Dandelion Dreams (Fleurs d'Amour Novella Book 2)

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Dandelion Dreams (Fleurs d'Amour Novella Book 2) Page 13

by Amali Rose

  “I don’t know where you’re getting your inform—”

  “I saw you.” Looking down, she’s angrily playing with her napkin. “I saw you with another girl. It was right after you left your last message.”

  My mind works to place the moment she’s talking about, and when it does, I shake my head in disbelief.

  “My cousin. That was my cousin, Kerry. She was visiting from Chicago.” Cassidy bites down on her bottom lip, worrying it back and forth.

  “Oh. So, not a girlfriend then.”

  We are interrupted by the arrival of the waiter, and spend a few awkward moments listening to the specials and placing our orders before we are once again left to ourselves.

  “You really thought I would move on that quickly?” How could she think so little of me?

  Cassidy shakes her head, and shrugs. “Why wouldn’t you? I was an assmunch. I treated you like shit.”

  “Yeah, you did. Got an explanation for that, Crazy?”

  She takes her time answering, and I let my gaze wander around the restaurant before landing on Skye and Ben, who both have their eyes glued to our table.

  “Look at them.” I huff out a laugh. “Those fuckers just need some popcorn and they’ll be set.” Her answering laugh lifts a weight off my shoulders. I’ve missed that sound.

  “We’re going to have to punish them for this, you realize that, right? I’m thinking we put some jolly ranchers in their shower head and give them a nice sticky shower.”

  “Jesus,” I laugh. “You take way too much pleasure in tormenting people.”

  I pause, before deciding to continue. “I don’t really want to punish them. They managed to do what I couldn’t. Get you in the same room as me.”

  “I’m sorry.” She holds my eye, and I can see the regret in them. “I got scared. I never intended to break up with you, but I was so fucking angry. I was so pissed at you. Then the longer I left it to talk to you, the harder it became to reach out.” She lets out a deep sigh. “I realized how vulnerable you made me. How easily you could hurt me. And I was a fucking pussy and I ran away. I’m sorry I did that.”

  I consider her words. She hasn’t said anything I didn’t already know. I knew why she did what she did. I even understood it. I just didn’t have a way to convince her she was wrong. I won’t let that happen again.

  “So how is my replacement working out, Sunshine? I bet she doesn’t keep you on your toes like I did.” I smirk at her sass.

  “No one keeps me on my toes like you do, Crazy.” I take a sip from my water glass. “I quit.”

  She looks up in confusion. “What?”

  “I quit. What they did crossed a line, fucking with people’s lives like that, including mine. I couldn’t stay there.”

  “Well, shit. What are you doing now?” Her eyes are alight with curiosity, and I am excited that I’m finally able to share this with her.

  “I just started back at college. I’m doing a Bachelor of Science, so I can move into social work.” I can’t control the smile that spreads across my face. It’s the same every time, no matter how many times I say it.

  “Oh my god, that’s… incredible! I’m so proud of you.”

  “What about you? How’s Frosted by Cassidy going?” I lose my easy smile as a thought crosses my mind. “Did you keep the name?”

  “Of course I did. It’s still perfect.” She shrugs. “It’s going amazing actually. I’m still working with the television production team, and my private orders have increased consistently since I opened my shop.”

  “Wait, you have a shop?”

  Smiling proudly, she replies, “Well, it’s just a tiny little one. It’s like the chihuahua of shops.” She laughs. “But it’s really helped me build the catering side of the business, so it does the job.”

  The arrival of our food puts a stop to immediate conversation. Cassidy groans at the sight of the burger in front of her.

  “God, there’s nothing better than a good burger.” Her hands are already gripping the sandwich and bringing it to her mouth.

  “I do recall you always liked a mouthful of meat.” The joke rolls off my tongue without even a thought, and Cassidy almost chokes as she laughs, spitting out tiny morsels of burger before covering her mouth. Fuck, my girl is all class.

  We spend the rest of the meal catching each other up on our news, and it’s the most enjoyable hour I’ve had since the last time she was under me, with my cock buried deep inside her. Shit, don’t go there yet, Alexander.

  “This has been fun, Sunshine. I’m glad we can stay friends, I’ve missed you.” My drink stills its path to my mouth, and I take in her hopeful eyes.

  Placing my glass back on the table, I lean forward so she hears me, and hears me good. “Fuck friends, Crazy. You and I will never be just friends. We will be everything. We’re going to spend the rest of our lives loving, fucking and fighting with each other.” I raise an eyebrow, challenging her. “Do you have a problem with that, Crazy?”

  A smirk plays on her full mouth. “Not in the slightest, Sunshine. In fact, I would be happy to reacquaint myself with the fucking right now.”

  “Right now?” My gaze moves to our surroundings, taking in the busy restaurant. “I mean we may get arrested, but it’d be totally worth it.”

  Her laugh is loud and wild, the one that involves her entire body, and never fails to make me smile.

  “How about we wait until we get to my place? Then you can go to town and do all the dirty things you want to me. Princess has had no action for six months. She missed Winky.”

  “Christ, Cassidy.” I feel my balls shrivel at the sound of that name. “Don’t call my dick Winky, for the love of God, woman.” I motion to the waiter for the check.

  “So, we’re doing this?” I look across the table at her, her uncertainty plain to see. “We’re just going to act like the last six months never happened?”

  “I love you. Do you love me?” My voice is confident, because I know the answer, and I know how this is going to play out.

  “Yes.” There’s not a note of doubt in her voice.

  “Then yeah, we’re going to pretend the last six months never happened, and we’re going to start our life. You good with that?”

  “Fuck yeah, Sunshine, let’s do it.”

  The waiter arrives, and I point him in the direction of Ben and Skye, who appear to have lost interest in our little show, and are currently making out. Christ, those two lack any kind of self-control.

  “You see those two over there? The ones indulging in the over-the-top PDA? They’ll be taking care of our check.”

  Cassidy and I quickly gather up our things, and as we prepare to leave I lace my fingers through hers and tilt her chin up until she’s meeting my gaze.

  “Why should they get all the fun?” My mouth slants down over hers, and she opens for me easily, our tongues lazily sliding against each other as her body melts into mine. I feel my cock start to harden, and she pushes her hips forward, pressing against me.

  Pulling away before I get too carried away in the middle of a crowded restaurant, I look down at her. “You ready to get forever started, Crazy?”

  Her eyes glint wickedly. “Sunshine, I think the question is, are you ready?”

  As we make our way through to the door, I look over at our best friends and see them watching us with giant smiles on their faces.

  Turning back to Cassidy, I see her flipping them the bird, and a laugh rumbles through me.

  Fuck yeah, I’m ready.


  One Year Later.

  “Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod! Mason, I am going to cut your dick off. I swear to fucking Channing Tatum if you ever look at me with even the hint of a horndog look, your dick is gone. Do you hear me, Sunshine? Gone! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”

  I hold tight to Cassidy’s hand, and take the abuse that she’s heaping on me, happily. My eyes are glued to the corner of the room where a nurse is hovering over a tiny little shrieking bundle, cleaning her up.
She definitely got her mother’s lungs.

  A sharp tug on my hand draws my attention right back to my wife, and I lean my head down, placing my forehead against her temple. Our hands are joined, and I bring our fused fist to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. Her face is bright red and covered in a sheen of sweat, her blonde hair sticking all over, but fuck if she isn’t as beautiful as she was the day I met her.

  “Okay, Cassidy, you’re doing great. A couple more pushes and the baby will be here.” The doctor calls out from between her legs.

  “Aaaahhh fuuuuuuck! I already had a baby, uuuughh, this one’s just going to have to stay in!” Cassidy starts crying and reaches around, pulling my head even closer to her. “I can’t do this, Mason, please, babe, I can’t, I’m so fucking tired, please make it stop,” she cries.

  “Crazy, listen to me, you’re doing an amazing job. I’m so fucking proud of you.” Her face is streaked with tears, and it scrunches with pain as another contraction washes over her. The doctor instructs her to push, and my girl gives it her all, pushing with everything she has.

  Suddenly a wail echoes around the room, and there’s a hive of activity down below. The doctor raises his voice to be heard above the din, “It’s a boy, Cassidy. You have a girl and a boy.”

  She slumps back down on the bed, exhausted, sobs wracking her body.

  “It’s done? I can stop now?”

  “Yeah, baby, you can stop. You did so good, our babies are here.”

  “Are they okay? Mason, why can’t I stop crying? I want my babies, Mase.” Her words are soft and muffled, and I have trouble understanding her, but those azure eyes are as emotive as always, so I pull her to me in an uncomfortable embrace, doing my best to comfort her, as I feel the unmistakable sting of my own tears.

  A gentle touch on my shoulder has me looking around to see a nurse standing beside me holding my daughter.

  “Are you ready to hold your daughter, Cassidy?”

  Tears are still running silently down her cheeks as she nods, holding her arms out, and I watch in awe as our baby girl is placed in them.

  Cass holds her tight, and gently strokes the cheek of our sleeping daughter. I reach over and feel the soft skin beneath my fingertips, and I’m struck speechless.

  “And here’s baby number two.” I move back so the nurse can place our son on the other side of Cassidy’s chest.

  She’s looking down at them as if she can’t believe they’re actually here, her eyes wide in wonder. As I take in the image in front of me, I feel my chest tighten inexplicably.

  Six months ago I never would have believed I could be any happier than the moment Cassidy and I stood in front of an Elvis impersonator, and got married in the cheesiest Vegas chapel we could find. But I was wrong. Because here, now, I have never been happier, or as full of love as I am in this moment, with my family in front of me.

  “They’re beautiful, right? It’s not just me being biased?” Cassidy’s voice sounds stronger, and I smile at the pride in her voice.

  “Fuck no, they’re the most beautiful babies ever. But what did you expect, they’re our babies.”

  “Fuck yeah, they are.”

  “We’ll have to make some more pretty soon, I think.” I say this unthinkingly as I stroke our son’s head, feeling the silky softness of his fine hair, and when I look up Cassidy is shooting me daggers.

  “You and your dick can stay the hell away from me until these two are at least five years old, Sunshine. Don’t think that was an empty threat I made earlier.” I laugh loudly at her bold declaration. I’ll put money on her jumping me as soon as she’s given the all clear. She likes my cock way too much. Needing to change the subject quickly when my dick starts to twitch at the idea of getting jumped by my wife, I turn to her and ask, “So, names? We’re still happy with what we chose?”

  “Yep, I love them. Those are my babies’ names,” she whispers with a soft smile.

  Kissing the tops of both babies’ heads, I close my eyes against the wave of emotion that strikes me.

  “Welcome to our family, Mackenzie Rose,” I trace my finger along her tiny upturned nose, “and Sebastian Jack.”



  Oh my god, guys, this book! It just about killed me! I have to say, Cassidy caught me by surprise. I fell in love with her when I was writing Under The Cherry Blossoms, and it seems that a lot of you agreed. I was inundated with people wanting her story, which I was so excited to do! But then I sat down to write, and I struggled. Really struggled. I wanted Cassidy to surprise you, and make you fall in love with her soft side as much as you loved her brash side. I wanted to give her the story she deserved, and the man that she deserved. I hope that I did it. I truly love this story. I love Cassidy and Mason. Both separately and together, and I hope that you love it, and them, as much as I do.

  My alpha readers: Kim, Tanya and Joz. You guys kept this story on track every step of the way. You motivated me when I didn’t think I could do it, and you held me accountable, making sure I wrote the very best story I could. Thank you so much for that. I love you guys!!!! A special thank you to Kim. You lived this story with me. You listened to me bitch and moan and stress, and you never once doubted this book would get finished. You are a freaking rock star!

  My beta readers: Ashley, Brenda, Rachel, Tamara & Tre. Your feedback throughout this process was invaluable, and I can’t thank you enough for dropping whatever you were doing anytime I sent you chapters to read. You girls are incredible, and I’m so grateful for everything.

  My girl, Joz. You think you know how I feel about you. Times it by a million and you might be close. Thank you for being you.

  The Sassy ladies! Joz, Kim, Harper, Laura, Sienna & Stacey. I don’t know what I would do without you all, and I hope I never find out. I will have your back until the very end. Love you!!!

  Tanya, you’re one of the best people I know. I can’t wait for the day I can squeeze you again! Love your guts!

  Rachel. My favourite kiwi!!! Thank you for stepping up and helping me with the Street Team. I appreciate it more than you know. You are such a special person, and I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.

  Kerry & Karen. I think we can all agree that 2017 kicked our asses a little bit! But I have a good feeling about 2018. New babies (C’mon Walter!) and new jobs, we’re going to be kicking ass and taking names! I love you both so much. We got this.

  Judi Perkins from Concierge Literary Designs & Photography. Once again you did it! You made magic! This cover is stunning and I’m so grateful that you can take some abstract concept that I can barely explain and turn it into something so incredibly beautiful. You astound me! Thank you for all of your kindness, and support.

  Stacey Broadbent & Petrina Jenkins from Spell Bound. You ladies put up with a lot of crap from me with this book! Thank you for understanding, and being so flexible with me. You are such a pleasure to work with, and you do a wonderful job. I’m lucky to have found you, thank you!

  Kylie Sharp from Indigo Assisting. Kylie, you make my books so pretty! It’s such a thrill watching a document that I sweat over become a real book, and I am so appreciative of the work you do to make that happen. Thank you!

  Nikki and Lauren from Saints and Sinners Book Promotions. You ladies are fabulous to work with, and I can’t thank you enough for everything you do for me, helping to spread the word about my books. I hope we get the chance to work together many more times!

  My ST, Amali’s Smutty Sweethearts: Rachel, Devon, Tamara, Tre, Ashley, Brenda, Katrina, Joanne, Cassy, Lauren, Denise, Rhonda, Shayne, Kim, Cheril, CJ, Lisa, Amanda, Donetta & Aleisha. Thank you all for your unwavering support and encouragement. Please don’t ever underestimate how much I appreciate everything you do for me!

  Finally, to the wonderful bloggers who bust their asses promoting indie authors. You have my eternal gratitude. The job you do demands your time, your passion and your dedication. I am in complete awe of you all!

  Huge love and hugs!r />
  Amali xxx

  About the Author

  Amali Rose is an Australian author, and former blogger, who released her debut novella in 2017.

  A self-confessed bookworm, her love affair with the written word began as a child, with The Magic Faraway Tree. Her tastes have grown and evolved over the years, and after stumbling into the indie community a few years ago, she discovered her passion for romance with a side of smut.

  When not reading or writing, Amali enjoys baking, yoga, cheesy pop music & Netflix marathons; and believes strongly that pink, puppies and chocolate make the world a better place!

  Other Titles By Amali Rose:

  Fleurs d’amour Novella Series


  Book 1 ~ Under The Cherry Blossoms ~ http://geni.us/9omO

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