  “Just a night out on the town with my favorite girl. I think that's reward enough.”

  Mom and Dad looked at each other, their faces glowing with rare family perfection. A small, guilty pang shot through my system, but only for a second.

  My big brother was still looking at me like a hungry lion. I closed my eyes for several seconds, gathering the strength I needed to resist throwing myself on him for one more day.

  Less than twenty four hours to go. You can do it.

  The week hadn't been as bad as I expected. I threw myself into long neglected chores for a useful distraction. Meanwhile, Jack was busy forcing himself into his new position, frequenting town and drinking with the hiring supervisor until they couldn't refuse.

  It had obviously worked. He'd gotten the call late last evening, and instantly negotiated himself a higher starting salary.

  “May I be excused? I know it's early, but I'd really like to make sure everything's good with my dress.”

  The dress!

  Prepping and getting ready would let me keep my senses for a few more hours. I nodded shyly at Jack and slipped past them, listening to Mom titter about how crazy successful and rich Jack was going to be someday.

  I'd picked out a short, black outfit with lace around the edges. “Cocoa Summer,” the tag read.

  I smiled, imagining it would more than live up to its name if it made me irresistible. It was just on the proper side of something a gentleman like Dad wouldn't complain about, but hot enough to attract hungry eyes.

  Not that I wanted stares from anyone else. I only wanted Jack's gaze fixed on me, watching every bob and sway of my breasts, my hips, straight to my sleek calves.

  Tonight, there wouldn't be any backing out for either of us. I made sure of it.

  Birth control was the one thing I hadn't managed to take care of. Pills, patches, and shots were incredibly hard to come by in North Dakota, especially for young women.

  I'd also spent far too much of my money on the dress and matching lingerie I wore beneath it to pay for a doctor's visit. Worse, Mom and Dad would find out about any trip to the clinic, seeing as I was stuck on their less-than-optimal insurance.

  Hope he's okay using condoms.

  I dressed up and twirled around in the mirror. I wrinkled my nose once, unable to stop my smile. I really didn't care what Jack wanted or how he intended to do it – just as long as I got to run my hands, tongue, and quivering flesh all over his perfect body.

  With nothing left to do, I took off the dress and nested in bed for a quick nap. Smiling, I knew it would be the last time I ever dreamed about him as an ignorant virgin.

  “God damn! Is that Stacey Tessier?”

  “ is her! My, that woman's filled out since Junior year. Is she going to college next month? Anybody know?”

  I beamed, my arm hooked around Jack's as we quick stepped toward the spacious dance floor. Neon lights and colorful sparkles whirled around us, illuminating the young couples who'd already taken the floor.

  “That bitch! I didn't think she had a boyfriend,” a shrill voice I vaguely recognized said. “And not one who looked like that!”

  “Good job, big brother,” I whispered, leaning in so close I could've bitten his earlobe. “You've made everybody jealous.”

  “Not until we get out there and shake it, Sis.” He lowered his voice when he said Sis.

  We barely hid our taboo secret. The thrill of someone realizing we were more than random lovers heightened our excitement. Even so, we didn't want to paint targets on ourselves for gossip and ridicule.

  Bundles of nerves throughout my body went wild. I sensed fire rising up inside me, pleasurable heat oozing through every pore – but it was nothing compared to what I felt when we crossed into the starry chaos beneath the lights.

  Bodies bumped, ground, and shook. Half-drunken older guys and gals slithered across the floor in bawdy enjoyment. A couple ladies toppled over whenever the rock music reached its soaring crescendo, laughing wildly as their boyfriends pulled them back on their feet.

  The Farewell Summer dance had sure changed a lot since our parent's day.

  Jack held me close and protected me from stumbling dancers, clasping me tight whenever a flying body came too close. Halfway through the third song, I was panting, happy exertion tempering my lust.

  Fit and healthy, I had no problem working my body for hours. But keeping up with my athletic older brother wasn't easy.

  I gritted my teeth and tried, sweating as our bodies collided. When I couldn't keep my feet tapping anymore through the throbbing bass, I threw my arms around his neck, gently raking the skin just beneath his collar.

  “You're ready to play harder, huh? Hold on tight, little Sis. Let me do all the work.”

  Powerful hands clasped my ass. I gasped in surprise and he tugged me closer than before.

  I tightened my legs around him, just as he asked, and then we started to spiral, following the more adventurous couples in a figure-eight across the whole dance floor.

  Everything splintered beautifully. The music came apart.

  The neon glitter became soft stars, haunted in small sections by the piercing eyes of jealous young women watching us. Some of them used to be my friends.

  But not now. I didn't need them.

  I didn't need anyone except the man who held me tight, swinging me around and pressing his lips into my neck. Ferocious heat welled up between my legs, hit my brain, and exploded.

  I moaned loudly, thankful the song we danced to was so loud. One steady beat continued into the next, and big brother showed no signs of slowing.

  He only paused to kiss me a little more, pulling my lower lip into his mouth, nipping and licking and letting his energy drive me absolutely fucking wild.

  “Are you feeling it yet, little Sis?” He stopped, letting the couples continue their wild orbits around us.

  My eyes narrowed. You know damn well I do.

  His eyes were brighter than I'd ever seen them, even in the dance hall darkness. I saw a new look shrouding his face, but it was one I understood instinctively, a feral gaze that said, Once I fuck you, I will never let you go. Never, ever, ever. You belong to me now.

  “What do you say we get out of here?” I cooed, splaying my legs wider and grinding into him.

  He closed his eyes and stiffened with pleasure. I felt his ridge rising beneath his neat trousers, a wild thing too civilized to stay put in dress pants forever.

  “But we've only been going for a couple hours. I thought you wanted to dance the night away?” He quirked one eyebrow and his lips curled – a wicked tease!

  “I don't care about that, Brother. Yes, I do want to dance all night...but this isn't the kind of dance that's nipping at my brain just now.” I opened one hand, letting my fingernails graze along his neck.

  Goosebumps sizzled on his flesh, quickly mirrored on mine. His hands tightened on my ass.

  “Okay,” he said suddenly. “Grab my hand and follow me.”

  We darted off the dance floor, pushed our way through the crowd, and headed for the bright lit EXIT sign at record speed.

  “Hey, Stace!” I turned toward the voice and saw a scarecrow in a suit.

  Damn it. I should've known Tommy would be here, and ready to pester me right before we'd made it outside. I smiled through my irritation, but hung onto my civility.

  The young man had never done me any wrong. But he had to understand that I wasn't interested, that he'd never, ever get a piece of me.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but big brother tugged me forward. Tommy's mouth fell in awe as he saw a big hand yank
ing me into his arms.

  Jack caught my old schoolmate's eye and bared his teeth. He pressed me tight to his chest, cupping both hands on my ass, a fierce warning to every other man that this woman had been claimed as his.

  Sorry Tommy, I thought. Get a good look at a real man's hands on my ass. It's not for you, but you'll grow up one day and find someone...

  Jack's legs pivoted, twirling me toward the cool night air, and we were off. My heels wouldn't let me walk fast enough for his liking through the parking lot.

  He jerked me up in his arms and carried me the rest of the way to Dad's truck. As soon as we were inside, I grabbed for his collar, fully possessed by runaway desire.

  “Where can we go, Jack? I need you somewhere private. I need you right now.”

  He smiled, hiding the terrible hunger in his eyes. “Hang on. I know a place, but you'll have to stay patient for just a few more minutes. Trust me, the wait will be worth it, little Sis.”

  I zoned out, trying to control the fever raging inside me, as we sped along the country roads. When we turned into our parent's farm, I looked up in confusion.

  “Here? What the hell? This isn't private at all...”

  “I know what I'm doing,” he snapped. “Just close your mouth and let me lead.”

  Underscoring his age, experience, and wild dominion he had over me, he reached to my left thigh and pressed his fingers tight. I moaned, my eyes rolling like smooth marbles.

  He parked the truck and came around to my side. Soon, I was in his arms, but we weren't heading toward the house.

  The little detached guest house hadn't been used for years. Not since my Uncle Paul came to visit from Wyoming.

  “Holy shit!” I whispered in the darkness as we climbed on its cement porch. “How did you get the keys?”

  “Knowing where Dad keeps them helps,” he said. “I checked the place earlier today to make sure it wasn't crawling with spiders. I had a replacement made and stuffed it back in Dad's box. They'll never know we're out here, little Sis. Go on in and get ready for me.”


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