Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3)

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Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3) Page 17

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  The bull thundered out when the gate dragged open, bucking, lifting his hind feet off the ground—immediately shifting to his front legs, back and forth, up and down like bunny hopping. The bull switched directions as quickly as you please. Caulder instinctively followed every buck, every twist, watching the bull’s shoulders for his next move, but he was slammed to the ground, chest first at 7.6 seconds. “Fucking fool!” God almighty, that had hurt his ribs, so he lay there a minute or two to see if he could breathe without worse pain than he’d already had.

  “If I have to call your wife to tell her you’re hurt again, I’m handing you the phone,” Aiden jibed. “I’m not responsible.”

  Once he had realized nothing else broke, probably, Caulder got up from his ass brushing off snow and sand, laughing. Giving a thumbs up, he stated, “This bull is worthy of the PBR, Dad! Now I want a reride.”

  “I don’t know why you think you should have a reride, but you got it!” Aiden raised his hat to the air in a salute to Caulder and Kase did the same thing.

  He stomped out of the ring and came back up the steps, smiling at Kase. “Almost time for our ride, son. Dad gets a reride.”

  His little legs wiggled with excitement, and he squealed, “I can’t wait! I’m riding a bucking bronc with my daddy.”

  They went down the steps and Caulder took a seat in a chair where he could see the action at ground level. Kase plopped down on the ground and rolled around in the snow until he looked like a snowman. “I’ll have to go get a carrot for you, Kase, because you look like a snow-cowboy.”

  Again, he giggled, then got up to brush snow off himself. “Where’s Mom?”

  “Shopping with the girls.” Caulder made quote marks with his fingers at the word girls. “She’ll be home tonight.” His gaze went to Torre as he tore out the gate on a 1,800 pound bull, but he made it to 6.5 seconds, which was damn good on Packing Pete. Next in the chute was Jase. Caulder stood to watch the goings-on. “Hey, wanna put some money on how long you’ll stay on?” He took Kase’s hand and walked to the fence. “Stay right here with me to watch Jase ride.”

  He climbed up to the first rail on the split rail fence. “Is he a bull rider, Dad?”

  Hell no. “Well, we’re about to find out, but his real job is a horse rancher. Come on, cuz, give’em hell!”

  “Give’em hell, cuz!” screeched Kase.

  That’s my boy! “Kase, don’t say that. Aunt Judy will make me put money in the cussin’ jar.”

  Kase’s cheeks and nose were red from the cold, but his blue eyes peered up at him. “Huh? I won’t tell her. Don’t tell Mommy I cussed.”

  “Nope, I sure won’t.” Aiden helped Jase get the bull rope adjusted correctly on his hand, and stepped back while Torre held the back of his vest. A ranch hand held the flank strap. Caulder knew this was one of the lazier, easier bulls to ride and didn’t worry about the cousin with big muscles hanging on, possibly making eight seconds. Out he went. “Ride him, Jase. Hold on!”

  “Hold on, Jase!” Kase yelled nearly as loud as Caulder.

  The bull barely bucked, spinning enough to give him a good ride. His rope hand was full of bull as he held the other high. Getting off after eight seconds was another thing. Caulder laughed his ass off as Jase attempted to jump off like any other professional bull rider, but without training it only looked easy. “Stay here, Kase.”

  Caulder climbed over the rail to run out to the ring to help Jase get his hand loose, succeeded, and Jase jumped off, even landing on his feet. Jase pumped his arms into the air like he knew what he was doing. “Good job. I knew you had it in you.” He nodded toward the chute. “Looks like Alba got it all on video. Won’t Brenna love this if she ever sees it?” He teased with a snarky grin.

  Jase scowled. “She better like it. I might have to buy a bunch of bulls now for the Double Dutch.”

  “I know where you can get a few. Go talk to Foley.” Caulder glanced to Foley at the chute with Natale right at his side. He was proud of his spunk which had helped him to recover. Coming back over the rail, he nodded to his boy. “Hey, it’s time.”

  “Bucking bronc?”

  “Yep. Get your helmet.” Caulder went up the steps, winking at his dad. Before he pulled on his helmet, his phone rang, but Kase answered when he saw it was Velia.

  “Mom, Daddy’s taking me on a bucking bronc right now! We can’t talk.” He disconnected the call and put the phone down.

  “Oh, damn,” Caulder muttered under his breath, picking up his phone to call her back, but it rang. His ass was in deep shit. Here it goes.

  “What the hell did my son mean? You’re putting him on a bucking bronc?”

  He turned his back to Kase. “Hold on, woman. Do you think I’m nuts? It’s under control. Alba will video tape the whole thing while he and I get on Alomar. Remember Alomar?”

  After a long sigh meant to be heard, she had a smile in her voice. “Sì, I sure do. I’m going to smack you when I get home, anyway.”

  “Yeah, try it, baby. Alomar is an angel, but Kase doesn’t have to know it.”

  Kase jumped up and down while pulling on his dad’s arm. “I’m gonna bust a damn mutton, too, Mom. Let me talk to her, Daddy.”

  “What did he say?” screamed Velia so loud that Caulder had to hold the phone away from his ear, yet he wanted to laugh.

  “Velia, hush. He’s having a blast. We’re about done here, though. Torre’s the only one who didn’t stay on, so my dad’s giving him another go after me and Kase ride the bronc. Read between the damn lines, woman.”

  “My son is swearing.”

  “Well…only one or two bad words, darlin’. The kid grew up around bull riders, bullfighters, and stock haulers. We’re lucky he isn’t saying a lot more.”

  “Give him another year.” Velia laughed. “I love you, but you’re still getting an ass-kicking when I get home.”

  “Promises. I’ll be waiting.” Caulder hung up laughing. “Come over here, Kase. Let’s get on this beast.” He checked Kase’s helmet strap and vest, then climbed into the chute on the tamest horse his dad owned. Aiden helped Kase over the rail and unto the saddle in front of Caulder.

  “Hold on their little guy, and no more cussing. I mean it. You want Mom to kick my behind?”

  Grandpa tapped his grandson on the top of the helmet. “Ride that bronco, cowboy.”

  “Nod when you’re ready,” Caulder instructed.

  His son nodded and the gate dragged open. The horse looked out, whinnied, and strode out into the arena as slow as he’d enter the pasture on a hot August morn.

  “Dad? He’s not bucking. Make him buck!” Kase tapped his heels against the horse’s sides, saying, “Giddyup! Buck, horse.”

  “Wow, he must really like you. You made a friend out of Alomar.” Caulder and Kase both held the reins and trotted around the ring a couple times while those on the sidelines clapped and whistled. Before slowing, he leaned forward to observe the excited look on his son’s face. Giving him a hug, he smiled like a proud dad.

  “Button mustin’ next, Daddy?”

  Button mustin’? He laughed to himself. One day he’d get it right. Observing new snow falling gently around them, Caulder held his boy with one arm. “Yeah, buddy, button mustin’ next.” Hmm, he wouldn’t mind having another son this time, too.


  On the way home, the van was filled with chatter. “This was such a great idea,” said Brenna when she could get a word in. “Thank you for having me at your house, Velia. I’m excited to see Jase two days early. We haven’t been separated this long since he was gone a week and a half to a horse auction in Tulsa. The kids are excited, and loved the plane ride. Right, Joey? Jaelle?”

  He and Jaelle sat in the last row in the van, both appearing to be half asleep. They both nodded, but Jaelle gave a big smile that matched Jase’s.

  “Well, Caulder came up with the idea.” Velia peered at her. She was pretty with pale blonde hair nearly as long as hers. Upon close inspection, green fleck
s showed in her blue eyes. When she smiled, her face brightened, glowed. “We’re almost there.” Velia lifted her hand to point ahead. “You didn’t know Jase when he last visited. Over this hill and around a bend then straight up the next hill, you’ll see our house in the distance half way down the second hill. You can’t see it in the summer for all the trees.”

  “I’ll call to see where everyone is at the moment. We have to plan this just right.” Dolly spoke to Aiden on the phone, hanging up with a carefree smile when finished. “They’re all at your house, Velia. They finished lunch hours ago.”

  “I should tie a big red bow around myself.” Brenna straightened to look out the window.

  “That’s a good idea,” said Judy. “We all love surprises in this family.”

  After Velia crested the hill, she pointed ahead. “Look, there it is. Home.” Sitting there in a snowy valley surrounded by pines and hills, she was amazed herself at times at the beautiful home Caulder had provided for them. Her heart fluttered when she thought of how much she loved him. All the things he had done for her throughout the years, and the way he loved her in return, made her heart do flip-flops.

  “Omigod! It’s beautiful. Judy, you didn’t tell me they lived in a mansion.”

  “Come on, now, Brenna, it only looks big because of the logs. Well, it’s big, but not a mansion. Thank you, though.” Velia handed her phone to her mother. She clenched the steering wheel when new snow coated the roads and windshield. “I’m so excited. Christmas is in two days and this will be one of the best in a long time. Tomorrow night we’ll all go to the old cider mill for their Christmas Eve festivities, including Santa Claus.”

  She smiled through the rear view mirror at Brenna. “I’m so glad you came. It looks like we got lucky and missed the snowy drive back, but now it’s coming down.” She got all teary-eyed and filled with emotion. Velia flipped on her blinker at their decorated ranch entrance and sniffled back tears as she rested her hand against her abdomen.

  Brenna gasped as she peered out the front and side windows. “It’s so breathtaking. And snow! Lots of it. What a spectacular landscape. I love the rolling hills, your long drive, the lights along the road, and your home. It’s all so different than home in Arizona.”

  Judy took out her phone to call Jase. “Oh, here we go. Everybody get ready.” When he answered, she made up an excuse to get him outside. “Honey, can you give us old ladies a hand when we pull up?”

  Her voice was so filled with excitement, Velia was sure he had suspected something. She eased to a stop just past the porch. The door opened and out walked Jase clapping to give them a hand his mom had asked for on the phone. With his head down, he sauntered toward the van, but before he got there, he looked up when Judy opened the door and stepped out. Brenna popped out and ran into his arms. “Hi, honey… Merry Christmas!”

  “Dammit all to hell! Wow… What’s this?” He grabbed her into his arms and lifted her off the ground. “You still giving me surprise paybacks, Mom? I love this one!” He gave Brenna a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks.”

  Judy helped the kids out and sauntered up to him with Jaelle and Joey. “Look who Grandma found at the airport.”

  “Wow, Mom, you really got me this time.” He crouched to hug his kids and gave her a wink. “I sure missed you kids. Chloe and Davy decided to go to the Grand Canyon, after all?”

  Brenna leaned over to give him and the kids a squeeze. “Yup.”

  Velia texted Caulder. “Come outside, hon. Bring everyone.” She headed toward the porch steps to wait for him. When he came out with Kase in his arms, his eyes widened in a fake surprise. He put Kase down. “Hey, it looks like you have new buddies to play with, kiddo. Where the heck is your car, Velia?”

  “Well, it certainly wasn’t big enough, so I leased a van for the day.” Velia hugged him. “I reconsidered slapping you, bad boy. This was your Aunt Judy’s surprise.” Velia explained how it had been arranged even though Jase had decided it wasn’t a good idea earlier. His mom had other ideas. He sure liked the idea now. She encircled both arms around Caulder’s waist and held him tight, trying to hide a sniffle, but her breath caught in a gulp.

  Caulder lifted her chin. “Are you crying, darlin’? Those crazy baby hormones starting already?” He smiled so proudly that she stretched up to kiss him. When her cousins came out the door, Velia ran up to hug them all at once, and Foley, too. “We’re all one big bunch and I’m beyond happy!” She did her best to hold back a flood of tears. “Now you all go say hi to Brenna and the kids while I check the slow cookers.”

  “Everything is good, Velia.” Natale stopped her before she went in. “Asparagus risotto just finished. Perfetta by the way!” She kissed her fingers, splaying them forward from her lips, pride showing in her cheery smile. “Alba and I made sure the beef and vegetables were eccellente, and we even made dessert—amaretto pound cake with zabaglione and fruit. Molto buono!”

  “Sweetheart, thanks so much. I’m impressed! Y’all have given me such a break this holiday. I must say, Foley must be thrilled with your cooking skills.” Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed Caulder rubbing his stomach and grinning after hearing about the food choices. The guys had smelled it all day, so they had to be ready for dinner.

  Natale glanced away shyly, albeit, shyness wasn’t in her adult makeup, but then she peered at Velia. “For Christmas we made tiramisu. My little sister discovered she loves cooking, too. Bobby’s chef has taught us a lot.” Natale drew her close for a hug. “Thank you for letting us be with you, Velia. I’ll forever be grateful for what you’ve done for us.”

  “Honey, you are always welcome here. All of you. Now you’re choking me up more than normal.” Velia broke free from them all and hurried inside to the bathroom.

  Chapter Thirteen

  On Christmas Eve, Caulder and Velia stood back arm and arm at the cider mill, watching Kase on Santa’s lap. They let the photographer take the picture, but after Kase got used to the strange man in red, he turned into his little comical self, so she had to capture his giggles and blabbering, on video. Tonight, Velia only carried her small digital to get an occasional shot of everyone’s happiness—memories to look back on. Their child’s smile nearly brought her to her knees. Next year there would be two of them to beam over.

  “That was fun, Mommy,” squealed Kase when he ran up to them, his nose as red as a jolly Santa.

  Caulder knelt to pull Kase’s hat over his ears. “What did you ask Santa for, little cowboy?”

  Kase ripped the wrapper off a candy cane and sucked on the red and white stick of candy. “A brown horse.”

  Caulder chuckled and shook his head. “Huh? We have lots of horses.”

  He cocked his head and peered at his dad. “Not my own. We have big race horses. Too big for me.” He pointed to Jase’s son standing with Brenna, and then the girl who sat on Santa’s lap. “Those kids have horses.”

  “Those kids are your cousins, Kase. Yeah, it’s true, though. Their dad has horses and they each have their own.” Caulder sighed. He hadn’t expected his boy to want a horse. “A horse, huh? Hmm, we’ll have to see if Santa thinks you’re ready yet.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetie pie,” Velia replied. “Grandpa’s horses are too big for me, too.” But fun to ride once you get in the saddle.

  Kase broke free and rushed up to Joey, who humored his little cousin with a pretend sword fight with their sticky sticks.

  The next thing Velia knew, Caulder clasped her hand and dragged her away. “Wait, my boy’s over there.” She peered over her shoulder to be sure he was within sight.

  Caulder glanced back. “Nonna Lidia has him. Now Alba has him. He won’t get far.” Bringing her to the archway that led to an opening to a lighted tree display, he came to a halt. “Look up, my darlin’.” He had a sneaky expression on his face, and his eyes danced with pure, homegrown naughtiness.

  “Oh, boy. Mistletoe? Leave it to you to find something like this here…anywhere.” Velia hugged him tight and
lifted her chin. “Plant one or ten on these lips. Make it good, because—” Without a chance to finish her sentence, he lifted her off her feet and pressed his lips against hers with no care that the grounds were filled with people from all over.

  “Mmm,” she muttered when he stopped kissing her and put her down. “Whoa! Your lips are hot, you sexy man. Mine were cold like the rest of me until that kiss.”

  “Leave the rest of you to me later. I can at least do some pain free breathing now. I’m about to bull ride again tomorrow.” He kissed her again. She fell into it like she hadn’t kissed him in ages. His warm mouth covered hers, and she slipped her tongue between his lips, to show him how she felt about later—to prove she’d be accommodating to his wishes. She nearly moaned with pleasure right there in the crowd, but a flash brought her out of it. Alba had taken their picture. Thank God, it was her, or who’d know where it might end up. “Please don’t share that.”

  “Too late.” Alba snickered. “Merry Christmas, you two.”

  “Why not go sneak up on your sister and Foley? Give them a memory and delete that other picture before it goes viral.” Caulder frowned at her. “My private life is just that, Alba.”

  She fiddled with her phone and peered at him. “Chill out, dude. Done. Sorry.” She huffed and walked away—took Natale by the coat sleeve to pull her over to the mistletoe. Of course, Foley followed. Alba, with a straight face, pointed them upward. “You know what to do.”

  They sure did know what to do. Velia pulled her camera from her pocket and snapped one herself, and stuck the camera back in her pocket. She peered at Caulder with an inner glow and a twinkle of sassiness. “Hey, one day it might go into their First Christmas album.” She rolled her eyes. “You better take me home. I’m getting too sentimental.”

  “Let’s grab the kid. Now who has him?” He looked all around. “Ah ha, Jase.” Caulder smirked before he even said it. “Hey, cuz, bring that kid over here.” They waited for Jase and Brenna to come over with the kids. Caulder shoved Jase under the mistletoe, winked at Brenna all innocent like, “Ah, I think your guy needs you over there.” He laughed hardily as Jase beckoned her over. Velia shook her head at him.


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