The Hardest Shot: Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 7

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The Hardest Shot: Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 7 Page 3

by Samantha Lind

  “Already found someone, huh. Anyone I know? Please don’t tell me you’re hooking up with one of the bunnies who likes to make their rounds with all the new guys on the team.”

  “Nope, definitely not a bunny. And not a girlfriend. I’m having dinner with Julia Soaps, Matt’s daughter. So, clearly just a friend.”

  “Damn, man. Good luck with that. I don’t want to see you go anywhere, so don’t fuck that up.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. I’ve done well keeping my distance, but she kinda cornered me the other day and I had no way out of it. So, I’m keeping things strictly in the friend zone.”

  JC laughs at my reply. “Famous last words. Report back on how that’s going for you in a month.”

  “Don’t jinx me, man,” I tell him as I stand up and head for my room. After using the bathroom and quickly looking over my appearance in the mirror, I head back for the front door.

  “Have a good time at dinner,” I tell JC.

  “Yeah, you too, man. No fucking the coach’s daughter!” he loudly calls after me before I pull the door shut behind me. I just shake my head at his antics as I walk to the garage.

  The drive over to Julia’s is fairly quick, taking me less than ten minutes with traffic.

  I make my way up to her floor and find her place easily. I rap my knuckles against the door, taking a step back while I wait for her to answer. As soon as the door opens, the air filling my lungs leaves in one big rush as my eyes land on her.

  “Hi,” she greets as I do my best to suck in air. She’s standing in front of me, wearing a t-shirt that hugs her curves, doing damn justice to her tits. She’s got on tight-as-fuck jeans, and some boots with a heel a few inches high. Her hair is half-pulled back and out of her face, but still cascading down her back. Skön—she’s beautiful. Her beauty takes my breath away. And it’s natural. Something she just emotes—not what she’s wearing, but who she is.

  “Hej… Hi,” I finally croak out, the Swedish word slipping out before I corrected myself. I clear my throat, trying to cover the roughness of my voice and what standing here in front of her is doing to me. I can’t let her affect me like this.

  “Would you like to come in? I just need to grab my phone and purse, and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Sure, take your time,” I tell her, then walk over the threshold. I look around at her simple apartment. She’s got photos hung on most of the walls that I can see so far. I recognize a few with her family. There’s one of her smiling big in a cap and gown, I’m guessing from her college graduation just a few months ago, with her parents and brothers next to her, just as proud of her as she is of herself. The next few are of her with who I assume are her friends from college, all dressed similarly in caps and gowns of their own.

  “I’m ready,” she says, coming to stand next to me in the hall. Her purse is hanging across her body, the strap making her tits look even larger as it slices between them. I have to avert my eyes, so I don’t get sucked into staring at them.

  “After you,” I tell her, holding my hand up and motioning towards the door. I follow after her, stepping out into the hall, and wait as she locks up. “What are you in the mood for tonight? I figured we could pick out a place together.”

  “I’m pretty easy. Whatever you’re in the mood for is fine with me. My only stipulation is no sushi. I don’t do raw fish.”

  “Got it, no sushi for you then. How about Mexican? I’ve been convinced that the little Mexican place some of the other players like is the best place ever.”

  “Mexican sounds perfect. And if it’s the little restaurant I’m thinking it is, then you’ve been told correctly.”

  “I went there with Mark and his wife a few weeks ago, and I’ve been back a ridiculous number of times since, that they might know me by name. I could eat their food daily.”

  “Their food is quite addicting. I legit went through withdrawals when I was away at school. My mom brought me a big container of their guacamole when she visited once. It was the best present ever. I was in heaven, with my container and a bag of chips.”

  “Now that’s an addiction.”

  “What can I say, I’ve got the best mom ever.”

  We make it out to my car, and I hesitate slightly. Do I open her door? Do I just unlock it? I need to keep this as platonic as I can. It can’t be a date, so I go against my better judgment and just hit the button to unlock the doors. Julia is already standing next to the passenger side door when it unlocks, so she opens the door and slides in. I follow her lead and do the same, climbing in behind the wheel.

  “So, how’s work?” I ask, not wanting to have a lull in our conversation and risk things being awkward.

  “Busy. My schedule fills up more and more every day, which is great, just tiring.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  “How does it feel to finally have the season underway?” she asks as I pull out onto the road.

  “Fantastic. Exhilarating. Surreal. It doesn’t matter that I’m not the starting goalie. Just having my name on the roster is a lifelong dream come true. Even though I’ve been called up before for a couple games, it still feels different. Now, to just get a game under my belt and I think everything will be just fine.”

  “Are you hopeful that will happen soon?”

  “I am. I went to the optional skate this afternoon and your dad was impressed. Said that if I keep things up, that he’ll make sure I get a start, sooner rather than later.”

  “That’s so awesome,” she says as I come to a stop at a red light. I look over at her, sitting in my passenger seat, and the overwhelming desire to pull her close to kiss her has my blood pumping through my veins at an erratic rate.

  Can’t happen, Karlson. Keep your dick in your pants or you’ll be out of a job.

  Yeah, good luck with that.

  Chapter Four


  I watch Beckett from my seat next to him. I can tell he’s fighting against this, whatever it is between the two of us. I ponder why and figure it has to do with who my dad is, not that it should matter.

  We pull into the parking lot and find a spot close to the doors. Beckett kills the engine and we both un-click our seat belts before sliding out of the car. We walk up to the restaurant, side by side. Beckett reaches out and opens the door, allowing me to walk in before him.

  “Thank you,” I tell him.

  We walk up to the hostess stand and quickly are led to a table. The table next to ours is filled with the Lee family. Laura is the managing partner of the Eagles organization and her husband Mark is the team’s new captain. They have their son, Miles, and brand-new baby girl, Isabella, with them.

  “Hey, guys,” I greet them once the hostess leaves our table, after setting our menus in front of us.

  “Julia! So nice to see you, how have you been?” Laura says as she waves to Beckett.

  “Good, been busy with the new job and all. Getting settled into my new schedule and being back home for good. How are you? How’s Isabella doing?” I ask her as Beckett and Mark start their own conversation.

  “She’s perfect.” She looks lovingly at her sleeping daughter, who’s hanging out in her car seat in a special holder by the table. “She’s been sleeping through the night this past week, which is amazing.”

  “I bet. That’s great that things are going so well. Are you back to work yet?”

  “Slowly. I started going in for a few hours most days once preseason started a few weeks ago. I’ll slowly work my way back up to being back full-time over the next few weeks. Thankfully, we have a great staff that has been handling things just fine with my absence.”

  “How’s it been, transitioning to being a family of four?” I ask.

  “It has been super easy. It helped that she was born at the start of our summer,” she says with a laugh. “So, it was nice having Mark home all the time those first few weeks, to help me and keep Miles entertained.”

  We’re interrupted when the server stops at our table to take ou
r drink order. “What can I get you to drink?”

  We both pull from our individual conversations and give her our attention. “I’ll start with a glass of water with a slice of lemon, please.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Beckett tells her.

  “Are you ready to order, or do you need a few more minutes?” she asks, after writing down our drink orders.

  “I’m ready if you are,” I tell Beckett, looking at him across the booth.

  “You order and I’ll be ready by the time you’re done,” he says, looking down at his menu. I tell the waitress my order and he follows suit.

  Once she steps away to put in our order, the silence hangs between the two of us for a few beats.

  “So, I have to be honest with you, Julia,” Beckett says quietly, rubbing his palms together a little nervously.

  “About?” I ask, wanting to see where he’s going with his train of thought.

  “This,” he says, motioning between the two of us. “We can’t be anything more than friends right now. From the little amount of time that we’ve spent together, I know you’re a pretty cool person, but I just can’t risk my career right now.”

  “Okay…” I say, dragging out the word. I had a feeling this was coming. “We can be friends.”

  “Really? You’re okay with just being friends?”

  “Sure. Just because I think we’d be great together, doesn’t mean that it has to or will ever happen. I can understand your concern, but I also know my dad pretty well, and know he’d never hold you dating me against you with your position on the team. Plus, if anyone was going to get traded for dating someone’s daughter, it would have been that man right there,” I say, pointing to Mark.

  “You have a point with that one, but I still think that it would be best if we kept things platonic.”

  “For now,” I agree, a smirk on my face.

  Oh, how I’ll enjoy teasing the shit out of him, seeing how much he can take before he cracks. I’ve fantasized about having this man’s hands on my body. What it would feel like to have his lips against mine, his tongue on my clit, and his cock deep inside me. At the thought of that, I have to squeeze my legs together, to hold off the need for that to happen right this moment. I squirm a little in my seat, but thankfully the attention is pulled from me as our server sets down our waters, along with the large bowl of guacamole we ordered to go with the chips and salsa they bring to every table.

  “So, how are you enjoying Indy?” I ask as I scoop a chip into the guacamole.

  “It’s been great. I’ve settled in, learning my way around the city. Not that I go many places other than the rink, the grocery store, and here,” he says as he takes his own bite of chip and guacamole.

  “Have you gone and done anything fun?”

  “I went with some of the guys to an escape room. That was pretty cool. We failed the first room we tried, but broke out of the second one with about ten minutes to spare.”

  “Sounds fun. I’ve always wanted to try one of those places. We should get a group of people together and go do one sometime soon,” I suggest.

  “That’s a good idea,” he agrees, giving me a panty-melting smile. I wonder if he realizes what that does to me and if he did, would he stop flashing it at me.

  Our conversation is interrupted when our server is back with our meals. They’ve always been super fast with the service around here, so it’s no surprise. “Everything look okay, or can I get you guys anything else?” she asks.

  I look over my plate and then back up at her. “Mine looks great, thanks,” I tell her, then look over at Beckett. He’s already taken a huge bite of his burrito and gives her a thumbs up.

  “Mine’s perfect,” he tells her once he’s swallowed.

  “Good to hear. If either of you need anything, just flag me down.”

  “Will do,” I assure her, then turn my attention to my plate. I fix up my taco just how I love them and set into eating.

  “I’m stuffed,” I groan about twenty minutes later, then take a sip of water.

  “Me too,” Beckett says, pushing his empty plate aside. We both sit back in our seats.

  “Are you ready for the first road trip of the season?” I ask, setting my glass of water back down on the table.

  “Yep. I don’t expect it to be much different than traveling was when I played in the AHL. Although, traveling by plane everywhere and not on a motor coach will be nice, and I’m sure that we’ll get a little better hotel accommodations.”

  “Yeah, the private jet is a pretty sweet setup. I got to fly on it a few times when I was younger.”

  “I didn’t realize they ever let players’ families fly with the team,” Beckett says.

  “Only for special occasions. They had a family trip once that I got to go on. They also tend to do a dad’s and mom’s trip each year, but other than that, family members aren’t allowed to travel on the team jet. If they stay at the same hotel as the team, they still have to have their own rooms and not stay in the players’ rooms.”

  “I’m sure some guys have tried to get away with their wives or girlfriends staying with them, but most teams are pretty strict on the ‘no sharing rooms’, as they don’t want the distraction.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard some stories,” I say on a laugh. “Plenty of puck bunnies making their way into guys’ rooms when my dad was still playing. Kinda sad the lengths some of these women will go through to try and make it into one of your rooms.”

  “It happened all the time when I was playing down in the AHL, as well. The really determined ones would be waiting on us to arrive at the hotel. They all knew what hotels we tended to stay at when in town.”

  “Anyone ever make it into your room?” I boldly ask.

  “Nope,” he says, popping the P and looking at me over the rim of his water glass. “Not my scene. I tend to keep my head down and focused on hockey during the season. I don’t do distractions.”

  “Some distractions can be good for you,” I volley back at him, a smile on my lips.

  “Perhaps,” he replies, shrugging his shoulders. “But I can’t afford to run the risk. I’ve worked too hard to get to this point, simply to ruin it for a piece of ass.”

  “Can I get either of you anything else?” our server asks as she starts to clear our plates out of the way.

  “I’m good,” I tell her.

  “I’m good, as well, thanks,” Beckett says as he sets his glass back down.

  “Is everything on one check tonight?” she asks, looking between us.

  “Yes,” he replies before I can interject.

  “I’ll be right back then.” She walks away, taking our empty plates with her.

  I glance over at him. “You don’t have to buy me dinner.”

  “It’s no big deal. Thanks for getting me out of the house tonight. You were much better company than the alternative,” he says, smiling.

  “How is it living with JC?”

  “Not bad. He’s a pretty nice guy. His sister was staying with us while in town and she was pretty cool, as well.”

  “She’s a sweetheart,” I agree.

  “Shall we get out of here?” Beckett asks after our server drops the check off at our table.

  “I’m ready.” I grab my purse and slide out of the booth.

  “Nice seeing you guys, have a great night,” I call to Laura and Mark as we get ready to leave.

  “Have a good night, guys,” they reply.

  Beckett stops at the front to pay the bill before we both walk out to his car.

  “Thanks again for dinner,” I tell him as he pulls out of the parking lot and heads toward my place.

  “My pleasure,” he says as he looks over his shoulder before changing lanes. “So, what do you have going on the rest of the week?”

  “Just work. I’m sure I’ll end up doing something with my best friend Jill at some point.”

  “Are you coming to the next game?” he asks.

  “Probably. I guess I haven’t really tho
ught about it,” I tell him, watching for any reaction. “Do you want me to come to it?” I add, hoping he’ll say yes.

  “Knowing how much you enjoy coming, yes. It’s great to have excited fans at the games.”

  “What if I was wearing your jersey? Would that make it even better?”

  A small smile crests his lips and I know he’s picturing me with his name and number on my back, like I’m staking a claim to him. From his reaction, I can tell he likes that idea.

  “Yeah, I guess it would. Not sure many people have my jersey. They don’t really know me as a player yet. I haven’t gotten the chance to prove myself to them.”

  “Just give it time. They’ll love you before you know it.”

  “That’s the plan,” he says, flashing me that panty-melting smile yet again.

  Beckett pulls into the parking lot of my building, into one of the visitor spots.

  “Would you like to come up for a little bit?” I offer, not wanting this evening to end.

  Chapter Five


  Would you like to come up for a little bit?

  Julia’s words run over me like a silky sheet. While I know nothing can happen, I also know I want to spend more time with her.

  “Sure, I guess I can come up for a little bit,” I reply, shutting off the car.

  I follow Julia up to her apartment, my mind racing. We’re only friends. This can only be a platonic relationship. I can’t fuck my coach’s daughter.

  Why am I doing this to myself?

  “Would you like anything to drink?” Julia asks after we enter her apartment.

  I close the door behind me. “Sure, whatever you’re having is fine by me.”

  “Make yourself at home,” she calls over her shoulder as she enters the kitchen. I make my way to the living room and take a seat on the couch. Julia walks out a few seconds later, carrying two bottles of beer and two bottles of water.


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