A Christmas Kiss

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A Christmas Kiss Page 24

by Anna Samuels

  ‘I feel exhausted, Ally,’ she laughed. ‘I don’t know if I can keep this up!’

  I chuckled. ‘I couldn’t go again if I tried. Come on, let’s get dry and go downstairs. Rest time for the wicked.’

  Alex laughed aloud and we stepped out of the shower and wrapped up our bodies in towels. We dressed in the bedroom in comfortable clothes and then we headed down the stairs. The Christmas tree stood waiting for us in the corner as we entered the lounge.

  ‘What a lovely Christmas this is turning out to be,’ I commented as we slowed to a stop before the tree.

  ‘You’re right about that,’ she agreed. ‘I couldn’t imagine a nicer day.’

  ‘I’m glad you’re here,’ I told her.

  ‘Me too,’ she said softly.

  ‘I’m going to go and organise a few things in the kitchen.’

  ‘Okay, do you need help?’ she asked.

  ‘Not yet…maybe find some Christmas music?’

  ‘Yeah…good plan.’

  I headed into the kitchen and looked at the instructions on the large chicken I had bought. When I glanced at the clock, I decided I would start cooking as it would take a while and I wanted to make sure we had enjoyed Christmas dinner before we headed for Laurie’s house.

  I turned on the oven and then placed the chicken into a roasting pan. After preparing it, I placed it into the hot oven and then watched my hands. Next, I headed to my mobile phone which was plugged into the socket on the far side of the room. I searched my contacts for Laurie and dialled.

  ‘Hello?’ she answered.

  ‘Happy Christmas sis!’ I called.

  ‘Ally! Happy Christmas!’ she sang merrily.

  ‘How are you?’ I asked.

  ‘I’m great thanks! The house is a toy bomb right now but it’s lovely. Their little faces have been just wonderful!’

  ‘That’s lovely! What did you give them as main presents?’ I asked curiously.

  ‘I got a dolls house for Katie and Zachary has his very own tablet!’

  ‘Wow! Very cool!’

  ‘So all okay with you? You’re still coming this afternoon right?’ she asked.

  ‘I am, yes…but that was why I was calling,’ I told her slowly.

  ‘Oh yes?’

  ‘I uh, well the thing is…I was wondering if I could bring someone?’ I said carefully.

  ‘Bring someone? Like who?’ she asked curiously.

  ‘Uh Alex…’ I told her.

  ‘Alex? Of course you can, Ally…but isn’t she…I mean…I thought she’s be at home with her partner?’

  ‘It’s a long story,’ I told her, ‘but she’s here with me and I didn’t want to leave her on her own this afternoon.’

  ‘No of course not! The more the merrier, bring her by all means…but well, is everything okay?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes. Everything is fine. I’ll tell you when I have more time. All you need to know is she’s broken up with her partner and she’s temporarily staying with me. Everything’s fine but I was just checking you wouldn’t mind about today.’

  ‘I don’t mind at all honey…but Ally?’

  ‘Yes?’ I said slowly.

  ‘Be careful,’ she warned.

  ‘How so?’ I asked, looking up as Alex wandered into the room.

  ‘You know how it is when you break up with someone…you’re vulnerable, prone to searching for a rebound mate. Don’t get yourself hurt,’ she said in an attempt to be sisterly.

  ‘I won’t,’ I assured her, ‘I told you, Laurie. We’re just friends,’ I said, glancing up at Alex who looked at me curiously.

  ‘Okay…well, we’ll see you later then. I’m just starting the Christmas lunch now,’ she told me.

  ‘Same here,’ I murmured. ‘We’ll come by about two if that suits you?’

  ‘Perfect…see you later!’

  ‘Yes! Bye Ally.’

  ‘Bye!’ I said and hung up.

  I replaced the phone on the counter and looked up at Alex.

  ‘Just friends huh?’ she said smiling.

  ‘Yeah…that’s all Laurie needs to think.’

  ‘I hope I can keep up the pretence,’ Alex commented.

  ‘Please do!’ I pleaded. ‘She’s just warned me off you as you’ll be on the rebound!’

  Alex laughed aloud. ‘Did she really say that?’

  ‘She did! I can’t believe it,’ I said chuckling.

  ‘Well, I can assure you Ally…whatever this is, it’s not a rebound thing.’

  I smiled, ‘I know that…but let’s still just go with the friends thing while we’re at Laurie’s hey?’

  ‘No problem,’ she replied.

  ‘I’ve put the chicken in. I was going to start the potatoes and vegetables.’

  ‘Shall I help?’ she offered.

  ‘Yes please. Potatoes or carrots?’ I offered.

  ‘Shall I do the veg?’

  ‘Yes please,’ I smiled.

  We sat down at the wooden kitchen table and both began preparing the lunch. I peeled and chopped potatoes for roasting while Alex prepared carrots, Brussel sprouts and runner beans.

  ‘This is nice,’ Alex commented after a long while of silent preparation.

  ‘It is,’ I smiled.

  ‘I’ve missed this kind of thing…the simple tasks done in good company.’

  ‘I can’t believe you said you were banned from the kitchen!’ I said incredulously.

  ‘Yeah…and I didn’t even like most of the posh food she cooked! Do you know what we ate last year for Christmas?’

  ‘No, what?’ I asked.

  ‘Nut roast…’

  I raised my eyebrows.

  ‘Now I have nothing against vegetarians and different options, but that was disgusting!’

  I chuckled. ‘I’ve tried it,’ I smiled. ‘I was a vegetarian for some time but I must say, I really didn’t enjoy nut roast either.’

  ‘Yeah…gross. I was a vegetarian too for about five years but then went back to eating fish and white meat. Nut roast just wasn’t for me.’

  I grinned. ‘So what would you do while you were banned from the kitchen?’

  ‘Oh I don’t know…read mainly. The thing was as well, she didn’t like the traditional Christmas films on either…especially the kids ones so there were times when I would be watching programs on my computer instead of with her.’

  ‘Gosh, how boring! Nothing better than Christmas films! I love the kid’s films, mainly because I’m a big kid at heart!’ I smiled.

  ‘I know…it was one of the first things I really liked about being in your company; we could chill out watching all sorts of things and it was always relaxed and pleasant. I can’t say that about being with Jenny.’

  ‘I guess she’s still on your mind somewhat though,’ I commented, realising that she had quickly become the topic of conversation.

  ‘No, actually…it was only the comparison of the roast we’re cooking now to last year’s which made me think about her. I’m not thinking back fondly, Ally, I can assure you of that.’

  I nodded and went back to my potatoes but my mind was messing with me once again, wondering if we had progressed with each other too soon after all. She had only just split with her for goodness sake and I had leapt into bed with her already. I chastised myself in my head for my haste, despite not regretting the moments spent in her arms.

  When I had finished the potatoes, I par-boiled them before putting them into a roasting pan and adding oil before putting them in the oven with the chicken. I then prepared the gravy mix and placed the vegetables Alex had prepared into a saucepan to cook later.

  ‘Right! I think that’s most of the prep done!’ I announced.

  ‘It is! You sure are efficient,’ she grinned.

  ‘Yeah, but that’s me done now. Now we can go and relax…oh, well almost! I must wrap the kids presents!’

  ‘Oh yeah? Can I help?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes please! They’re big so more hands will help!’

What have you got them?’ she asked.

  ‘Ah! Follow me!’ I said with a happy smile and led her through the house to the conservatory at the back. After opening the door, I spread out my hands, ‘Ta da!’ I sang.

  ‘Wow! Bikes! They’re amazing! Oh look, the girl one is so gorgeous with the little white basket and the baby carrier at the back. The boy one is so cool too! Zachary’s going to love it!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘I know!’ I smiled. ‘They’re big gifts but the kids deserve them. They’re such wonderful children and I know they’ll get good use.’

  ‘What a lovely auntie,’ she commented.

  ‘I can’t wait to see their faces when they open them,’ I told her.

  ‘I’m like that,’ she replied, ‘I love watching people opening gifts even more than receiving them.’

  ‘It’s lovely isn’t it…it makes you feel all warm and cosy inside.’

  She smiled. ‘So, shall we wrap them?’

  ‘Yeah! I have tons of paper…oh and the helmets to do too.’

  We set about wrapping up the bikes and helmets. Zachary’s bike was wrapped in blue while Katie’s in red. When we were done, I loaded them into the boot of my car so that we would be ready later on.

  Back inside, I saw that Alex was sat on the sofa flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch.

  ‘Anything good on?’ I asked.

  ‘Loads! Lots of films! Some Christmassy programs.’

  ‘What films are on?’

  ‘We have Harry Potter on one side and White Christmas on another…which one would you go for?’ she wondered.

  ‘No, your choice first today!’ I told her.

  ‘Well…I would go with Harry Potter, but I’m not really bothered either way.’

  ‘Oh I would have chosen that too,’ I told her.

  ‘Oh great!’ she said looking pleased.

  Alex put on the film and I got us drinks and some nuts and snacks before sitting down across from her on the other sofa.

  ‘What are you doing?’ she asked with a sudden frown.

  ‘What?’ I said, confused.

  ‘Why are you sitting all the way over there?’ she questioned.

  ‘Oh!’ I said and laughed.

  ‘Come and get cosy! You’re my hot water bottle remember?’

  I grinned and headed across to her. I sat down beside her and she cuddled me into her side. It felt cosy and yet intimate, nestled into the side of the woman that I had fallen in love with.

  As the thought flashed through my mind, the film began. It was fortunate it did as my mind was in turmoil. In love? Was I in love with Alex? I thought as the credits of the movie played, my head thinking constantly. I tried to focus on the film but it was difficult as all I could think about was Alex. She felt soft and warm against my side and her arms held me close. I had no idea what was going through her mind but I did know something…I had just realised the full extent of my feelings for her. I was in love.

  Chapter 28

  Kids at Christmas

  Alex and I watched the rest of the film and then went back into the kitchen to finish off the roast lunch. We worked together and prepared a feast which we sat down to eat at half past twelve.

  By the time we had finished eating and tidying up, it was time to go to visit Laurie and family. We loaded up the car and Alex joined me carrying a bag.

  ‘What’s in the bag?’ she asked.

  ‘Presents,’ she told me.

  ‘For who?’ I asked surprised.

  ‘The kids! You can forget adults at Christmas but never the kids. I saw these a while back in the shop down at the beach. I thought the kids might like them so I bought them there and then.’

  ‘Oh right! How kind!’ I exclaimed.

  She shrugged, ‘Just a small gesture…nothing like your amazing bikes gifts!’

  ‘Oh don’t be silly,’ I smiled and started the engine.

  We drove the short distance to Laurie’s house and pulled up outside the brick building. I turned to Alex and met her eyes.

  ‘Okay…friends, remember? No hand holding, no kissing and no unnecessary touching,’ I told her.

  ‘Yes ma’am!’ she chuckled.

  I looked at her sternly, ‘My sister is quite perceptive. Let’s just play it low key.’

  ‘No problem…we’ll just keep our distance for a few hours. We can make up for it later,’ she promised.

  I smiled at her, ‘Yeah…exactly.’

  We climbed out of the car and went around to the boot. We both carried one bike each to the door and then I rang the bell.

  ‘Happy Christmas!’ Laurie cried out merrily, opening the door wide to us.

  ‘Hey! Happy Christmas!’ I replied and gave her a hug. The children came running up from behind so I waved at them awkwardly with my present laden arms. ‘Happy Christmas Zachary! Happy Christmas Katie!’

  A chorus of ‘Happy Christmas!’ came back from them both and we were ushered into the house.

  ‘Lovely to see you, Alex! How are you?’ Laurie asked.

  ‘I’m well thank you! And it’s so kind of you to let me join you here today…especially on Christmas day!’

  ‘You’re more than welcome,’ she smiled, ushering her in. ‘Any friend of Ally’s is a friend of mine, and I considered you a friend anyway seeing as I come down to your café so often!’

  Alex smiled and let Laurie take her coat.

  I stepped into the foyer and set down the bike like Alex had done. I then removed my coats, shoes and bag before turning to see two very expectant children looking at me.

  ‘Well, kids! I might just have a little present for you both!’ I told them.

  ‘What have you gotten them?’ Laurie exclaimed, looking alarmed.

  ‘You’ll approve, I promise,’ I assured her.

  ‘They’re not little presents, Ally! They’re huge!’ Zachary announced gleefully.

  I smiled, knowing he was still at the age where being a big present meant a good one. ‘I know,’ I grinned. ‘Go on then! The blue one is yours, Zachy and the red one is yours Katie.’

  ‘Ah thanks Ally!’ he exclaimed and Zachary immediately rushed to the present and began ripping paper off excitedly. ‘Mum! Look! Oh wow! Look it’s a bike! It’s a bike!’ he said, dancing happily. ‘I love it! Oh thank you, Auntie Ally!’ he said rushing to throw himself in my arms. ‘Thank you!’

  ‘You’re welcome, Zachy,’ I told him, ruffling his hair affectionately.

  ‘Ah wow! Cool bike!’ Daniel said, arriving to see what all the commotion was about.

  ‘Daddy look! Ally got me a bike!’

  ‘I know! Wow, you’re such a lucky boy!’ he said smiling.

  I turned to see Katie watching the whole scene with awe. I headed to her and knelt down to meet her eyes on her level.

  ‘Katie? Would you like to open your present now?’ I asked her.

  ‘Katie, pwesent!’ she said clapping her hands in a cute, babyish fashion.

  ‘Come on then, honey!’

  I led her to her present and she pulled at the paper haphazardly. I helped her get the last bit off and watched as she gasped and then began jumping up and down with excitement. ‘Bike! Bike!’ she said loudly.

  ‘Do you like it sweetie?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes!’ she said clapping. ‘Me get on?’ she asked.

  ‘Sure,’ I replied, lifting her little body onto the cute girls bike. I showed her how to put her feet on the pedals and pushed her around slowly, seeing that it would take her a while to learn. Katie sang out happily while the family watched on.

  ‘Thank you Ally,’ Laurie said, laying a hand on my shoulder.

  ‘You’re more than welcome,’ I said, smiling up at her.

  ‘Come on kids, let Ally and Alex in! We can play in a bit!’ Laurie told them.

  We all ended up in the lounge and sat down. The coffee table was laden with food, spread out like a buffet. Toys and wrapping paper were strewn everywhere and Zachary and Katie were quickly sat dow
n playing again.

  ‘What can I get you both to drink?’ Daniel asked. ‘Tempt you with a Bailey’s?’ he asked.

  ‘That sounds great,’ I smiled.

  ‘Yes, great thanks,’ Alex added.

  As Daniel headed off, Laurie leant across the sofa to talk to us. ‘How was your Christmas morning then? Nice lunch?’ she asked.

  ‘Lovely thanks,’ I answered. ‘We watched a film and cooked together. It was quiet and peaceful…really nice,’ I told her.

  Laurie chuckled, ‘Nothing like here then!’ she smiled. ‘It’s been noise and chaos! Consider your peace and quiet shattered!’

  I smiled, ‘But it’s lovely too right?’

  ‘Yes,’ she conceded. ‘They were both so happy with their stockings from Father Christmas and the presents we gave them so it’s been really nice. A lovely, family Christmas feel this year…’

  I nodded, watching them play contentedly. ‘It is lovely…you’re very lucky,’ I murmured, feeling that sudden urge for my own children rushing through once again. ‘Makes me broody!’ I laughed.

  Laurie smiled, ‘Just got to find a lovely lady first,’ she said and winked at Alex.

  I felt my insides clench and I inwardly cringed. ‘Laurie!’ I exclaimed but when I looked over at Alex, she was laughing.

  ‘I said nothing,’ she said, but the cheeky smile she was wearing said it all.

  ‘I have a present for you,’ I told her, reaching into my bag to find it. I was also hoping it would mean a quick change of subject.

  ‘Oh you didn’t have to do that!’

  ‘It’s just something small,’ I told her and passed her the small box.

  Laurie opened it and gasped in pleasure. ‘Oh Ally! It’s gorgeous!’ she said, lifting the handmade bracelet out of the case carefully.

  I had spent hours working on the piece for her and hoped for a good reaction.

  ‘You made this?’ she asked.

  ‘I did…’ I confirmed.


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