COACH (Boston Terriers Book 3)

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COACH (Boston Terriers Book 3) Page 19

by Jacob Chance

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I’m shaking so badly as I walk away from Zeke, my knees feel like they’re going to give out. So many emotions zip through me, like electrons whizzing around an atom. I don’t know which is most prevalent… but if I had to guess I’d say sadness. Every breath I take is a painful struggle; my chest is so tight with pent up sorrow. I can’t believe Zeke broke up with me. We barely got to be a couple and he’s already ended it. Tears cloud my vision as I scurry along the hall. I don’t want anyone to see me melting down and holding back the deluge of tears that are beginning to pool in my eyes is becoming increasingly difficult.

  Jamming my key in the lock, I twist the knob and open my door. I almost make it inside before I hear Grace call my name.

  Leaning my forehead against the steel, I pause and wait for her to reach me.

  “What’s going on?” Rolling my brow on the cool metal I shake my head.

  “I’ve had a shit night.” My voice is nasally from the tears flowing down my cheeks and my already stuffy nose.

  “Let me grab Leah and you can tell us about it.” She doesn’t give me a chance to refuse before she’s knocking on Leah’s door.

  I slip inside my room and plunk carelessly onto my bed, landing on my back with a bounce. Grace and Leah walk in, closing the door behind them as I’m sweeping tears from my face with my fingertips.

  Grace sinks onto the desk chair and spins to face me. Leah drops to the floor, sitting on the round area rug next to my bed.

  “What happened to make you this upset?” Grace nods toward my blotchy, tear stained cheeks.

  “When we were at the beach Zeke asked me to be his girlfriend.”

  “What?” Leah shrieks, grinning from ear to ear.

  “He was planning on talking to Mark this week and seeing if it would be allowed. If not, we were going to figure out an alternate plan.”

  “That’s all good, so what’s got your panties in a twist?” Grace questions.

  “Zeke walked me home from work and broke up with me. After the debacle with Jason today, he doesn’t feel right about us continuing on. Blood is thicker than water it seems.”

  Grace leans forward in the chair. “Did he say that?”

  “No, he didn’t. That’s what it comes down to, though. He doesn’t want to keep his brother from repairing our relationship.”

  Leah huffs out a sigh and shakes her head. “Boys are so dumb. Did you tell him you don’t want Jason back?”

  “Yep, but it didn’t matter. He thinks dating me is betraying Jason.”

  “Bros before hos and all that,” Grace mutters. Harsh, but true words.

  “Exactly,” I agree. “And the weird part is that he gave me the impression he and Jason have always been really close. But Jason always talked shit about Zeke and said he was jealous of him.”

  “Jealous about what?” Grace inquires.

  “Anything and everything.”

  “Do you believe the things he said?” Leah probes.

  “No, I don’t. Zeke’s actions speak for themselves. He’s never said a bad word about his brother to me. And even now that he knows I want nothing to do with Jason, he’s still stepping out of the picture.”

  “What are you going to do? You’ll have to see him at every practice.” Leah looks concerned.

  “I’m going to treat him like every other coach. God, it might kill me, but he’ll never know how much I’m hurting.”

  Grace rises to her feet, and moves the few steps across the tight space. The mattress sinks under her weight as she sits on the edge of my bed next to where I lie. “We’ll help you in any way we can.”

  “Thanks. You guys are the best friends I could ask for.”

  Leah rises to her feet and punches a fist against her other palm. “I want to know when we’re going to kick Jason’s ass because I’m so down for that.”

  “I kind of hope I never see him again, but I welcome the opportunity to kick him in the balls.”

  “Mel.” Jason jumps to his feet when he sees me step outside my building. “Can we talk?”

  Rolling my eyes noticeably, I reach up and flip my sunglasses down from the top of my head as if they’ll shield me from him. No matter how foolish it seems, it’s all I’ve got to work with. Plus, I don’t want him to see my bloodshot eyes. I spent most of the night crying about Zeke and I don’t need Jason to question me.

  “What do we have to talk about?” I grit out the words. I’m so angry he’s here. How dare he come and act like nothing’s wrong?

  He steps closer and holds his hands up beseechingly. “Can I please buy you a coffee? There’s a lot I’d like to say.” He’s the one who cheated on me. With the way he’s behaving you’d think it was the other way around. As if he deserves to be heard or it’s his right.

  “Jason, let’s just leave things where they stand. I’m okay. I’ve had plenty of time to get over our breakup and I’m glad things happened the way they did. Everything has worked out for the best.” Well, not everything, but he doesn’t need to know the details.

  “You don’t mean that, Mel.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Come on. I’m only here for today. Let’s go someplace where we can be alone.” He smiles and aims his most flirtatious stare my way. Thankfully at this point I’m impervious to it and anything else he might try. His pathetically predictable flirting arsenal won’t work on me anymore.

  “Jason, do I need to kick you in the balls to get the message across?”

  He scowls. “Jesus, Mel. When did you become such a bitter bitch?”

  “Fuck off all the way back to Baltimore.” I hold my middle finger up in front of his face. “Is that clear enough for you?” Spinning away I take a step before I’m dragged backward by a hand clenching the material of my t-shirt. Swinging my arm forward, I drive it back, hitting him in the stomach with an elbow strike. He bends over and I whirl around, slamming his face down on my rising knee. His legs give out and he sinks to the ground moaning. Blood pours from his nose.

  “How’d you like getting your ass kicked by a girl? Stay away from me or I’ll show you the rest of what my brothers taught me.”

  Pivoting around to walk away, my hair falls forward to hang over my heaving chest. Flipping it back over my shoulder, I strut down the street, smiling to myself.

  The shrill whistle puts and abrupt end to the play.

  “Goddammit. What’s wrong with you guys?” No one dares to make a peep. Coach is in a horrible mood and none of us want to feel the sting of his harsh criticism.

  I’ve barely spared him a glance. Looking at him is too painful. I don’t want to see his handsome face or the body that brought me such pleasure. Swiping a wristband over my sweaty brow, I wait for Coach to call the next play.

  “Amelia,” he barks my name.


  “Did you hear me?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re referring to.” Does he mean when he called my name? Or did he say something else and I missed it because I was too busy reflecting on the perfection of his naked body?

  “Pay attention or you can be replaced.” My mouth falls open in silent outrage. I control my anger by breathing deep and slow.

  “Yes, sir.” My fingernails dig into my palms.

  “Line up. Let’s try that again. Everyone stay on your assignments this time or we’ll spend the next hour doing this one play.” God, he’s being a dick. Is his mood so foul because of our break up? Is he as miserable as I am?

  Thankfully, we complete the play on the next attempt and we’re able to move on to another one. By the end of practice we’re starting to look like the cohesive team we should and Coach has lost the scowl. He’s still not smiling, but at least he’s not looking scary enough to frighten small children.

  “Ladies, at the end of this week we have our first game. I expect a good showing from each and every one of you. We’ll be well prepared, and to ensure that you are I want everyone to review the playb
ook until you have it all memorized frontward and backward. Don’t disappoint me.”

  Why do I feel as though his words are aimed at me?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Returning home from practice I find Jase’s suitcase inside the door. Is he going somewhere? “Jase,” I yell his name.

  “I’m here,” he calls from the kitchen and comes out to meet me with an opened beer in his clutches. He takes a large swig and lowers the bottle. That’s when I catch the first good look at his face.

  “Damn, dude. What, did you piss someone off?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I hope you kicked his ass as much.”

  “I didn’t have a chance to. There were too many witnesses.”

  “Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

  “No. I’ll be fine. It looks worse than it is.”

  “You look like shit, so I hope that’s true.” I tip my head toward his suitcase. “You going somewhere?”

  “I’ve gotta get home, but I’m planning on coming back.” He tips the beer all the way back, drinking down the rest. He places the empty bottle on the small table in the entryway.

  “There’s a girl I’ve been seeing and I promised I’d go to this black tie party with her. I could make some important connections there. I can’t waste the opportunity.”

  “Jase, you have a girlfriend back in Maryland?”

  “Not a girlfriend. She’s someone I’ve been screwing around with. But don’t worry, I’m not letting Mel get away from me this easy.” He points to his face.

  “Amelia did that to you?”


  “What did you do to provoke her?”

  “Nothing. I was talking to her and she went psycho on me.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the Amelia I know.”

  Jase steps forward, placing his hands on his hips. “Just how well do you know my girl?”

  “First off, she’s not your girl. And I know Amelia well enough to realize she deserves so much better than the way you’ve treated her.”

  “I suppose you’d do better.”

  “Hell yeah. It would be impossible to be a worse boyfriend than you.”

  “Fuck you. What do you know about what happened with us? You only know what I told you.”

  “I know what Amelia told me.”

  “I get it now. Mr. Bigtime Coach has a thing for his quarterback. How’s that going to go over when people find out?”

  “I’m not worried about it because I love Amelia enough to risk it. Can you say the same? Do you love her more than anything? More than yourself?”

  “Who loves someone more than themselves? That makes no sense.”

  “That’s the difference between you and I. For years I put your wants and needs above my own. I was your older brother and I made allowances for you because you’d been through a lot. I coddled you even. But your past doesn’t give you free reign to be a dickhead to other people. You need to grow up and stop blaming others for your mistakes.”

  Jase glares at me before he grabs his suitcase and moves toward the door.

  “Jase,” I call his name as his hand closes on the doorknob. “If you love Amelia, tell me now. Tell me she’s the most important thing in your life and how she’s the first and last thing you think about every day. Tell me how your worries seem less monumental because she makes dealing with them easier. Tell me how a day without seeing her smile is a wasted one. Tell me something Jase, or I’m going to make sure Amelia is mine and only mine.”

  He opens the door and walks through without looking back. I guess I have his answer.

  Two days later

  “Zeke. What are you doing here?” Amelia’s eyes bounce around the sidewalk outside of her building as she looks for other people.

  “I wanted to talk with you. Will you come for a ride with me?”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Please. I’d really like you to hear me out. I have a lot to tell you.” She licks her bottom lip and nods.

  “Okay.” I lead her to my truck parked at the curb and assist her up onto the seat. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” I smile, closing her inside. Hurrying around the front, I climb into the driver’s side and glance at my guest. “I was thinking we could drive over by Piers Park. Have you ever been there?”

  “No, I’ve barely seen anything past my dorm, the stadium, and Goliath’s.”

  “It’s in East Boston and I think you’ll really enjoy the view from the park.” Leaning forward, I turn up the volume so we can listen to The Sports Hub. “Do you know who Scott Zolak is?”

  “Nope. No idea who he is.”

  “He was the backup quarterback for the Pats. Now he has a talk radio show. Zo’s the best, there’s nobody better.” We spend the remaining twenty minutes listening to them talk about the Pats preseason and predictions for the regular season.

  Once I park the truck in the small lot, Amelia jumps out before I can get to her. “What are you doing out of work this time of the day?”

  “I worked a half day. I wanted to talk to you and I knew this is the only way we’d have an opportunity to.”

  “I have to admit I’m curious about what you could possibly want to say. I was under the impression you said everything you needed to the other night.”

  “I can understand why you’d be wondering, but if you’ll bear with me I’ll tell you.” We pass through the open black wrought iron gates that are framed and supported by two brick pillars. Cobblestone paths lead us between beds of manicured trees and colorful flowers as we wander along. Amelia’s head snaps from side to side as she takes in all the beauty.

  “This place is really peaceful. Why aren’t there more people here?”

  “I’m not sure. Some days it’s packed. Dogs aren’t allowed, so that cuts down the number of people using it.” I lead her over to a long black fence running parallel to the edge of the water. Stepping forward, she places her hands on the top of the railing, staring across the sea. Directly across from us is a postcard perfect view of the Boston skyline.

  “Wow. I could look at that all day.”

  “I’ll have to bring you here at night sometime. It’s even more impressive with all the city lights.” Amelia’s eyes fill with doubt.

  “I hate that I put that expression in your eyes.”

  “What expression would that be?”

  “Doubt. I never want you to feel unsure of my feelings for you.”

  “You say that, but a few days ago you told me we were through. What’s happened in that time to change your tune?”

  “I’ve been miserable without you. I don’t want you to spend another day not knowing how important you are to me.”

  “I know you care about me.”

  “Care about you? What I feel for you goes way beyond caring.” I step forward and slide my hands under her jaw, cupping the sides of her neck. “I love you, Amelia. I’m sorry I was such a dumbass the other night.”

  “You were a dumbass. You are…”

  “I am. But I want to do better with you. Will you please give me another chance? I’ll make sure you never regret it for a single second. I’ll shower you with love and make you wonder how you lived without me.”

  “Are you ever going to shut up?”

  “That depends on whether my words are wearing you down or not.”

  “I can’t tell you how I feel if you don’t let me.” I mime locking my lips and throwing away the key. “I love you, Zeke Kingston. You better not fuck this second chance up because I don’t subscribe to that three’s a charm bullshit.”

  “Can I kiss you now?”

  “Since when do you ask?”

  “I saw how you kicked my brother’s ass. I’m not taking any chances. Speaking of Jase, do you care that he’s my brother? Will it be too weird for you if we’re in a relationship?”

  “No. I don’t have any feelings for Jason except pity.” She slides h
er arms around my waist. “I guess I should call him Jase now.”

  “There’s one more thing I need to tell you. Promise me you’ll hear me out before you say anything?”

  “Uh-oh, Kingston. You better not be fucking up your chance.”

  “There are forty days until the end of your football season.”

  “I know. I wish there were more games for us to play. Maybe by next year there will be more teams in the league.”

  I quirk a brow. “What happened to you listening?” She laughs and rolls her lips inward. “I talked to Mark and mentioned that I have feelings for you. He promised to keep the conversation between him and I. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to the no frat clause. We’ll keep our distance and you’ll finish the season without breaking any rules. Any more rules, that is, and I won’t be breaking any either. Hopefully the time away solidifies you wanting to be with me.”

  “You really think we can stay away from each other for forty more days?”

  “It’s only thirty-nine and a half now. Also, I’ve arranged for Owen or Trevor to walk you home from work each night. I need to know you’re safe. This time apart is going to be difficult, but think about when we finally can be together.” I wiggle my eyebrows lecherously. “When the last game is done, I’m coming for you, Amelia Monroe. I hope you’ll be ready.”

  She stares up into my eyes. “So, you really love me?”

  “Completely. What about you?”

  “I’m head over heels in love with my Coach, but don’t tell anyone.” Leaning forward, I sweep my lips over hers.

  “Your secret’s safe with me.”

  Parking along the edge of the street, I glance over at my girl. “I don’t want you to leave my truck. Maybe I can sneak you into my apartment without anyone noticing.”


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