One Christmas Kiss in Notting Hill

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One Christmas Kiss in Notting Hill Page 30

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘I can only imagine.’ She squeezed his hand. ‘But no one is made galvanised. Everyone has a breaking point.’

  ‘But, you told me about how you’ve coped losing your parents and with Hannah’s disability and I just feel like the biggest loser for not being able to just … what is it you say? Keep calm and carry on?’

  ‘But you did! You built a business and then you picked yourself up a second time and got the CEO position with one of the biggest construction companies in the world. And you’ve designed the idea for a vacation and habitation village.’

  ‘Hey, don’t pretend you like that now,’ Chase said.

  ‘I’m not pretending I like it, I’m just trying to tell you that dusting yourself off and getting back on the … horse …’ She cleared her throat. ‘It’s sometimes even more satisfying than getting things right at the first attempt. Because you worked for it and you fought for it and you survived. You did it.’ She smiled. ‘And if you don’t think that then you really are a … jackass.’

  ‘Whoa! Hold on right there! You cannot say jackass in that British accent.’

  ‘Why not?’ Isla asked. ‘What should I say then?’

  ‘I don’t know … maybe a British equivalent.’


  ‘There’s no way that’s a word.’

  ‘How about nincompoop?’ Isla offered.

  ‘You have got to be kidding me.’

  ‘Chase,’ she said, her tone a little more serious.


  ‘I’m enjoying the man who laughed hard at the Crown Jewels and posed with Nelson Mandela at Madame Tussauds.’ She took a breath, her fingers gently caressing the skin on his hand. ‘The man who kissed a frog for me.’

  He swallowed. ‘The guy who came here to demolish your town?’

  Isla shook her head. ‘I don’t think the guy I’ve been getting to know ever really thought that was a good idea. Although his corporate side did do a pretty excellent job of telling him different.’

  ‘Isla,’ Chase breathed. ‘I just don’t want to let you down.’

  ‘Stop,’ she begged. ‘The decision about Notting Hill isn’t on you. I know that. And I think you need to realise that one person can’t shoulder the world’s burdens alone.’ She smiled. ‘That goes for life as a whole, not just the world of construction.’

  He smiled then. ‘I’m not quite sure I believe that sentiment coming from you, Miss Winters. Aren’t you the single-handed trouble-shooter of the business? Then it’s on to whipping up a Christmas party to end all Christmas parties every year without any assistance?’

  She was just so beautiful and she was still here, holding his hand, not clawing at the glass exit doors looking for an escape. He wanted to hold her. He wanted to kiss her. But he didn’t want to pressure her in any way. ‘So, what happens now?’ he asked tentatively.

  She smiled. ‘I think I’d like the would-be astronaut in the room to show me the stars.’


  Chase was standing behind her, close behind her, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other pointing into the ebony sky.

  ‘At night there’s only a few planets you can really see without a telescope,’ he whispered, his breath in her ear sending pinpricks all over her body.

  ‘You can really see planets just with the naked eye?’

  ‘God, Isla, please do not say the word “naked” again like that. Let’s focus on the planets.’

  ‘Planets. Okay.’

  ‘So,’ he said, his tone verging on professional. ‘Jupiter rules the night time but you can see Saturn too.’ He paused. ‘Give me a second … okay, look, right there, right there, look.’

  He was shaking his finger at the glass as they moved up and over Big Ben and the Thames. His excitement was compelling. She wondered just how disappointed he must have felt knowing he would never captain a spaceship. He had made sacrifices just like she had with Hannah. Family had come first. That was the man she was enjoying having revealed to her, little by little. Then, looking out at the night, she gasped. ‘I see it!’ She laughed. ‘I didn’t think for a minute I would see it but, I do! I really do!’

  ‘Atta girl,’ Chase stated. ‘By the time we disembark the SS London Eye you’re gonna become a real astrophysicist.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know about that,’ she replied, turning her body away from the window in one quick move and facing him.

  ‘Why not?’ he asked, looking back at her.

  He was so handsome, she had thought that from the moment they met, but now she felt so much more than physical attraction. It was a combination of many things over the short time he had been here. They had laughed, they had fought, they had devoured all her favourite foods, Hannah liked him … and now he had shared something so intimate with her. His fears. His vulnerability. His truth.

  ‘Naked,’ she said almost defiantly.

  ‘Miss Winters, I think I warned you that—’

  ‘Naked,’ she repeated, moving a little bit closer into his personal space.

  ‘Jeez, I swear, if you say that one more time I will not be responsible for my actions.’


  The end of the word she was more than determined to say again was lost in the force of his mouth on hers. Never had she felt more wanton, more out of control, but completely wanting to be out of control in this moment. This wasn’t the time for thinking about tomorrows. This was a time for action, for grabbing life and love and thinking about any complications later.

  She felt Chase’s fingers work the fabric of her dress, slipping it from one of her shoulders as his lips traced the skin. Every subtle action just ignited more of her desire.

  ‘Is this okay?’ he whispered, his lips leaving her.

  ‘Yes,’ she answered. ‘More than okay. Don’t stop.’

  He kissed her mouth again, moving her away from the windows, edging her downwards with him until she felt the solidity of the floor. Lying back she looked up at him, shifting in response to everything she was feeling, almost waiting for him to honour her body with his.

  This meant everything to Chase. The fact he was even here in this moment … he had never thought it was going to happen again. That he would find someone he wanted to be close to in every single way. And Isla was just coming undone right before his eyes, that beautifully British, somewhat restrained exterior was falling away like melting snow. She was opening up to him, revealing herself just like he had done with her. That mutual sharing of things they hadn’t shared before was the biggest turn-on of all.

  Without any more hesitation he unbuttoned his shirt, discarded it and unfastened the belt and button on his pants. Her hands met his then, circling the pads on his fingers and thumb as he drew down his zipper. Then, as he relieved himself of his pants, she began smoothing her hands over the flat of his stomach, then upwards, fingers grazing his abs as if imprinting their make-up on to her own.

  Reaching out for her, Chase drew her dress down her body, not stopping until he was able to remove it entirely and she bucked then, the reveal of hot black lingerie adding to his fire.

  ‘God, Isla, you’re so beautiful,’ he whispered.

  ‘Beautiful sounds too good,’ she moaned. ‘I don’t want to be good tonight.’

  God, she was literally killing him right now.

  ‘I want to be sexy.’ She hit him with those eyes, an alluring look from under long lashes.

  ‘You are sexy, Isla. So goddamn sexy.’

  His breathing harried, he unlatched her bra, flipping it away from her body. Taking a second he just looked at her, admiring what he saw, then, unable to hold off, he dropped his head, kissing her breasts, tongue teasing, mouth exploring. She drew his head away, catching his mouth with hers before he felt her hand move lower, slipping over his hips, altering its path and arriving front and centre.

  He closed his eyes and held his breath. ‘Isla, if you touch me …’

  ‘What?’ she asked, her voice low with lust. ‘What’s going to happ
en if I touch you?’

  Her fingers made contact, slow, soft, a whisper of a contact that shot his nerve-endings. He couldn’t deal with that for too long. It was all too much, too good. He had to distract her.

  Shifting a little he wound his fingers around the hem of the lace of her panties and without any hesitation, pulled them away from her body. He actually felt her gasp.

  She was going to come and he hadn’t even so much as touched her. She could feel the spiralling effect beginning to happen. It was spinning around inside of her just waiting for the moment she let it take over. Well, she wasn’t done yet. And she didn’t want to be done without Chase.

  She pulled at his hips, urging him towards her, making it plain that she was ready. This wasn’t the time for foreplay and slow indulgence. This was about connecting, fast and urgent, hot and amorous.

  ‘Isla,’ he whispered, holding back.

  ‘Don’t say anything,’ she begged. ‘Just … show me the stars.’

  She looked up at him, seeing every kind of emotion cross his face and then all her breath left her. Picking her up he carried her to the glass and she gasped as the metal framework met her bare back. Her bottom settled on the curvature of the rail, she held on to Chase’s shoulders, feeling that athletic strength and wanting it at closer quarters.

  ‘What are you waiting for?’ she whispered.

  He kissed her mouth, so urgently and then she felt him. Her mouth opened in response to that sweet, deep, hot feeling and she moved against it, encouraging, urging, demanding more. It was so good, so utterly perfect it was bringing tears to her eyes. She clung to him, moving in unison with him, wanting it to last but equally craving the freefall of the culmination. And then Isla felt like she was moving out of herself. Chase’s hands held her hips and her eyes found the London skyline, the beautiful winter night and those stars and planets just visible above them. She was gliding through that night, like a celestial being, falling in love for the very first time. Then, he called her name, and her heart soared even higher.


  Beaumont Square, Notting Hill

  ‘Do you think they knew?’ Isla giggled, her hand in Chase’s as they walked towards her house. Getting out of the Breekers’ car at Portobello Road, they had strolled through her neighbourhood, taking in all the sights and sounds and stopping to visit Edith’s bench. Tonight the frog had been spouting a spray of freezing water without the need for mouth to mouth, so Chase had used his skills in the lip department a little more on her instead.

  ‘Do I think who knew what?’ he asked.

  ‘The people, in charge, you know, of the London Eye.’

  He grinned then. ‘Do I think they knew we made love in capsule number fourteen?’

  She blushed. Why she was blushing now she didn’t know. It was a little after the fact. And she didn’t really want to lose any of the girl she had just rediscovered. The girl who wanted a man to share her life as much as she wanted to involve gnocchi and macchiato in her future. But not any man, this man. Despite him living a world away … in so many respects.

  ‘Well,’ Chase said. ‘Not to take the shine off what was the most incredible sexual moment of my life … once we were at the top we had a whole thirty minutes before we travelled down again and … you know I haven’t dated in a while.’

  She doffed his arm with a punch and he laughed.

  ‘I promise you,’ he said, pulling her close. ‘The next time we won’t even think in minutes.’ He kissed her lightly on the lips. ‘We’ll be talking hours … maybe even days.’

  She wrapped her arms around him as he kissed her again, snowflakes starting to descend around them.

  ‘Isla, dear, they’ve gone and I’m sure they’ve taken Purdy.’

  Isla broke away from Chase at the sound of Mrs Edwards’ voice. There was the little old lady dressed in Pokémon pyjamas and Wellington boots.

  ‘Goodness, Mrs Edwards, what are you doing out here at this time of night? And it’s cold,’ Isla said. ‘You need a coat on.’

  ‘Hello again, handsome,’ Mrs Edwards said, her attention now very much on Chase.

  ‘Hello there,’ Chase answered, flashing the old lady a smile.

  ‘Who’s gone?’ Isla asked.

  ‘Verity and John,’ Mrs Edwards continued. ‘Left in a removal van about nine o’clock. I know it was nine o’clock because that new crime drama on ITV had started. That very talented actress but terrible, terrible hair.’

  Isla looked to Chase as if to ask what that meant. Was it good news because Notting Hill had been discarded as a viable option? Or was it just that their work here was done? Hadn’t Ffion and Richard said they were getting ready to leave their locations soon too?

  ‘And I haven’t been able to find Purdy since. She always likes a bit of kipper for her tea and you know how that smells. If she was here, in the square, she would come.’

  ‘Listen, it’s late, Mrs Edwards, why don’t I take you back home and we can have a look for Purdy in the daylight?’

  ‘Hey, let me escort this beautiful lady home, won’t you?’ Chase asked.

  ‘Oh! Lovely!’ Mrs Edwards exclaimed.

  ‘Are you sure?’ Isla asked Chase.

  ‘Sure. You get back to Hannah,’ he said, holding her hands.

  Isla swallowed. She really didn’t want this night to end. She had hoped for a goodbye kiss on the doorstep but in their crazy community nothing was ever that straightforward. ‘Thank you so much for a wonderful night.’

  ‘Right back at you, Miss Winters.’ He kissed her lips then moved his mouth to her ear. ‘You are incredible.’

  ‘Would you like some kipper, dear?’ Mrs Edwards called.

  Chase smiled at Isla. ‘I really don’t know what a kipper is,’ he admitted.

  ‘Don’t try it,’ she responded.

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ he said.

  ‘Bye,’ Isla replied.

  Chase turned to Mrs Edwards then, offering her his arm. ‘Now, why don’t you and I take a turn around the square and look for Purdy while you tell me all about that G.I. you fell for.’

  ‘Oh, that would be lovely, dear,’ Mrs Edwards replied. ‘Do you sing too? I’ve been longing to hear a good rendition of the “Chattanooga Choo-Choo” for years.’


  Breekers London, Canary Wharf

  ‘Okay, let’s stop before we go inside,’ Chase said, coming to a halt outside the office doors. ‘Now, take a breath, a deep one.’ He closed his eyes, and through his nose drew in the biting cold air and the scent of everything around him. There was definitely the hint of cinnamon bagels, hot, dark coffee and fir trees. Was he really getting sentimental about the season?

  ‘God, this isn’t gonna turn in to one of your motivational lectures, is it?’ Brooke asked.

  ‘You’re listening to me,’ Chase said, delighted. ‘Not to Cut to the Bone Man.’

  ‘Dad! You’re saying the wrong name again!’

  ‘I can smell chocolate,’ Maddie announced.

  He looked at his younger daughter, chin tilted up, eyes closed, so trusting and innocent. He always wanted her to keep at least some of that naivety.

  ‘Well,’ he said. ‘I can definitely smell Christmas.’

  ‘That’s so lame,’ Brooke said. ‘Christmas isn’t something you can smell.’

  ‘Perhaps it’s the aroma of Santa himself,’ Chase suggested. ‘Or his reindeer.’

  Maddie laughed.

  ‘You are both nuts,’ Brooke said.

  ‘So, have you guys thought about what you might wanna do for Christmas?’ Chase asked.

  ‘We get to choose?’ Maddie said, eyes on stalks.

  ‘No, well, yes … maybe. I mean, I’ll talk to your mom but I’d love it if you could spend at least some of the vacation with me … if you’d like that too.’ He didn’t want to force anything on them, but he wasn’t going to step completely aside and give Leanna all of the important times without a discussion about it. There had to be a wor
k around, despite the distance. They were his kids too, and he missed them. And he was feeling stronger, so much stronger, enough to know he didn’t want to let himself be brushed aside.

  ‘Yes, Daddy!’ Maddie said excitedly. ‘Can we go eat in Roxy’s Diner on New Year? And go ice-skating in Central Park too and, if I get a hover board, can we take that to the park?’

  ‘You don’t want everything then,’ Brooke teased.

  ‘Brooke?’ Chase asked, nudging his daughter’s elbow. ‘Wanna spend some time in New York over vacation?’

  ‘Do I get to see my friends?’

  ‘I can’t see a problem with that.’

  ‘Can they stay over and eat pizza and pretzels?’

  ‘We’ll discuss it.’

  Brooke shrugged. ‘Then sure.’

  ‘Cool,’ Chase answered. ‘I’ll call your mom and we’ll fix something up.’

  From inside his jacket pocket his cell phone began to ring and he reached to pull it out. Breekers Int. Dan Germano.

  He swallowed. This wasn’t an email in response to his proposal yesterday. It was a phone call. And in New York right now it was 4 a.m. He wasn’t sure how to read that.

  ‘Hey, Dan, good morning,’ he answered.

  ‘Han, I don’t know why we’re doing this,’ Isla said, speed walking along the snow-covered pavement, Breekers just in sight ahead.

  ‘Because you’re giving me a little more freedom, because Lesley from the centre lives right around the corner from here and she’s going to take me to the party in her car and …’ Hannah took a breath. ‘You haven’t told me nearly enough about your date with Chase yet.’

  No, she hadn’t, because, as seemed to be the norm in their lives, they hadn’t had a moment. Another early morning wake-up call from Raj had resulted in Purdy, mewing with discomfort, fur dishevelled, bright tinsel wrapped tight around her tail, being laid out on the coffee table to have a decoration cutting almost akin to a veterinary procedure. Then it was a reuniting with Mrs Edwards, a quick shower and change for work, helping Hannah and then out the door.


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