His Hand-Me-Down Countess: The Lustful Lords, Book 1

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His Hand-Me-Down Countess: The Lustful Lords, Book 1 Page 12

by Sorcha Mowbray

  Theo was deuced glad to be rid of her husband for the evening. He disappeared into the cardroom, and she knew he would head out shortly from there. As he departed, she turned to see Lizzy looking a bit pale. “Are you unwell, Lizzy?”

  “Not at all. How are you tonight?” Lizzy bit her lip, as though nervous.

  “Much calmer than I ought to be. I am curious, mostly. I do hope I can glean something useful without having to make multiple visits.”

  Lizzy gasped. “Theo! I thought this would be just the once.”

  “As did I, but the more I think on it, the more doubtful I grow about that thought. Honestly, Lizzy, did you learn to dance in one session? To knit in one go? How can I expect to learn”—Theo glanced about them—“all that I need to know in one night?”

  Lizzy groaned and pressed her fingers to her temples.

  “I shall, of course, do my best, and perhaps it will be enough. But, I reserve the right to continue my studies if needed to accomplish my goal.”

  “Oh, Theo. I would dare to venture that one trip will be sufficient. Your husband will be quite capable of answering any questions you might have. At least, based on what Carlisle told me, I would expect that to hold true.” Lizzy blushed, and Theo was certain it had nothing to do with the warmth of the room.

  “What precisely did Carlisle tell you about my husband?”

  Lizzy slashed a furtive glance about them, “We had best step onto the balcony, where we aren’t likely to be heard—or seen, for that matter.”

  They made their way through the crowd and stepped into the cool night air. It was brisk but refreshing after the oven-like temperatures of the ballroom. Theo was desperate to know what her sister had to share. “Come on, then. Spill the beans. What did your husband tell you?”

  “Well, as you know, Stone was a member of the Lustful Lords. It turns out he was the founder of the wicked little band of men. And it would seem he led them into all things debauched.”

  Theo wanted to growl at her sister for dragging out the telling of the details. “And?”

  “And they all engaged in very naughty things. They have participated in orgies and shared women. Some of them treat the women like slaves, and they make them service them in every way imaginable. Carlisle wouldn’t tell me everything, but he did indicate that they often play at The Market. I imagine you might see some of them tonight.”

  “Oh my. Sharing? Orgies?” Theo whispered the naughty notions and felt the blood drain from her face. To her great mortification, it all rushed to her loins, where it gathered to pulse and throb. Such unspeakable acts, and yet her blood heated at the notion of such behavior.

  “Carlisle even mentioned that one of the group was a-a”—Lizzy glanced around again and lowered her voice to a whisper—“sodomite.”

  “Oh, well. That couldn’t be Stone.” Despite the cool air, Theo’s cheeks heated. But she was certain her husband could not be him. And yet, her curiosity was piqued. What would it look like, two men together? Would she find the vignette stimulating or off-putting? Perhaps she’d find out soon.

  “Either way, I would think you will discover quite a lot with this night’s business.”

  “Hmm…it does sound like that would be true.” And damn her soul, she looked forward to it all.

  * * *

  Stone arrived at The Market in the nick of time. It seemed as if every man in the cardroom wanted a word with him as he tried to make good his escape. He had just slipped inside the back door and stepped into the shadows when his lovely lady wife appeared.

  He could hear voices pitched to a low murmur, and then her cloak was removed. The deep red gown he had deemed lovely earlier suddenly looked indecent as her breasts all but spilled from the neckline. He thought back to when they danced and distinctly recalled a bit of fabric across the vee of the neckline that no longer veiled her cleavage.

  While the gown was still conservative for a brothel, he struggled to control his outrage at her wanton display. Her body belonged to him. It was his to bare or cover as he saw fit. And he did not see fit at the moment. She would need to learn that such decisions belonged to him. With a steadying breath, he reminded himself he would be able to intervene should it be necessary.

  “Miss Fanny Hill, may I introduce you to Miranda? She will be your guide tonight, and Thor here shall be your protection.” Celeste waved at him where he lurked in the shadows.

  “Protection? I had not realized I might need such a thing in this place.” Theo sounded worried.

  “Merely a precaution. You truly have nothing to fear from The Market.” Celeste darted a glance at him, and he could almost hear her thoughts about what his wife should fear in terms of him.

  “Very well. It is nice to meet you both.” She inclined her head. “Please lead the way.”

  Miranda took her arm, and they entered the bowels of The Market, Stone trailed a few steps behind. Their first stop was a window onto the main salon. “This is where the ladies and gents might meet before retiring upstairs. If you’ll watch, you can see the art of flirtation. The bat of the lashes, a deeper lean in that allows a better view of her breasts.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t fully understand. He’s my husband; do I need to do such things?” Theo sounded curious and a bit surprised.

  “Women often forget that sex, even for men, starts well outside the bedroom. Men enjoy the art of flirtation as much as women do, and in particular when they know where it will lead.” Miranda smiled at Theo.

  “Ah, so despite all that we are taught by Society, as a wife, I should be teasing my husband. How very enlightening.”

  The ladies watched, while Stone hovered over them, as women continued to flirt and preen for the men. Soon one gentleman had his hand diving down the bodice of a woman who merely winked at him and seemed to coo as he groped her. Stone watched, indifferent to such blatant displays in what was meant to be a civilized setting.

  “We should move on.” Miranda led Theo upstairs, and then they exited the back passages to enter the hall of windows. It was the hall set aside for the voyeurs. They went to the first room’s viewing area and took a seat. Inside, Stone watched as a man and a woman kissed.

  Theo seemed equally as unaffected as he was by the tame display. Even as the man pushed the woman’s bodice down and suckled her breasts, it was basic play. He had shown her more adventure in their few couplings.

  “This will be the most familiar view tonight. A straightforward display of sexual activity between a man and a woman,” Miranda murmured.

  They watched on as he moved quickly to thrusting his prick inside her as her legs were tossed up around her ears. “Perhaps we could move on? I believe I am in search of a more advanced education,” Theo ventured, and Miranda nodded her agreement.

  He resisted the urge to growl at his precocious wife. Next, Stone followed them to a room that revealed a man with two women. This stirred his juices. As they watched, one woman slipped down over his shaft and the other straddled his head. The two faced each other and leaned forward to kiss while the man serviced them from below.

  Theo’s breath hitched and grew labored as she watched the women kiss and then fondle each other. It was, in fact, affecting Stone in a soon-to-be obvious way. He considered bringing his cloak back over his shoulders to hide the ridge of his erection from her, but then decided it was better she learn how such things affected men.

  Chapter 14

  Theo found herself torn between burgeoning lust and utter discomfort that such a fine specimen of a man hovered over her as she watched the blatantly erotic displays. Her husband would be furious if he knew she’d witnessed such things in the presence of another man. Well, he’d likely be furious if he knew she was there at all, but needs must. Under the current circumstances, it had become imperative she comprehend how to pleasure him and how to keep him tied to her bed—perhaps even literally, should it be required.

  Next, they rose and shifted to another room. There they watched a man strung up by his wrist
s as a lash flicked across his back at the command of a beautifully dark and exotic woman. “Oh.” Theo gasped as they sat down. Her buttocks tingled with each snap of the whip.

  Miranda chuckled. “Do not fear. He is enjoying every moment of his punishment. Let me explain.” Miranda pointed to the woman wielding the whip. “Miss Lash is an expert wielder of all whips and paddles. Her subject attends The Market to be punished for his trespasses each week. He gives over control to her, admits his wrongs, and takes the punishment she dictates to help him feel better.”

  “Does she always whip him?” Theo’s voice hitched softly.

  “Not always, but mostly. Tonight he must have been very bad, for she has commanded a round of figging as well as lashes.”

  “Figging?” Theo didn’t understand.

  “See how his cheeks are clenched? Look carefully and you will see a nub poking out from between. It is ginger root that has been pared and shaped for insertion into his bum. It causes a fiery burn inside, and as each lash of the cat-o’-nine-tails falls, he can’t help but clench tighter around the root, making it burn more.”

  “A-a-and he likes this?” Who could have imagined a man enjoying such a thing?

  “Oh yes. He’s quite ecstatic. In fact, I believe you shall see just how much he enjoys it if we tarry a moment more.” Miranda nodded toward the display.

  Three more lashes fell over his arse, and then he cried out and shook violently. Theo watched, confused, until she saw Miss Lash reach down and pump his rod much as she herself had done to Stone the night before. Only this man ejaculated his seed all over the floor.

  Theo could not stop the images of herself in a similar position from popping into her head. And the telltale excitement that percolated inside had her squirming in her seat. Could Miranda tell? What of the brute looming over them?

  “On to the next display,” Miranda announced, and marched out of the space.

  Next, they found a room with a group of men and women. Theo heard the guard grunt behind them as though he disapproved of their viewing such a thing. How ridiculous, considering what they previously witnessed, so she ignored him.

  Behind the glass, three men and three women gathered in two groups. One group had a fine-looking fellow with blond hair treating two women much the same way as the earlier display, except, to Theo’s shock, one of the women was on the bottom. The other woman straddled her head and ground her pussy against the other’s mouth while the man fucked the one on the bottom. It was arousing and outrageous, and Theo made herself tear her eyes away to look at the other group.

  Her breath grew labored as she watched the next group of two men, one dark and one lighter. They took turns pushing their cocks into the woman. While one occupied her lower down, the other filled her mouth. This had Theo’s thighs rubbing together as her nipples pressed into her chemise and corset. Every shift of her weight, every movement jostled them slightly and sent sparks of desire straight to her hot, wet center.

  She whipped out her fan.

  * * *

  Stone watched in silent shock as his sweet, innocent wife took in Linc and Wolf’s activities.

  Activities he’d once participated in.

  Her fan worked hard to cool her pink cheeks as her chest rose and fell. From his vantage point over her shoulder, it appeared her breasts would spill out any moment. He wanted to catch them for her and then squeeze those ripe nipples until she squealed in pained delight.

  His cock throbbed inside the tight leather breeches he wore for the occasion. He’d donned an old pirate’s costume, sans the accessories, to offer some kind of menacing presence. Covered in black from head to toe, he hid in the shadows of his hood and mask.

  But damn his black heart, he wanted to toss Miranda out and bend his wife over so he could take her right there. The idea tempted. Too much so. “Leave us.”

  Miranda instantly obeyed his command, even as a confused Theo rose to follow her.

  “Ah, ah, ahhh. You, my sweet, will stay where you are.” He pitched his voice lower than normal, adding a soft Irish lilt. But the steel tone of command remained, and his wife obeyed. So, she was not so unlike her sister, then. Hope burned within his chest right where he had been told his heart should be.

  “Please excuse me, but I really should go.” Theo again tried to rise and leave.

  “You have been a very naughty girl, haven’t you?” He blocked her departure.

  “Me?” she squeaked.

  “Yes you, pet. You have been a very bad girl. Does your husband know where you are?”

  Even by the low lighting in the viewing room, he could see that she paled. “W-who are you?”

  “Who I am is not important now. Please address the question. Does your husband know where you are?”

  “No.” She choked on the word.

  “What would he say if he knew you were in a place such as this?” Stone didn’t have to work hard to convey his displeasure.

  “H-he might be angry. But I swear it was well intentioned. He would understand that. I think.” She bit her lip and dropped her gaze.

  Did she suspect who he was? He let the soft brogue slip away. “Yes, I think he would. However, he might also understand that many of your scrapes start out in such a way, wouldn’t he?” He reached for her, pulled her into his arms, pressing her breasts against the muscled plane of his chest, and secured her wrists in one hand behind her back.

  “Oh no. Stone.” She wilted against his chest.

  “Shhh. Now do not fret, pet. We will make all right soon enough.” He needed the room he’d arranged. Not one of the viewing rooms, but one of the private spaces. He snatched the laces from his pirate’s shirt and secured her wrists. Then he tossed her over his shoulder and went in search of the blue room. And make no mistake, they would come to terms.

  * * *

  Theo tamped down her panic. While Stone was not happy about her presence there, he did not seem irate. Though the fact that she was currently arse over ears and being carried through a brothel might suggest that she should retain a bit of her trepidation.

  A door opened and closed. Lights turned up, and then she was on her feet. Hands still bound, she took a step back from the man she believed to be her husband. “Stone?”

  “Yes, Theo, it is me.” Visual confirmation came as he pushed back his hood and removed his mask to reveal the emerald-green orbs she had come to love.

  “I can explain everything.” She stepped toward him. Could she make him understand? Perhaps he already did?

  “No need, wife. Your sister explained it all this morning.” He quirked a brow in punctuation.

  “She told?” This idea dismayed Theo more than the knowledge that Stone knew of her plans at all.

  “She had little choice in front of her husband. I would hazard a guess that they have much the same relationship we shall.” Stone slid his cloak off his shoulders and let it flow to the floor.

  “They do? We shall?” Theo swallowed and stepped back.

  “Quite so. And just as Lizzy received her punishment this morning after I departed, you will receive yours now.”

  “Punishment?” The word squeaked out, even as her pulse thrummed. She grew light-headed when she reflected on the man who had been bound, whipped, and—she swallowed again—figged.

  Stone captured her wrist and pulled her against him. “Easy now. I can see you’re imagining the man from earlier. That is not how I intend to go about things—yet. If you enjoy it or benefit from such activity, we may consider it. But for now, we shall start simply. A basic spanking for a wayward wife will more than suffice.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” She struggled to get the words past her parched throat and leathery tongue.

  “Mmmm. I do like the sound of that on your lips. But, when we are alone, I prefer you call me Master. Is that clear?”

  Theo nodded.

  “Say it, pet. Say, ‘Yes, Master.’” He led her to the bed.

  “Yes, Master.” Water. She would kill for something liq
uid. “May I have something to drink, Master?”

  “Very nicely done. You may.” Stone glanced around the room and then spotted a pitcher of wine and a few glasses.

  He walked over, poured a glass, and brought it to her. He held the crystal to her lips and let some of the ruby liquid slide down her throat. It tasted divine and wet her mouth.

  “Now, we need to prepare you for your spanking.” He glanced around the room and focused on a piece of furniture Theo had never seen before. It was oddly shaped, much like a bench, but too tall and narrow to be comfortable. Stone led her over to it and had her lie down on her stomach along the length of the padded seat. Then, to her relief, he untied her hands.

  Oh, fleeting joy.

  Doubt assailed her when he secured her arms to either side with leather straps that buckled. Then she felt a similar latching down of her ankles. “Stone? What are you doing?”

  “What are you to call me, pet?” He sounded stern, harsh even, to her ears.

  “Master.” Fear made her voice higher pitched than normal, almost squeaky.

  “Very good. This is a spanking bench. Many upper-crust houses have them for disciplinary purposes with servants and children. It is easier for you to take the spanking if you cannot fight me. Also, I do not want to injure either of us.”

  “Are you sure this is necessary? I promise I won’t do anything like this again, Master.” To her horror, she could feel telltale wetness seeping from her eyes. She was crying.

  “Oh, pet.” He sounded so sweet when he called her that. “I’m afraid it is necessary to help you remember not to do such things. But never fear, you will feel better about it all once this is over. I promise you will feel amply punished, and I shall not feel the need to be mad any longer. Do you trust me?”

  Did she trust him? She paused for a long, agonizing moment and considered the question. Deep inside, a small flame of warmth sprang to life. She did trust him. He had never intentionally hurt her and treated her only with care—sometimes too much care. “If it will help, Master.” She rested her forehead against the padded bench and closed her eyes.


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