Big Majors Spot, 94–95
Big Sand Cay, 112–13
Bimini, 241
Black Point Settlement, 95–96
Blunder Bay, 150
Boat boys, 179
Boat motion, 8
Boat shows, 12
Boiling Lake, 181
Boqueron, 129
Bribery, 125, 127
Brimstone Hill Fortress, 163
British Virgin Islands, 143–50, 281
Brokers, 20
Cabo Rojo, 132
Cabrit, 177
Calcos Passage, 109
Calivigny Island, 215
Canouan, 200
Capsizing, 11
assuming charge, 51
choosing, 49, 50
single-handing, 210
Car rentals, 168–69
Carbon monoxide detector, 241
Carriacou, 192–93, 198, 199, 213, 285
Catamarans, 9–11
boarding, 9
boat motion at anchor, 9
costs, 10–11
draft, 9–10
layout, 9
maintenance, 10
maneuverability, 10
pros and cons, 9–11
redundancy, 10
safety, 11–12
sail area, 10
sailing motion, 9, 10
slamming, 10
space, 9
weight, 11
Cayo Santiago, 136
Chartplotter, 14, 39, 42, 51–52, 80, 145, 208, 211
Chores, boat, 31, 210, 240, 274. See also Laundry
Christmas Cove, 142
Clothes, 272–73
Clutch, 179, 240
Coast Guard, 48, 139, 162, 188
Cockburn Town, 112
Coffin Island, 133–34
Internet, 98, 268
keeping in touch, 276
SSB radios, 93, 268
walkie-talkie headsets, 89
Compass Cay, 93–94
Conception Island, 106–7
Cooking, 274–75
Culebra, 138–41
Currents, 41
Customs, 45, 49, 110, 131, 148, 152, 184, 212, 251
Davit system, 8
davit block shackles, 232
Delamination, 21, 251, 252
Deshaies, 174–76, 188, 222
Dewey, 139
Dickenson Bay, 172
Dinghy, 14, 170–71, 216, 240, 267
anchors, 57
davit block shackles, 232
drain plug, 232
emergency kill switch cord, 157
as engine, 60
outboard motor, 30
plugging, 66
storage, 8
wheels, 93
Docking, 110. See also Anchoring
Dolphins, 71, 187, 193
Dominica, 179–82, 187–88, 220–21, 284
Dominican Republic, 102, 114–25, 280
costs, 116
Don’t Rock Passage, 69–70
Doyle, Chris, 52
Draft, 8, 9–10
Drawbridges, 152–53, 155, 158
East Caicos, 111–12
Elbow Cay, 73–74
Electrical systems, 83
shorts, 83
Electronics, 207
backing up computers, 207
waterproof bags, 157
Employers, 28, 208, 227, 239
Energy issues, 14, 37, 265–66
Engines, 95, 207, 218, 240
dinghy as, 60
exhaust pipes, 86
fire, 232
fuel line, 232
kill switch, 218
maintenance, 84
one engine travel, 69, 179
size, 41, 48
Ensenada Honda, 139
Entertainment, 57, 86, 100, 156–57, 273–74
dominoes, 104, 235, 239
EPIRB (emergency position-indicating radio beacon), 48
Expertise, 58, 61
Exuma Land and Sea Park, 91
Exuma Sound, 96
Exumas, 85, 87–96
Farmer’s Cay, 96
Financial issues, 15–16, 77–78, 256, 268–69. See also Purchasing issues
bankers, 256
cost of catamarans, 10–11
cost of monohulls, 7
depreciation, 242
island costs, 116, 180, 270
living costs per year, 76
maintenance, 26–28, 269
ownership, 16
parking costs, 270
price ranges, 23
Five Islands Harbour, 170
Flexibility, 191
Fort de France, 184
Freezers, 218
Freon, 218
Friendships, 31, 56–58, 86, 99–100, 152–53, 156–57, 158, 194
keeping current, 162
mentoring, 184
networking, 162
pay-it-forward method, 31, 89
snobs, 119, 180
Thanksgiving, 61–62
Fuel, 36, 164
Furler, 87
Galley, 24
Garbage. See Trash
Genny (aka genoa and/or jib), 179, 183, 251
George Town, 96, 97–105
GPS systems, 271
Grace Bay, 109, 110
Grand Turk, 112
Great Abaco Island, 72
Great Exuma Island, 96
Great Guana Cay, 70, 75, 86, 95–96
Great Sale Cay, 46
Great St. James Island, 142
Green Turtle Cay, 35, 47–49, 53–68
Grenada, 190–91, 194–97, 208–19, 285
Grenadines, 191, 192–93, 194–97, 198–207, 220–24, 285
Group think, 64
Guadeloupe, 174–76, 188, 221–22, 284
Guana Island, 144
Guidebooks, 52, 72, 109, 139, 162, 271
Gulf Stream, 40
Gustavia, 157
Hash House Harriers (HHH), 172–73, 227
Hatches, 206
Haulout, 16–20, 21, 24, 195, 248–51
Hawksbill Cay, 92
Heads (toilets), 24, 241, 266–67
Helm, 25
Highbourne Cay, 92
Hiking, 167, 174, 181
Hope Town, 73–74, 75
Horse Pond Bay, 107
Hurricanes, 102
Hurricane Dean, 119–20
hurricane hole, 124, 138
Hurricane Omar, 221
hurricane season, 102–26 passim
tropical waves, 104
Ile Fourchue, 223
Iles des Saintes, 177–78, 221, 284
Instinct, 21, 46, 121, 245
boat, 101–2, 195
health, 277
Internet, 98, 268
messages about boat, 276
weather sites, 119, 271–72
Inverter, 37
Isla Palominos, 136–37
Jacumba. See Naming boats; Sailboats
Jolly Harbour, 168
Jost Van Dyke, 146
Karma, 31
Kayaks, 267–68
Keel, 7, 11
La Parguera, 133
Laundry, 95, 207, 240, 273
Lazyjacks, 240
Leech line, 217
Life jackets, 67
Lights, 191, 192, 241
Little Harbour, 85
Long Island, 100–101
Lunar eclipse, 177
Luperon, 102, 115–25 passim
Mainsail bag, 219
Maintenance, 10, 31, 108, 154, 212, 242, 274. See also Repairs
abandoning ship, 26–27
deck scrubbing, 255
electric systems, 83
engines, 84
forcing equipment, 90
inspecting gear, 243
painting, 196, 219, 245
spares, 31
washing, 195–96, 219, 245, 254
Maneuverability, 10
Mangroves, 120, 124, 139
> Man-O-War Cay, 71
Marigot, 156
Marsh Harbour, 61, 71, 74, 76, 79
Martinique, 183–85, 190, 284
Mayaguana, 107
Mayaguez, 129, 131
Mayreau, 205
Medicine, 144–45. See also Pets
Miami boat shows, 12
Mona Island, 129
Mona Passage, 125, 127, 129
Monohulls, 6–8, 208, 212
ability to point, 6
adding weight, 6–7
boarding ladders, 7
boat motion, 8
costs, 7
dinghy storage, 8
draft, 8
heeling, 8
keel, 7
layout, 7–8
offshore handling, 7
pros and cons, 6–8
rolling, 8
safety, 11–12
space, 8
speed, 6
windows, 7
Montserrat, 222–23, 283
Moonbow, 177
Mooring, 110, 244–45. See also Anchoring
Mosquito Island, 150
Mosquitoes, 101
Mt. Hartman Bay, 209
Mustique, 202–3
Naming boats, 29–30
Navigation, 51–52
Navigation centers, 7, 25
Nevis, 164–65, 223, 240, 283
NOAA weather broadcasts, 35–36
Norman Island, 147
Nudity, 99, 255
Old Town San Juan, 135
Parguera, La, 133
Parker, Chris, 36, 49
Patience, 21–22, 70, 155–56
Pay-it-forward method, 31
Personal locator beacons (PLBs), 115
Peter Island, 147–49
Petite Anses d’Arlet, 184
Pets, 122–23, 276–77
humane kits, 123
kitty litter, 277
Pharmacies, 53–54, 61
Photographs, 20
Physical exercise, 276
Pickup lines, 60
Pigeon Island, 174
Pigs, 94
Portsmouth, 180–81, 221
Practical Sailor, 70
Prickly Bay, 194, 208, 209, 214
Privacy, 120–22, 255
safety in numbers, 122
Propane, 92, 99
Propellers, 75
check, 193
Providenciales, 109
Provisions, 31–32, 61, 134–35, 142, 157, 158, 217
bargaining, 118
Puerto Patillas, 136
Puerto Rico, 124, 129–37, 227, 281
Purchasing issues, 13–25
brokers, 20
delamination, 21, 251, 252
haulout, 16–20, 21, 195, 248–51
offers, 22
patience, 21–22
photographs, 20
price ranges, 23
research, 13–15
surveyors, 16–20, 22, 195, 248–51
trusting instinct, 21
Radar reflector, 129
Recycling, 94, 101, 231, 275
Reef, 111, 183, 211
Refrigeration, 267. See also Freezers
Repairs, 81–83, 90, 108, 113, 125–26, 135, 150, 154, 159, 165, 167, 173, 178, 185, 189, 191, 193, 197, 206, 207, 218, 224, 232, 240. See also Maintenance
costs, 269–70
do-it-yourself, 270
Researching boats, 13–15
Rigging, 14, 179
inspections, 197
Road trips, 118–19
Role-playing, 50–51, 145, 151, 172
Roseau, 181, 187, 221
Royal Island, 88, 90–91
Saba, 151, 160, 282
Safety issues, 11–12, 216
capsizing, 11
dismasting, 11
first aid, 277
life jackets, 67
lights, 192
safety in numbers, 122
sinking, 11
Sailboats, 24–25
autopilot, 14
boarding, 7, 9
bottoms, 195–96, 219, 245, 254
choosing, 265
comfort, 268
depreciation, 242
fiberglass, 196–97
flexibility of, 5
maintenance (See Maintenance)
monohulls versus catamarans, 6–12 (See also Catamarans; Monohulls)
painting (See Maintenance)
purchasing (See Purchasing issues)
researching, 13–15
safety (See Safety)
sayings, 27
selling, 208, 213, 217, 225–52
Sailing alone, 208–19
Sailing lifestyle, 261–65
balance, 84
chauvinism, 15
karma, 31
midlife crisis, 3–5
pay-it-forward method, 31
relationships, 277–78
Sailing practice, 35, 39, 47–48, 72–74, 79–80, 209
Sailing techniques, 183
15-minute rule, 114
beam reach, 85
dismasting, 11
gunning engine, 155
keeping watch, 114–15
motorsailing, 40
night sailing, 107, 113, 114, 127–30, 145
sail hoisting, 64
steering problems, 75
tacking, 40, 80–81, 144, 251
turning around, 166–67
wing-and-wing configuration, 74
zigzagging, 40
Salinas, 134–36
Sandbars, 39, 170, 172, 173
Sandy Ground Bridge, 152
Sandy Island, 198–99
Sapodilla Bay, 109
Scuba gear, 135
Seasickness, 228
Sharks, 103, 104, 148, 253–54
Simpson Bay Lagoon, 152
Sinking, 11
Slamming, 10
Snorkeling, 101, 107, 110, 143, 163, 172, 174, 181, 200, 245
Solar panels, 38
boat voice, 215
eavesdropping, 215
Spanish Virgin Islands, 138–41, 281
Spares, 272
Spinnaker, 25, 233–35
Squalls, 129
SSB radios, 91, 93, 268
St. Barths, 151, 157, 223, 282
St. Kitts, 162, 165, 227–57 passim, 283
St. Lucia, 186, 220, 285
St. Martin, 149–50, 151–59, 220, 282
Dutch influence, 152
French influence, 152
St. Thomas, 141–43
St. Vincent, 192, 203, 205–6, 285
Staniel Cay, 94–95
Statia, 161–62, 250, 282–83
Stocking Island, 97–105
Strapping down, 207
Sun down, 30, 46
Surveyors, 16–20, 22, 195, 248–51
Tacking, 40, 80–81, 144, 251
Tahiti Beach, 74, 76
Terre-de-Haut, 177
Theft, 121, 179, 212, 255
banking, 195
cash, 121
jewelry, 121
Thompson Bay, 101
Thornless Path to Windward (Van Sant), 109
Thunderball Grotto, 94
Tide, 57, 66, 88
Titou Gorge, 181
Tobago Cays, 200, 204, 220
Tools, 272
Tortola, 146–47
Trade winds, 109, 127
Trampoline, 241
Transportation, 267–68. See also Dinghy
mopeds, 164
Trash, 95, 101, 275
Travel lift, 24
Treasure Cay, 61
Trinidad, 210–13
Tropical Storm Ana, 246
Tropical Storm Erica, 252–53
Tropical Storm Noel, 138–39
Tropical Storm Olga, 154
Turks and Caicos, 109–13, 227, 280
Union Island, 199, 204–5, 220
U.S. Virgin Islands, 141–43, 281
Van Sant, Bruce, 52, 109
Vegetarians, 158
VHFs, 7–8, 59–60, 85, 139, 171, 194, 213, 216
channels, 116, 215
eavesdropping, 215
handheld, 30–31
speakers, 66
weather forecasts, 35–36
Virgin Gorda, 149–50
Virgin Islands, 138–50, 281
Walkie-talkie headsets, 89
Warderick Wells Cay, 93
Water pump, 182
Water supplies, 36–37
Weather, 35–36, 49, 64, 79, 82, 85–86, 92, 174
avoiding storms, 128
broadcasts, 91
Christmas winds, 158–59
cold fronts, 58–59
hurricanes, 102–26 passim
Internet sites, 271–72
prediction, 93, 211
squalls, 129, 183–84, 196, 213, 250
tropical storms, 138–39, 139–40, 154, 246, 252–53
waiting out weather, 167, 214–16
windward versus leeward, 166–67
worst-case scenarios, 93
Weather protection, 67
Whale Cay Passage, 62–66
Whales, 128, 187, 190, 201, 232
White House Bay, 227, 250
Wind generators, 38, 83, 85, 207
Windlass, 70
Windows, 7
Windward Islands, 183
Wing-and-wing configuration, 74
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