A Christmas Kiss

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A Christmas Kiss Page 27

by Anna Samuels

  ‘No. I can see that.’

  ‘When she died, I just went back to London for a long time. I asked Laurie to deal with the house and didn’t go back at all. It wasn’t until I returned here recently that I even came back to this place and come to terms with all that had happened here.’

  Alex nodded slowly. ‘This was your childhood home, right?’

  I nodded.

  ‘Maybe you’re remembering the wrong memories then, Ally. Think of all the good and wonderful things that must have happened in this house.’

  I nodded, feeling a swell of emotion brimming inside.

  ‘Your first steps, learning to talk, your first tooth…your first day of school, all the lovely times with Laurie I bet you shared.’

  I nodded, feeling tears threaten. ‘I just…I miss her so much, Alex…’ Tears began to fall and Alex quickly pulled me into a close embrace. I felt my emotions give way and I sobbed openly against her shoulder. My mind was so lost in grief that I didn’t even feel the embarrassment I thought I would have normally. I accepted the comfort Alex offered, knowing that she was there for me come what may.

  Sometime later, I quietened in her arms. My tears had run out and I felt like I had nothing left to let out. My heart felt more settled after offloading some of my troubles.

  Easing back a little to settle against her side instead of against her, I spoke quietly. ‘Sorry…’

  ‘You know you don’t need to be sorry.’

  I nodded, sniffling a little. ‘I think I needed that.’

  ‘I think you’re right. You could probably have done with doing that fifteen months ago,’ she said gently.

  ‘I know…but there was no-one I felt comfortable enough with to do it to,’ I said in response.

  ‘In that case, I’m flattered,’ she murmured quietly.

  ‘Thanks for being here with me, Alex.’

  ‘There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,’ she told me.

  ‘I think I’m just going to get some sleep tonight,’ I said then, wanting a little quiet time to think.

  ‘Of course…do you want to cuddle up? Or would you rather have some space tonight?’ she asked.

  ‘I uh…I might sleep alone, if you don’t mind. I just want to do some thinking about Mum and that would be more difficult if you were there.’

  ‘No problem…but if you’re sad or need me, I’m only in the next room.’

  ‘I know,’ I nodded. ‘Thanks.’

  ‘Okay…well, you get some sleep.’

  I rose from the sofa. ‘Night, Alex.’

  ‘Night, Ally,’ she replied.

  I left quickly, heading up the stairs two at a time. When I reached the top, instead of turning one way into the bedroom I had taken as my own, I went the other; into my mother’s old room. I lay down on the bed and cried.

  Sometime after I had fallen asleep on my mother’s bed, I woke. It was dark and cold and I felt strange being in there when it was so quiet and still in the house.

  I sat up cross legged on the bed and looked around. Every shadow made me nervous in those quiet moments sat there on my own. I felt my mother’s presence and an emptiness in my heart that was so strong it ached fiercely.

  ‘I’m sorry I didn’t come back sooner, Mum,’ I whispered into the darkness. I then closed my eyes and felt her spirit with me once again. Renewed with love, I climbed off the bed and headed out of the room. I went into my room and changed into pyjamas. Then, I slipped into the bedroom where Alex slept and crawled in beside her. She murmured in sleep as I cosied up beside her. I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

  Chapter 31

  Stolen moments

  The following morning, I woke up feeling incredibly refreshed and a lot more positive than I had the previous day. Alex was asleep beside me and I watched her peacefully rest for a while.

  When she opened her eyes, I felt calm and happier than the day before.

  ‘Hey you,’ she said softly.


  ‘Nice of you to join me!’ she smiled.

  ‘Yeah…I was headed to bed but found I wanted company after all.’

  ‘Fine by me,’ she murmured. ‘It’s nice of you to join me. I’ve grown used to your company,’ she said gently, her hand on my arm.

  ‘Ditto,’ I replied softly.

  ‘So, how are you feeling this morning?’

  ‘Better,’ I replied. ‘Much better.’

  ‘I felt so upset for you last night.’

  I nodded. ‘I think I’ve been keeping things inside too much.’

  ‘I’ll say…have you even cried before yesterday?’ she asked.

  ‘Not much,’ I admitted. ‘I’m not much of a crier in general, but I have been keeping this one all pent up. I feel so much more relieved and settled this morning.’

  ‘I’m glad, Ally. I hate to think of you suffering in silence.’

  I smiled, ‘Well I’m not now. I’m happy today.’

  ‘Good,’ she replied. ‘So…what’s happening today?’

  I shrugged. ‘I don’t know? Are you opening the café?’

  She nodded, ‘As long as you’re okay, yes…I need to really.’

  ‘I’ll open then too…it’s still the holiday season. There should be plenty of people about.’

  ‘Okay then. Maybe we could have lunch together?’ she suggested.

  ‘That would be nice,’ I murmured moving closer into her arms.

  ‘Great. So…’ she murmured, drawing me closer into the warmth of her embrace, ‘just how much better are you feeling this morning?’

  I smiled, recognising her intentions. ‘I’m feeling significantly improved…’

  ‘Oh!’ she smiled. ‘I don’t suppose you’d like to come a little closer then? Maybe share a cuddle?’

  I almost laughed. ‘A cuddle?’

  She nodded. ‘Yeah…well, maybe more than a cuddle?’

  I wriggled closer, loving the feel of her against me. ‘I’d be up for that,’ I told her huskily, moving towards her to kiss her lips softly.

  ‘Oh!’ she said, feigning surprise, ‘you are keen this morning!’

  I kissed her again, moving across her more. ‘Oh yeah…’ I murmured against her mouth.

  I leant down and captured her mouth with my own. As I opened my mouth over hers, I told myself not to think, not to analyse what was happening between us and just feel. I closed my eyes and lost myself in her touch.

  It was at least an hour later that we finally got up. As it had been early when we woke, we were still on time for opening our respective businesses.

  As we walked up towards the entrances, Alex stopped and turned to me.

  ‘So, shall we see each other at lunch?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah, that would be nice.’

  ‘Why don’t you come over to the café…put a half hour lunch sign on the door? Otherwise, we’re bound to be distracted,’ she pondered.

  ‘Okay…I’ll come by about 1pm then,’ I told her.

  ‘I’ll have some lunch ready,’ she smiled.

  ‘Thanks…’ I said and turned to go.

  ‘Oh Ally?’

  ‘Yeah?’ I asked, turning back to look at her.

  ‘You look beautiful today,’ she said softly.

  I stared at her, surprised and touched by the lovely comment. ‘I, uh…thanks? What made you say that?’ I asked.

  ‘I just noticed as we were standing here…you look somewhat radiant today…the sun is shining down on you and you look happy and healthy…’

  ‘Are you saying I’ve got fat?’ I quipped.

  She gave me a look of exasperation.

  ‘Just joking…’ I added. ‘But I’ve managed to put some weight on,’ I said, running my hands over my stomach and sides, which weren’t so painfully skinny anymore.

  ‘I know,’ she said quietly, ‘and you look wonderful for it.’

  ‘Thanks. You’re not too bad yourself,’ I said with a blush and a smile.

  ‘Oh yeah? So you are still attrac
ted to me?’ she asked. ‘Even after we’ve spent hours with each other?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ I told her certainly. ‘You’re without doubt the most captivating and gorgeous woman I’ve ever met.’

  Alex threw her head back and laughed, clearly thinking I was joking. ‘I’m not gorgeous!’ she exclaimed chuckling merrily.

  ‘Oh yes you are,’ I told her quietly.

  She shook her head, and I saw a pink flush in her cheeks which told me she wasn’t completely immune to my flattery. ‘Oh don’t be silly,’ she murmured.

  I shrugged, ‘I’m not…to me, you are the most gorgeous woman that I have ever been with. I’ve never been more attracted to another person in my entire life.’

  She stared at me, realising I was being serious. ‘The feeling is mutual,’ she reassured me, her smile fading.

  ‘I’m going to head into work now,’ I told her. ‘If we carry this on, we’ll be needing to go home!’

  She smiled at me and squeezed my hand in a subtle gesture of intimacy. ‘All in good time,’ she assured me.

  I smiled and then turned to leave.

  My morning was quiet and relaxing in the gallery. I set myself up at a new canvas, sitting facing the window. I was going to do another local painting using the view from directly out of my window.

  I painted pretty steadily, only stopping occasionally for the few customers who trailed in on their way past. Although I didn’t have a large number of customers, everyone who walked in bought something and by lunchtime, I had still made £200, which was double the daily rate that I would have earnt by teaching.

  At 1pm, I closed up the gallery and left a sign on the door saying that I would be back in half an hour. I slowly meandered over to the back door of the café, letting myself in comfortably now that I was well known to everyone.

  ‘She’s in the office,’ Steve told me as I stepped inside. He worked in the kitchen and was always happy go lucky.

  ‘Thanks Steve!’ I smiled.

  I turned left and walked the short corridor to knock on Alex’s office door.

  ‘Come in!’ she called.

  I opened the door and stepped inside the small, cramped space. ‘Hey,’ I smiled.

  ‘Hey gorgeous,’ she grinned.

  ‘Is this a good time?’

  ‘It’s always a good time if it’s you, Ally,’ she smiled.

  I grinned. ‘Thanks.’

  ‘I got us some sandwiches,’ she said, pointing across the table.

  ‘Ah great…but I’m hungry for something else right now…’

  ‘What? Do you want me to get something from the kitchen?’ I asked.

  ‘No,’ she said chuckling, and then standing. ‘I’m hungry for you,’ she murmured, backing me against the door.

  ‘Oh,’ I managed before her mouth descended on mine hungrily. I gave myself up to her incredible kiss as she pressed me against the door. Her mouth opened over mine and her tongue sought out mine to play with. My body tingled with the thrill of her touch, and I felt an ache deep inside for more of her touch.

  Her mouth left mine and trailed along my neck. She kissed along the sensitive skin and down towards my breasts. Her hands reached for my tender mounds before her mouth did and she cupped and squeezed them erotically. I moaned softly at her touch.

  She lifted the jumper I wore slowly and pushed my bra up with it. My naked breasts were exposed to the cool air and I immediately felt them stiffen with arousal.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I whispered as her mouth sought one, hard nipple.

  ‘What do you think I’m doing?’ she whispered back and then drew the tip of my nipple into her mouth.

  ‘We can’t do this here!’ I said back, my words slightly rushed as I felt my body beginning to respond to her ministrations.

  ‘Of course we can,’ she commented. ‘No-one is going to interrupt us here…they couldn’t get in any way!’ she said with a chuckle, knowing she had me pinned up against the door.

  ‘Oh Alex…you’re driving me crazy…’ I murmured as her tongue lathered over my other nipple.

  ‘Umm…you taste so good,’ she replied against my hot skin.

  ‘Ah…’ was all I managed as she suckled hard on one tip of my nipple.

  ‘Let me make you come,’ she said quietly against my breast, one hand dipping to rub my jean clad sex.

  ‘Here?’ I asked


  ‘There’s not even space!’ I exclaimed as she stood to look down at me. Her eyes were dazed and aroused, darker than her usual blue.

  ‘Yes there is…sit on the desk for me…we can make it work in here…’

  I stared at her for a moment but then her hand started moving against me once more and I found myself unable to think coherently.

  ‘So…can I?’ she asked huskily.

  I nodded slowly, my brain slowing down due to heightened arousal.

  ‘Take off you jeans and knickers and sit on the table…I’ll do the rest,’ she promised.

  I quickly pulled down the clothes on my bottom half, stunned I was doing it in many ways. My sex life in the past had been limited to the bedroom only. Taking part in more adventurous sex was new to me.

  ‘Now sit on the desk,’ she ordered.

  I did as she asked and soon sat before her chair. Alex sat down and gently parted my legs for herself. I felt exposed and open to her in the cold, compact office.

  ‘Let me touch you,’ she said quietly, her eyes lifting to mine.

  ‘Yes,’ I managed simply, my voice a weak croak.

  Alex reached out and trailed her finger slowly along my damp folds. I held her intense eye contact, feeling ready to lose any sense of thought at any second. The fact she was looking at me so directly while she touched me felt incredibly intimate.

  ‘Do you like that?’ she asked, her fingers finding my clitoris and circling.

  ‘Yeah…’ I managed weakly.

  Her fingers played while our eyes held. My breasts felt heavy and tender and my body ached with the need for release.

  ‘Do you want my tongue on you now?’ she asked.

  I was desperate for more, ’please!’

  She bent forwards and trailed her tongue along the length of my sex, all the while holding my eye contact. It was deliciously intimate and intense all at once. Her tongue then moved against my clitoris, teasing it expertly. I arched and grasped my aching breasts.

  Our eye contact broke for a moment but when I looked down again, she still kept looking at me, watching my reaction. I had never experienced the holding of eye contact during being pleasured before and to my amazement, I found it was wonderfully satisfying and highly arousing. Watching Alex’s mouth on me was both erotic and mind-altering.

  Her tongue increased its intensity on my clitoris and I felt my climax building. I could feel myself begin to shiver and knew it was going to be a strong orgasm. I reached down to hold the sides of her head against me as she licked and suckled my sensitive folds. Gasping and breathless, the waves of pleasure increased until I reached my peak, coming with fierce intensity.

  Alex’s tongue remained on my wet folds until I had recovered completely. Only then did she rise and bend forward to capture my lips with hers. Our mouths met in an intimate, open mouthed kiss. I could taste our passion clearly, it was heady and erotic. As we kissed, I reached for her breasts. I cupped them in my hands and played with her hardening nipples.

  ‘Your turn,’ I murmured when she lifted her head from my mouth.

  ‘Yes please,’ she said with a small smile.

  ‘Change positions,’ I ordered, ‘to do the same…’

  Alex deftly removed her clothes and then sat on the desk as I had. I sat on the leather seat in front, feeling my sex still sensitive from all that her mouth had done to me.

  I parted her legs and bent to her like she had to me. With my tongue, lips and mouth, I then pleasured her as thoroughly as I possibly could, whilst holding her eyes like she had done with me. The feeling was wonderfully i
ntense and satisfying to feel her come against my mouth moments later. She arched, bucked and moaned against my working mouth and I held her in place to draw out her pleasure. When she was finally replete, she moved off the desk to sit on her chair again. She pulled me down onto her lap, with her hands resting idly on the mound of my sex.

  ‘That was incredible,’ she murmured, as I lay back against her.

  ‘Um…it sure was,’ I replied softly, loving the way her hands gently wandered over my body. One was now resting on my breast toying with my nipple, the other was rubbing my mound slowly.

  ‘Hey, I had a sex question to ask you…’ she said, smiling.

  ‘A sex question?’ I said chuckling. ‘Am I going to like this question?’

  ‘Well that’s basically the question,’ she replied, her hands still playing.

  ‘What is?’

  ‘Well what you like…besides what we’ve already done of course…’

  ‘I’m really not that adventurous, Alex. Today is the most adventurous I have ever been to date!’ I told her.

  ‘Oh me to,’ she grinned. ‘But, well…have you ever used toys? Do you like using toys?’ she asked.

  ‘Oh! Is that your question?’ I wondered.


  I smiled, ‘I’m not averse to toys shall we say…’

  ‘So you’ve used them before?’ she questioned.

  ‘Occasionally. More often alone actually, for a bit of enjoyment.’

  Alex smiled against my shoulder, ‘Well, do you want to try one?’ she asked huskily.

  ‘I, uh…you have one?’

  ‘I bought one,’ she chuckled, ‘in the spirit of being more adventurous,’ she added.

  ‘Oh go on then! Do you have it here?’ I asked.

  She opened the drawer and pulled out an opened sex toy; a strap on vibrator which looked very able to please.

  ‘Oh my! This one came in the big variety!’ I laughed.

  ‘It sure did…I want sure about asking you because I know not everyone likes them…to me pleasure is pleasure…finding it in different ways if half the fun.’

  I nodded, ‘It sure us…my favourite sex act is what we’ve just done,’ I smiled, ‘but I’m more than keen for a go using some toys!’


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