Bad Conduct

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Bad Conduct Page 2

by Ashley Ladd

  Antsy, about to jump out of her skin, she glanced at her watch. Damn! Ty was forty minutes late. She called his escort’s cell phone, but it went directly to voice mail. There’d be no hors d’oeuvres left if the group took much longer. And almost everybody was already snockered off their asses.

  Cecilie leaned close and whispered, “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  Bianca wondered why her friend whispered since nobody paid attention to them. Then the serious expression on Cecilie’s face made her catch her breath, and her heart stopped. “What?”

  “I think you should know Brendan’s planning a little seduction scene to make Ty jealous. When Ty walks in, Seth’s going to hang all over him. He wants Ty all for himself.”

  Bianca couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t move. She’d known Brendan couldn’t wait to be with Ty, probably wouldn’t give them the space she craved, but this? She couldn’t believe it. “Why do you say that?”

  Cecilie’s eyes widened with sympathy and sorrow. She glanced back to Brendan where he was laughing in the middle of a group of men then slid her gaze back to her. “I overheard him. He wants Ty in his bed tonight, and he wants to make Ty so mad with jealousy that he has eyes for no one but him.”

  Bianca sucked in a sharp, ragged breath. Her gaze washed over her rival, and again she wondered how she, quiet and demure and without a penis, could compete with a demi-god like Brendan?

  “Are you sure?” She prayed Cecilie wasn’t, but knowing Brendan, she was afraid she was.

  Cecilie nodded, and the light caught red highlights in her silky dark hair. “I wish I wasn’t, but you should have a counter plan. He’s your fiancé. Maybe you should station yourself at the front door and make sure he sees you first.”

  Almost her husband… But did she want a husband who loved and desired someone else more? Or at all? She’d been tortured by this thought for the past two years, and it was why she hadn’t married Ty before he’d shipped out.

  What if Ty loved Brendan? What if Ty and Brendan’s relationship went beyond the physical? She didn’t think she could go through with marrying him. It was time for the games to end. She should be the winner.

  She pulled her thoughts short. This was all in Brendan’s mind and in hers. She had no proof it was in Ty’s. She knew what she had to do despite what her friend said. She inhaled deeply and stared Cecilie square in the eye. “No. I’m going to wait and see how Ty reacts. I can’t hold him responsible for Brendan’s schemes.”

  Cecilie pulled a frown. “I hope you know what you’re doing. I cut a lot of these guys’ hair, and I know them pretty well. It’s not just about the sex. Brendan sounds like he’s head over heels with your Ty.”

  My Ty...

  Bianca wished she could be sure he was her Ty.

  She twisted in her seat to get a better look at her friend. “Should I fight for him? Declare war? For the rest of my life?”

  Whew! The thought exhausted her. She shouldn’t have to fight to keep Ty’s love. Either he loved her or he didn’t. Maybe this would be a good test.

  She made up her mind. “I’m going to stay right here and see what happens. I’ll let Ty choose.”

  Cecilie stopped swirling her drink. “Are you sure? I mean he’s just returning from war. He deserves a hero’s welcome.”

  Yes, but…

  This was complicated. Most soldiers weren’t coming home to a love triangle. Still, Cecilie’s words gave her pause. Should she greet him with open arms and figure out this mess later?

  The door opened, and cheers deafened her. At least half the people in the room clicked cameras and cell phones at Ty.

  Blinded by dozens of flash bulbs, Bianca froze. The only thing she could move was her gaze.

  When her vision cleared, she drank in the vision of Ty, so different, so clean cut in military regalia. Gone were his beautiful long hair and his sexy beard. The thought made her tingle in delicious places. How she’d loved the way they had tickled her lips and the juncture between her thighs.

  His newly clean cheeks were taut and set. His shoulders were broader, his hips leaner, and he had a new exciting aura about him. Was he her Ty or a killing machine?

  Ty cocked his head and looked around the room. “Where’s my best girl? Is Bianca here?”

  Cecilie nudged her. “Wake up! That’s your cue. Go to him. Forget your foolish notions, and welcome home your man.”

  Just as Bianca was awaking from her stupor, Brendan’s seductive laughter tinkled above the crowd. Then the sea of people parted for Ty to enter and the crush held her back.

  Between the cracks of the swarm she watched as Brendan fawned over Seth.

  To Bianca’s horror, Ty’s face reddened, and he made a beeline to his male lover. He tore Seth off Brendan. His face ruddy, his nostrils flaring and his eyes narrowed, he faced off against him. In a menacing snarl, he asked, “What’s the meaning of this? You’re my guy and this is my homecoming. At least, you were my guy.”

  Bianca couldn’t believe her ears. She couldn’t budge. Her voice went into hiding and bile gagged her. How could Ty forget about her this fast?

  Greenish tinges bruised Cecilie’s mouth, too. She linked her fingers with Bianca’s and squeezed. “Either go and break it up, or let’s get out of here. This is a nightmare.”

  Bianca wished she was invisible then realised she was, at least to everybody but Cecilie. Before she wretched and totally embarrassed herself, she had to get the hell out.

  But she’d also never forgive herself if she caused a scene or didn’t give Ty a chance. So she stayed. And watched. And waited, giving Ty an opportunity to seek her out.

  Seth punched the wall. On his way out the door he threw over his shoulder, “Just because your girlfriend didn’t come doesn’t mean you have to steal Brendan from me.”

  Ty barely gave Seth a glance then pulled Brendan into his embrace, bent him over his arm, and gave him an excruciatingly long, wet kiss as the crowd went berserk cheering, clapping and making cat calls.

  The cameras and cell phones came out again, flashing in her eyes.

  As spots danced before her, their kiss deepened and seemed to go on forever. Their groins ground together, and they groped one another. Then still kissing, Brendan carried Ty into his bedroom and slammed the door in the crowd’s face.

  Bianca couldn’t believe her eyes and couldn’t take another moment. “You’re right. I’m so outta here.”

  Cecilie followed her, and they quietly slipped from the room. To both her relief and chagrin, no one, especially Ty, took notice.

  Although her heart was breaking, Bianca was thankful to have found out Ty’s true feelings before she made the terrible mistake of saying, “I do.”

  Disgusted with herself for having wasted so much time, for waiting for him while he was off at war doing only God knew what, she wrenched off her engagement ring and let it clang to the floor.

  It meant less than nothing. If she kept it, it would just torture her unmercifully. She didn’t give a rat’s ass who found it or what they did with it.

  She was declaring her freedom.

  “Where are we going?” Cecilie asked, staying at her side.

  “What’s the sexiest, rowdiest straight bar in Fort Lauderdale? Take me there. I’m in the mood to get plastered and laid. Not necessarily in that order.”

  Cecilie cracked a grin and led Bianca to her car. “If you’re sure, I know just the place.”

  Bianca ground her teeth and gritted out, “I’m sure.” A hundred thousand percent!

  * * * *

  When Ty came up for air from a round of steamy kisses and his mind cleared, he looked around for Bianca, but she was nowhere to be seen. Hurt went bone deep, and he couldn’t believe she wasn’t here to welcome him home. She’d sounded so excited to see him, to be with him.

  Worry gave him cold sweats, and he found a quiet room and called her. The phone went into voice mail so he left a message. Then he called again but still no answer.

ething bad must have happened. She wouldn’t stand him up. He couldn’t wait to see her and had thought she’d felt the same. He was desperate to make her his wife, and he’d thought of little else the last two years. Her letters had echoed his feelings. Now he wished he’d insisted they get married before he’d shipped off.

  A hand clapped him on the shoulder and a large shadow eclipsed his. His heart raced, and he spun around. When he saw it was his friend, Kim, an ex-football player, he forced himself to breathe.

  Kim shook his head, held out his hand and opened his fingers. A gold ring lay on his oversized palm. “This was just found in the hall. I thought you should know. By the way, welcome home, buddy. Good to see you.”

  Confused and his head pounding more with each passing breath, Ty reached for the ring. Suspicions stabbed him as he turned it this way and that to see it from all angles.

  Inside, the dedication he’d lovingly had inscribed for Bianca mocked him. “Forever and always. You and me.”

  His heart slammed to his feet, and he cursed. Knowing the answer in his gut, he still had to confirm it. “Was Bianca here? She left?” She’d seen him kissing Brendan like a starved man. What kind of a damned fool had he been? He should have his head bashed in.

  Kim nodded and looked away as if embarrassed on his behalf. “Yeah. She was here. No one saw her leave, but then we were all pretty engrossed in that blistering kiss you shared with your lover boy. Her friend’s gone, too. They probably slipped out during the commotion.”

  Damn it to hell!

  Ty wanted to shoot himself, not only for the insensitivity of that kiss but for not looking for her first. Just how blind had he been all this time? Obviously, she wasn’t as cool with his gay relationship with Brendan as he’d thought.

  Now, too late, his eyes were open. Unfortunately, he was more confused than ever.

  His heart ached for Bianca, for what the discarded ring alleged.

  His head swirled. He wanted to hold onto and cherish the memories of what used to be, except it was becoming apparent so many of them were lies. For Bianca. Not for him.

  He scrubbed his aching forehead with the heel of his hand. His breath came and went quicker than his heart thumped. He needed time in the real world to figure things out. Unfortunately, he only had a couple of weeks leave from the Army before he had to report to his next base in Alabama.

  Just as he’d feared, more bullets were aimed at him here than in Iraq. Life had been simpler in enemy territory.

  He clamped the cold ring in his fist, and as his mind raced to answer his own question, he asked aloud, “Do you know where she went?”

  Kim’s gaze studied his feet as if they’d suddenly become the most fascinating things in the world, and he shook his head. “I dunno, man. Home, maybe?”

  Ty sincerely doubted that, but he didn’t know where else to begin his search. If she’d seen that kiss, home was the last place Bianca would go—ever. “Shit! I gotta find her.”

  Kim didn’t say another word, but his speculative look shouted at Ty.

  Even without that look Ty felt like a jerk and wanted to give himself a swift kick.

  Without saying goodbye, Ty rifled out the door, only one thought stinging his mind. He had to find his fiancée and put things right.

  How, he had no clue.

  Chapter Two

  Brendan’s heart tripped. His jaw dropped. Not wanting to believe his eyes that Ty had just left, he blinked.

  His friend, Carlton, elbowed him and tented his brow. “Wasn’t that your guy who just shot out of here? Looked like he was in a big hurry. He didn’t even kiss you goodbye.”

  Brendan couldn’t catch his breath. His skin felt tight. His lips twitched, and he wanted to scream. Most of all he wanted to wipe the smirk off Carlton’s face. He couldn’t believe Ty would choose a breeder over him, especially not after that steamy welcome home kiss.

  Was his gaydar that far off? “Stuff it.”

  He took inventory.

  Ty’s frequent emails proclaimed he’d missed him, couldn’t wait to be ‘with’ him again.

  They’d had lots of cybersex via their webcams.

  That kiss earlier tonight had blazed. He hadn’t been mistaken that Ty’s cock was hard and hot against him, too, begging to be let out of his pants.

  Carlton hitched up his chin and narrowed his eyes, half commiserating and half accusing. “You might have to face it. He wants the wife, kids and dog kind of life.”

  Although Brendan had known that going in, had been content to be the occasional third partner, it was no longer enough. Every time he thought of the man, liquid fire drenched his veins.

  He’d missed his soldier so badly, and he’d dreamed incessantly of him. He longed for his touch, his kiss, and to feel his hard cock inside him. Growing hot all over again, he squirmed, then the thought of Ty’s fiancée doused his desire.

  He caught Seth’s gaze, saw the pity in his friend’s face, and he couldn’t take it. When he looked around the room, he was mortified to catch several more pitying stares.

  Damn Ty!

  Damn Bianca!

  Damn all of them!

  He didn’t need or want their pity. No one felt sorry for him! As much as he wanted to scream and punch something, he couldn’t, wouldn’t let anyone see him squirm.

  He shrugged, notched up his chin and marshalled a sparkling smile. He dared anyone to know his heart was shattered. “He’s not my guy. We don’t have any strings on each other.”

  Liar. He could still taste the man on his lips, couldn’t purge him from his soul.

  “Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that,” Carlton said.

  Brendan couldn’t wait for everyone to leave, especially Carlton. He chafed even as he danced and belted out karaoke. The more he ached, the louder and more off-tune he sang. If Ty asked anyone about his reaction to Ty’s departure, there would be no hint of sadness.

  * * * *

  Bianca poured so much liquor down her throat so fast she couldn’t stand much less dance. Everything was hazy. Whether the room was that smoky or her eyes were that blurry, she didn’t know. She didn’t give a damn.

  She didn’t want to care about anything, especially not about Ty.

  She didn’t want to think about anything, either, especially not about that kiss and how Ty had totally forgotten about her existence. “I bet he’s not thought about me at all tonight. I bet that whore’s got his dick inside Brendan right now. Serves me right for giving him a naked man for Christmas.”

  Cecilie’s mouth gaped. “Don’t shout that out in here. You don’t want everyone to know your business.”

  Bianca tried to swim through her muddled mind. “I thought I was whispering.”

  Cecilie shook her head. “No, sweetie. Your volume’s up full blast. Crank it down several notches.”

  Bianca lifted her beer bottle and swirled the amber liquid. She stared at her friend’s distorted image through the glass, wishing her whole life wasn’t as muddied. Then she half-giggled, half-sobbed and tilted sideways in her chair. “You mean the whole frickin’ world doesn’t already know my fiancé is bi? Gay, I mean?”

  She spied a Johnny Deep lookalike at the next table and waved. The guy had long, lovely hair like Ty used to before Uncle Sam had shaved it. When the cutie grinned at her, she gave him a smile. Or was the guy really Johnny? Did it matter? She had a thing for men with long, lovely hair—like Ty’s used to be.

  Bianca nudged Cecilie and pointed at the man. “Look over there. There’s Johnny Depp. I’m going to give him my body. Ty—eat your heart out.”

  Cecilie looked over her shoulder and wrinkled her nose. She clamped her hand over Bianca’s and held her down. “Ew. That’s not Johnny Depp.” Then Cecilie snatched Bianca’s bottle and took her arm in an iron grip. “Time to go home. You’ve drowned your sorrows enough for one night.”

  Bianca scowled and pulled back. She lifted her voice. “But I haven’t gotten laid yet. I have to get laid by at least one guy tonight.” Tw
o or three would be so much better. She’d show Ty she didn’t need him or his cheating lover.

  Johnny lifted his glass in a toast and winked at her. So did his cute friend who licked his lips and wiggled his brows.

  Cecilie shoved her in the opposite direction. “Git, you. You touch either of those creeps, and you’ll need rabies shots.”

  Bianca tripped over her feet as she waved goodbye. She shouted, “We would’ve been really good together.”

  Cecilie snorted. “You’re going home with me, kiddo, where I can keep an eye on you.”

  Bianca was drunk but not stupid. She stuck out her tongue at her friend and scowled. “But I don’t want Ty to find me.” Unless it was in bed with a couple of hotties so that he’d go out of his mind with jealousy. But lonely and pining for him? Not for awhile anyway. She needed time to think and figure out what came next. She needed to get sober. “Take me to a hotel!”

  Cecilie shook her head. “Are you loaded with more than booze? You can’t afford that. I’ll take you to Theresa’s.”

  Theresa was another good friend. In college, the three of them had been inseparable. Still not sure Ty wouldn’t find her there, she chewed her lip. But about to melt into a puddle of exhaustion, she finally nodded. Ty didn’t know Theresa well so he might not think to look for her there—if he wanted to find her at all.

  Who was she kidding? Ty was most likely naked and wrapped about Brendan. He probably hadn’t given her a thought.

  She gulped back a hot tear and trudged forward. She clung to her friend so she could stay upright. “Why do you put up with me? The world’s biggest idiot.”

  * * * *

  Frantic when Bianca wasn’t home by morning, Ty set off in search of her. He went to Cecilie’s house and banged on the door. When no one answered, he called Bianca.


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