Desert Alpha: A Lady Boss Press Navy SEAL Novella

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Desert Alpha: A Lady Boss Press Navy SEAL Novella Page 1

by Bethany Lopez

  Desert Alpha

  A Lady Boss Press Navy SEAL Novella

  Bethany Lopez


  Desert Alpha

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  More Information

  Also By Bethany Lopez:

  About the Author

  Desert Alpha

  A Lady Boss Press Navy SEAL Novella

  By Bethany Lopez




  Copyright © 2021 by BETHANY LOPEZ

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect are appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Design: Kari March Designs

  Published by: Lady Boss Press, Inc.

  Chapter 1


  I took in a deep breath as I looked around the base.

  It felt like I was sucking on a hair dryer, nothing but hot, dry air. And even though it was only seven in the morning, I was already sweating. Sure, the layers I had on didn’t help, but the fabric was supposed to be breathable, specifically made for these conditions. Still, I could feel dampness coating my skin and fought the urge to pull my OCP-uniform blouse away from my body in an attempt to allow some air in.

  Logically I knew it wouldn’t help anyway, but the urge was still there.

  “You good, Sergeant?”

  I swung my head toward the voice and smiled when I saw one of the Airmen I’d travelled here with walking toward me.

  “Yeah, you?” I asked as she met me on the gravel walkway outside of my dorm.

  “I mean, it’s hotter than hell and I feel like I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in years, but other than that, sure.”

  We’d been at our deployed location for a little over six months now and I couldn’t deny it took some getting used to. Shared rooms, bunk beds, and communal showers were just the beginning.

  It was Airman Dennis’ first deployment, so I could understand her having a hard time adjusting.

  “You’ll get used to it,” I assured her. “I know it may be hard to believe now, but by your third deployment it’ll be like home away from home. Promise.”

  “Are you heading to the DFAC for breakfast?” she asked, referencing the dining facility where we ate our meals.

  I nodded and said, “Yes, but I’m going to take it to go and eat at my desk. I have some work to do before my first meeting.”

  As the Lodging Manager, I was in charge of all the temporary lodging on the base. I had a team of six to help me with the day-to-day details, but I was often called on to attend meetings about base build-up, emergency preparedness, and a million other leadership meetings.

  At least, it felt like a million…

  “Is it cool if I walk with you?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  Although we’d travelled together, Airman Dennis worked at the library, which was a one-man shop. I thought she was extremely lucky to have that job. Who wouldn’t love to be surrounded by books all day? Talk about a stress-free assignment.

  “I got a package from home yesterday,” she said happily as we walked.

  Packages were a godsend on deployments. A little taste of home that let you know you were missed, that your friends and family were thinking about you.

  “Nice. Get anything good?” I asked.

  “My mom sent some of her homemade brownies and cookies. I can bring some by later if you’d like.”

  “Nah, but thanks. You enjoy them,” I replied as we entered the facility and took off our hats.

  “Have a good one, Sergeant,” Airman Dennis said as we split up, me going to the hot line and her crossing to join some friends.

  I grinned when I saw my friend, Lori, ahead of me in line.


  Lori looked over her shoulder and smiled. “What’s up, Cass?” she asked.

  “Livin’ the good life,” I quipped as we both took a step forward.

  “Guess what I just heard?” Lori whispered. She worked in the Public Affairs office and often heard the good gossip first. When I raised my eyebrows in question she said, “Some SEALs are stopping in for a few days.”

  “When?” I asked. I hadn’t heard anything about it, but with Special Ops teams, that wasn’t unusual. Most of their missions were top secret, so no one was allowed to know when or where they were coming and going.

  “Now. I think they’re already here.”

  “Shit,” I muttered, giving one last longing look at the food on the line before saying, “Guess I’d better go in. I’m surprised no one has contacted me. Thanks.”

  As if on cue, as soon as I turned to leave, I saw my desk sergeant, Cody, hurrying toward me.

  Before he could say anything, I quickly said, “I heard. Has anyone been by the office yet?”

  Cody shook his head. “No, but the Commander just called and said the Master Chief will be by in about twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks, I’m heading that way now. Is someone covering the desk?”

  “Phillips. I was going to grab us something while I’m here.” He looked down at my empty hands and asked, “You want anything?”

  “Can you grab me a muffin? Blueberry. Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  I strode out of the DFAC toward the office I shared with the other managers, my long legs eating the distance at a fast pace. My mind was flitting through all the available rooms and buildings and possible scenarios for where I could put them.

  I knew they often liked to be kept together as a group. Probably away from the general population. And being close to the gym or outdoor workout areas was a plus.

  Suddenly, only one thought dominated, and I couldn’t stop my excited grin.

  Navy SEALs are on base!

  Chapter 2


  “Ho-ly shit! Three hot meals and a fucking mattress? This must be heaven.”

  I chuckled at Hummer, who was a total wiseass and always had something to say.

  “I’m not gonna lie, I’m ready to hit the sheets and get a solid twelve.” This was from Scotty.

  After spending the last few weeks sleeping on the ground, the thought of an actual bed did indeed sound heavenly. Hell, I’d even take a cot at this point. Three hots and a cot was what most of us dreamed about when we drifted off. Well, that and a soft, warm body to hold on to.

  “Where do you think they’re gonna put us?” my closest buddy, King, asked. He looked beyond worn out, like he’d drop at any minute.

  Truth be told, we all looked pretty rough. With our hair and beards overgrown and dirty, we looked like the kind of guys you didn’t want to come across in a dark alley.

  “I don’t even care,” I re
plied. “As long as there’s running water, some kind of shelter, and those meals Hummer was talking about, they can put me in a bunker.”

  “Chief’ll probably ask them to put us in the old tent city. That’s where we were last time,” Scotty said as he eased the rucksack off of his shoulder. “It wasn’t bad. There are actual beds in there, plus it’s close to the showers, the workout tent, and the CrossFit area they set up by the track.”

  “Sounds perfect to me.” I hadn’t been with my team on the mission before this one, when they last stopped here for a little R&R like we were doing now. My mother had been sick, so I’d been granted leave to be with her. Luckily, she’d made a full recovery, but it had been touch and go there for a bit.

  At the sound of footsteps, we all looked left to see our Master Chief rounding the corner.

  “What’s news, Chief?” Scotty asked.

  “Sergeant Miles is getting the old tent city set up for us, delivering pillows and blankets and such. So, why don’t you men hit the showers? It should be ready for us when you’re done, then you can hit the sheets or grab some chow.”

  After a chorus of yes, sirs, we all turned to do just that, with Hummer in the lead.

  Once the hot water hit me, I took my time. Enjoying every spray as I lathered up and washed away weeks of sand and dirt.

  The smell of lilacs mingled with the steam and I heard King groan. “Hummer, are you using that girly shit again?”

  “Reminds me of that girl I hooked up with in Slovakia. You know you love it,” he shot back.

  “I love it so much I’ll probably crawl into your cot later, so I can smell it while I sleep,” Scotty said with a laugh.

  “Only if I can be the big spoon,” Hummer retorted.

  I grinned and shut my eyes to try and block out their incessant yammering. I loved these guys like brothers, but what I wouldn’t give for an hour of silence.

  I stayed in the shower until the water began to cool then reluctantly toweled off and moved into the changing area to dress. The guys, of course, were already there, talking shit and snapping towels at each other.

  “Hey, Rip, you going to grab some chow or some Zs?” King asked when he noticed I’d joined them.

  “Food,” I replied, and my stomach growled loudly as if on cue.

  “Amen,” Hummer said, but whether he was talking to me or my stomach, I wasn’t sure.

  Once we were all ready, we followed Scotty and Hummer to the tent city in search of what would be our home for the next few days. Chief was saying something to a woman in an Air Force uniform, but we were too far away to get a good look at her. Only watched as she and the Chief shook hands before she got on a Gator and drove off in the other direction.

  “Right on time,” Chief called when he saw us approaching.

  I looked around as we walked in, taking in the bunk beds with the unrolled bedding laying on top, the wall lockers next to them, and what looked to be a little sitting area in the back, complete with a couple loveseats and a TV.

  “Looks like paradise,” Scotty said as he claimed the bunk bed farthest from the front.

  King and I grabbed bunks across from each other, throwing our rucksacks on the bare mattress.

  “Ready for chow?” I asked.

  “Hell, yeah,” he replied, before asking, “Anyone else joining?”

  “I’m gonna take a nap,” Scotty replied, already in the process of making his bed.

  “Me, too,” Hummer said. “But let us know how it is.”

  “Will do,” I replied, then headed back out of the tent.

  “It’s this way,” King said, turning right.

  It felt a little strange, wearing a T-shirt, basketball shorts, and Nikes after weeks in my uniform. Lighter and more conducive to the weather, which currently felt amazing on my exposed skin.

  “This base have a pool?” I asked King.

  “It did last time we were here.”


  As we entered the chow hall, I was aware of eyes following us as we checked out the different food stations to see what was available.

  We were used to it. Most of the men and women in the regular military looked at us in awe. We were like gods to them. The elite, best of the best … which was all true, of course. They couldn’t even fathom the shit we went through, sitting fat and happy in their little offices on this safe and secure base.

  “There are some fine-looking women,” King said under his breath as he looked around.

  “How can you tell?” I asked with a laugh.

  All wearing the same uniform with hair either pulled back severely off their faces, or worn short enough to pass regulations, it was easy to lump them all together if you didn’t look close enough.

  And then I saw her.

  Hair in a bun, standard uniform on, with sun-kissed skin and conservative makeup, she should have blended in with the crowd. But she was smiling, her hands gesturing wildly as she talked to another woman.

  I didn’t even glance at the other woman. I was too busy taking in the brunette’s features. A mouth that was almost too wide, with luscious lips and high cheekbones, she was striking. Her eyelashes so long they almost hit her eyebrows and big, beautiful eyes whose color I was dying to see up close.

  I wanted to do just that. To see her up close and take the shapeless uniform off so I could see what gifts lay underneath. But I knew it wasn’t the time or the place.

  Deployed locations had tons of rules and I knew this one would be no different. There’d be a limit to what kind of alcoholic beverages you could have, and how many, and there’d be a no fraternization policy.

  Meaning, no hooking up or sexual relations were allowed while on deployment.

  It was always the same, but that was one of the perks of being a SEAL. Rules didn’t matter. And I hoped like hell I’d be able to convince this desert queen to throw caution to the wind and break some rules with me.

  Chapter 3


  “How was your day?” I asked Lori as we rounded the track.

  Being on deployment meant routines.

  Get up, work out, go to breakfast, go to work, and meet up for lunch. Then, go back to work, go to the dorm, and change into workout clothes. Lori and I met on the track every day to walk it. After our walk, we’d shower and go to dinner and then it was time to relax at the Cantina.

  The Cantina was the hangout spot. The club, for lack of a better word. Everyone was rationed three drinks a night, which we got when we scanned our ID at the bar. The drinks were either beer or wine. There was no hard liquor on the base.

  It was located outside underneath a large tent, or tarp, and had the bar, lots of tables and chairs, a stage for when we had entertainment, like USO tours and stuff, and there was a system behind the stage where we could play music.

  On the weekends there would be different themed nights if there wasn’t entertainment being flown in. We’d have music, drinks, and dance.

  After the Cantina, we went back to the dorms to sleep so we could start all over again.

  Sometimes on our day off, we’d hit the pool. Since we were deployed away from friends and family and were only granted rare, very rare, outings off base, everyone worked six days and had one day off.

  Lori and I did most everything together and I enjoyed our nightly walks when we could watch the sun set and talk about our day. It often turned into a gripe session for one of us and was one of the things that helped us cope with being so far away.

  “It was good actually. We have a couple of DVs coming in next week and it looks like they’ve booked the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders for next month. They asked me to do a write up on their trip.”

  “That’s cool. We’ve certainly got the right crowd for it,” I said with a laugh, since I’d say about eighty-five percent of the people on this base were men.

  “Ho-ly…” Lori’s voice trailed off as she grabbed my arm and came to a stop.

  “What is it?” I asked, honestly a little alarmed.r />
  I looked around the perimeter, the fence surrounding the base, and at the guard shack in the corner with armed security forces personnel standing guard.

  Everything looked normal.

  “Look at that,” she whispered.

  I moved my eyes to her face and then followed the direction she was looking.

  There, on the other side of the track, were a bunch of well-muscled, sweaty men, shirtless and playing volleyball.

  “The SEALs,” I breathed.

  “Yeah,” Lori said excitedly.

  “They’re supposed to have shirts on,” I managed around the lump that had formed in my throat.

  “I know,” she replied, sounding absolutely giddy.

  No one was permitted to be without their shirts, bottoms, and shoes. It was one of the many rules on base. One the guys complained about all the time. The fact that they couldn’t take off their shirt when they were working out, running, or playing volleyball.

  Truthfully, the SEALs could get away with that and so much more, and not even the most vocal of our Airmen would say a word about it. Might they be jealous? Absolutely, but what the Navy SEALs and other Special Ops teams did for us and our country, meant they shouldn’t have to play by the same rules as the rest of us.

  They were here for rest and relaxation and in a few days they’d be back out on the front lines doing things we couldn’t imagine.

  So, if they wanted to play volleyball with their shirts off, so be it.

  Lori and I sure aren’t going to complain.

  “Let’s walk that way … get a little closer,” Lori said, taking me by the arm and pulling me along.


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