Lake Merrin

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Lake Merrin Page 26

by Samuel Colbran

  “So what else should we be doing?”

  Good old blunt Gunnar. Belgrim nods his head as well. Dwarves do like sticking together; it is the family thing.

  Kingfisher looks down at Gunnar. He does not seem impressed, even though Gunnar has put fresh grease in his hair and rolled around in some sort of mud. “Your job is to keep her distracted and off-balance, as it will help us if she is a little scattered.” He rolls up the plans. “Are there any other questions?”

  A million are going through my head. One was whether he shone his head every morning or whether that buff effect was just natural? Come to think of it, if a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? Maybe this would be interesting; are we being paid? Or maybe how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


  A thump on my shoulder wakes me from my little reverie. We, the Rejects, are standing in the room by ourselves.

  “You do like to daydream, don’t you Halfy?”

  “I was thinking of questions to ask.”

  Stillwater shakes her head. WayWocket pipes up. “Dawn’s light has much promise but that could be just a shadow.”

  “I completely understood that. Thank you, Way, for clearing that up.”

  Stillwater gives me one of her ‘I am going to punch you’ looks, but she holds back, probably because I am still recovering from the last one. “We have a job to do, and Solo, don’t talk to Zlata like that. If it annoys me, it surely will annoy her.”

  “Okay, Boss” Then I smile. Stillwater cannot resist my smile. I even receive one in return, and a scowl from Gunnar. Win-win. “I will do my best.”

  As we leave, I hear Gunnar mutter under his breath. “Yeah, you are a pain in my Jara’s.”

  Love you too, Gunnar. For all the times I have been arrested, I have never had to appear in court. Sometimes, perhaps I deserved it for the ‘not nice things’ I did, but I am glad I remained free, as this place is really confusing. I do like the timber; it gives the place a rich, old feel. Wonder what it was like to live in a wooden house. Weird, I bet.

  As we turn the corner, there are the Travellers just hanging out, but so casual you would never think they were here to keep an eye on anything. Laura gives me a wink; she is an attractive woman but Althanis is scary. And my hero. Sometimes I wish he was my dad.

  Stone benches, with Zlata and a few others that I do not recognise. Oh well, time for me to be annoying. I call out as we are walking down, “Hey there, Acting Commander, fancy meeting you here!”

  Stillwater gives me a stern look but winks at the end. Ha, I made her wink at me. Zlata looks me up and down, only to linger around my groin area. Her face turns a little green. Best comeback ever!

  “What are you doing here? And you, Stillwater, are a disgrace, showing your face in front of me.”

  Ordering ten buckets of hostility; hold the loathing. Stillwater just sits down and fixes the wall with a stony look. WayWocket trips on Zlata’s foot. “Whoops, sorry, was that the blue for balance or the red?”

  “Get off me, you little maggot!”

  Sitting down with my legs wide, I give my Jara’s a little scratch. “That is not very nice, Acting Commander. Are you feeling alright? Looking a little green; something you ate last night? Or was it the other night?”

  Smirking at her while she has a good look at my man pouch.

  “Can you stop that?”

  “Stop what?” Following her eyes down to my groin, just like I wanted her to do. Some of the other witnesses laugh at her reaction. If I made a fart joke, this lot would find it hilarious. “Sorry, it is the ointment that I got from Cy...” Realising who is sitting with me. “Um, the Green Healers. It is clearing up but really itchy.”

  Stillwater leans in and whispers. “What are you talking about?”

  “I will tell you later.”

  Replying in return, I could not help myself but peck her on the cheek. For such a strong lady, such soft cheeks.

  “I’ll let you get away with that now, but I warn you.”

  Gunnar is steaming over next to WayWocket, but he keeps his mouth shut. “You and Stillwater?”

  I give her a fake, shocked look, “You did not know? Yes, we are pretty close.” Her tan face has a reddish tinge to it now. “I like a real woman.”

  Squeezing Stillwater’s thigh, I am really going to pay for this later.

  “Real? I am more real than you would ever get with that diseased cock!” Zlata spits at me.

  “Thing is though, it was not from sleeping in the Anvil and Musket.” Zlata’s face turns from red to white. “Yeah, you met, um, what was his name—yes, Malik there, did you not?”

  “What are you talking about? If I was there I would have arrested him.”

  Even I could tell she is worried and lying. This whole thing is not going to plan. “I do remember you having drinks with them and the Bloody Swords.”

  Stillwater moves my hand off her leg. Looks straight at Zlata. “That is strange, Zlata.”

  “That is Commander to you, Private Stillwater!”

  “It would be, if I was still a member of the Watch.”

  “What? Why are you here, then?”

  WayWocket speaks up. “We saw the Dawn rise and the darkness swept away as it can never last forever.”

  Gunnar cocks his head. “Zlata, how do you know that this half-breed has a diseased cock? Or is it just white-back instinct, as you are all the same diseased filth?”

  Are you insane, Gunnar? The Travellers are within earshot, and would not take kindly to that. He must have noticed my jaw dropping towards the floor. He motions his eyes towards Zlata and winks. Oh, it is a joke. Never would have known, hmmm.

  Zlata’s face is morphing into a motley of colours. This is fun! “How dare you, dwarf! Looking down at me, isigqila!” A what? “Do not put me into the same category as this inferior breed of elf.”

  “Who are you calling inferior? We are both Truth-spawn.” Throw that in your eye, Zlata. “Come on, who was your other parent? I am dying to know. I know who my daddy is, a merc from Western City States. How about you?”

  She looks back at me, shocked. I struck a nerve. This is not a question you ask a half-breed, especially if you are one yourself. “I am not telling you who my parents are…”

  “Oh, you do not know? I am a little bit of an expert on the breeding of halfys. See, half-dwarves have heavy beards; half-Folk have a scaly green sheen to their skin; half-gnomes have those weird hair colours; quarterlings are gorgeous; and I, a half-human, am just the most average of all.” I look at Stillwater. “I just cannot grow a beard. Then there is you; large, muscular, tan, upturned nose and… false teeth.”

  All the Rejects’ mouths drop open, and I can hear one of the Travellers fall over, most likely Grim. Zlata looks flabbergasted.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Journal Entry Three continued …

  I still remember Zlata’s face when I dropped our knowledge. In hindsight, not my smartest move, but wow—her reaction! Just for that I would do it again. After everything that happened to me on those days, it only took me asking ‘Who is your Daddy?’ to break Zlata. Just worked a little too well…

  The tension in this little hallway could cut steel! Not my smartest moment, but Abyssus, it is damn funny! All I can do is stare at her, watching emotions play across her face. She definitely did not like me dropping the false teeth; even I can tell that.

  Then the door opens, and a guy in blue robes walks out to break this tension. “Farmer Oldsmen, you are summoned to witness for the court.”

  A young fellow stands up, giving me a look when he walks past. Why is he Old’s man? Looks young to me; might be one of those old guys who likes to dress young. I am grasping now; this pressure has gone from funny to not funny.

  Stillwater leans in again. “Why did you give all our facts away? That was supposed to be dropped in court. Now she will expect that sort of question.”

  All I can do is shrug. There
is no rhyme or reason for my actions but I just cannot stop. It feels right.

  “What do you mean, false teeth?” Zlata is looking a little uncomfortable as she asks the question.

  Gunnar mutters, ‘Don’t do it, Halfy.’

  “Yeah, the false teeth,” Opening my mouth, wish I could stop. Pointing at the lower part of my mouth. “Yes, right here. Strange that every one of you half-whatevers have the same trait. Must run in the family.”

  Why can I not stop? I look at Stillwater, she rolls her eyes but nods slightly. I am allowed? Or am I going to pay for it later? “These teeth are real, moron.” Zlata glances around; hope she does not spot the Travellers. “Are you saying that I have something to do with all this?”

  “Wow, I was talking about teeth, not using hemlock to poison the Commander, but you have… No, you did know, you told me. Weird.”

  The sweat coming down on her still face … I think I struck a nerve.

  “Darkness, green, colours and chocolate. Sprinkle, sprinkle. It is just there! Bite, bite.” Then WayWocket falls off his chair, laughing.

  Stillwater looks at Zlata. “Is this true, Zlata? Did you know that our Commander was about to be poisoned?”

  “Of course not. I have no idea what he is talking about.” She then stares at me, her eyes boring into my soul. “What is this all about, Lone? We have the culprits in the court room right now. They are the guilty party.”

  “A Paladin of the Orange? Interesting.” I stand and call out to everyone who can hear. “Would you believe that a Paladin of the Orange poisoned someone and then conspired to contaminate the grain bins? Does that sound like someone who would follow the Orange?”

  All I can hear and see are people shaking their heads. We all know that would never be possible.

  “What, you don’t think a Paladin could not be corrupted? Well, Lone, what about Helmut?” Zlata said.

  “Helmut was never an Orange, though it is true he never bashed me as much as the Dock Boys.”

  Just then, an intake of breath from Zlata. Stillwater notices it. “Didn’t you know, Zlata, that Lone was a victim of that gang?”

  Victim is a pretty strong word there, Joan. Zlata shakes her head, “Victim, he is not, no.”

  Looking at her reaction, that is strange. “Yes, they used to extort money from me all the time. That must have been where you saw me and thought I was a part of the deal you had with Malik.”

  Each statement is unnerving Zlata. Jenell’s logic, this might work! “Could you stop? I have to centre myself for being the prime witness ...” She trails off.

  Gunnar steps in. Guess I cannot have all the fun. “Prime witness? That a joke? So you know everything? That’s a bloody relief; guys, we can go home. Zlata’s got this!”

  Grabbing hold of Gunnar’s statement. “Yes, I guess you are right, Gunnar. She knows everything; the murdering on the roads, the attempted assassination of the Duke. It must be because she is the new Jenell.”

  “The new ‘Jenell’, who is that?”

  What? Zlata, are you from somewhere else? “You know, Saint Jenell, the saint of the Blue. Wordsmith, incorruptible; fact-finder, no? Joan, do you not think that is strange: a citizen not knowing our church?”

  Stillwater nods. “I know Mela, Jara and Jenell. Even know who is the leader of the Trinity at the moment: Jessica Pureheart. This is common knowledge with Favinonians. Why don’t you know this, Zlata?”

  “I know it all. What are you talking about? Leave me be, I have to get ready.”

  I think it is working. Not the original plan, but yay! “So, you know Jessica Pureheart? What was her first path?”

  Zlata looks like she has swallowed her tongue, or maybe she looks like a fish— mouth just opening and closing. Funny. “First path? Orange, of course.”

  One of the other witnesses turns; a hefty fellow with a red face, very broad shoulders and an even broader gut. “What? She started on the Green path, because of that poor lamb. Everyone knows this.”

  He then makes a sign of the Trinity with his meaty hands. Like a reflex, I do it as well, but not Zlata. She just sits there, sweating. “So what? I got that wrong. I must have forgotten.”

  A guy, nothing to write home about, stands up and walks over to Zlata. “Why didn’t you do the sign? The Trinity is our path, our light. I follow the Green aspect. Which do you follow?”

  “Get away from me, little man. I am the Commander of the Watch. I ask the questions!”

  Keeping this ball rolling. “This stuff is taught to us in school, same as reading, writing, maths and history. Being a Commander means you would have gone through the same education, thanking Jenell for your knowledge.”

  I do the sign of the Trinity again, while everyone else murmurs their thanks to the Trinity. Zlata slowly copies us, but she just cannot complete the triangle. Her hands are shaking. She then stands up, tries to push the random man out of the way, and when he does not even move a centimetre, scoots past him and starts walking down the hall.

  The random speaks up again. “Where are you going, special witness?”

  She snarls at the guy. “Going to the toilet!”

  Zlata storms off, the guy just laughing, his belly jiggling. Wonder if this guy is a good drinker? “Have fun!” He sits where Zlata was. “Hey, were you trying to push her?”

  Say what? “Um, sort of. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason. Just found it funny, until the Orange thing. Don’t see how that’s possible, and not knowing our High White as well. Strange.”

  “What is your name? And do you like to drink?”

  He laughs at that, “Sure do! Should grab a drink sometime, and the name is Eoghann. Pleased to meet you, Lone.”

  WayWocket pipes up. “She has left the building.”

  Say what? How has Zlata left the building? Stillwater stands. “Can you track her, Way?”

  “Donkey doughnuts, I can.”

  What is happening here? Gunnar, Way and Joan stand up. I turn to Eoghann. “Come down to the Hall, next sixth day, and I will shout you a few drinks. Thanks a lot for your help.”

  He looks at me, smiling, “Anytime, Lone. I’ll see you there with a pitcher in hand!”

  I am walking fast to catch up with the rest of the Rejects. Stillwater is talking to Althanis. “We might have pushed her a little too far, but luckily Way told me he was going to put a tracker on her.”

  When was that? Oh, when he tripped. Althanis says “I’ll head in and tell them that she has left. I am glad she wasn’t trapped in there; her aura was spiking aggression and there would have been violence soon.”

  I step up. “We are going after her?”

  Stillwater turns. “I will be speaking to you later after all this, but yes, we will be following her.”

  Sweet, a chase! “Let us go!”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Journal Entry Three continued …

  Nearly at the end of this part. Strange to look back at your life and the decisions you had to make. Would I take the same path? Yes and no. If I had not taken it then, I would never have found love or found my place …

  Now to watch Way retrieve all his weapons. This is going to be both interesting and boring; he has so many. Handing over my ticket now—I am glad I did not leave that somewhere! WayWocket picks up the tray with some of his weapons and pours them into a bag. What? Those things can explode, but that pouch looks like a few marbles have been chucked into it!

  “Hey, Way, what is that?”

  “My infinity pouch. Can put stuff in there and it is stored. Good pouch; took a while to perfect it, but it came up good.”

  That explains everything. “Is everyone ready?”

  “Sure am, Joan.”

  Gunnar grunts “Boss”, and WayWocket is looking at some piece of wood with a moving burn mark. “This way.” He points to the wall.

  “Um, maybe we should leave first and then get a bearing, Way?” Just a suggestion.

  He just keeps pointing at the wall, and as we move
, his finger moves a little as well. “There she goes.”

  “What are we waiting for? Let us get Zlata!”

  Stillwater looks at me. “Keep it down! The others will catch up with us later. We must bring her back for interrogation. From your line of questioning and statements, she knows more than we think.”

  As we leave the church, Gunnar calls out to Stillwater. Now his huge brindle mastiff and massive mottled cat are with him—where were they all this time? “And if she doesn’t come quietly or puts up a fight?”

  “We disarm her and bring her in. First thing is to take out the teeth before she can kill herself.”

  Way points down Shrine Road. “That way.”

  “Let’s go! She has a few minutes on us.”

  Thanks for that update, Stillwater. I had not realised. Running down Shrine, Way points up Resolution Boulevard. “We need to run. She might be heading towards the gate!”

  Pushing through some of the crowd. After a few rich folks get knocked down, they start to give way. Stillwater must be pissed off; no excuse me or anything. I like her like this. It is refreshing.

  We quicken our pace with WayWocket in the lead. He is surprisingly fast and hard to keep up with, yet he only has little legs. Way then points towards Coin Street. She is moving into the noble area?

  “She isn’t going for the main gate, but the Count’s Entrance. Do you think they briefed the Watch on the gate about Zlata?”

  Calling out to Stillwater. “Let us hope so.”

  WayWocket keeps pointing towards the gate. She must be there. One thing I like about the rich area—not so many people. Reaching the gate, it is closed. Breathless now. I really do need to start running again, like I did in the army. Drinking is making me slow.

  One of the Watch walks forward and puts up her hand. “I’m sorry, but you need to turn around.”

  So that is a no. They were not told. Stillwater squares up to the Watch-lady. “Delanna, you will step aside. This is the Duke’s business.”

  “I have been ordered by Commander Zlata not to allow anyone through here.”


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