Man of the House: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Man of the House: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 74

by Sarah Rowling

  Ethan handed the phone to his naked stepdaughter and then reluctantly removed himself from the bed. The conflicting emotions of talking to his wife, while his erection brushed the pussy of his stepdaughter, was almost too much.

  “Hi mum,” answered Madison.

  Ethan could no longer hear what Olivia was saying, but he was shocked with what Madison was saying.

  “Oh, it was great.”

  “Yes, really big.”

  “I loved it, really lapped it all up.”

  “I can’t wait for more.”

  Ethan’s cock was standing proudly in front of him, but he knew that they had to make a move, therefore he regretfully went into the bathroom and had a long cold shower.

  * * *

  Half an hour later, after a quick breakfast, Madison and her father were back on the road heading home to Manchester.

  The journey was relatively normal, well, compared with the journey to Boston. They played music loudly, sang along to some of the classic rock that Ethan loved, such as Aerosmith and Def Leppard and also just enjoyed watching the scenery go by.

  Ethan thought about talking to Madison about the previous evening, but he genuinely didn’t know how to start the conversation. Also Madison was clearly happy and relaxed as she once again had her foot up on the dash, hair loose down by her side, and a big smile on her face.

  Ethan thought they were going to get back into the house without any form of reference to the amazing events of last night, but then once again, Madison took control.

  Ethan had just pulled up onto their drive and was about to turn and say something to Madison when she beat him to it.


  “Yes Princess.”

  “I had the best time and I know you did too.”

  She then lifted her dress slightly and exposed her pantyless pussy. She then licked the index finger of her left hand and eased it up and down her slightly swollen pussy.

  Ethan was speechless.

  Madison then brought her wet finger up to Ethan’s mouth and placed it between his parted lips. His tongue reached out and sucked the juices of her finger.

  Then just as the front door of the house began to open, Madison withdrew her finger, covered herself up and whispered, “I can’t wait for next time daddy.”

  The End of Book Three

  Press Here to Read Book Four Now!

  * * *

  Book 49: Stepdaughter Attraction 4

  Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter One

  Ethan watched from the car as Madison ran and hugged her mother. The two embraced and fell straight into the type of conversation that could only occur between a mother and daughter.

  The two women turned towards the house and off they went arm in arm lost in their own world. Ethan was relieved to finally have a moment alone. He was happy for Madison to share her experiences of the trip with Olivia because Ethan wouldn’t be much use at recalling too many official events that occurred.

  Realizing that soon his absence would be noticed however, Ethan finally left the car, grabbed the bags from the rear seat, and went into the house.

  Olivia and Madison were still deep in conversation about how brilliant school was and what a lovely time she had had with Ethan.

  “Oh hi honey,” Olivia interrupted Madison to greet her husband.

  “Hi darling,” he said as he went over and kissed her forehead. “You two have a lot to catch up on so I am going to make myself scarce in the study while you chat.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “You can stay if you want daddy.”

  “No…no, it’s ok I have a few things to check on anyway.”

  With that Ethan left Olivia and Madison to their excited conversation and went to the study, quietly closing the door behind him.

  He spent the next twenty minutes deleting e-mails, sending replies and generally just staring into the screen. It was difficult to concentrate too hard on the barrage of information sent to him on a daily basis on the best of days. Today was impossible.

  Finally abandoning the computer, Ethan decided that a good run would actually be the best thing for him and so off he went to tell the ladies.

  “But I thought we could all have lunch together,” said Olivia.

  “I would love to darling but I’ve had a crazy week and I think I just need to go and run it off.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes…look why don’t you and Madison go shopping, spend some money and catch up on the trip? I’ll go for a run and then we can order in some pizzas and all watch a film together later.”

  The two ladies looked at each and grinned.

  “Daddy, you’re brilliant.”

  “What a great idea, we haven’t been for a good girly shopping trip for ages.”

  * * *

  A short while later Ethan was outside doing some stretches and warming up as the ladies came out of the house and made their way to Olivia’s Honda Civic.

  “Try not to spend too much!” smiled Ethan as his wife made her way over to him.

  “Ha, too late for that darling, your girls are in the mood for chatting and spending.”

  “Oh no!”

  “Plus you have lots spare now, don’t you?”

  “I suppose so,” Ethan grinned, “make sure you have a really good time…go wild in fact.”

  Olivia leaned over and kissed Ethan full on the mouth. “Mmm! music to my ears.” Oliva smiled and walked to her car.

  This gave Madison the opportunity to sidle up to her stepfather, a big grin on her face. “Have good run daddy,” she said before adding, a bit closer to his ear, “I’ll try and find something nice for you…”

  Ethan just stood there, a look on his face halfway between happiness and frustration. Olivia reversed the car out of the drive and both of his ladies blew him kisses.

  Then there was silence.

  Ethan was clad out in his running kit, consisting of lycra leggings under running shorts and a running skin on top. On his feet he wore the best Nike running shoes money could buy that even had a little chip in them that synced his running data to his smart phone.

  On his arm he would normally attach an mp3 player but today was all about calm. This was not normally the correct motivation for a twelve mile run but today was not a normal run. Today Ethan needed to cleanse body and mind from the events of the last few days.

  He had loved every second of his time with Madison and truth be known he was desperate for more but that didn’t mean he couldn’t feel a little guilty. If anything the guilt made it a little more fun.

  Chapter Two

  At the same time as Ethan had reached mile number six Madison and her mother were walking inside the Mall of New Hampshire. What’s more Madison felt no guilt. She had loved what had happened between her and her stepfather and she hoped it would continue for a long time to come.

  It was perhaps strange that Madison felt no guilt considering that she was out shopping with her mother; Ethan’s wife. However, Madison knew that Ethan loved her mother and she also knew that he would never leave her.

  What Ethan and Madison had was fun and wildly erotic. There was no intention to hurt her mother and if anything Ethan’s extra arousal seemed to be beneficial for her mother as well. Certainly the sounds from their bedroom would suggest so.

  Besides there was shopping to be done; Guilt can come later.

  Madison normally went shopping with her girlfriends where they would try on more than they bo
ught and basically enjoy the experience of just being seen in the Mall.

  However, Madison also loved the opportunity to go for a shopping day with her mother and not just because she would be paying with daddy’s credit card.

  Shopping together gave them a chance to talk, to gossip and to bitch about some of the people they saw around the Mall; people that shouldn’t be wearing what they did, well not in public anyway.

  The ladies decided that they needed a plan of attack first so they parked themselves at a Starbucks, ordered some skinny lattes and planned their shopping adventure.

  * * *

  By three o’clock Olivia and Madison had already gained an admirable collection of bags and had even found time for a nice lunch at a little bistro off the food court.

  Neither lady was ready to return home just yet however, there are always more shops and there are always more clothes.

  “Maddy honey,” asked Olivia, “do you mind if we call into a few lingerie stores?”

  “That would be great; I need some more panties to be honest.” Madison replied with a self-knowing smile on her face.

  “How about we call into Victoria’s Secret, they always have some great things in there. Let’s spoil ourselves.”

  “Cool mum…how slutty am I allowed to go?” Madison smiled at her mother and then laughed at her response.


  “I’m joking…I’m more worried about you…”

  “Oh there is no need to worry about me….come on…”

  Madison and her mother walked the short distance to the nirvana of lingerie stores and began to browse and compare the huge range on offer.

  Both Olivia and Madison loved lingerie of all kinds and so like a pair of children in a candy store they soon filled their baskets. Olivia went for some sexy teddys and babydolls as well as some nice bra and panties just for everyday use.

  Madison decided to stock up on a few essentials for school but also selected a few items that were as sexy as hell and designed with only one thing in mind.

  “Mm…very nice Madison….who’s the lucky boy?”

  “Mum!” she said pretending to be shocked, before adding with a grin, “Well, no one yet; but I’m off to school and it’s always worth having some classy items available.”

  “Indeed…you never know…”

  “Yes, you never do.” Thought Madison thinking about how her stepfather would react seeing her in all of this beautiful lingerie.

  “Oh that one is gorgeous.” remarked Olivia, seeing a lace applique slip that Madison had just placed on the top of her basket.

  “I think I might get one of those for myself.”


  “What? Your father will love it.”

  Madison was sure he would; on both of them.

  Within an hour the two ladies had almost exhausted themselves out and could barely carry all the bags back to the car. So overloaded were they that they generously tipped a young man from one of the stores to carry a most of the bags for them.

  * * *

  Ethan couldn’t believe how many bags were in the car after he was called out to help Olivia and Madison unload upon their return.

  “Is there anything left at the Mall?” he joked.

  “Well you did say to go and enjoy ourselves.” replied Olivia, taking in the first load.

  “You don’t really mind, do you daddy?” pouted Madison.

  “Don’t be silly princess…anything for you.”

  “Love you daddy.” Smiled Madison and kissed him on the cheek, aware that her mother had already returned for more bags.

  “Now why don’t I get us some drinks while you two unpack?”

  “We can give you a fashion show daddy.”

  “What?” answered Olivia, a slight surprise in her voice.

  “Oh go on Mum, it will be fun and after daddy sees us in our super new clothes he won’t worry about the money anymore.”

  Olivia smiled at her daughter, “an excellent idea.”

  The fashion show was on.

  * * *

  Thus Ethan found himself in the den seated right in the middle of the couch. He’d made a large pitcher of lemonade for everyone and was now just waiting for the show to begin.

  First into the room was the beautiful Oliva in a new trouser suit she had bought for work. It flattered her body perfectly while still remaining professional. Ethan applauded at all the right times as both ladies took turns in wearing one of their new items.

  However, the evening was cut short when Olivia received a phone call from work. The office was still open because of the tight deadline they were under and Oliva was needed to find some documents.

  “It should only be an hour or two, you don’t mind do you?”

  “Not at all,” Ethan reassured her, it was not like this happened often anyway, “Call us on your way back and we’ll have the pizzas ready ok?”

  “Oh thanks darling.” She kissed Ethan, grabbed her purse and was gone. Now it was just Madison and her daddy.

  Ethan made a motion to get up but Madison told him to stay put, “The shows not over yet daddy.”

  Ethan sat for what seemed like an eternity. His pulse had quickened and his mouth was so dry he had to take a big gulp of lemonade.

  Then Madison walked in and Ethan’s mouth slowly dried up once again as he took in the sight before him.

  Ethan’s eyes started with the four inch heels that so perfectly showed off her smooth legs. Continuing up, his eyes he could only widen at the sight of his beautiful stepdaughter in a red lace slip that seemed designed for her body.

  Madison had then completed the look by applying a little red lipstick and straightening her chestnut blonde hair.

  She was perfect.

  “What do you think daddy?”


  Madison stopped him. “No. Show me what you think.”

  Ethan realized what Madison wanted as her eyes travelled down to the growing bulge in his pants.

  Ethan wasted no time in removing his pants, boxers and indeed everything he had on. He then sat back down on the couch, naked, with his rock hard cock straight up in the air.

  “Mmmm…I can tell daddy likes this outfit the best.” Madison said as she made her way to her stepfather and did a slow turn, lifting the hem of the slip as she did so.

  She wasn’t wearing any panties and Ethan gave a moan of pleasure.

  Chapter Three

  Madison stood right in between her stepfather’s legs and held the hem of the slip up to reveal her obviously aroused pussy.

  “How else are you going to show me that you like my outfit?”

  Ethan smiled at his gorgeous sexy stepdaughter and moved his right hand index finger to her damp slit. He ran it all the way down and then pushing a little deeper all the way back up again.

  Ethan found her clit and rubbed it with his now damp finger and Madison physically shook with pleasure.

  Bringing his finger back to his mouth Ethan licked it clean before repeating the same process again. This time he pushed his finger into Madison’s pussy and then moved his mouth to her clit and started licking.

  It wasn’t the most comfortable angle for him but he was not to be moved. His tongue worked gently at first just toying and teasing Madison’s clit before lapping more urgently as he felt he tense for an orgasm. She then climaxed when he pushed two fingers into her cunt and rubbed her pussy wall.

  A moment later Madison almost dropped to her knees and she kissed her stepfather passionately. The two shared her pussy juices together as their tongues went in and out of their mouths and swirled around each other’s.

  “Oh god daddy…is that how I taste?” asked a breathless Madison.

  “Oh yes Princess, you taste beautiful…”

  “Mmmm…and can I taste you again now daddy?”

  “Oh yes princess. Yes you can…” And Madison bent her head down and kissed Ethan’s cock.

  Madison looked up at her stepfather and saw the
lust in his eyes. “Mmm, my favorite treat daddy.”

  “Oh baby.” Was all Ethan could say as Madison again started to worship his cock. She licked and kissed the underside all the way from the balls to the tip. She took her time; gently blowing around the areas she licked and then occasionally taking as much of his cock in her mouth as she could.

  Ethan was in heaven. His stepdaughter seemed to read his body so well. She never allowed him to get too excited, always shifting her attention and pace to make sure he was teased right to the point of cumming but then slowing down again.

  This meant that after fifteen minutes of ecstasy on his cock Ethan could not hold back any more. He lifted Madison’s chin and kissed her deeply. Their tongues danced again as Ethan lifted his daughter up. He withdrew his kiss and then sat down again on the couch.

  “Come and sit down Princess.” He suggested, stroking his own cock.

  Madison didn’t need asking twice. She straddled her stepfather and positioned the head of his cock just at the entrance of her pussy.

  “Oh daddy, I’ve wanted this for so long.” Moaned Madison and she lowered herself just an inch lower.

  Ethan could barely stand it as Madison’s tight pussy slipped slowly over and then sat on the very tip of his cock.

  “Is this what you want daddy?” and she lowered herself another inch.

  “Oh god baby…this is perfect.”

  Madison lowered herself again just another inch; her tight pussy stretching to take Ethan’s thick throbbing cock. “But it’s so wrong daddy.”

  “ughh!” was all Ethan could say at first, “Oh god…no baby it’s so good.”

  Madison started to lift herself off Ethan’s eager cock. “Are you sure daddy?”

  “Oh god yes…yes…I’m so sure….please Princess…”

  With that Madison lowered herself completely onto Ethan’s eight inches, letting out a little squeal of pleasure as she did so.


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