Human Animals

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Human Animals Page 13

by Kimmy Estrada

  "If you were wondering about this, my name is Janelle, and I’m a vice president at a major pharmaceutical company. None of that really has to matter to you besides one simple fact. I'm better than you."

  When we were out in the open chamber with the fake grass beneath my hands and knees, I could easily concentrate on anything but this woman. Now I looked up at her angled features, her short black hair, and her vibrant eyes. There was something absolutely commanding about her.

  She was the kind of woman who could walk into an office, clap her hands, and get any number of men to do whatever she wished. Yes, she was beautiful, but there was something else, something charismatic and dangerous about this vice president.

  She got up on the bed, she lifted up her skirt, and she peeled away her stockings. She kicked off her shoes while I watched, they landed right beside me.

  Staying there, I didn't know what to do.

  "Look, I don't know anything about you, not really, but maybe you could help me get—”

  This woman didn't care what I had to say. She lifted her hand, she snapped her fingers, and a jolt of electricity caught me off guard. It silenced my voice, practically knocking me back. "Don't bother. I'm not interested in your life story. You’re a dog, so you belong here. You're going to be treated like a dog. And right now, that means licking." She started to pull on my leash, dragging me forward. She wrapped the slack around her wrist, making it impossible for me to resist that pull.

  Even though I wanted to stay back, I found myself crawling forward until my face was right between her thighs.

  "Use your tongue, little doggie. Show me what you can do, you stupid bitch."

  What was wrong with me? Why did I continue to obey?

  As hard as I tried to retain control over my actions, I moved my head forward, I slid out my tongue, and I licked at her opening. This woman was just some stranger, a patron of this strange place—and yet I obeyed like a trained animal. She wasn’t a handler.

  …She didn’t need to be.

  This woman could snap her fingers to punish me. That made her better than me.

  "Let's see what you can do, dog."

  Dog. That was how she saw me. I wasn't a woman to her. I wasn't an equal. Oh no, I had been reduced to the state of an animal. I would be forced to obey her in all things. And if I tried to disobey, then I would be punished. It was as simple as that.

  I had to be a dumb animal. I stifled my thoughts and opinions, doing my best to feel the world as a four-legged critter. Degraded, I thought of this woman and the fact that she could punish me. So I opened my mouth, and I started licking. I swiped my tongue up and down the length of her opening.

  Again and again, I did this. The firmness of her engorged clitoris told me I was doing a good job, but I didn't really worry about that. This was what I had to do. I didn't have any choice. I couldn’t fight her.

  She had her hands at the sides of my skull. "They really do a good job here, don't they? You really are a good little doggie."

  I growled, but I didn't argue. There was nothing for me to say. I kept going, moving my head down and up, down and up, down and up, over and over again. That repetition of movement became my entire world. I kept my eyes closed, though I could still feel her pubic hair rush along the tip of my nose.

  Soon, she was panting.

  A little while later, she squeezed her inner thighs against my cheeks, and she cried out, arching her back and screaming with ecstasy.

  This woman pushed me back, but she didn't say thank you. Why would she? I was just a dumb animal there for her amusement.

  "Very nicely done," she said. She went over to her purse, she took out her phone. "But now, I think I want you to pose for me. None of my friends are going to believe this unless I have proof."

  I blinked just once. I looked up at the camera, and I thought back to my modeling career. I thought back to all those media photographers who didn't understand that I really was the best, the most beautiful woman they had ever met.

  I couldn't do it, not anymore.

  Up until this point, I had behaved like an actual canine. But that stopped now. I wasn't going to cooperate.

  In fact, I realized that we were alone. That's why I came at her, charging forward. I threw out my arms, and I imagined a dozen different ways that would force her to help me. No, I couldn't use my fingers, but if I could get my forearm pressed against her throat, then I could threaten her. I would force her to help me!

  The vice president was turned away slightly, playing with her phone. But at the last second, she realized what I was doing. Faster than I could react, she had her hand in the air, she snapped her fingers, and the bolts of pain lanced through me. I could feel every volt stab into my skin, robbing me of my ability to move. My nerves twitched, my muscles slackened, and I collapsed down onto my hands and knees.

  "Naughty puppy! You're a naughty, naughty girl!"

  "Please, you can't keep me like this! I don't want to be a dog!"

  I hoped that my plaintive response would earn me some sympathy. She kneeled down, having already put her high heels back on. This woman grabbed my hair, and she forced my head to the side. "Dog, I don't care who used to be. You’re a stupid animal now, and you're going to do as you're told. That means you don't get to try to bite your betters."

  Grabbing my leash, she went back to the door, tugging harshly.

  Moments later, we were back in front of Oliver and Jessica.

  "Your dog still needs to be trained. She was very bad. In fact, I think she tried to attack me!"

  "Is that right?" Oliver asked.

  Looking up at him with big, pathetic eyes, I shook my head. No! Realizing that I might get punished with pony servitude, I opened my mouth. I was just about to say something, but Jessica beat me to it. She snapped her fingers, punishing me.

  Instead of an articulate defense, I only let out a pathetic little mewling.

  "Take her to the special chamber. I want her prepared for her next assignment."

  Just like that, Jessica pulled on my leash, dragging me away. It would have been mortifying, but I still ached for the chance to defend myself, to tell these people that I could be better. I did not want to be turned into any other animal!

  Jessica guided me back through the hallways and doors. As always, I couldn't keep track of the facility. But then we passed the large room that contained all of the ponies.

  "Where are we going?"

  "You'll see," Jessica said. For just an instant, I thought I heard a note of sympathy in her voice. Did she feel bad for me?

  Jessica guided me into another plain room, this one surrounded by windows on every side. "You walk like this," she said. "But that's not the point. There is only one thing you need to understand."

  "What's that?"

  "You had your chance," she said to me. "When I take you out of here, Oliver is going to inspect you, and then he's going to begin your new training. This time, there isn't going to be any second chance. In fact, you're not even going to be given the chance to disobey." As she spoke, Jessica stripped off my mittens. Losing those leather covers felt good, but I had no illusions about my chances.

  I didn't understand what she meant; she pulled on my leash, guiding me toward a large rectangle in the middle of the floor. Once I got into position, she took a remote control, she tapped a button, and manacles appeared, locking over my wrists and ankles.

  The shackles seemed to appear out of nowhere.

  “What’s going on?”

  Jessica removed my dog collar. She slid the butt plug out of me…

  “Am I, am I going to be a pony?”

  “You’ll wish you got to be a pony,” Jessica told me. The sympathy had vanished, replaced by a cruel strain of curiosity.

  Jessica disappeared behind me for a moment, going toward one of the cabinets. I could hear the cover open and close again. When she came back, she lowered a triangular bell hanging from another collar past my eyes. Then she looped it around my neck, letting i
t dangle there.

  "You have lovely breasts. I think they're going to serve you wonderfully in your new life," she told me.

  "What are you doing? What are you doing to me?"

  "You don't need to worry about that," Jessica said. "All you need to know is that you're going to be special. You're going to be the first one to be trained like this."

  "I don't want to be special!" I hollered back at her, yanking in tugging and pulling on my restraints. The metal shackles refused to budge. They weren't going to let me go, no matter how hard I fought. Even though I realized this, I couldn't just give up.

  "You don't want to be special? Too bad."

  She pulled the puppy dog ears from my hair. Standing back for a moment, she nodded, apparently satisfied.

  From there, Jessica came back, only this time she had some kind of hose attached to what appeared to be a muzzle. I could see the buckle and straps. I could see the small nozzle that would go into my mouth, forcing me to swallow something.

  "Jessica, you don't have to do this. What if I promise to be good? Can't I have another chance? Please, I'll be a puppy. Hell, I'll even be a pony!"

  "You had your chance," Jessica told me again.

  She came up to me, and I realized this was my only shot. I sealed my lips, pressing my mouth closed. No, I wasn't going to fail again. I refused.

  Once again, she beat me. It was so easy. What did she do? She just snapped her fingers, and the hot sting of electricity exploded along the pain receptors throughout my body. They snapped, and I flinched, my mouth opening.

  Jessica took her opportunity. She slid the nozzle between my lips, and she buckled it in place, right at the back of my head. Once she was done, I tried to dislodge it by shaking my head from side to side, which only made that triangular bell jangle.

  Within the span of just a few seconds, I learned to hate that sound. Another noise was about to invade my senses. Jessica retreated back behind me, she flicked a switch, and the machine vibrated into action.

  The tube connected to my muzzle began to fill. Some kind of pink liquid streamed up its length. With the nozzle wedged in my mouth, there was nothing I could do. I couldn't stop it!

  Pulling and tugging on the metal shackles that held me down, I fought with all of my might, but it didn't make any difference. The liquid filled my mouth. Pretty soon, I had a choice. I could swallow, or I could choke. Obviously, I started swallowing, drinking it down.

  It was sweet and creamy. I didn't understand what it was going to do.

  "Have a good couple of hours, cow," Jessica said to me.

  I didn't understand those words. They didn't mean anything to me. But she was honest. She left the room, and she shut the door. I could hear it lock behind her.

  At first, I tried to tell myself that I could accept this. I could endure it. I could show them that I was strong and that this kind of treatment wouldn't really do anything to me. After all, I had already been a cat and a dog.

  But Jessica said something about being a cow. I could be right. They couldn't actually do that to me.

  The lights were on, and the mirror still surrounded me. At first, I closed my eyes, and I relaxed into the autonomic rhythm of swallowing every few seconds. But after several minutes, I opened my eyes again, and I noticed something.

  Were my breasts bigger?

  No, of course not. That would be absurd. They couldn't just to grow.

  Closing my eyes, I tried to come up with some sort of plan. Maybe I would be able to fake being sick. Maybe I could get Jessica back in here, and she would have to let me out of the shackles, and then I could pounce on her.

  A bunch of stupid ideas went through my head. But then I lifted my eyelids for a second, and there was no denying it. My breasts definitely were larger. I turned my head from side to side, using what little slack I had from the muzzle to get a better view of my breasts.

  I had grown by at least a cup size.

  Jessica never explained the purpose of this chemical. She never told me why they were feeding me this compound. Now, I had a pretty good idea.

  So I shut my eyes, hiding from the truth. At least, that's what I attempted to do. But just a few seconds later, something else popped into my head. It was a hunger, a special kind of yearning.

  Like everyone else, I had experienced cravings before. I knew what it was like to walk into a bakery and suddenly have my mouth water with the desire to take a bite of some delicious cupcake. Only now, I couldn't quite name what I wanted.

  My mind drifted, and then it occurred to me.

  I started thinking about playing soccer back in high school. I remembered running over the lush, green grass. It was so soft, it would taste so good in my mouth.

  I froze, stopping. For several heartbeats, I could only drink and swallow. All of my conscious thoughts seemed to shut down with revulsion and rebellion. No, I wasn't supposed to be an animal, and I definitely wasn't supposed to think of eating grass.

  But that's precisely what I did.

  Inhaling and exhaling, I could feel the extra weight of my newly enlarged breasts. That curved flesh was so sensitive. Just wiggling made them sway from side to side, and the cool air wafted along my nipples, stiffening them immediately.

  What were these people doing to me? Before, they only modified me with jolts of electricity. They wanted to train me, to teach me how to be a cat or a dog. But this was so much more nefarious. It was physical, chemical, and biological. I didn't know how to fight it.

  The door opened, and Jessica sauntered into the room.

  She strolled right past me, she turned off the machine, and then she unbuckled the gag. She pulled it out of my mouth, and I immediately wanted to ask a bunch of questions. I tried to speak, to say something, but in entirely different sound came out.


  Just then, I would have clapped my hands over my mouth. I didn't demand to know what was going on. I didn't ask her or plead with her either. Instead, I made the sound of some stupid cow.

  "Don't worry. You're going to remember how to speak in a little while. But right now, those drugs are going to make sure that you don't make any other sounds." Jessica smirked at me, clearly pleased with the effects of that liquid.

  Because I couldn't believe her, I tried again. "Moooo!”

  "Such a stupid little cow. Don't you know? You can't fight biology." She shook her head, she laughed, and she picked up the end of my leash. Using a remote control again, she removed my restraints. The shackles immediately disappeared from my ankles and wrists.

  Even so, I didn't want to move.

  "Mooooo…” I said slowly.

  I kept thinking, articulating one sentence after another inside my head. But when I tried to voice them, they immediately turned into that bovine gibberish.

  "Let's see if the rest of your transformation has come along just as nicely," she said.

  Jessica pulled on my leash, guiding me out of the room. She took me into another small chamber, and I could see the same outlined square.

  "Get over there," she commanded.

  I could already predict what was going to happen. And I wasn't wrong. When I moved over to that square, she used the remote control, and another set of four shackles locked around my limbs.

  Bowing my head, ashamed, I tried to tell myself it couldn't get any worse. I was wrong.

  "You know, we were very kind to you. Even though you didn't have any kind of successful career, we were willing to adopt you as a pet. Every day, you could have been stroked and caressed by wealthy women and men who just wanted to play with you. But could you take that? Could you behave yourself like a good girl?”


  "No," Jessica said, continuing to speak as though I haven't said anything at all. "You couldn't accept your fate. So we've taken the choice out of your hands. Since you can't serve here as an animal at the petting zoo, we’re going to have to find another use for you. But don't worry, cows can be very useful. You see, there's a special market
for girls like you. Do you know why?"

  “Mooo!” I tried to say. On some level, I understood that I should have just stopped. Every time I spoke, I proved that her formula worked. Whatever they did to me turned me into a human cow. And yet, I couldn't accept that! Stubborn as always, I needed to believe that I would break free.

  "Well, you're about to find out," promised Jessica.

  She came back around, only she was holding two hoses this time, each one ending with a suction cup. I looked at them, baffled. What were those for? What did she think she was going to do?

  Holding my lips shut, I figured this was going to be some kind of gag or muzzle.

  I was wrong. I was so wrong.

  Yes, Jessica came up to me, only she fitted those suction cups to my breasts. I could feel the squeeze as they pressed down on my soft flesh. For some reason, my nipples hardened.

  Hot embarrassment ran along my skin, but there was nothing I could do about it. She turned on another machine, and there was the gentle pull as the machine squeezed and kneaded by breasts by sucking.

  There must've been pumps on the other side of those hoses.

  What did they think was going to happen?

  It should have been obvious. Maybe the formula made me dumber too. I couldn't really tell.

  In any case, Jessica stood back. She crossed her legs, she leaned her weight against the wall, and she waited. She never took her eyes off of me until she got what she wanted.

  This girl didn't have to wait long. The machine kept going, and little dribbles of milk started to flow from my nipples. "Look at that. You really are producing. That's fantastic. Oliver is going to want to hear about this right away." She jumped up, she clapped her hands, and then she left the room.

  I tried to call for her to wait. Just one sound left my throat: “Moooo!”

  It didn't work.

  Left alone, I could only bow my head down and see the milk continue to squirt into the tube. I tried to pull away, to shake my torso, like that might be enough to dislodge the suction cups. It wasn't.


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