One Christmas Kiss in Notting Hill

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One Christmas Kiss in Notting Hill Page 36

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘It is?’ she queried.

  ‘Yes,’ Chase said. ‘I’ve heard boutique hotels who sell peace, tranquillity and escape are something to be invested in. Apparently, it’s all about the people these days.’

  An internal ember began to increase and glow, gently warming at first, then becoming hotter with every passing second. He had listened to her.

  Chase let a breath go. ‘I don’t know who I was when I arrived in London, Isla. But I know I wasn’t me.’ He smiled. ‘I want to be me again. And this time I really think I can be.’ He breathed out. ‘I called Colt today and we talked … just a little … and we didn’t yell so that’s a start.’ He took a second. ‘And I now know that he definitely did not give permission for Brooke to watch an NC-17 movie.’ His gaze went to where Brooke and Maddie were dancing with Aaron and Denise. ‘That girl will give me George Clooney hair.’

  Isla laughed. ‘She just needs your love and attention and … a focus.’ She looked to Brooke, tapping her foot in time to the band as Maddie whirled around her. ‘She’s completely into music. Is there perhaps a course she could do at school? Or lessons at the weekends? I have a feeling she would be incredibly driven, given the right opportunity.’

  ‘I think you’re completely right about that. Thank you,’ Chase said, his eyes appraising her. ‘Thank you for everything, Miss Winters, my Go-To Girl.’ He took her hand in his, still swaying to the Christmassy tune The Miller Sisters were crooning out. ‘All this change, this chance to find me again … it’s all down to you. And this place.’ His eyes roamed to the dressed-up, partying employees. ‘And Notting Hill and all its crazy, oddball quirks.’

  ‘I think you meant to say “intricate fabric and singular personality”,’ Isla corrected.


  At that moment Isla turned her head, something in the frame of the window catching her attention. She looked hard, watching, holding her breath. Through the frosted glass, outside, under the moonlit sky, snow gently falling from the dark blanket, a Land Girl and a fighter pilot drew together.

  Isla watched as Raj leant forward, his hands gently cupping Hannah’s face and slowly, inch by inch, he brought her towards him as his lips descended to hers. They connected in a soft kiss and Isla watched her sister reach up, both arms interlocking around Raj’s body.

  ‘Wow.’ It was Chase who had spoken.

  ‘Wow indeed,’ Isla breathed, her heart swelling with love and happiness for her sister. ‘It’s been in Hannah’s plan for quite some time.’ She smiled at Chase. ‘One Christmas kiss in Notting Hill.’

  ‘Is that some ye olde Christmas British custom?’ Chase queried.

  ‘No,’ Isla said. ‘It’s a very new one.’ She smiled. ‘But it’s definitely catching on. And I am utterly keen to get more practice at it.’

  ‘Is that so?’ Chase asked.

  ‘If you have the time,’ Isla said, daring to hope.

  ‘Oh, I can guarantee I’m gonna be earning frequent flier kudos on trips to London in the future. Come here.’ He drew her towards him. ‘I’d quite like to perfect this Christmas kiss in Notting Hill.’

  Isla smiled. ‘Me too.’


  Christmas Day, Beaumont Square, Notting Hill

  Isla wiped her brow as she stood over boiling sprouts, the extractor fan on full pelt as it tried to remove the lingering scent of the green vegetable. The whole house was heavy with the fragrance of Christmas – turkey browning in the oven along with rosemary-topped roast potatoes, thick brown gravy simmering and a medley of carrots, peas and broccoli in the steamer.

  ‘You did get caffeine-free Coke, didn’t you?’ Hannah asked, spinning into the kitchen like Richard Hammond doing some daft stunt.

  ‘Yes, I did,’ Isla said. ‘It’s in the fridge.’ She plucked out a Brussels sprout and placed it on the chopping board to detect whether it was still bullet-hard. The fork thankfully slipped in easily.

  ‘And I know I’ve asked you twenty-five times already but the turkey is …’

  ‘The turkey is halal, I promise,’ Isla answered. ‘I asked the butcher three times. Once when I ordered it, then when I picked it up and again last night when you yelled at me from the shower.’

  ‘Sorry,’ Hannah said.

  Isla wasn’t cross in the slightest. Raj was coming for Christmas dinner. Despite not celebrating the season, he knew it was important to Hannah so it was being labelled as an All Faiths Winter Dinner.

  A noise sounded above the howling extractor fan and Isla made a face at Hannah.

  ‘That’s Skype,’ she exclaimed. ‘But I told Chase not until after three our time.’

  ‘Maybe he got the time difference wrong,’ Hannah suggested.

  ‘Well, I can’t talk now. Dinner is at a critical stage.’ She opened the oven door, stuck her head in a little too far and almost got steam burns from the ensuing fog of heat.

  ‘Get real!’ Hannah said. ‘This is Chase! Your gorgeous Chase!’

  Isla’s skin prickled at Hannah’s words. Yes. And it had been three whole days since he’d returned to New York. They had spoken each night on Skype or FaceTime and had messaged more often. She wasn’t sure how they would work out the location issue but, right now, the distance wasn’t proving insurmountable. But it was early days …

  ‘Okay, I’m going,’ Isla said, tossing Hannah the oven gloves and running into the lounge as her laptop continued making a sound.

  Bounding in, she almost tripped on the edge of the stack of presents under the sparkling white Christmas tree, and the winter forest smells of the candles Hannah had set up filled her nose. Quickly checking her appearance in the mirror, Isla looked to the computer, Chase’s contact showing up. She smiled, then dropped to the sofa and pressed to answer as, through the speaker, Bing Crosby started to warble.


  ‘Merry Christmas!’ A trio of voices came forth and there were Chase, Brooke and Maddie huddled close together on the screen.

  ‘Merry Christmas,’ Isla said, excitement causing her to shift a little on the sofa, wanting to get close to them all.

  ‘Isla, Dad got me tickets to see Rag ’n’ Bone Man,’ Brooke called. ‘Best freakin’ gift ever!’

  ‘Wow! That is amazing!’

  ‘And I’m gonna learn the piano when I get back to school,’ Brooke continued. ‘I’ve already written the lyrics to a few songs.’

  ‘That is fantastic, Brooke,’ Isla responded.

  ‘I got a dog, Isla!’ Maddie shouted. She then held something up to the camera.

  Isla twisted her head to get a better look.

  ‘It’s not real,’ Maddie told her. ‘But it barks and goes potty and you have to clean it up like a real dog.’

  ‘I love it,’ Isla said.

  ‘It’s called Reggie,’ Maddie stated. ‘Like a brother to Hannah’s wheelchair.’

  ‘Oh, goodness,’ Isla said with a laugh.

  ‘Hey, can I speak now?’ Chase asked his family.

  There he was. Gorgeous Chase, dressed in that leather bomber jacket he’d been wearing the very first time they’d met.

  ‘How are you?’ Isla asked him.

  ‘Ah, you mean “how do I do”?’ he asked, all British.

  Isla giggled.

  ‘I’m good,’ Chase answered. ‘But do me a favour, would you?’

  ‘What?’ Isla asked.

  ‘Go open the door,’ he breathed, steam obvious in the air. ‘We’re all freezing out here.’

  It took a second for her to register what Chase had said. If couldn’t be possible, could it? Isla leapt up, then stopped, looking back to the screen, doubting.

  ‘Isla,’ Chase said. ‘Come open the door. I’ve got something for you.’

  She didn’t hesitate a moment longer. Running, hands pushing at doors and walls and Christmas paraphernalia in her haste to make it down the hallway, she finally wrenched open the door. And there on the step were Chase, Brooke and Maddie. Real. Back in London. In Notting Hill. With
her. She almost couldn’t take it all in and tears sprung forth that she couldn’t control. Her hands went to her mouth as unfettered joy overwhelmed her.

  ‘Merry Christmas,’ Brooke and Maddie chorused again.

  ‘This is just such a wonderful, wonderful surprise,’ Isla cried.

  ‘Can I smell turkey?’ Maddie questioned.

  ‘Yes,’ Isla replied. ‘Please go and help Hannah before she attempts something dangerous with gravy.’

  ‘I love gravy,’ Maddie said.

  ‘Me too,’ Brooke agreed, giving her sister a playful shove before chasing her up the hallway.

  Isla’s breath stilled as she was left alone with Chase. She took him in, all of him, framed by the backdrop of a snowy Beaumont Square, lights shining from the large fir tree and all along the ironwork fence like scores of icy fireflies.

  ‘God, I’ve missed you,’ he told her, stepping forward and pressing his lips to hers.

  Isla shut her eyes and savoured every delectable second, until finally he let her go.

  ‘Happy holidays,’ he said and he produced an envelope from inside his jacket and passed it to her.

  ‘Oh, Chase, but I haven’t got you anything,’ Isla began to protest. ‘We said no gifts until we saw each other again and … this is such a surprise.’

  ‘Open it,’ Chase urged, stepping inside and closing the door on the cold weather and winter scene.

  With fingers not working properly, such was the anticipation, Isla ripped at the paper before drawing out a cardboard wallet. ‘What is it?’ She opened up the sleeve.

  ‘Tickets,’ Chase stated. ‘The flight leaves in three days.’ He took a breath. ‘Isla, I would really love you to spend New Year in New York with us.’

  She looked down at the paperwork as her heart rose up into her throat. There was also a ticket for Hannah. It was the best present she’d ever been given.

  ‘Listen, I know it’s a little presumptuous on my part but I’ve missed you so much and I wanted you to see New York … before I think about making my base somewhere else,’ he stated.

  Making his base somewhere else? Isla was practically floating with a little apprehension but so much joy.

  ‘I figured as the girls are so far on the other side of the U.S. it would be just as easy for me to travel a little further.’ He cleared his throat. ‘Once Breekers start the boutique hotel line it’s gonna need a man on the ground here in London.’

  Isla couldn’t wait any longer. Throwing her arms around him she held on tight. ‘Yes!’ she said determined. ‘Yes to New York. Yes to everything!’

  ‘Who knows,’ Chase said, kissing her lips again. ‘We might even have time to finally get you to Las Vegas too.’

  ‘Isla!’ Hannah’s voice called. ‘I’ve dropped the sprouts!’

  ‘Coming!’ Isla hollered back. And then she took hold of Chase’s hand. ‘So, do you think, if you’re staying in the UK for a while you might have time to master all one hundred and one uses of an umbrella?’

  He smiled. ‘Yes, Miss Winters, I’d say that’s an absolute guarantee. I’m making time for important stuff now … more Asian food, definitely more Dobble and I’m hopeful for a great deal of kisses in Notting Hill.’ He pressed his lips to hers, soft and gentle with a soupçon of sexy …

  Isla pulled herself away. ‘How about halal turkey?’

  He kissed her lips again. ‘How about the stars?’

  This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  Epub ISBN: 9781473551831

  Version 1.0

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  Ebury Press, an imprint of Ebury Publishing

  20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,

  London SW1V 2SA

  Ebury Press is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at

  Copyright © Mandy Baggot, 2017

  Cover illustration by Adrian Valencia

  Lettering by Head Design


  Mandy Baggot has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

  First published in the UK by Ebury Press in 2017

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN 9781785036736




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