Chaplin, Charlie, 186
“Characteristics of Sound” (Fermi), 205–6
chemical chain reactions, 28, 44
chemistry, 114–15, 123
Chennault, Claire, 589
Cherwell, Lord, see Lindemann, Frederic A.
Chevalier, Haakon, 443–44, 751
Chiang Kai-shek, 589
Chicago, University of, 399–401, 435, 505
Metallurgical Laboratory of, 400, 407–11, 414–15, 422–23, 429, 431, 435, 447–48, 477, 509–10, 579, 635, 649
Chicago Pile Number One (CP-1), 428, 432, 435–36, 439, 442, 462, 503
China, Nationalist, 589
chlorine gas, 91–93
chlorpicrin, 94
Christensen, C., 55, 63, 73
Christian X, King of Denmark, 328, 483
Churchill, Winston, 95–96, 98, 328, 351
Battle of Britain and, 342
Bohr and, 525, 527–31, 537–38
collaboration on atomic bomb negotiated by, 500, 523, 527, 537
Conant and, 357–58, 359, 634
Dresden bombing and, 592–93
Hamburg attack and, 472
Lindemann and, 223, 246, 320, 371–72, 469–70, 529–30, 537–38
military aspects of nuclear fission and, 371–72
Munich crisis and, 244–46
Polish invasion and, 309
political implications of atomic bomb and, 500, 523, 527, 530–31, 533, 536–38, 624, 634
on precision vs. area bombing, 469, 471, 476, 586
Roosevelt and, 471, 500, 520–21, 527–28, 530–31, 536–38
Snow on, 338, 529, 531, 537
Truman and, 656
unconditional surrender and, 521
use of atomic bomb supported by, 697
Weizmann and, 88–89
on Zhukov’s counterattack, 401–2
Clausewitz, Karl von. 98
Clausius, Rudolf, 30
Clayton, William L., 628, 630
Cleveland, Grover, 426
Clinton Engineer Works:
electromagnetic isotope separation plants at, 487–91, 495, 500, 600–601
gaseous-diffusion plant at, 487, 489, 493–95, 500, 550, 552–54, 601–2
K-25 complex of, 494–95, 550, 552–54, 601–2
S-50 thermal-diffusion plant at, 553, 602
security at, 602
Y-12 complex of, 490–92, 495
cloud chamber, 160–61
Clusius, Klaus, 319, 323, 326, 402
cobalt, 238
Cockcroft, John D., 329–30, 340–41, 351
Cohn, Norman. 181–82
Collier, J. H., 683
Cologne, 470–71, 472
Columbia University, 264, 268, 273, 293, 332–35, 368, 374, 394–97, 399–401, 492–94
Combined Chiefs of Staff, 588, 629–30, 691
Combined Development Trust, 500
Combined Policy Committee, Anglo-American, 526, 655
Committee of German Scientists for the Preservation of Pure Scholarship, 170
Communist activities, 446, 448, 570–71, 606
Compañia Hill, 653, 668–69, 672–74
Composition B, 577, 659
Comptes Rendus, 162, 202, 235, 247
Compton, Arthur H., 162, 362, 366–67
administration of atomic bomb project and, 378, 412–13, 439, 448
Allison and, 401
background of, 363–64
Bohr and, 364
Conant and, 442
critical mass calculations of, 387
Fermi and, 363, 379–80, 394, 399–400, 432–33, 439
Groves and, 503
Hanford plutonium piles and, 498, 559–60
Interim Committee and, 643, 647, 649, 696, 751
Kistiakowsky and, 382, 387
Lawrence and, 374–76, 381–83, 388, 399–400
military aspects of nuclear fission and, 362, 365–68, 374–83, 386–88, 398
Oak Ridge pile and, 547–48
Oppenheimer and, 383, 418–20
Pegram and, 399
pile studies and, 398–400, 411–12, 429, 431–33, 439, 442
on plutonium’s fissibility, 388–89, 398
political implications of atomic bomb and, 642
radioactive warfare and, 510–11
S-I program and, 397–98
Seaborg and, 381, 389
Szilard and, 399–400, 423–24, 503–6, 635–36
Trinity and, 656
Wigner and, 381
Wilson and, 422–23
Compton, Betty, 429
Compton, Karl T., 307, 312, 336, 361, 363–64
Interim Committee and, 628, 630, 644
international control of atomic bomb and, 644–45
Compton effect, 162, 363–64
Conant, James B., 336–38, 360, 505, 601
administration of atomic bomb project and, 397–98, 420–21, 423–24, 428
ambitions of, 358–59
on arms race, 406–7
blockbuster program and, 589–90
Bohr and, 538, 562
as British liaison, 357–59
Bush and, 561–63
Churchill and, 357–58, 359, 634
Compton and, 442
electromagnetic separation of U235 and, 488–89
Groves and, 601, 669
hydrogen bomb and, 563, 643
implosion experiments and, 542, 561
Interim Committee and, 628, 630, 633–34, 643–45
international control of atomic bomb and, 644–45
Kistiakowsky and, 358, 376–77, 542, 661–62
Los Alamos visited by, 561–62
military aspects of nuclear fission and, 365–69, 372–73, 375–82, 388–89, 406–7
NDRC and, 365–67, 369, 374
Oppenheimer and, 454, 548, 755
political implications of atomic bomb and, 561–62, 620, 625, 633–34
plutonium’s fissibility and, 388–89
radioactive warfare and, 510–11, 512–13
S-1 program and, 397–98
on status of atomic bomb project, 420–21, 442, 561–62, 576
Teller and, 563
Trinity and, 661–62, 668–69, 675
on U235, 368–69
concentration camps, 249, 475, 630
Concept of Dread, The (Kierkegaard), 61
Condon, Edward U., 189
Groves’s conflict with, 468
Los Alamos and, 460, 464, 468, 578
Oppenheimer and, 468
conflagration, 599
Connelly, Matthew, 636
Coolidge, Calvin, 618
Coolidge, William D., 363, 367, 373–74
Copenhagen, University of, 54, 58, 69, 114
Corbino, Orso M., 207–9, 213, 219, 231, 241
cosmic rays, 540–41
Coster, Dirk, 115, 235–36
Counterfeiters, The (Gide), 667
Courant, Richard, 126
Covey, Elwin H., 413
Creutz, Edward, 657, 662
Creutz test, 656–58, 661–63
cross-section measurements, 282–83
Cunningham, Burris, 409, 413–15
Curie, Marie Sklodowska, 191, 200, 202, 247n, 603
death of, 214–15
Goldschmidt and, 579
polonium isolated by, 118, 158, 578
radioactivity research of, 42, 44–45, 47–48, 118, 158
Rutherford and, 42, 44–45, 84
Curie, Pierre, 42, 44–45, 47–48, 118, 578
cyclotron, 259, 268–69, 344, 404
Lawrence and, 148, 165, 240, 349, 360, 487–88
Nishina’s building of, 580–81
Szilard on, 21, 23
Wilson and, 476
Czechoslovakia, 244–46, 292
Dagbladet, 64
D’Agostino, Oscar, 212–13, 216, 241
Daladier, Edouard, 245–46
Dallet, Joe, 446
Dalton, John, 46
Danbara High
School field hospital, 727
Dansk Students Eventyr, En (Møller), 58–60, 132
Dante Alighieri, 594
Darwin, Charles (grandfather), 82
Darwin, Charles G. (grandson), 82–83
Dautry, Raoul, 327
David Copperfield (Dickens), 65
Davis, Nuel Pharr, 125–26
D-Day (June 6, 1944), 531
Debye, Peter, 208, 331–32
de Gaulle, Charles, 521, 606
Democritus, 29
Dempster, Arthur J., 285
Denmark, 328–29, 481–84
Depression, Great, 445
Derby, Edward George Villiers, Earl of, 99
de Silva, Peer, 571
deuterium, 270, 311
in hydrogen bomb, 563–64
thermonuclear reaction in, 416–19, 466, 540, 543–44
deuterons, 354
Dialogues from Hell Between Montesquieu and Machiavelli (Joly), 183
Dickens, Charles, 65
Diebner, Kurt, 296, 311, 344, 517, 607
Dirac, Paul A. M., 149
“Disintegration of uranium by neutrons: a new type of nuclear reaction” (Meitner and Frisch), 264
Dõmei, 745
Donne, John, 571–72
Doolittle, James, 407, 588
Doré, Gustave, 595
Dragon experiment, 611–12, 651
Dresden, bombing of, 592–93, 599, 601
DuBridge, Lee A., 416
Dudley, John H., 450
Duisberg, Carl, 85, 93
Dunning, John R.:
Fermi and, 268–70, 273, 289n
isotope separation and, 289n, 297–98, 332–33, 380–81, 492, 500
Urey and, 380–81
Duzenbury, Wyatt, 704–5
Ecce Homo (Grosz), 17
Eddington, Arthur S., 169, 370
Eden, Anthony, 530–31
Edict of Tolerance (1782), 179
Edison, Charles, 293
Edward I, King of England, 178
Ehrenfest, Paul, 54, 127, 168, 187, 193, 206
Eichmann, Adolf, 475
E. I. du Pont de Nemours, 431–32, 439, 496–99, 503, 546, 557–60, 603, 649
Eighth Air Force, U.S., 513
VIIIth Bomber Command, U.S., 471
Einstein, Albert, 17, 107, 130, 192, 293, 297
background of, 168–73
Bohr and, 54, 84, 115, 132–33, 170, 173
Born and, 132, 170, 173
on Brownian motion, 19
Bush’s criticism of, 635–36
on electron theory, 76
emigration of, 185–87, 195–96
German citizenship renounced by, 170, 171, 187
on home refrigeration, 20–21, 174
as international celebrity, 168–70
inventions of, 14, 20–21
Marie Curie eulogized by, 215
Meitner and, 80, 259–60
nuclear chain reactions and, 297, 305–8, 312–13
Pais and, 113, 152, 173
on photoelectric effect, 70–71, 128, 363–64
Planck and, 168, 172–73, 174
on quantum mechanics, 132
relativity theory of, 152, 168–73, 185–86, 260
Roosevelt and, 303–4, 305–9, 312–14, 331–32, 635–36
Snow on, 168–69, 304–5
Szilard and, 14, 16, 20–21, 169, 174, 303–4, 305–8, 312–14, 331–32, 635–36
on uncertainty principle, 132–33
Wigner and, 303–4, 305
Zionism of, 173–74, 636
Einstein, Elsa, 174, 186, 195, 307
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 531, 629–30, 688
Eisenstein, Sergei, 186
“eka-osmium,” 347
electromagnetic isotope separation plants, 405–6, 487–91, 495, 500, 600–601
electromagnetism, Maxwell on, 30
electron theory:
Bohr’s studies on, 63–64, 67–69, 73–76, 83–85, 113–14, 116–17, 128–29
Einstein on, 76
ground state in, 74
radiochemistry and, 67–68
Rutherford’s studies on, 40–41, 51
Thomson’s studies on, 38–39, 65, 72
Elektron bomb, 100
elementary quantum of action, 70
Eliot, George, 120
Eliot, T. S., 123
Elizabeth, Queen of Belgium, 196, 303–4, 305
Elliot, Gil, 102–3, 746
Elsasser, Walter, 18, 188
“emission of protons of high velocity from hydrogenous materials irradiated with very penetrating gamma rays, The” (I. and F. Joliot-Curie), 162
Engles, Friedrich, 446
Enola Gay, 703–5, 707–9
Ent, Uzal, 583–84, 652
entropy, 30
Eötvös Prize, 15
Erikson, Erik, 169, 172
Erzgebirge, 118
Esau, Abraham, 402, 513
“Estimate of the size of an actual separation plant” (Simon), 343
Ethiopia, 240–41
Eucken, Arnold, 190
European theater, 601
casualties in, 593, 629–30
Pacific theater vs., 517–20, 602
Eve, A. S., 53, 54, 159, 230
Ewald, Paul, 416
“Explosion of an inhomogeneous uranium-heavy water pile” (Bethe and Teller), 524
Falkenhorst, Nikolaus von, 457
Farrell, Thomas F., 626, 699, 736
Trinity and, 659–60, 663–64, 667–69, 676, 687
Fat Man (implosion bomb), 577–79, 582, 590, 680
arming of, 665, 667
assembling of, 659–61, 663, 681, 700, 737–39
casing for, 658
castings for, 656–58
combat delivery of, 737–40
core assembly of, 658–59
designs of, 589–90, 655
detonation of, 740
detonators for, 654–55, 661, 665
dummy tests of, 586, 588–89, 639, 656–57
explosive yield of, 643, 656, 669, 677
initiator for, 578–80, 655
jettisoning of, 631
Pacific shipping arrangements for, 692, 693, 699, 743, 745
testing of, see Trinity
Faust (Goethe), 166–67
Feather, Norman, 159, 161–63
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 571
Feis, Herbert, 690, 698
Feld, Bernard, 396
Ferebee, Thomas, 704, 707, 708–10
Fergusson, Francis, 122, 124–25
Fermi, Enrico, 126, 190, 275, 373
administration of atomic bomb project and, 422, 423
Herbert Anderson and, 280–81, 288, 291, 298–301, 333–34, 395, 397, 433, 436–37
assimilation of, 351–52
awards and honors of, 243–44, 248–50, 293
background of, 204–9
Bainbridge and, 664–65
beta-decay theory of, 208–9, 230–32, 444
Bethe and, 206, 219–20, 568
Bohr and, 243–44, 265, 289n, 568
Compton and, 363, 379–80, 394, 399–400, 432–33, 439
critical-mass calculations of, 379–80, 382
Dunning and, 268–70, 273, 289n
emigration of, 240–42, 248–50, 264, 429
Fat Man’s initiator and, 579
hobbies enjoyed by, 567–68
Interim Committee and, 630, 696
Libby and, 231–32, 363, 428, 436, 499, 568
Los Alamos and, 465, 565–68
John Marshall and, 428, 499, 557–58
neutron-bombardment experiments of, 209–13, 217–20, 226–27, 231
nuclear chain reactions and, 280–81, 289n, 290–91, 295–96, 298–303, 317, 331, 333–34, 338, 345, 365, 394
nuclear fission and, 267–69, 271, 280–81, 288, 291, 293–96
Oak Ridge pile and, 547–48
Oppenheimer and, 206–7, 444, 468, 510–11, 565
r /> ordnance and, 467
patents of, 504–5, 508
Pegram and, 293, 344, 396–97
pile studies of, 395–97, 400–401, 416, 428–29, 432–42, 462
radioactive warfare and, 510–11
Segré and, 205–6, 208, 210–12, 240–42, 352, 395, 434, 444, 567–68, 674
Szilard and, 280–81, 290–91, 298–303, 317, 331, 334, 338, 344–45, 374, 394–95, 442, 504–5, 508, 509
Teller and, 231–32, 374–75, 565
Trinity and, 652–53, 655, 664–65, 674, 677
Wigner and, 206, 440–42
Wilson and, 437
Fermi, Giulio, 205, 207, 242
Fermi, Laura Capon, 205, 207, 209, 212–13, 218–19, 294–95, 351–52
emigration of, 240–42, 248–50, 264–65, 429
Hanford piles and, 500, 556–59
Los Alamos and, 451, 455, 468, 564–66
on pile studies by husband, 400–401, 428–29
Trinity and, 674
Fermi, Maria, 205
Fermi, Nella, 213, 565–66
Fermi constant, 208
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 446
Feynman, Richard, 32–33, 35, 479, 611, 668
“field equations of gravitation, The” (Einstein), 169
Fifth Air Force, U.S., 596
Final Solution to the Jewish Question, 475, 482
fireball, 671–75
firebombing, 591–92, 596–97, 599–600, 627, 648
in Dresden, 593, 599
in Hamburg, 473–74
in Hiroshima, 719–27
Fischer, Emil, 78–80
509th Composite Group, U.S., 584–85, 589–90, 638–39, 679–81, 687
flamethrowers, 520, 699
Flanders, Donald (Moll), 566
Fleming, John A., 273
Flerov, George, 501
Flexner, Abraham, 186
Folkestone, bombing of, 97–98
Forager, Operation, 544
Forrestal, James, 742–43
Fowler, Eileen Rutherford, 158–59
Fowler, Ralph H., 158–59, 360
fractionation, 247
France, 179–80
Franck, James, 93, 126, 172, 191–92, 225, 329
Frankfurt, University of, 188
Frankfurter, Felix, 525–27, 531–32, 536–38, 562, 620
Franz Josef I, King of Hungary, 104, 106
Free French, 359, 521, 606
Fribourg, University of, 87
Frisch, Otto, 106, 185, 194, 204, 228, 243, 323–25, 330
Bohr and, 54, 114, 152, 190, 194, 225, 261–62, 264–66, 270, 612
Chadwick and, 155, 345, 346, 356, 522
critical-assembly studies of, 610–12, 613, 651
emigration of, 318–19, 522–23
Hiroshima atomic bombing and, 735–36
Houtermans and, 370–71
isotope-separation experiments of, 319, 322, 330, 339, 345, 580–81
at Los Alamos, 569, 610–12
Meitner and, 233–34, 257–65, 286, 318, 612
nuclear chain reactions and, 320, 322–24
on nuclear fission, 258–65, 269–71, 273, 286
Making of the Atomic Bomb Page 121