Wind: The Quinn Brothers Story 5 (A Quinn Brothers Story)

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Wind: The Quinn Brothers Story 5 (A Quinn Brothers Story) Page 4

by Casey Clipper

“But you’re my brother.”

  Liam pegged him. “Exactly. I’m your brother and my wife has to remind me of your birthday and Shane has to remind me of your age.”

  Aaron hadn’t given that a thought. Liam was right, he couldn’t tell when his brothers’ birthdays were, or how old Brayden and Shane were. It was Candace, who had been a member of the family since he could remember, that would remind all of them and get them together for small celebrations. Why did he put so much stock into Chelsea knowing the day he was born or his age? Had he even told her? Though she could have asked. He knew she was thirty and stressed about her age in an industry where the young were ideal for roles. Age and birthdays aside, she still didn’t know him.

  “Was it serious?” Liam asked. “Wait, don’t answer that. Clearly it was on your part.” He waved him up and down. “If it was that serious to you, why on earth would you break up with her?”

  “Because it was only a matter of time before she moved on. I asked her what she saw in me and you know what her answers were? They were all about her. How I made her feel. She couldn’t tell me what she actually saw in me, Aaron. Oh, we had fantastic sex, but outside of that, I can’t say that she considered us to have any form of relationship.” He spun away from his brother, shifting Reilly. His ire was rising as he spewed the words, his heart aching.

  “But every couple has fantastic sex at first. You just can’t get enough of each other. We don’t live in the age where courtships happen and you get to know the woman’s family first, and all that shit. We have sex. And then move forward from there. I can’t even believe I’m having this conversation with you. What the hell happened to your manhood? Did you lose it on a flight or something?” Liam said, exasperated.

  “Leave him alone, Liam,” Shane said, walking into the room, Jack on his heels.

  “No. I can’t handle this. This isn’t us. Or him.” Liam pointed at Aaron. “This is a version of Aaron that’s been replaced by aliens or something.”

  “Aliens!” Jack jumped up and down. “Can we watch the movie?”

  “No,” all three brothers replied. Jack would have nightmares and Justin would then murder them.

  Jack stormed out of the apartment, pouting.

  “He gave up on a relationship based on his assumption that she was going to eventually dump him,” Liam snapped. “He’s a dumbass. Who the fuck does that? You were sleeping with the highest paid, most popular Hollywood actress in the world and you decided to pull out. So what if she only saw you at night. Do you really want your face plastered all over tabloids, your playboy past dug up, your privacy vanished?”

  He went to reply but clamped his mouth shut. He hadn’t given a thought to the ramifications of openly dating Chelsea. He would suddenly be thrust in front of cameras. They would find out about his years of philandering, going from bed to bed without a care in the world.

  “Did it ever occur to you that she was protecting you from her lifestyle?” Liam said. “No. And you know why, because you didn’t talk to her.”

  Shane rolled his eyes. “Candace has been making Liam watch YouTube videos about expressing himself thoughtfully. She feels that grunting is not a viable form of communication.”

  Liam flipped Shane off.

  A knock on the door interrupted them. They all spun, surprised by the knock considering that no one in the family knew what boundaries were.

  Aaron blinked, stunned. Chelsea stood in the doorway, looking every bit the Hollywood starlet, but dressed down in simple jeans and a form fitted Harley Davidson T-shirt.



  “How the hell did you get on this floor?” Shane spat.

  Liam chuckled. “Let me guess. You sweet-talked, Gus, the security guard.”

  Chelsea grinned and shrugged. “It wasn’t so much sweet-talking as opposed to just asking.”

  “That’s it,” Shane snarled. “I’m calling down to the desk and then to the building owner.” He stalked out of the room, furious.

  “May I come in?” she asked.

  “Sure,” Liam answered.

  Aaron looked at his brother as if he’d grown a second head.

  “I thought your apartment was across the hall.” She pointed the direction of his place.

  “It is, but we all tend to gravitate toward each other’s apartments.” Aaron nodded to his brother. “Chelsea, this is my brother Liam,” he glanced to the sweet child in his arms, “his daughter Reilly.”

  She walked straight up to Liam and held out her hand, giving him a solid shake. “It’s lovely to meet you. Aaron’s talked so kindly about all of you.”

  Chelsea focused on the baby in his arms. “She’s beautiful. Can I hold her?”

  Aaron blinked, surprised. “Are you sure?”

  A small nervous laugh bubbled from her. “Not really, but she’s your niece that you’ve talked about incessantly. I would like to meet her.”

  Had he talked about his niece a lot? He didn’t remember, but it was possible.

  Aaron carefully handed Reilly over to Chelsea, who held her awkwardly at first until Liam gave her instructions. She laughed at herself. “It’s obvious I haven’t been around many babies.”

  Justin stormed into the apartment with Jack on his heels. “Who the hell upset−”

  His brother stopped in his tracks, Jack bouncing around him.

  “Hi,” Chelsea said. “You must be Jack. It’s nice to meet you.”

  She knew who Jack was?

  “What is that in your hand? A honkasaurus?”

  Jack thrust the toy upward. “Yesss. See.”

  “There is no such species as a honkasaurus!” Shane yelled from the other room. “Stop encouraging him.”

  She knew about Jack’s ridiculous dinosaur name?

  Brayden walked into the apartment with a screaming Mason. Chelsea frowned with concern.

  “I need help,” Brayden pleaded. “He was doing so good this morning, but he hasn’t stopped crying in the past thirty minutes.”

  Chelsea handed Reilly to Liam and approached his brother. “I’ll take Mason. Maybe I can help.”

  Brayden looked at Chelsea as if he was seeing things. “I’m Chelsea Tyler, by the way. Nice to meet you. Brayden, right?”

  His brother nodded and numbly handed over his daughter. Chelsea cradled the screaming baby against her shoulder, shushing the tiny boy with the huge lungs, while rubbing his back and pacing. She did absolutely nothing different than they all had, but Mason responded to Chelsea’s soothing touch.

  “I looked this up and found it on a website,” she said. “They said try this.”

  Aaron could only stare. He was thoroughly confused by her appearance and more baffled by her knowledge of his family.

  Liam leaned into his ear. “And here you thought she knew nothing about you. She knows the most important details of your life, Aaron. Your family. Can you say, asshole? Because I can.”

  Aaron punched his brother in the gut.

  “Damn it, Aaron,” Liam grunted. “I’m holding my daughter.”

  It only took a few minutes for Chelsea to have Mason sound asleep and comfortable. She took a seat on the sofa that Shane offered. Soon enough, his sisters-in-law showed up, gushing over Chelsea, who took their fan-girling in stride. The entire time, her somber gaze found its way back to Aaron.

  Eventually they were given privacy, Shane ushering everyone out of his condo, insisting Aaron and Chelsea stay. Shane took Mason back to Brayden, leaving them.

  “Why are you here?” Aaron asked.

  Chelsea took a deep breath, schooling herself. “I know that I haven’t been a great girlfriend to you, but you never gave me a chance to respond. Aaron, I know I’m not an easy woman to have a relationship with. I’m never home. I work awful hours, weeks or months at a time. I’m pulled in all directions and am told what to do by studios, producers, directors, trainers, agents, and publicists. With you, I get to be myself with no strings attached. I relish every second I spend with you. Y
ou ground me. I enjoy listening to stories about your brothers, their spouses, and niece and nephews. It beats the hell out of listening to my agent go on about contract negotiations. You think I don’t listen, but I’ve hung onto every word you’ve said to me because there’s no hidden agenda with you. I know you’re not in this for fame and/or fortune.” She whispered, “I don’t know your age because you never told me and I didn’t feel it was important to ask. You want to know what I see when I’m with you? I see a man who works hard, who loves his family deeply, who would do anything for each one of them. I see a man who has core beliefs and strength and won’t be manipulated by anyone.”

  Tears fell from her eyes and her breath hitched. “I see a man who’s intelligent, funny, and has a good head on his shoulders. A man who can laugh at himself. I see a man who would love the woman he’s given his heart to ferociously. I didn’t ask you over during the day because I’ve either been filming or my trainers have me in the gym. There was no point, I wouldn’t be home.”

  He was speechless. He hadn’t give her enough credit for her observation skills or her ability to really see people, specifically him. He’d misconstrued their entire relationship because he’d been so convinced his walking papers had been signed, he was just waiting to be served.

  “You told me you loved me,” she continued, her voice filled with pain. “But I’m not so sure that’s true. Because you were so quick to turn away from me. You were so quick to judge. I fell in love with you within that first week we met, Aaron. I was afraid to say a word because I have to protect myself. It turns out I’d been right. You hurt me far worse than anyone ever has, because I thought that you were different.”

  She stood, smoothing her shirt. “I only came here to answer your questions in person. I felt you deserved that.”

  She turned on her heels and stroke out the door.

  “Aaron, if you don’t go after her, you’ll never see her again. Go,” Shane said softly, appearing in the great room entry. His brother had heard every single word. Telling him to go after her, that was Shane’s way of stating he liked Chelsea

  Aaron bolted out of the chair, chasing her into the hallway. Except she was quick, already gone. Her security must have held the elevator for her.

  He ran to the stairwell, bursting through the door, flying down the steps until he reached the bottom, crashing into the front lobby. The elevator dinged and he slid to the doors.

  Chelsea and her security hesitated a brief moment before stepping out.

  “Chelsea,” Aaron said. “I’m so sorry. I’m an idiot.”

  “Yeah, you are,” one of the bodyguards murmured.

  The men ushered her to the waiting black SUV with dark tinted windows.

  He followed behind, grasping her hand, spinning her to face him and yanking her into his body, crashing his mouth onto hers in a kiss so desperate to plead for forgiveness he forgot that he was in public. He pulled back, looking down into her beautiful eyes that held so much of her internal thoughts.

  “You’re right,” he said. “I too easily walked away. Because I had convinced myself that you would eventually leave me. I didn’t really see who you are. That’s on me, Chelsea. I didn’t believe you could actually love me. I didn’t think I stood a chance. I thought it was all about sex.”

  She reached up and stroked his cheek. “I can’t go through this again. I can’t go through this type of heartbreak. It destroys me and I can’t function right. Not when it comes to you. Whatever you want, you can have. Do you want to come over during the day? That’s fine. Do want to join me on set? I’ll see what I can do. It’s quite boring, but nonetheless, I’ll try. What do you want? I’ll give it to you.”

  “Marry me,” he blurted.

  “What?” she breathed.

  “What!” her head of security yelled.

  “Marry me.” He was sure of the question. He didn’t see himself with anyone else. His playboy days were behind him. His days of jetting across the country and sleeping in hotel rooms with unknown names and faces were over. He had a purpose, besides his career, and that was Chelsea Tyler. He didn’t care if they named him, Mr. Chelsea Tyler, as long as they were together, he would be happy.

  She pushed back, glaring at him. “I think I deserve a better proposal than that. Knees, Mr. Quinn. Knees.”

  Aaron laughed, pulling her into his body and stealing another breathless kiss. Chelsea would bring him to his knees and he didn’t mind one bit.


  Chelsea held her golden statue in her shaking hands as she smiled for the cameras in the interview room. Tears streamed down her face as she stole a glance in Aaron’s direction, elation written all over her. His girl was overwhelmed. All her hard work had paid off with a best actress in a television drama series award. The crowd had gone nuts when her name had been announced. Her costars had been ecstatic, some sobbing along with her. She received the show’s first ever award and it was well deserved. Though he was a bit biased.

  She owned the interview room, the reporters loving her to pieces because of her true authenticity. Aaron stood off to the side the entire time, an awed observer on the arm of the most beautiful woman on the red carpet.

  Her head of security stood to his left, the man’s eyes crinkling with pride.

  “Congratulations,” Aaron said.

  The man looked at him, confused.

  “You helped get her this.” He nodded to Chelsea, who had graciously thanked each one of her security team for what they’d brought to her life.

  The man shrugged, not responding. Aaron didn’t expect him to. But Chelsea would take care of them. She loved each of them as if they were her brothers. He knew for a fact that a new car would be delivered this evening to their homes. She hated that each of the men’s vehicles were bought used, now with significant mileage.

  “Who’s your date tonight, Miss Tyler?” a female reporter asked.

  Chelsea gave him a coy smile. “Why? Jealous?”

  The room laughed.

  The reporter responded, “Maybe.”

  She tsked him. “Now, now, behave. That man happens to be my husband.”

  A collective gasp filled the room and then the questions came flying out.

  Chelsea laughed evilly as her publicist came up and shooed her away, thanking the press for their time.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” the security guard grumbled. “You do plan on asking her, right? Because now she’s just created a shit storm for us.”

  Aaron slapped him on the back and laughed.

  Hours later, Aaron and Chelsea tumbled into the hotel room, her tearing at his Tom Ford suit and him yanking the Vera Wang gown off her. Soon they were naked, his mouth on her delectable body, unable to control himself. She pushed away, nude, except for her amazing heels and she pointed to the floor. “Knees, Mr. Quinn.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a red box, and slowly opened it. “Chelsea Tyler, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She gasped, her hands going to her ample bosom. “Aaron.”

  Aaron pulled the diamond ring out of the box and slid it onto her dainty finger, his hands brushing down her sides. He was confident in his love for her and in Chelsea’s love for him. Oh, she’d keep him on his toes, or knees, but he cherished every second of her hellion personality. He wouldn’t take her any other way.

  “I love you, Mrs. Quinn.”

  Her eyes sparkled mischievously. “I love you, Mr. Tyler.”

  Aaron laughed, picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. “Say yes.”

  “Yes.” She smiled, pulling him down to her for a kiss. “Yes. Yes. And yes, again.”


  A Note from the Author

  Thank you so much for making The Quinn Brothers a part of your reading library. In today’s reading world, with so many authors’ great stories to choose from, I’m honored that you decided to make Aaron’s story one of your choices. Please don’t forget to take a mo
ment to leave a review on Amazon.

  Again, thank you!

  Casey Clipper

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  Casey Clipper Books Currently Available

  Heist (The Men of Law, book 1)

  Damage (The Men of Law, book 2) – coming November 2016

  Silent Love (The Love Series, book 1)

  Unexpected Love (The Love Series, book 2)

  Dangerous Love (The Love Series, book 3)

  Taken Love (The Love Series, book 4, the final installment)

  The Boss’s Love (Anniversary Edition)

  Fire – A Quinn Brothers Story I

  Snow – A Quinn Brothers Story II

  Ice – A Quinn Brothers Story III

  Rain – A Quinn Brothers Story IV

  Wind – A Quinn Brothers Story V

  Scarred (a novella)

  Click here for more information on these titles.

  Heist (The Men of Law, book 1)

  Jason Campbell and his team are on a mission—to find the jewelry thief that has hit every store in their town. They have zero leads. Their cagey burglar uses equipment and uncanny skills to prevent the detectives from gaining ground in the case that has dragged on far too long. Jasonʼs endless hours working on this case are taking a toll. He has no life outside of his job. His nights are spent alone in a cold bed with dreams of a faceless bandit haunting him. Yes, their suspect is a woman bent on toying with law enforcement.


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