Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance)

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Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) Page 16

by Kara Hart

  Alongside the sound of Jen’s small footsteps was the pitter-patter of even more footsteps. “What did you do?” I moaned.

  Jen burst into the room with her loud giggling and cried out “Happy birthday, Mommy! Look!” Behind her was the cutest puppy I had ever seen. “It's Mr. Jackson!” She gave both of us a proud look as the puppy tried to climb up the bed.

  Lucas picked the puppy up, kissing it, and set it on my lap. “You can name it anything you want, baby. It doesn't have to be Jackson,” Lucas laughed.

  “No! It's Mr. Jackson!” she cried.

  “Okay, okay. Fine,” he said. “So, you like him? Since we’re saving the honeymoon for next year, I thought I'd give you a new friend.”

  “She already has a new friend,” Jen corrected him. She walked up carefully to my stomach, now enlarged to the size of a small basketball, and pressed her head on it. “Do you think he’ll like the puppy?” she asked me.

  “I think he’ll love the puppy,” I said. “They can be best friends.”

  “I wish he would come now,” she pouted. “I want a baby brother!” She kissed my stomach and smiled. One of her baby teeth fell out the other day and she was very proud of the awkward space.

  “Well, there's plenty more brothers and sisters. I'm thinking we have a big Italian family.” Lucas smiled.

  I glared at him. “I think two is enough. Plus, we got this little guy. Don't we?” I pet his little ears and he yawned in his lap.

  Once we got to the shores of Washington, my life had gone from bad to incredible. Lucas was as good a father as he could be. He worked three days out of the week and without any house payments, we lived like kings.

  I, on the other hand, found a job I adored: working with children with disabilities. It was just something I fell into. Literally. I was walking one day across the shore and I tripped over a sand castle. Well, it turned out the builder of that dangerous sand castle owned her own school. We talked about the day, ended up getting coffee, and she invited me to check out the school.

  I fell in love instantly. I knew there would be something for me out there, other than being a devoted wife or server at the café. Now I had found it.

  Quite honestly, I wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for Lucas. He gave me the strength to be who I wanted to be. He also gave me the option to leave Monroe. And, of course, he gave me all the love in the world. Now, with the new baby on the way, I was just ecstatic about life in the present.

  Jen ran out of the room with the new puppy and Lucas closed the door. He turned around and dropped his towel. “Finally,” he said. His cock was growing underneath that towel.

  “Come here, Daddy…” I purred.

  “I think I'm going to like being married to you,” he laughed.

  I knew the future would hold all sorts of goodies. And I couldn't wait to receive them.

  “I think I am too.” I fell back into my pillow and let him devour me. It never got old. Never.


  Kara Hart is a new author from the Southwest. She’s a full time student, writer, and mother of two loving dogs. She loves bad boys with a darker, sweeter side to them.

  She knows someday she’ll get invited into the MC…someday…

  I LOVE hearing from my fans! I do my best to respond to everyone, so please follow me on


  If you're reading from a Kindle and would rather just type into your phone, I am authorkarahart on Facebook. Thanks again!


  I made one big mistake that almost ruined my life -- I had the quarterback’s baby.

  Table of Contents


  Author’s Note


  1. Dahlia

  2. Lucas

  3. Dahlia

  4. Lucas

  5. Dahlia

  6. Lucas

  7. Dahlia

  8. Lucas

  9. Dahlia

  10. Lucas

  11. Dahlia

  12. Lucas

  13. Dahlia

  14. Lucas

  15. Lucas

  16. Dahlia

  17. Lucas

  18. Dahlia


  About the Author

  Other Bad Boy Books by Kara Hart!




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