Nantucket Neighbors (Nantucket Beach Plum Cove series Book 2)

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Nantucket Neighbors (Nantucket Beach Plum Cove series Book 2) Page 1

by Pamela M. Kelley

  Nantucket Neighbors

  Pamela M. Kelley

  Piping Plover Press

  Copyright © 2019 by Pamela M. Kelley

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Book your visit to the Beach Plum Cove Inn widow Lisa Hodges and her four adult children, friends, and visitors to the newly opened waterfront bed and breakfast. In the first book, The Nantucket Inn, Lisa learned that her deceased husband had a hidden gambling addiction and had blown through their retirement savings. Since she'd been raising four children and hadn't worked in years, she had no employable skills. Her only option if she wanted to stay on the island near her loved ones, was to rent out her second floor rooms.

  And she's loving it so far. Lisa's first guest, restaurant owner Rhett Byrne quickly became a close friend and then something more. In her early fifties, it sounds strange to her to call him her boyfriend, but that's what he is.

  Her daughter Kristen, finally ended things with Sean, the separated man that no one in the family was excited about. It wasn't until she was beginning to move on, that he filed for divorce, and then begged her for another chance. So she gave him one, much to everyone's dismay. But then the cottage next door is sold, and she discovers who her new neighbor is.

  Chase, the only boy in the family, has never been serious about anyone before. But he's suddenly withdrawn and has been secretive about who he's seeing, which only makes everyone that much more curious. When they learn who it is, the concern grows as no one wants to see Chase hurt, again.

  Lisa's best friend, Paige, has a new neighbor too and it's one she is most decidedly not enthused about. Violet was one of the women who stood up at town meeting and protested against Lisa's inn being approved by the selectman. Because the house is right next door, Paige can't help but notice the steady stream of traffic. Violet seems to be very popular with a lot of people.

  The inn is doing well and bookings are up, but then one Friday night, a guest that prepaid for the weekend never shows up. And quite a few people, including the police, come asking questions.


  Lisa Hodges walked along the empty beach and breathed in deeply as a soft gust of wind blew her hair across her face. The steady boom of the waves crashing against the sand soothed her soul. It was one of her favorite sounds. She loved these early morning walks when she had the beach, and her thoughts all to herself.

  She picked up her pace when a glance at her phone showed the time. She wanted to be back to the house by a quarter of eight, to be ready for her first guests. Breakfast started at eight and Rhett, her very first guest--the one who came and never left--was usually there right at eight. She joined him most days, and when her girls came to visit, they did too. She smiled as she thought of Rhett. It seemed silly, at her age, almost fifty-four, to say that she had a boyfriend, but that’s what Rhett had become, much to her surprise.

  Rhett was a few years older than Lisa and was on Nantucket to open his newest restaurant. His original plan had been to move into a rental, but he decided to stay long term at the Beach Plum Cove Inn instead, and Lisa was enjoying his company immensely. They went out to eat at least once a week and she had him over for dinner often too.

  It was funny how things sometimes worked out. When her husband of over thirty years died several years ago, Lisa had been dismayed to learn that he’d blown through most of their retirement savings. She’d felt foolish that she hadn’t realized his occasional casino trips with his buddies, was really a gambling addiction. But Brian had been a financial advisor, and she’d always trusted him to handle their finances.

  Lisa had tried unsuccessfully to find work locally, but since she hadn’t worked in years, she had no employable skills and no way to support herself if she stayed. The situation was so dire that Lisa was faced with only two options--sell the house and move off-island away from her family and friends--or try to turn her large waterfront home into a bed-and-breakfast. Since their area of the island was called Beach Plum Cove, she decided on the name The Beach Plum Cove Inn.

  Her son Chase had helped her do the minor renovating that was necessary, basically to just close off the downstairs by adding a wall. There were five rooms upstairs, each with their own bath, and every morning she served breakfast in the dining room, the only room guests had access to during breakfast hours.

  So far, the inn was doing better than Lisa had expected. She really hadn’t known what to expect, but thanks to Airbnb and some online advertising her daughter Kate had set up for her, The Beach Plum Cove Inn was steady with bookings, which was a relief.

  When she reached the house, she saw that all three of her girls had arrived. Kate was filling a big thermos with coffee while Kristen was arranging cut fruit on a platter. Abby, her youngest, was sitting at the island, patting her stomach. She was almost four months pregnant now and just starting to show, but only if you looked closely. Kate handed Abby a mug of coffee and she proceeded to dump four sugars into it.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Lisa couldn’t help but worry about her youngest daughter and her future grandchild, the first in the family.

  Abby smiled as she lifted her coffee mug to take a sip. “I’m feeling a lot better, actually. I’m not as tired now and the morning sickness has eased up a bit. The mad cravings have started though.”

  “Oh? For what kind of things?” Kate asked.

  Abby laughed. “Fried clams. Isn’t that the strangest thing? I want them at least once a week now, and vanilla ice cream almost every day. Though that’s not all that unusual.”

  “What were your cravings, Mom?” Kristen asked.

  Lisa thought for a moment. “Definitely ice cream, that was for all of them and chocolate for you girls. With Chase, I craved potato chips and red meat. I always wanted either steak or meatballs.”

  Abby looked interested. “They say if you crave salty things you’re having a boy. I thought it was an old wives tale, but that was true for you.”

  Lisa shrugged. “Maybe. You can find out easily enough though. Or do you want it to be a surprise?”

  “Jeff wants it to be a surprise. I’d like to know, so I can plan. But once I start picking colors, that’s bound to give it away. And I’m not sure I could keep it to myself. I’m working on him.”

  Kate asked the question they’d all been wondering about. “How is he doing? Are things still going well with his work hours?” Abby had been so frustrated with the long hours Jeff worked that she’d considered divorce, even after finding out she was pregnant. They seemed to be working through it and Lisa hoped that Jeff wouldn’t slide back into his old habits.

  “So far so good. He’s actually been great lately. He’s exci
ted about the baby.”

  “Good.” Lisa grabbed two potholders and took a quiche out of the oven. She’d put it in to warm up while she went on her walk. “Let’s head into the dining room with everything. Rhett should be down any minute.”

  They brought the food into the dining room and set it on the counter so everyone could help themselves. Lisa was starving after her walk and cut herself a generous wedge of ham and red pepper quiche. Abby and Kate did the same and Kristen just put a little fruit on a plate and nibbled at it while the rest of them ate.

  “Something smells good.” Lisa’s favorite guest, Rhett Byrne, walked into the room and helped himself to a cup of coffee and then settled next to her at the dining room table. He liked to ease into his day and always had one cup of coffee before getting anything to eat. He was her only guest at the moment, though they were booked solid for the rest of the weekend.

  “Any movie news?” Rhett asked Kate. Kate had recently published her first mystery and thanks to an introduction from local celebrity author, Philippe Gaston, her book had been optioned by a famous brother-sister team.

  “Not a peep. Though Philippe said that’s normal, and he warned me that it might never actually get out of the option stage, but I’m optimistic. They both really seemed excited about it.”

  “It’s a good story, would make a great movie,” Rhett said.

  Kate looked shocked. “You read it?”

  “He read the first few pages of my copy a few days ago and I offered to lend it to him, but he insisted on buying his own.” Lisa had thought that was sweet but unnecessary.

  “Of course I did. I wanted my own copy, and she doesn’t earn anything if I borrow yours.”

  “Well, that’s true.” He did have a point. Lisa hadn’t considered that. Until recently, Kate had worked as a writer for Boston Style magazine. But when the company was sold, she was one of many that were laid off. She still did some freelance work for them, but since moving home to Nantucket, she’d turned her attention to writing mystery novels. And so far, it was going better than expected.

  “Has anyone heard from Chase this week? I left him a message a few days ago and haven’t heard a peep back yet.” Lisa wasn’t really worried, but Chase usually was better about calling her back.

  “I talked to him briefly a few days ago. I caught him as he was heading out the door and he said he’d call me back. But he hasn’t yet. He also didn’t mention where he was going,” Abby said. If anyone knew what Chase was up to, it would be Abby. The two of them had a bond similar to the one twins Kate and Kristen, shared.

  “I bet there’s a girl involved and for some reason he doesn’t want to talk about it yet. Which might mean he thinks we won’t approve,” Kristen said.

  “Or maybe he just wants to keep it to himself for a while. Until he knows that it’s going to go somewhere,” Abby suggested.

  “Well, I won’t worry then, since you’ve talked to him. I think I’ll have a bit more quiche.” Lisa cut herself a sliver and didn’t feel at all guilty about it. She’d been good about getting in her daily walks and eating healthier.

  “Have you met your new neighbor yet?” Lisa asked Kristen as she sat back down. “I noticed the sold sign is gone.” Kristen lived in a charming small cottage that had a lovely sunroom and a studio area where she did her painting. The cottage next door was identical in size and design and had recently gone on the market and sold in record time. Anything that was reasonably priced was snatched up quickly on Nantucket, where most homes went for well over a million dollars.

  “No, I haven’t yet. Though I saw a moving van there yesterday. I haven’t heard a peep though, so whoever is there is quiet so far, thankfully.” Before the house was sold, it had been used as a summer rental and some of the college kids that stayed there had been annoyingly loud, with late night parties.

  “Do you have any shows coming up soon, honey?” Lisa asked. Kristen occasionally showed her paintings at local galleries, but she wasn’t very aggressive about getting out there and networking.

  Kristen grimaced. “No, I don’t. I should probably reach out to Andrew and a few of the other galleries to see about setting something up or just getting some of my newer stuff out on commission.”

  “Have you talked to Andrew lately?” Lisa was curious. She’d been relieved when Kristen finally ended things with Sean, the man she’d been dating for too long. He’d been separated when they met and never took the next step to file for divorce. When Kristen went on a date with Andrew, the new gallery owner, Lisa had been thrilled. But it never got off the ground. When Sean realized Kristen was serious about ending things, he finally filed for divorce and begged her to take him back. And she did.

  “No, I haven’t. Not since I got back together with Sean.”

  “How is that going?” Abby asked her.

  Kristen was quiet for a moment before simply saying, “It’s fine. We’re going to that big charity event at his golf club tonight.” But Lisa noticed there was no spark of joy in her eyes. She hurt for her daughter and wanted her to find happiness, but knew she needed to figure it out for herself.

  Kate jumped in to change the subject, “I was tweaking our Facebook ads and set up a new campaign to run through the next few months.”

  “Thanks, honey.”

  “I took a look at the reservations calendar before I updated the ads and I thought I saw that you had someone that was supposed to be checking in last night. A Tom Smith, I think? It looked like he paid in full too.”

  Lisa frowned. “He did yes. It’s the strangest thing, actually. He never checked in.”

  “Maybe he missed the last boat?” Kristen said. It was certainly possible.

  “Could be. I’m sure he’ll show up today. He’s paid through Sunday.” Lisa would refund him for the night that he missed. She knew that she didn’t need to, but it didn’t seem right to keep it, especially if the poor guy did miss the boat.

  “Do not refund him,” Kate said, almost as if she’d read her mother’s mind.

  Lisa laughed. “We’ll see. Let’s just hope he shows up today.”


  Be careful what you wish for.....the thought occurred to Kristen Hodges not for the first time as she leaned against the large bedroom window and breathed in the cool, slightly salty air. Sean was taking forever to get ready, and she hated the dress she was wearing. The fabric was stiff and a bit itchy and the sleeveless, low-cut neckline was not her style, at all. But Sean had given her the dress as a gift and he was so excited about it that it was just easier to wear it and pretend that she liked it too.

  “What are you doing? Finish getting ready or we’re going to be late.” The irritation in his voice was evident.

  Kristen closed the window and turned around to face him. “I’m ready. I’m just waiting on you.” Her tone was light and teasing, but Sean frowned as he looked her up and down.

  “The dress looks great, but you don’t look finished. Why don’t you put on that necklace I gave you and the matching earrings?” Another of his gifts, also not her style. But, the diamond necklace and drop earrings were pretty, just much larger and more obvious than she would ever have chosen for herself. Not that she could have ever afforded them, anyway. But they would go well with the dress.

  “That’s a good idea,” she agreed and went to put the jewelry on, while Sean went back to adding gel to his hair. It helped to hide the gray, though lately there was more than he could totally get rid of. She thought it made him look distinguished, but he was horrified and said he was going to make an appointment soon for someone to take care of it.

  Sean was a good looking man. Even at almost fifteen years her senior, he looked younger and was in good shape, except for his middle which was getting a little soft lately. He liked to indulge in fine dining and accompanying wines or cocktails. Like the rest of her family, he considered himself a ‘foodie’. Kristen enjoyed a good meal, but it wasn’t a priority like it was with the rest of them. Her sisters often teased her abou
t her propensity to miss meals entirely when she was caught up in a day of painting. They couldn’t understand how it was possible to forget to eat, but she’d often lose all track of time.

  She was looking forward to the dinner at tonight’s event though. While the people might be stuffy, she’d always enjoyed the food at Sean’s fancy club. It was an exclusive country club, with the newest golf course on the island and joining fees that were rumored to be seven figures. Sean liked people to think he’d paid that, but he confessed to Kristen that he’d negotiated a free membership when he brokered the sale of the land. He was very good at what he did and was among the top real estate brokers on the island. Nantucket was a lucrative market where even small homes typically sold for well over a million and many close to ten million or higher.

  Kristen had never cared much about that though—money and power weren’t attractive to her. She’d met Sean several years ago when he wandered into a small art gallery where she was having a show, her first solo show actually and she’d been equally nervous and excited. As it was winding down, Sean showed up and bought her favorite painting. They’d chatted a bit and there was an instant connection.

  He’d just separated from his wife and there was a sadness and a vulnerability about him at the time that touched her. He hadn’t tried to impress her either, maybe sensing correctly that it wouldn’t have worked. Instead, he’d asked her to go for a walk after the show ended and they’d ended up talking for hours and then getting takeout sandwiches and eating them on the beach while they watched the sun set and both sensed that something special was beginning.


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