Unforgivable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 5)

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Unforgivable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 5) Page 3

by Rosalie Redd

  A murmur of assent rippled through the crowd.

  Saar gripped Kaelyn’s fingers and brought them to his lips for a gentle kiss. His eyes gleamed with appreciation. “Thank you. Your level head is what we need.”

  Her heart swelled, an ache born of love for him.

  Saar turned to the warriors. “Quentin, split the soldiers into groups and meet me in the Portal Navigation Center. Our prince and our haelen need us. We search until we find them or until the sun’s burning rays scorch our hides.”


  G aetan held his breath. Unable to move, to breath, to think, his mind whirred with the impossible reality. Noeh was dead. That was his fault, his responsibility to bear. Emptiness like he’d never known invaded his chest, the weight so heavy it almost brought him to his knees. If not for his staff, his constant companion, he’d be on the ground.

  An eerie silence filled the forest, punctuated by multiple Gossum raspy breaths.

  “I did it, Eldon. I killed the king.” Mauree’s words snaked into Gaetan, eating away at his soul like acid.

  A Gossum Gaetan had seen before approached Mauree. “You certainly did, my lady, you certainly did. All hail, Mauree!”

  The Gossum gathered around Mauree. Their excited cheers echoed into the night.

  Gaetan curled his lip. The urge to run headlong into their midst, take out as many as he could before they killed him, too, flared to life.

  “Please, find my son.” Melissa’s words echoed in his mind. As much as he wanted to mete out his own retribution, he had to find the babe.

  “Well done, my lady. Now that Noeh is dead, what are your plans?” The male Mauree had called Eldon bowed before her.

  Mauree tapped her finger against her chin. “As a Stiyaha, I know how the Keep’s residents will react. They will reel from the loss of their king. Disorganized and out of control, they will send many troops to avenge his death.” She wrapped her arm around Eldon’s shoulder. “It won’t be long before we win this war for Zedron and claim Earth as a slave planet. Then you and I will take our place as ruler over the humans. I think it’s time you took a little trek to Portland, pick up a few more recruits.”

  “As you command, my lady, but what of the child? Noeh’s son?”

  Gaetan stiffened. No, not the babe…not the babe.

  “Find him, if you can, but don’t waste too much time on the search. If the little brat is out here, he won’t survive once the sun comes up. Let’s go. We have much to do.” Mauree wiped her hands down her skirt and headed into the forest. One by one, her troops followed.

  Fear wound around Gaetan’s heart, squeezing the precious organ. They would search for Anlon.

  Pain flared and rippled in his leg, sending a flicker of need through his veins. With shaky fingers, he reached for the pain meds in his pouch, and his knee knocked against his cane with a loud rap.

  A Gossum, the last to depart, stopped in his tracks. He peered around his surroundings, his dark ink-black eyes flitting from tree to tree. His tongue snaked from between his lips. The barbed tip whipped to and fro, spittle landing on a nearby fern with a soft splat.

  Gaetan tightened his grip on his staff. If the need arose, he’d battle the Gossum. The creature wouldn’t be his first kill.

  The Gossum approached, and his gaze flicked to a thicket of brush surrounding a downed tree. “I smell your fear. No need to hide. Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

  Fear? Gaetan didn’t fear this lone creature. Quite the contrary, but his hatred and the heaviness inside would never ease, no matter how many Gossum he killed.

  The Gossum closed the distance. “I see you, little human.”

  A soft feminine sob eased from the small copse.

  Gaetan’s pulse quickened. A distinctly human aroma permeated the area from a nearby trail, but no human would remain here at night.

  “I’m afraid you saw too much. Your life must end. So sorry.” The vile creature lunged into the underbrush.

  A female’s shrill scream rent the air.

  Gaetan bolted toward the commotion.

  The slick, wet snap of the Gossum’s tongue hitting flesh ricocheted off the trees.

  As Gaetan closed the distance, the Gossum’s dark form hunched over a human female. She struggled beneath him, kicking, punching, battling for her life. Respect for her will to live whisked over Gaetan, fueling his sudden need to save her, to save someone tonight.

  He swung the blunt end of his staff, hitting the creature across the back. A loud snarl erupted from the Gossum and it whipped its head to look at him.

  Before the creature could react, Gaetan whirled the end of his cane with all his strength. The sunstone embedded in the end cracked against the creature’s skull. Stunned and knocked off balance, the Gossum fell away from the human.

  Gaetan yanked his dagger from his belt. He tightened his grip around the hilt and slit the creature’s throat. The creature slid into a pile of black goo.

  The human female lay on a few matted ferns, her chest heaving with each panting breath. Beneath the sleeves of her thin top and the hem of her shorts, lacerations marred her arms and legs, evidence of the brutal attack. Blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders, a few wisps caught in her long lashes. Eyes the color of the sea bore into him, and he held his breath, mesmerized by their beauty.

  She’s breathtaking.

  He shook his head to clear away his errant thought and assessed her injuries to determine the best course of action. As the Keep’s healer, he might be able to save her. “I won’t hurt you. I’m here to help.”

  She didn’t move, but her panting breaths continued to rush from her in heavy heaves. Blood trickled down her neck and pooled at the small juncture at her throat.

  Craya. Had the Gossum bitten her?

  He drew his hand toward her face.

  A soft keening sound rushed from her lips. Her fingers jerked, as if she tried to defend herself, but she didn’t have the strength. Light reflected off her bracelet. Small jewels tracked around her wrist and along a chain attached to a small ring on her finger. Her adornment was eerily similar to the marking on his hand. His mouth went dry.

  He focused on her features once again.

  Fear reflected in the depths of her eyes. He’d scared her, and that he couldn’t deal with.

  His marking for empathy burned on the back of his hand. He placed his palm on her forearm, sending a round of soothing warmth into her skin. “I’m a healer. Let me assist you.”

  Her breathing calmed and something akin to trust reflected in her eyes.

  With gentle care, he swiped her hair away from her shoulders. Ragged and raw, four puncture wounds marred the skin along her throat. Blood oozed from the damaged tissue.

  Gossum were all male for a reason. Human females didn’t survive the transition.

  Anger, bitter and hot, swelled through Gaetan. This was his fault. Too many had suffered because of him. He smashed his fist into the soft loam.

  She parted her lips, and a soft rasp escaped. “H…help me.” Her soft words called to him on a level he didn’t quite understand.

  A thought sparked, bringing with it a tinge of hope. The idea grew, solidifying in his mind. He met her gaze, focusing on the brilliant swirls of green. “I might be able to save you, but you can’t return to your former life. You’ll have to come with me. Do you want to live?”

  Nikki struggled to move her arms, her legs. Pain, hot like fire, burned at her neck. With each breath, her strength waned. I’m dying… The realization sent a shot of adrenaline through her veins. Perhaps this was some kind of bizarre nightmare. Yet, deep inside, she understood this was all too real.

  “Do you want to live?” The strange male’s deep voice filtered inside, calming her.

  Everything had happened so fast. The fight between the preternatural creatures in the woods, the brutal attack, and now this strong, fearless man, offering her a chance to live. Yet, he’d said she’d have to give up her life, go with him. Her mind r
aced, searching for answers and alternatives. There were none.

  With the moon behind him, his features were cast in shadows, yet she had the sense she could trust him. “Do I…have a…choice?”

  “A choice is what I’m offering you. You must decide, now, before your preference is no longer an option.” His soothing words settled into her soul.

  Numbness teased at her thoughts, dragging her down and drowning her in its undertow. More than anything, Nikki wanted to experience love. She inhaled a ragged breath. “I want to…live.”

  He slid his arm around her waist and drew her to him. His muscles bulged under his shirt, and a wave of security and peace crested over her. Gently, he stroked her hair away from her face. His fingers brushed against her cheek, thoughtful and tender.

  “What is your name?” His breath tickled her ear.


  “Nikki. Such an unusual name, one I haven’t heard before. I’m going to seal your injury with my saliva. It will help you heal.” His lips caressed her skin and his tongue, warm and wet, slid over her wounds. The sensation lit up her nerves, and she melted into him, wanting more of his sweet kisses.

  “Nikki is short for N…Nicole.” She choked on her words, unable to focus on anything but his mouth, his tongue, his soft, affectionate ministrations.

  “Nicole.” His voice rumbled in his chest. The vibration travelled between them, and beneath her thin shirt her nipples puckered. “Such a beautiful name. That suits you much better.”

  His lips returned to her throat. A soft pulling sensation at the wounds made her head swim. With each tug, the pain lessened. He swirled his tongue over her injury once more then drew back to look at her. “How do you feel?”

  Like I died and went to heaven. That, however, wasn’t an appropriate response. “Alive.”

  “That’s good, very good indeed.” The rumbling of his voice reverberated between them, settling into her chest, warming her. This man, this stranger, made her feel more alive than she’d ever felt in her life, and she didn’t even know his name.

  Unable to see him clearly, she trailed her finger over the rough stubble on his chin. “What’s your name?”

  He wrapped his fingers around hers, stopping her exploration of him. “Gaetan.”

  “Gaetan. I’ve never heard that name before.”

  “Then I guess we’re even.” He held her close for a moment longer, studying her. “It’s time to go. Can you stand?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  He gripped a long staff with a large gem at the handle and rose to his feet. A cringe crossed his features, and he rubbed his knee. After uncurling his fingers, he held out his rough, calloused palm.

  The urge to bolt flushed through Nikki’s veins, yet she remained nestled in the small copse, surrounded by the trees and this man who had touched her so tenderly. On a level deep inside, she understood she was different, changed. Her old desire to apply for the management job and move up in the company seemed so distant, like it was someone else’s dream. There was no going back. He’d given her an option, life or death, and his requirement was clear. She must go with him.

  Her throat tightened. Here was the moment of truth—her new life. Taking a leap of faith, she trailed her fingers alongside his until their palms rested together. Even in the dim light, the smile that bloomed on his lips was visible. Oh, how those luscious lips curled.

  He drew her to her feet. Cool night air wafted around the exposed skin on her bare arms and legs. The scratches burned, reminding her of the creature that had attacked her not long ago. She tensed and glanced into the forest. “What were they? Will they return?”

  Dizziness, part born of her weakened state, part born of her fear, clouded her vision. Her knees buckled. With a quick tug, Gaetan pulled her against him. Her cheek rested against his chest. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  The warmth of his skin against hers was a welcome balm. She felt needed, wanted, cared for in his arms, and despite her independent nature urging her to push away from him, she longed to stay.

  “You’re not out of the woods yet, figuratively and literally.” He stroked her hair, and she burrowed deeper into his chest. “We need to get you to the infirmary. Come with me, this way.”

  With one hand on his cane and the other wrapped around her waist, he led her away from the small copse and the fallen log. Not far away, mist gathered between the trees. More appeared, swirling into a ball. Enraptured by its beauty, she couldn’t look away.

  Tugging her forward, he approached the strange mist. Images within the vapor appeared—cave walls, a platform, and a small man with red hair and a matching goatee. He swirled his hands over a large stone, a soft orange glow emanating from the surface. His eyes widened. “Hurry, Gaetan, hurry.”

  Behind them, tree branches jostled. Eerie, familiar chuffs filled the air. The creatures…

  As a scream ripped from her throat, Gaetan jumped into the mist and the vast cave beyond, taking her with him.


  G aetan landed on the cold stone floor. Pain spiked through his leg, sending a wave of bright lights flitting across his vision. The urge to cry out bubbled in his throat, but he clamped his mouth shut. He had a patient to help who would soon become a Dren.

  Cool and damp, the portal’s remaining mist swirled around him, coating his skin in a wet sheen. He welcomed the brief respite. Even now, he couldn’t believe he’d given Nicole his saliva, but she’d needed it to counteract the Gossum’s venom and seal the wound.

  If he hadn’t made a noise, the Gossum would never have found her. The weight of his deed settled over his shoulders, heavy and firm. She was his responsibility now, just like Ginnia. He’d taken Nicole from her life, brought her into his, with its war and death. Bile rose in his throat, bitter and hot.

  “Gaetan! I couldn’t believe it when I got yer message…” Rin stood next to the porte stanen, the red sunstones still glowing on the surface. His scrunched brow accentuated the lines around his eyes. “Say, who do ya have there?”

  One arm wrapped around her for support, Gaetan drew Nicole from the platform. His cane tapped along the stone with each step, echoing against the chamber walls. She trembled in his arms, no doubt from her ordeal and the remnants of the Gossum venom. The need to get her to the infirmary urged him onward.

  “This is Nicole. I don’t have time to explain, but she needs medical attention.” He glanced toward the corridor. “Is there a warrior nearby that can transport her?”

  “I…I can walk.” Nicole struggled against him, but her efforts were weak, ineffective.

  He refused to let her go, fearing she’d fall and injure herself further. In truth, he enjoyed how her warm, soft curves pressed against him. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “You’re still suffering from the Gossum bite. Please, let me help you.”

  She relented, sagging into him further. “I’m so…tired.”

  A strange flutter beat in his chest. He didn’t have time to analyze the emotion.

  Rin stepped closer, his large blue eyes widening. He studied Nicole. “She’s human. What did ya go and bring a human into the Keep for?”

  Gaetan smacked his cane against the floor. “Rin, call a warrior. We need assistance.”

  “The warriors left. Gone. Out searchin’ for Anlon and yerself.” Rin’s mouth quivered. “I heard about Noeh. He’s dead, along with Melissa.”

  Gaetan’s vision pinpointed. In the rush of the battle and rescuing Nicole, he’d forgotten about Noeh and Melissa’s special bond. They shared a soul. When Noeh died, so did Melissa. A pain, greater than any he’d ever experienced, pierced his heart. Their deaths were his fault. If he’d watched Anlon like he was supposed to none of this would’ve happened.

  “Gaetan?” Rin touched his arm. “Are ya all right?”

  He forced himself to focus on the little Jixie. The concern reflected in Rin’s eyes just about broke him. He didn’t deserve anyone’s sympathy. With a soft tug, he tightened his grip arou
nd Nicole’s waist. She moaned, but otherwise didn’t stir.

  “My friend, do we still have a wheelchair here?”

  Rin straightened his shoulders, and his eyes brightened. “Yes, I’ll get it for ya.” The small male scurried behind an alcove. A moment later, he wheeled a chair toward them as fast as his little legs would go.

  Gaetan helped Nicole into the seat. Her head lolled to the side, and her blonde hair covered her face, hiding her features from him. Before he could think better of his actions, he brushed the fine, golden strands away.

  Long, luscious lashes graced her cheek. Beneath them, the heat of a fever tinged her face pink. Plump lips begged for a male’s kiss, and he had the sudden urge to bend down, find out if they were as soft and supple as they appeared.

  A tic started in his jaw. A male like him, with his disfigured leg and addiction, was not something she needed. Although he’d given her some of his saliva to slow the venom, if she were to survive, she required the special herbs and medicines in the infirmary.

  He placed his cane over the chair’s handle and pushed her toward the exit. At the room’s entrance, he peered at Rin. “Any luck on Anlon’s whereabouts?”

  Rin shook his head. “Not yet.”

  Gaetan’s throat thickened. “Keep me posted.” Without a glance, he headed for the infirmary, praying he didn’t lose Nicole as well.

  The rich, deep baritone of a man’s voice filtered into Nikki’s mind. Soft and comforting, his words settled into her psyche, sending a gentle warmth through her entire being. She’d never felt so relaxed, so content, so at peace. All she wanted was to stay in this blissful state, enjoy more of his comforting tone.

  Light, faint at first, but growing brighter by the second, warmed the skin on her face. An orange glow penetrated through her eyelids. Jerking awake with a start, she inhaled, and the scent of tarragon swept across her senses. As she opened her eyes wider, her vision focused on a tall, handsome male.


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