Dandelion Dreams (Fleurs d'Amour Novella Book 2)

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Dandelion Dreams (Fleurs d'Amour Novella Book 2) Page 10

by Amali Rose

  Looking back at his desk, he shrugs. “Yeah, I can do the rest at home. Just give me a sec, and I’ll be ready.”

  “Did your meeting go well, then? Non-sexually speaking, that is.”

  He throws a glare my way before responding. “Actually, yeah. I’m pretty sure we won’t have any more trouble from Thompson, thank God.”

  He’s gathering up the paperwork when his phone starts vibrating. Answering, he puts it on speakerphone and barks out, “What do you want, dickface?”

  Ben’s booming laugh fills the air. “Dude, you’ve been hanging around Cassidy too long.” I roll my eyes and make a gagging motion, watching as Mason tries to suppress a laugh.

  “I’m about to head home, BJ.” My eyes widen until I’m scared they’re going to pop out of my head. BJ? I. am. dying. “What do you need?”

  “It’s Jack’s birthday next week, so we’re going out drinking. Are you in?”

  “Spanky!” I lose the battle to keep my mouth shut. “Or is it BJ? Maybe I should just call you Blowie? Dick muncher? There’s just so many wonderful choices!”

  My outburst is met with stony silence.

  “Mason, you’re dead to me, you fucker. Dead!”

  “Aw, don’t be like that, Blowie, I love you!”

  “You’re an evil she-devil, Cassidy Jensen. And stop asking Skye about my dick, it’s fucking weird. Mason, see you next week. Eight o’clock at The Irish Pub on 7th Avenue.” And with that he’s gone.

  “Why the hell are you asking about his dick?” Mason’s tone of righteous indignation tickles my funny bone.

  “Well, looky here. Seems I’m not the only one who gets jealous, hey?”

  “No, seriously. Why are you asking about my best friend’s dick, Crazy?”

  “Ugh, because it embarrasses her, and skeeves him out. Win win. Happy?” Honestly, he looks far from it. He has that cute little frown line across his brow going on, and his full mouth is pursed slightly, just begging me to lick it into submission.

  “I’m tired, Sunshine. Take me home.” And as he takes my hand, and leads me out the door, a thought occurs to me.

  “How pissed would Spanky be if I crashed your boys’ night? He would love it, right?” I clap my hands with evil glee. “Ooooh, we’re gonna have so much fun!”


  “Jesus, check them out.” Ben slaps a hand on my shoulder as he takes a seat on the stool next to me.

  I move my focus to our friends, who are lined up at the bar, downing shots.

  “Right? My head is pounding just at the thought of the amount of alcohol they’re putting away.” Christ, when did I get so old?

  I point to the light beer he’s lifting to his mouth. “You’re sticking to the light stuff?”

  Ben smirks at me over the lip of the bottle. “I’ve got a beautiful woman waiting for me at home, whiskey dick is not part of my plans tonight.”

  The tumbler of whiskey making its way to my mouth stops in its track.

  “Asshole.” I place the glass back down on the bar.

  “Hey, you should be thanking me. Could you imagine the shit Cassidy would give you if you couldn’t get it up?” He cringes. “She’d crucify you.”

  A loud laugh escapes me as I imagine her reaction.

  “Fuck, she’d probably pull out her vibrator and finish herself off right in front of me. My girl likes her orgasms too much to go without.”

  Ben groans next to me. “I don’t need to know that, dude.”

  We fall into an easy silence, both lost in our own world despite the chaotic atmosphere around us. The loud voices and laughter combine with the music being played to create a wave of sound that vibrates through my body.

  My mind is filled with Cassidy, and that scares the fuck out of me. One month. One month is all it’s taken for her to wiggle that ass of hers into every facet of my life. One month is all it took for me to tell her that I love her. How many months will it take for me to get over her, when she decides that what I have to offer will never be enough?

  Motioning the bartender over, I follow Ben’s lead and order a beer. Once I have the bottle in my hand I get his attention and point to the door. “Fresh air?” Ben nods in agreement, and we push our way through the bodies packed tightly into the bar, until we practically fall out onto the street.

  “So, I know I gave up on this years ago, but a pretty little bird told me that you’ve started taking Sundays off. You wanna come and watch the game this weekend?”

  “A pretty little bird, huh?” I give a slight shake of my head and chuckle. “Is there anything those girls don’t tell each other?”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know the answer to that.”

  Taking a long pull of my beer, the slight bitterness rolls around in my mouth.

  “Is it weird that I feel like this could be it?” My question is random, but Ben doesn’t even hesitate, understanding immediately what I’m saying.

  “No. I knew after one night with Skye. It wasn’t anything tangible that I can explain, but I knew. And even when I thought I didn’t know, I knew.”

  The humor leaves his face at the memory of his monumental fuck up that almost caused him to lose Skye.

  “You were a huge asshole. You didn’t deserve to get her back, you realize that, right?”

  “Yeah, I know.” He looks pained, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that even though Skye has forgiven him, it’ll be a long time before he forgives himself.

  “So, how are things going with Cassidy?” His mouth spreads in a huge grin. “You know, when Skye told me, I thought she was bullshitting. Cassidy is definitely not who I saw you with.”

  “Man, I wanted to kill her for the first six weeks.” Scratching my jaw, I consider what I just said. “Hell, there are moments I still want to kill her. But it’s like my entire fucking life had been black and white, and I didn’t even realize it. Then one day she burst into my world, bringing every motherfucking shade of color with her.” I shrug, resigned. “She makes my life better.”

  We lapse into silence, watching the people around us enjoying their night, while we finish our beers.

  “We’re a couple of fucking pussies, aren’t we?”

  Nodding vehemently, Ben’s reply is instantaneous. “Yes, yes we are.”

  In an unspoken agreement we begin to move toward the entrance of the bar, when suddenly a voice that causes my dick to stiffen, and Ben to flinch simultaneously, calls out to us.

  “Spanky! Where you going? Skyeballs needs your baaaaaalls!”

  “Oh my god, Cassidy, stop!” Turning, I spot my demonic girlfriend headed toward us, evil dancing in her eyes. A very embarrassed Skye is following close behind, flanked by a petite blonde and a leggy redhead.

  Cassidy throws herself into my arms as soon as she’s close enough, peppering kisses along my jaw.

  “Did you miss me, Sunshine?” Over her shoulder I see Ben wrap Skye up in a hug while nodding a hello to her friends. Looking down, and focusing back on Cassidy, I place a soft kiss on her forehead.

  “How many drinks have you had, Crazy?”

  “Three,” she replies, holding up four fingers. “Oh! Mason! You need to meet my baby sister!” Her voice is loud, and she’s gaining attention from the crowd around us, but she’s oblivious, and I couldn’t care less. My girl is cute as fuck when she’s drunk.

  “Lay! Bubs come here!” She yanks on the hand of the blonde and pulls her over to us, wrapping an arm around her tightly. “This is Layla.” The pride in her voice is undeniable. As is the deep flush on Layla’s cheeks.

  I reach out a hand to her. “It’s great to finally meet you, Layla. I’m sorry that I had to skip out on dinner last week.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it, things happen. And it’s nice to meet you, too.” Her voice is soft, I have to strain to hear her, but it’s sweet.

  I can’t help but notice the contrast in the sister’s appearance. Cassidy is all long limbs, creamy pale skin and big, blue eyes; while Layla is tiny, only
coming up to Cassidy’s shoulders. She has the type of skin that looks perpetually sunkissed, and while her eyes match Cassidy’s in size, hers are a deep, chocolate brown. While they’re both stunning, it really is remarkable that they’re sisters.

  “Oh, and this is Red,” Cassidy gestures with her head to the fourth member of their group. “And you know Skyeballs.”

  Red steps toward me, throwing Cassidy an indulgent smile.

  “Hi, Mason, I’m Wyatt, it’s so nice to finally meet you.”

  “C’mon, let’s get inside, I’m freezing my tush off out here.” Skye plants a kiss on my cheek as she walks past, making her way into the pub, followed by Ben and Wyatt.

  “After you, ladies.”

  “Pfft, see, Lay, you think he’s being a gentleman, but he really just wants to check out my ass.” She turns to me. “I’m on to you, mister. But since you have a supremely talented tongue, and a spectacular cock, I’ll let it slide.” With that she sashays into the pub, leaving me stunned. Just the way she likes it.

  Hours later, I’m watching my girlfriend up on the bar dancing her heart out with her best friends, and a group of women she barely knows.

  The arrival of Cassidy and Skye had Jack, the birthday boy, on the phone to his girlfriend, Shayne, who then met us here with her friends.

  Cassidy’s outgoing nature had the two groups of girls acting like long lost friends in no time, and that’s how we find ourselves here. Seven women who are all some variance of drunk, dancing on a bar to old nineties pop songs.

  The guys and I are all watching in awe, and as much as I love seeing Cassidy so happy, there is a part of me that’s dreading tomorrow. I have a feeling that a hungover Cassidy is going to be an unpleasant Cassidy.

  Ben and I sit side by side watching the show our girls are providing, but when Cassidy has a close call with the end of the bar, we agree that it might be time to call it a night.

  Approaching the bar, Skye spots Ben first. “Babycakes!” Without a second thought, she jumps down into his arms, giggling. “Benjamin, I think I’m drunk!”

  His answering smile is warm. “I think you might be right, Squeak. You want to go home?” He leans down and whispers something in her ear that has her blushing beet red before nodding enthusiastically. Ben laughs, and then turns to help Wyatt down.

  “I’ll get these girls home, and leave you to your handful. I’ll see you on Sunday for the game?”

  “Sounds good. I’ll bring the beer.”

  “Fuck yeah, you will. The good stuff too, rich boy.” I shake my head with a laugh. I’ll never get used to that nickname. I say goodbye to Skye and Wyatt, but as they start to walk away, Cassidy screeches at them.

  “Biatches! Where are you going?”

  They turn back to her, but Ben shakes his head and keeps them moving forward.

  “You suck, Spanky!”

  “Alright, Crazy, time to go home.” Layla left a couple of hours ago, so I’m left with just Cassidy to wrangle. My hand reaches out and takes hold of hers, but is met with total resistance.

  “Nope, I wanna dance.”

  “Baby, you’re drunk, it’s not safe up there, come down.”

  “You know how many fucks I give, Sunshine?” She holds up her hand and makes a circle with her thumb and forefinger. “Zero! Zero fucks given, babe.”

  I reach up with both hands and take a firm grip of her hips, pulling her down to me and sitting her ass on the bar.

  “We’re going home.” My voice is firm, making it clear that there’s no room for disagreement.

  Cassidy watches me with alcohol-hazed eyes, and then crooks her finger, motioning me toward her. I move without a thought, because it’s Cassidy. I’ll always go to her.

  She reaches up and kisses my neck, her tongue snaking out to trace a path up to my ear, where she bites on my earlobe, sending a current of electricity straight to my dick.

  “You know what, Sunshine?” Her whisper tickles my ear.

  “What, Crazy?”

  “I think I could love you forever.” Her following sigh is deep, and she presses her forehead against my chest while my heart hammers at her confession.

  For the first time I consider that perhaps our ending isn’t inevitable.

  “I hope so, baby. Now, let’s go home.”


  Tanya’s head pops up as I enter Mason’s offices, her face lighting up when she spots the cupcake box in my hands.

  “Hey, Cass, what are you doing here?” Her voice is curious, but her eyes haven’t moved from the box.

  “I just need to speak to Mason for a minute, is he available?”

  “Yeah, go on in, babe.”

  “Thanks, and this is for you.” Opening the box, I pull out a lemon curd cupcake. “Your favorite.”

  “Oh my god, I love you!” Her hands grab the cupcake and start removing the outer paper immediately. “He’s grumpy today, so perhaps you can cheer him up.” Her eyebrows waggle.

  I school my face into a look of innocence before responding.

  “I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Sure, you don’t. But on a completely unrelated topic, would you like some privacy?” The smirk on her face leaves no doubt to what she means.

  “Now that you mention it… I did bring a cupcake for Kim, but she wasn’t at her desk. Maybe you could take it to her?” I hand her the chocolate orange fudge cake.

  “You’ve got fifteen minutes,” she says as she makes her way out. “So no foreplay.”

  Heeding her warning, I move quickly, making my way to Mason’s door and walking through without announcing myself.

  He glances up at me, sitting back in his chair and allowing his eyes to roam over my body. The heat in his gaze makes my – no! I won’t be distracted by his deliciousness.

  “You don’t seem surprised to see me, Sunshine.” Walking across the room, I stand in front of his desk, placing the box of treats down. My finger traces the new logo stamped on the box, Frosted by Cassidy, and I smile wickedly up at Mason.

  “I may have gotten an email that tipped me off.” His answering smirk is just as sinful.

  “I received an offer today.”

  His arms fold across his chest. “You don’t say. What kind of offer would that be?”

  He wants to play it that way? No skin off my nose.

  “The HR manager from Early Bird Productions called me and offered me a permanent contract. I would be supplying their offices with a daily order of cupcakes. Some of which will be used on their morning news show, you know the one? It has that weekly animal segment, where everything always goes wrong? It’s fucking hilarious.” I shake my head with a snort at the memory of last week’s debacle when a tiny monkey lost its temper with one of the co-hosts and slapped her. “Anyway, I digress. They’re going to use the cupcakes as a display, and credit me. How incredible is that?”

  “It is pretty damn incredible, Crazy, but not surprising. You’re talented.” He says it as if it’s nothing. As if getting an opportunity like this, with a steady income that still leaves me enough time to take on custom orders, is nothing. When the reality is, it’s everything.

  “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this would you?”

  Throwing his pen down, he sighs as though expecting an argument from me. He’s not going to get one.

  “All I did was make a phone call, Cass. I heard that they were looking for a new bakery to supply them, so I called the president and put your name up for consideration. That order you made for us last week was sent over to him. But that was it. I didn’t pull any strings, or cash in any favors. You got the contract on your own merits, I promise.”

  I roll my eyes. Jesus, this man. “I know, Sunshine. My cakes are fucking amazeballs, of course I got the contract.” I rush around the desk, and sit myself on his lap, wiggling my ass against his cock as a little extra thank you. “Thank you.” I look around the office that I’ve come to know so well, sunlight bouncing off the clean lines of the modern furnish
ings. “I start in three weeks.” I feel his body tense under mine. “So, I guess I’m handing in my resignation.”

  “Right. Of course.” His arms tighten around me, and there is an undeniable wave of melancholy that washes over us. Who would have thought I’d ever be sad at the idea of leaving an office job? But I know it’s more than that.

  I met my future here. My heart remembered how to beat here, and I’m so sad to say goodbye.

  We’re snapped out of our pensiveness by a door slamming in the outer office, and Tanya calling out, “I’m back! I hope everyone has pants on!” Seconds later her head pops around the door. “You have that conference call in twenty minutes, Mason.” His arms remain unmoving, not even trying to hide his affection from Tanya. I soak in his comfort for a few moments, before pushing away and patting his chest.

  “I’m going to head home, I had an idea for a new flavor that I want to experiment with. Are you going to come by my place after?” His expression is wistful, and for a fleeting second a sense of panic trickles through my blood.

  “Yeah, I shouldn’t be too late.” My body relaxes at his words, and after a final goodbye, I make my way home.

  “‘Cause I may be bad but I’m perfectly good at it. Sex in the air, I don’t care, I love the smell of it. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me.” I shake my ass exuberantly as I sing along to Rhianna, keeping time as I mix up a bowl of frosting.

  My apartment is warm, and I’ve built up a slight sweat with all my dancing, so I’m wearing very little. A pair of black lacy boy-shorts are displaying my ass, in all its booty-shaking glory, and a simple white tank completes my look. Very fashion forward, if I do say so myself.

  My body stills as I feel the heat of someone standing behind me, and a glance over my shoulder confirms that Mason has arrived.

  “Hey, Sunshine.”

  He presses his body flush against my back, and what should feel suffocating instead fills me with desire.


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