Dare To Be Loved

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Dare To Be Loved Page 13

by Stacy Lee

  “Okay, I just have to say, damn! That’s one tough cookie you got there brother. I thought for sure she had given up.” Fin grins playfully. Agreements spread across the room and a few chuckles. I could only stare at the blank screen.

  “Yes, she is tough and brave.” I mutter. The woman also seems to find trouble. In five days she had faced this attack, became lost in the woods, provoked the Stroli that were attacking me, climbed a tree with a fear of heights, the escape in the chopper, I had drugged her, twice, faced the fear dreams, she tied me up, dealt with The Claiming and let’s not forget the fear she faces with every man she meets. The woman had been through hell and back in the last five days and hadn’t seriously complained once. There had been the break down on the chopper, I understand that now, then the night she had asked to go home, that’s it. No hissy fits, no crying, no screaming, she had shown no real signs of being bothered by any of it. But was she? Just because she hadn’t shown signs didn’t mean she wasn’t affected mentally. She had to be. I make a mental note to talk to her about it all as soon as we finish here.

  “Dare? You listening?” I turn my gaze to Archer. No, I hadn’t been.

  “Sorry, I was lost there for a minute. What was that?” He chuckles and gives me a knowing look. I knew I would regret telling him being away from her was agitating.

  “I said over the past twenty-four hours Vamp and Stroli sightings in Texas have tripled. There have even been a few Shifters and Thanus in the mix.” That was disheartening, Thanus were nasty little buggers. Thanus were a breed of demon. They could take any living creatures shape, basically cloning them. They were dangerous and tricky to catch or kill because their true form was a black shadowy mist. There was only two ways to kill a Thanus, neither easy, not even for us. First, if you faced it in clone shape you could incapacitate it with a powerful tranquilizer dart then behead it. The trick was the dart had to knock it out instantly before it could change shape or it wouldn’t affect it.

  Second, and this is a fairly new trick we learned recently, if you confronted it in shadow form you could hit it with liquid nitrogen and freeze it. Next you smash it with a heavy object or sword shattering the damn thing to pieces. You just had to be able to get close enough to it to spray it. The devices Emmitt has engineered for us only has a three foot range and being three feet from a Thanus was deadly in itself. Fumes radiated off the shadow demon when it felt threatened, killing anything within a four foot radius of it. Of course it wouldn’t kill us but it would drop us to our knees in pain and place us out of commission for hours leaving you open to further attacks when it took shape again.

  “Why Texas?” I ask while directing my gaze back to the screen now filled with a map of sightings.

  “I believe they’re coming here.” Bane speaks up. He was the strategy man. He saw patterns inside of patterns inside of patterns when all we saw was a spiral. “If you pull up the sightings in the rest of the states you’ll see that they were heading towards Wyoming. Several known groups of Vamps from Tennessee, New York and Pennsylvania were spotted by other Patronus in areas heading across to Wyoming. When we left Yellowstone to return home they veered and headed this way. What I believe is they were planning an attack while we were kept busy in Yellowstone by the Stroli. Of course, finding Marnie sent us home a little faster than we had planned so now they are coming to us.” He shrugs as he stares at the map of the US. I trace the different color dots for different races and realize most are Stroli.

  “The Vamps seen, were they part of Monty’s or rebel groups?” I ask as I study the states the Vamps began in. Monty was a thousand year old powerful Vampire who had been leading the Vamps for close to eight hundred years. Where almost all vamps followed him there were a few rebel groups that tried to make it in hiding while they tried to strengthen their numbers to take him out. They usually didn’t last long. Monty and Archer had a long standing rivalry but none of us know why. Monty wouldn’t think twice about helping the Stroli with an attack against us if he thought it would hurt Archer.

  “They are Monty’s.” Archer grits out. “I think we should evacuate the families and civilians just in case. Any other suggestions?” I needed to get Marnie out of here.

  “I knew this place had been here too long to be safe but I never imagined them flat out attacking it. Emmitt get with your Fairy and see if you can get a new compound ready in two days, tops. Sooner if possible.” He gives me an annoyed look.

  “She isn’t my Fairy.” I shoot him a glare, I wasn’t in the mood for this.

  “Fine. Get with Chasity as soon as possible. Better?” He doesn’t answer me. Chasity and Emmitt had a long standing love/hate relationship that he tries to deny often.

  “Where? This is your part of the world, you get to pick.” That’s a good question. Where would Marnie like to live I wonder? Maybe I should ask her opinion? She had wanted to go home, that wasn’t possible, however if I give her a choice of anywhere but Texas and Wyoming maybe she will be happier with having to stay with me.

  “I don’t know yet, I’ll let you know soon.” I lie. I knew exactly where I wanted to go, California. Did Marnie like beaches? A chuckle brings me to attention. I look around at the wide grins of my brothers. “What?” I ask confused.

  “You want to ask Marnie before you decide, don’t you?” Fin sing-songs out in his typical fashion.

  “No, I just haven’t thought about it.” I grit out. They laugh.

  “Yes you have. You have been saying for years that if you have to move this place you would take it to California. You love the beach. Haven’t your last four compounds been on beaches?” Cash asks.

  “Five.” I run my hand over my face in aggravation. “Fine, yes I want to ask Marnie. She isn’t thrilled about leaving her home and I thought it might make her happier if she had a say in where we lived.” I tap my fingers on the table as I stare him down. A raw ache gnaws deep in my gut and the feeling is only growing stronger with each hour. Little sparks of tension seem to dance over my skin periodically but keep growing in frequency. And none of this helps the aggravation that only grows heavier as the day drags forward.

  “There isn’t anything wrong with that, Dare. Why are you so damn edgy? You have been denting that table since you sat down. I have never seen you so unnerved before. You don’t have habits like that.” He points to my fingers that are rapidly tapping the table. I stop. Bane’s right, several small dents are in the metal table top. When had I done that? I grip my hands together under the table willing them to stay still. What the hell was wrong with me?

  “I’m fine. Set up your meeting and I’ll have an answer for you at lunch.” I look to my watch. “Be there in one hour. All of you.” I stand to leave then turn back to Archer. “Bring your own dishes. I only have enough for six.” He grins and nods.

  “I have an extra set I can leave there for you. We tend to congregate more at your house anyway.” I wave to him in acknowledgement as I leave the room quickly.

  Why we call our suite of rooms houses I have never understood. We all lived in the same huge building, each having our own set of rooms. Mine was the largest beings this was my compound. It had the front room, the kitchen and dining area, three bedrooms, a small room I used as a gym and the bathroom. One bedroom I use as a studio and the other bedroom sat empty at the moment but I planned on going to get Marnie’s things for her and she could use the room for her personal space. I had hoped to do that in the next day or so but if we were moving the compound it would be better to wait. My feet speed up the closer I get to my rooms. I needed to see Marnie.


  My hand immediately reaches for Dare only to find his side of the bed cold and empty. My fingers brush a piece of paper and I crack my eyes to see a note on his pillow. With a smile I drag it in front of my unfocused eyes to make out the hen scratch he calls hand writing.


  Had to meet with my brothers. Will return soon. I am inviting them for lunch.


vulum? He called me that last night also. I have no idea what it means but it had a nice ring to it. I grin as I let my hand fall to the bed. It was nice of him to leave me the note. He doesn’t strike me as the type, but hey, I’ll take it. I drag myself up, grab a shirt and pants from my two sets of clothes and drudge to the bathroom. A knock on the door has me standing in debate in the hall. Dare wouldn’t knock. He was supposed to be with his brothers, so it shouldn’t be one of them. Then who?

  “Marnie? Are you up?” Angie’s voice hollers through the door.

  “Yes. I still can’t open the door.” I holler then run back to the room and throw on Dare’s shirt before sprinting back to the front room. She has already settled on the couch. “Sorry, I was heading to the shower and had to put something on.” She scans the shirt and smiles.

  “You are so tiny. Did the clothes fit okay?” Her smile is infectious and I join her on the couch.

  “I haven’t tried them yet. I actually have a set waiting in the bathroom so I’ll know soon.” She nods.

  “Dare asked me to stop by. He said your thigh was healed and I needed to remove the stitches.” I stare at her. There was no way that gash was healed already. I pull the shirt hem up carefully, I still didn’t have any underwear, for her to look at it. I gasp as I realize she is right. Not even a scar remains under the little knots of thread.

  “But how?” I stare at it dumbfounded. She laughs.

  “You mated Dare, right?” I nod still looking down. “Then your body is changing, turning into one of us. Well, almost anyway. The bruises you had are gone also. Did you notice that?” I shake my head as I scan down my legs and feet. All the injuries were gone. It was as if my terror in the woods hadn’t happened. Now if I could only forget it just as easily. “Here, let me take those out.” She reaches forward and snips off the ends of the string and yanks, hard. I yelp. “Sorry. We usually don’t use stitches because of how fast we heal. I remember you wanting me to just pull off the pads so I figured I’d just get it over with.” She grins at me as I rub my leg.

  “Yes. I would have told you to do the same thing.” I hated delaying pain. Uncle loved to drag things out to make them more painful. When I knew a beating was coming I would pray for it to go quickly. It usually didn’t.

  “I figured as much. Soooo?” She stares at me expectantly as she bounces on the couch.

  “So, what?” I am truly confused by her anticipation. What did she want to know so badly?

  “So, what? Seriously? You are the first mate found for the Beyers Brothers and you ask ‘so, what’? Come on girl, spill it! What was The Claiming like? Oh, and Dare, does he have to control everything in bed to? I say yes. A man like that can’t help it. I’m surprised he doesn’t just snap sometimes the way he keeps himself so tied up in knots.” He had snapped with a little help from me. I smile a secretive smile and play dumb.

  “Um….” I mean seriously, what could I say about this that wouldn’t embarrass the hell out of me or anger Dare? Fear skitters across my skin with the thought followed immediately with irritation. Hadn’t he said he wouldn’t hurt me?

  “Oh, no. Don’t you wuss out on me. I have been dying to know. Please!?” She folds her hands together and begs.

  “It was okay, I guess.” I fidget with my hands not meeting her eyes.

  “Okay? It was okay! Oh, girl come on, it had to be better than okay. I mean this is Dare Beyers we’re talking about. Did you screw him with your eyes closed? He’s like…wow!” I can’t help myself, I burst into laughter.

  “Sorry, I haven’t actually had many girlfriends. This is kind of embarrassing.” As I’m sure she could tell by my crimson face.

  “You need to get over that right now. There aren’t many women here close to me in age. They are either hundreds of years old or barely adults. I miss talking like this. I mean, have you ever tried to talk about sex to a six hundred year old woman? Yuck!” She imitates gagging herself throwing me into another fit of giggles.

  “Sorry, no I haven’t. Dare is the only one I have really met here. Well, him and you. I saw Jack and two others in the helicopter but never spoke to them. He’s your mate right?” Diversion had to work. Please work! Annoyance at myself creeps into me and I try to push it away.

  “Yep. And don’t you dare tell him what I said about Dare. I love Jack to death and he has a great body but damn, I’m mated, not dead!” She crosses her arms over her chest then giggles.

  “Can I ask how old you are or is that a bad thing like it is in the human world?” She waves a hand at me.

  “I’m barely two hundred. Jack and I have been together for a hundred years. I was young when we met but I knew right away he was mine. Him to, of course, but it took him longer to admit it. He wanted me to grow up some. It took me a year to convince him a hundred was old enough.” She rolls her eyes heavenward.

  “Wow. I bet you have seen some interesting things in two hundred years.” All the history she must know firsthand. It has to be amazing to live through all the things that make the world a better and a worse place.

  “Sure. It all kind of runs together after a while though. Okay, have we talked long enough to make you comfortable? Will you spill your guts now? Pretty please?” She braces her hands together as if she’s praying and begs me. I give in.

  “Fine.” I cover my blushing face with my hands. “It was fantastic. Yes, he is very controlling in bed but he is amazing at it. Well, I guess he is. He was my first so I don’t have anything to compare him to.” I split my fingers and peek at her. She has her hand over her mouth her eyes wide.

  “By the fates! You were a virgin? As domineering as Dare is, I bet he loved that.” She smirks.

  “He did.” I smile with remembrance of how his voice hitched when he said he knew because of my blood. He practically glowed with triumph after the first time was finished. Men!

  “And The Claiming. Did you willingly take his blood or did he have to force you to do it?’ I cringe.

  “I didn’t particularly like that part. At first, that is. He had to basically pry my mouth open to put his wrist in it. The thought was just disgusting! Then it hit my tongue and I was shocked at how it tasted. I expected the coppery metal taste I get in my mouth when I bite my lip to hard. It wasn’t. I think I actually held his arm tighter to my mouth than needed but I couldn’t help it. It was delicious.” Not as delicious as it was from his neck.

  “Good. The forceful way sounds dreadful. So, what does he taste like?” My eyes widen and I choke on my own air. She couldn’t possibly be asking me if I…. um, swallowed?

  “Excuse me?” I rasp out.

  “His blood, what did it taste like? We all have a unique irresistible taste to our mate. Jack’s is Honeydew melon and he says I taste like plums.” She shrugs. Oh thank goodness. I was not telling her what his semen tasted like, no matter how much she begged!

  “Cinnamon and power.” So much flavor. My body shivers just thinking about it. My stomach aches for him. My mouth waters and I long for him to return.

  “Power? How do you taste like power?” Her nose crinkles in confusion. I had asked myself the same thing and kept coming up with the same answer.

  “I don’t know, I’m new at this remember! That’s just what came to mind when I bit his neck. With his wrist I only tasted cinnamon but when I took his neck, it was different. The only word to describe it is power. Lots of power.” I shrug.

  “Very interesting. And you’re sure the second taste wasn’t in his wrist?” I shake my head. “Huh? I’ve never heard of that. Then again it’s been a thousand years since a Claiming. If only Patrice were still alive to ask.”

  “Patrice?” I hadn’t heard this name yet.

  “The Beyers Brothers mother. She died when Fin was born.” Oh, how sad for them. How sad for Fin. At least the others knew her and could tell him about her. Uncle refused to talk of mother except to tell me I should have taken her place. I was so young when she died I can’t remember what she looked like. I shake off the melanc
holy this thought always brings.

  “How old are the brothers? I haven’t really met any of them yet. I mean I saw them during the Choosing and Fin gave me food and water. Food that was drugged.” I huff still miffed about that.

  “Drugged food? You mean they didn’t tell you about it?” Her mouth drops open in horror.

  “Nope.” I then proceed to tell her how I found Dare in the forest, which I have to pause for almost a full five minutes to wait for her laughing to die down before continuing on to how he took me to the camp and Fin drugged me. I end up telling her the entire story up till I woke up in her ‘office’, as she called it. “So he drugged me twice in a matter of hours and I never was able to meet them all. They’re supposed to be coming for lunch today. I’m so nervous I’m going to freak out with that many deadly men in one room. What can you tell me about them?” She pats my shoulder comfortingly.

  “Jack is Dare’s right hand man so ever since we mated I have been in close proximity to Dare and his brothers. Dare runs the South America branch of the Patronus, Archer has Europe and Antarctica, Bane is over Africa, Cash is North America, Emmitt is Australia and Fin has Asia. They aren’t required to live in the area they just have to have someone in charge who can reach them if necessary. They have the continents split into territories and each territory has a main contact or Head Patronus. If something happens they call in for help or advice. The brothers are stronger together so they tend to stay that way. Dare likes beaches and his last five compounds have been on different beaches over the U.S. The brothers seem to like his areas better than theirs so they tend to stay where he is. The weather isn’t as crazy here as say Antarctica.” She laughs. I would hate to live there. My body shivers with the thought.


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