Best Friend's Little Sister

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Best Friend's Little Sister Page 54

by Riley Rollins

  “How’s Ryan doing?” he asked. I could feel his thigh muscles stiffen as he pushed on the gas.

  “He and Henry have hit it off,” I answered, thoroughly distracted by the gentle bouncing motion of my head against his crotch. “They’ve got a lot in common…”

  “So do you and my brother.”

  It took a minute to register. “Ryan… and me?”

  “You’ve always been close, Maggie. And he hasn’t dated anyone that I’ve been aware of, ever since you left.”

  “He’s my friend, Joe. It’s never been more than that.” I smiled up at him, feeling for the first time, like he was the one at the disadvantage. “I thought I’d made my preference of Decker men pretty clear…”

  Or maybe not…

  I rolled onto my side and curled my body toward him. I could feel his cock thickening against my cheek. I reached my hand up under his shirt and hit hard, defined muscle.

  “Fuck, Maggie,” he shot out, as he jerked the wheel straight. “You were supposed to be tired.”

  “But I’m not now,” I said, my voice low and sultry. “You really want me to take a nap?” I purred. “I can think of better things to do.”

  His cock was rock hard by now, and I could feel it, throbbing and eager. I unzipped his jeans and he sprang free. Thick and huge, it was dark and heavily veined. I’d never seen it so close. I’d never seen any cock so close. He reached down…

  “Hands on the wheel,” I demanded, enjoying my newly found power. “If you crash my truck, I’ll have no choice but to fire you.”


  I’d slipped my mouth over him before he could stop me. His heat, along with the taste of him, was as overwhelming as his size. It was new… everything was new… but I moved with the drive of instinct. Taking his base with my hands and wrapping them tightly around him, I used my mouth to cover the rest. The hunger inside made me greedy for more, and I started to move on him. The vibration of the truck made my nipples tingle and my clit harden. When I got my first taste of his slippery precum, I was utterly lost.

  “Oh fuck, baby…” His voice was harsh with pent-up desire. I tightened my cheeks against him and felt him spread his thighs in response. His hips lifted and he pushed his cock deeper into my mouth. I ached to climb on top and straddle him, but even I didn’t dare take that kind of risk. He reached one hand inside my tee and cupped one breast. I tasted salt and musk…

  “Stop, Maggie,” I heard him beg. I felt his hand tighten hard on my flesh. “Fuck… Don’t make me come… This isn’t the time, baby.” He eased me off his glistening length. The head was dark and huge. I wanted more…

  “No… not here… not like this,” he worked hard to get the words out. “I’ll roll the goddamned truck, if you go on.”

  He looked down at me, taking in the picture of my face next to his rampant erection. He exhaled through his teeth, his expression dark and threatening. Then he reached his hand down between my legs… under the tattered edge of my shorts and dipped his fingers into my hot, wet pussy. It was my turn to gasp, as my walls grasped and clenched in desperation.

  “But I like... how you… taste,” I gasped, drawing out his torture and mine.

  He slid his fingers in deep, curving them around my mound and squeezed his hand. He had my swelling clit trapped in his rough palm. He squeezed again hard, savoring the transition of power. Then he drew his fingers out and put them up to his own lips, tasting them and smiling with the look of savage, promising desire…

  “Then I guess that makes us even, baby girl.”



  I reached down to run my damp fingers along the hollow between her breasts and gently pushed her onto her back. I’d have given anything to have pulled off the road and taken her right there… but that was no way for a girl to experience her first time… And Dean was driving the van right directly in front of us…I shifted, trying to ease way too much rigid cock back into my jeans. I zipped up uncomfortably, and shook my head at the sweet disappointment on her face whens she looked up at me.

  I should have put a stop to this game a long time ago. Maybe it was the freedom of the open road, maybe it was the sweet-hot taste of my Maggie… She was seductive as hell, a virgin to boot… More than any man could stand…

  I simply couldn’t stop myself…

  I kept one hand tight on the wheel and my eyes on the road, but I unzipped her shorts and slipped my whole hand inside her panties. There wasn’t a goddamned innocent thing about the look in her deep, brown eyes, as I used my fingertips to spread her slippery juices up over her clit. It was hard and thick, like me, and I rubbed her in slow, delicious circles.

  “No, baby,” I ordered firmly, as she arched and reached up to touch me. “No distracting the driver…

  Put your hands under your ass and keep them there,” I demanded. “Or I’ll have to stop…” I pressed her clit tight and stroked harder. “You don’t want me to stop…?”

  “Oh… Christ… Joe…,” she gasped out. I was torturing her and I knew it, but she did what I told her. “Don’t stop… oh God… don’t stop…”

  I eased up on the gas, enough to focus on Maggie, but without falling too far behind the others. I needed to see her when she came… I wanted to know what she needed… what she liked. The girl might never have had a man’s cock inside her, but she was no stranger to orgasms. I could tell by her breathing… the way she responded to my touch. In minutes, she was so close.

  “I want you, Maggie,” my words sounded almost like a threat. They hissed through my teeth and made her arch hard in my lap. “There’s no going back now. It doesn’t matter whether it’s wrong anymore.” I curved my fingers inside her and used my thumb on her clit. She was soaking… her thighs spread apart for me…

  “There’s going to be a place, baby… when there’s no one around…” I felt her walls clenching with the first hard frenzy of her release. “No one to stop us.” She cried out as I met her thundering climax with a desperate intensity of my own.

  “I’m going to fuck you, baby… Nobody but me…”

  “And with everything I’ve got…”

  Her climax seemed to linger on forever. I wanted it to.

  It seemed she could have orgasm after orgasm… All I needed to do was shift the angle of my fingers, the pressure I used to touch her. By the time she’d collapsed in exhaustion, I’d been fucking close to coming myself, just from watching. I’d never experienced anything like her.

  I shook my head. It had been a goddamned irresponsible thing to do, on a hundred different levels, but I didn’t regret a second. This had gone way beyond right or wrong. Beyond Dean’s disapproval, or even Bess’s. Maggie was grown now. My woman. And I was going to be the man to bring her into the full awareness of that womanhood. My claim had been made.

  She slept easily in my lap as I drove on, and a whisper of conscience rose up. She was twenty-two, but that was still so damned young. In sleep, she looked even younger.

  Thunder rolled in the distance and I scanned the flat, empty land that stretched for miles. Dark clouds were building in every direction, but we’d be pulling into town within the hour. We should be well into unpacking the trucks before the rains came. Though the sky was dark, it had none of the eerie, green coloring that warned of a developing twister.

  Maggie turned and snuggled her face into the aching bulge of my crotch. I tipped my head back and let out a long, unsteady breath and felt perspiration trickle down my back. There was another, closer boom of thunder…

  It was going to be a long, hot fucking summer.



  “Wake up, baby.”

  The sound of Joe’s deep voice startled me out of a dream I didn’t want to let go. I’d been cold on the outside… hot on the inside… Joe’s voice in my ear and his hands on my body...

  “We’re here,“ he said, as I blinked my eyes, readjusting them to the light. For a minute, I didn’t know what he meant.

; I sat up just as we passed the sign by the road. “Pawtauk?” I asked, starting to get my bearings. “How long did I sleep?”

  He chuckled as warmth flooded my face. I remembered… and it showed.

  “Long enough to be even more beautiful,” he said. “But I hated to wake you.” He smiled a smile that made me thoroughly ashamed and equally pleased. “I like being your pillow.”

  I sat up and brushed the hair back from my neck, blushing again. “Joe… I…”

  The two-way radio on the dash interrupted us with a rush of static. Then Dean’s voice came over.

  “You two alright back there?” The static hit again. “You guys were hanging back there for a while. We were starting to wonder if you were at each other again.”

  Joe and I exchanged a look that held a whole riot of thoughts and feelings behind it. “We’re good, Dean,” I answered. “Stop being a big brother and lead the other vehicles over to Baker Street. It’s the biggest location, and we’ll unpack and regroup there.” I looked at my watch. “We’re early. The events aren’t scheduled to start for another three hours.” The radio squawked in reply.

  “The storms are building,” Joe said, peering under the visor at the darkening sky. “Weather service says no funnels have been spotted yet… but I don’t know… There’s something I can’t put my finger on…”

  I looked out and shifted a little closer to him. “I know.” I shivered in spite of the heat. “Like the air’s too calm… for all those thunderheads.”

  He put an arm around me and pulled me beside him. It felt so natural. I curved my body to fit against his lean side. The worn denim of his jeans was pulled tight over his thick muscles. “The way you touched me, Joe… Did you mean it? What you said when I was… when I was coming…”

  He looked at me, his dark curls rough and his eyes a brilliant blue. He smiled, and I felt it all the way to my toes. “Yes, I meant it, Maggie. I keep all my promises, sooner or later. This one, most of all. I’m going to have you, sweetheart. Every luscious inch…”

  He pulled the truck into the parking lot behind the others, and then kissed me hungrily, desperately, until there wasn’t a single doubt left in my mind.

  I was flushed, but no longer completely disheveled, by the time the others were beginning to pile out. Jackie headed into the church to announce our arrival, and Ryan came over with Henry to get their instructions.

  The next few hours were hot and busy. Dean and Joe worked side by side, with the comfortable familiarity of lifelong friendship. But Joe took on the heaviest labor himself, quickly, efficiently, giving my brother a much-needed break and allowing me to give out the last of the instructions. Even as he worked, Joe would pause to capture photographs. His steadiness and easy humor had a calming effect on everyone, and what could have been a frantic scramble became orderly and fluid.

  Dean and Jackie were almost ready to head for the high school to teach their class. Ryan and Henry were staying on to head up the event at the church, while Margie and Ron were taking the remaining volunteers with them to a park on the north end of town. I was taking the truck with all our own supplies to the old farmhouse on the south side. The town had offered it as a place for us to stay for the next few days. Joe and I would unload there, and then head back to the church.

  In all, we’d be covering ten square miles and serving more than three hundred people’s needs over the next few days, handing out shelf-stable foods and first aid supplies, emergency kits and information packets. Half an hour before the doors were scheduled to open, we were ready. I was watching my dream come true. And Joe was in the center of it all. He had been the quiet in the storm.

  “You’re amazing,” he said. He tucked his lips closer to my ear and my neck. His breath touched my skin. “I was watching you the whole time, baby.”

  “Hey guys…” I jerked away as Dean came up behind us. “You two… Be back as soon as you can, okay?” He gave me a strange look, and then turned his eyes to Joe with a frown. “We’re gonna be short-handed until you get back.”

  I saw a look pass between the two men, a look I didn’t understand. For a minute, neither moved.

  “We’ll be back, Dean,” I said, reaching up to give him a quick hug. “With the look of that sky, we don’t want to get stuck out on the road.”

  Dean stuck his hand out and Joe took it, pulling him close as the two men exchanged claps on the shoulder.

  “She’s my kid sister,” Dean said pointedly. “Make sure she’s safe…”

  “I’m trusting you…”



  “We can’t. You heard what he said, Maggie. He trusts me to protect you.”

  “And we’re back to that,” she bristled. “Everybody thinks little Maggie can’t take care of herself…”

  “Goddamn it, that’s not it at all.” I tossed my hair out of my eyes in irritation. “I want you… and you want me. There isn’t anything in hell that’s going to keep us from happening, Maggie. But I need to find a way to talk to your brother. We’ll be together… But I want it to be the right way. I can’t have Dean thinking that I’m taking advantage of his little sister. He has to see this, to see us, in a different way.” Maggie stomped the gas and the old engine whined in response.

  “I know…,” she said finally. “You’re right. I just don’t care for the feeling that I need anyone’s permission to live my life.”

  I smiled, and stroked my finger leisurely up the long expanse of her thigh. She turned to look at me, her dark eyes even darker, her pupils large with arousal. “Patience,” I said, “has many, many rewards…”

  “Dean will accept us, or he won’t. But I owe it to him, to tell him things have changed. I don’t want to destroy a lifelong friendship… and I don’t want this to come between the two of you. Especially when you guys are just starting to get close.” I reached up to tangle my fingers in the damp ringlets at the nape of her neck.

  “I’ve waited so long,” she said, leaning the weight of her head back into my hand. “I’ve waited my whole life for you…”

  “In a strange way, I have, too,” I answered, letting my thumb fall into the delicate valley below her ear. “I’m a decade older than you… I’ve had relationships…”

  “But I’ve always loved you, Maggie. When you were a sad little kid, I just loved you like a brother. But it’s sure as hell not what I’m feeling now. Not since I first laid eyes on you at the bus station… and didn’t even recognize you.” I brushed my thumb over the soft skin of her cheek. “I want the woman, not the child… Although the history between us seems to make it all even more powerful…”

  She caught her breath, turning to take the tip of my thumb between her teeth. Then it was my turn to suffer the ache of impatience.

  “We were meant to be, Maggie. I think somewhere deep inside I always knew…”

  “But you had to grow up, and I had to be patient.” She was sucking my thumb now, and threatening all my hard-won self-control. “I want your first time to be more than you ever could have dreamed of, Maggie. I want you to be fully ready… there are so many different ways for us to explore… and to learn…”

  A crash of thunder hit close, startling us. For a moment, the delicious tension between us seemed to pause, and we both sucked in a deep breath. I took her hand and held it as she drove on, faster now, towards the old farmhouse.

  The first wave of hail began just as we’d gotten most of the boxes packed into the large, mostly empty living room. The wooden floors creaked in objection, but at least the owners had cleared out most of the dust in advance of our arrival. As we climbed the stairs to explore the bedrooms and bath, the hail grew even louder. I said nothing to Maggie, but I was concerned. Hail, without rain, can be a bad sign…

  “I should call Dean and tell him we might be a while,” she said, looking out a casement window over the wide, empty land. “We can’t head back in this.”

  I was behind her and put my arms around her waist, looking over her shoulder. �
�I’m not sure there’s a landline that works out here,” I said. I pulled out my phone. “No cell reception either. I should have called him before we were too far out of range.”

  The room, dark already, grew even darker. The pounding rhythm of the hail on the rooftop seemed to quicken the pace of my heart. I could feel her warmth, and in spite of the heat, it drew me in closer. She leaned back against me and her scent filled my lungs. The thunder outside had stopped, but the air between us crackled with electricity. Maggie turned in my arms and the weight of her breasts dragged across my chest…

  “I want you to teach me, Joe,” she said so softly I almost didn’t hear. “Maybe we have to be patient… for other things… But you said there’s so much for us to explore.” She reached up and touched her fingertips to my jaw and kissed me… slowly at first, almost shyly, until a moan came from deep inside her, and I gripped her waist, her hips… pulling her to me with a fury that matched the storm outside… “I want you to touch me,” she gasped. “I need to feel your skin…”

  The winds blew and the house groaned around us. I drew her to the bed, and in the dim, ethereal light I undressed her. The last thing to go were the boots, and I groaned inwardly at the sight as she kicked them off. Her breasts bounced hard with the effort, and I wondered if I had the strength to hold anything back.

  “God, you’re lovely, Maggie,” I breathed, unable to tear my eyes away. “The loveliest woman… the loveliest soul…”

  She smiled, an irresistible mix of both innocence and vixen, and slipped her hands underneath my shirt. She stripped it off over my head. Then we stood inches apart, not touching… but devouring each other with our eyes. I could feel her gaze like fire on my skin. I had to reach for her…


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