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His Hand-Me-Down Countess: The Lustful Lords, Book 1

Page 13

by Sorcha Mowbray

  * * *

  Stone raised her skirts and found the drawers she usually wore beneath them. “In the future, you will not ever wear these. Do you understand me?” God, his cock ached. His wife lay strapped to the bench as she quivered in anticipation and fear. Never had he imagined doing this with the woman he’d married, but she so sweetly complied, submitting to his will until he was rapidly losing the ability to imagine not doing it with her.

  He found the slit in her drawers, reached inside, and rent the fabric until it hung from her hips and thighs in ragged remains. Her cunny glistened with desire. He wanted to kneel before her, splayed on the makeshift altar, and feast. But first, he needed her to understand she could not do such things as meeting with a madame and visiting brothels without consulting him. There were consequences for her actions.

  “Please count for me, pet. Ten swats and this will all be over.” He rubbed her buttock, and she flinched. He rubbed the other side until she relaxed, and then he drew back and struck with lightning speed.

  “One,” she yelped.

  “One what, pet?” He rubbed the afflicted area.

  “One…swat?” Theo sounded unsure, and he knew he needed to explain.

  “One, Master. Always finish with Master so I know whom you are addressing.”

  “Yes, Master. That was one, Master.”

  “Excellent.” He smacked the other cheek.

  “Two, Master.”

  By eight, tears streamed down her face and her juices dribbled down her thighs. Stone wasn’t sure he could finish the punishment before he buried himself in her pussy. If he took her bent over, each thrust would imprint the memory of the spanking on her.

  He landed the next to last blow across both cheeks.

  “N-n-nine, Master.”

  And then the last.

  “Ten, Master.” The relief was evident in her tone and the way her frame relaxed.

  He rubbed the rosy-red area again. “You did very well. While I would like to say this is the last of such events, I am certain it will take a few more reminders for you to fully comprehend what you should and should not do without discussing it with me. Now, we must make up.”

  He leaned over, kissed her on the cheek near her mouth, and then moved away. He circled back to where her arse tipped up to give him the best access, and knelt down. Using his tongue, he scooped up a dribble of her juices from her inner thigh. She tasted as sweet as he remembered.

  Then he followed suit on the other side. Her legs quivered, but she remained silent. He grabbed her red bottom and spread her cheeks wide, ignoring her groan at his touch. He knew his hands would rouse the burn, but if she proved to appreciate a bit of pain with her pleasure, she would learn to like the sensation. Even crave it. Then he slid his tongue from her clit to her rear hole in a long, leisurely swipe. She gasped but had no path of retreat.

  He repeated the motion over and over again until she futilely tried to push back into his tongue. Their mutual excitement escalated, and he pressed two fingers deep into her quim while he licked her clit. She squirmed but went nowhere as he manipulated her pleasure.

  “Stone,” she cried out, and he smacked her stinging rear.

  “Say it.” His command rang out in the room.

  “Master,” she whimpered and pressed against his fingers still lodged inside her. She could barely move, but she took what little she could get.

  “That’s it. Do you want to come?”

  “C-come?” She continued to wiggle.

  “Orgasm. Do you want me to make you feel good?” He urged her on and twisted his fingers deeper inside her.

  She moaned again. “Oh yes. Please, Master. Please make me come.”

  Her begging did him in. He latched on to her clit, stuffed a third finger inside her, and pushed her over the edge. She screamed out her pleasure in long wails of excitement punctuated with a plea to her master. To him. Satisfaction curled in his belly like a dram of whiskey.

  As she came down from her peak, he notched his cock against her cleft. “Hear this, pet. You are mine.” He thrust into the warm grip of her cunny. “You belong to me, this pussy belongs to me, your pleasure belongs to me, and your arse belongs to me. Do you understand this?” His muscles trembled with his restraint.

  “Yes, Master.” Her voice was loud and clear and so goddamned sweet.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. He had not intended for this to occur tonight, but he couldn’t stop his natural response to his wife’s temerity and her excitement. He fucked her hard then. Gripped her throbbing cheeks and pumped into her until his every muscle vibrated with his own orgasm. Eyes sealed shut, he saw fireworks that would rival Covent Garden’s display. He continued to thrust into her until his prick softened and she had succumbed to another wrenching orgasm.

  Sated for the moment, he slipped from between her thighs and reached for her straps. Once she was unbuckled, he helped her rise and stumble to the available bed. They lay side by side for a bit. Her skirts tangled around his boots as he wrapped her in his arms.

  “Master, while I’ll agree that I am without question yours, I would also stake my own claim on you. You, my lord, are mine. I own you, your pleasure, and all it entails.” Then she pressed a kiss to his chin followed by one to the exposed flesh of his chest.

  Delight spread over him like a fine cloak and warmed him. They belonged to each other. “Yes, Theo. I also belong to you. Never doubt it.”

  They lay there, quiet in the aftermath of what they had shared, and reveled in the peace. Never had he experienced such utter calm and contentment.

  After a space of time that he could neither count—nor did he care to—he rose from the bed. “Come, my lady, we should return home. I had intended to conduct this interview there, but as you can see, I became carried away with events.”

  “Yes, Master.” She made to rise.

  “Sweeting, my lord will do in company, and Stone at home. Master will be reserved for the bedroom.”

  “But we are still in a bedroom, Master.” Her eyes twinkled with pleasure as she rose and smoothed her skirts.

  Stone couldn’t contain his laughter. The cheeky wench was right.

  They gathered their things and quietly slipped out the back of The Market. Stone wanted to get his wife home where she belonged.

  Chapter 15

  Theo rose and stretched the next morning to find more new muscles sore from her trip to The Market. She could not have planned for a happier ending had she tried. There was no doubt she’d discovered the elusive something that had been missing from their private moments, and she’d helped her husband see that she was up to any challenge he might pose in the bedroom.

  Unfortunately, her bottom would be sore all day. Perhaps she should forgo her afternoon visits? She feared she might wince with every move and draw her friends’ notice. Her cheeks warmed at the notion of explaining why her bottom pained her.

  No, that wouldn’t do.

  She was mid-stretch when the adjoining door to Stone’s chamber opened. He strolled to the bed, leaned over, and kissed her. No tepid good-morning peck, either. He half lifted her from the bed, sank his fingers into the mess of her hair, and possessed her mouth much as he had her body the night before.

  It was an unparalleled kiss good morning, good afternoon, or good night.

  As he set her back on the mattress, he sat on the edge and smiled. “Good morning, Theo. How are you feeling?”

  Squirming under the regard of her too-handsome husband, she found her wits still scattered as she took in his chestnut-colored hair and rich green eyes. Her cheeks heated as she tried to form a response. Would she never cease to blush? “A bit sore. You seem to be in fine fettle this morning.”

  “I am indeed, wife. And what are your plans for today?”

  “I think I shall laze about the house and not even receive visitors. Some parts of me are sorer than others, and would make for an awkward time of visiting.” She stared at him pointedly, which made him laugh.

nbsp; “Ah, I see. Unfortunately, I believe you need to visit your sister today.”

  Theo was sure she didn’t have any plans to visit Lizzy. She was very diligent in managing her calendar. “I do?”

  “You do. You see, you owe both her and Lord Carlisle an apology for pulling her into your antics of last night. I am certain she received a spanking equal to yours for her part in events. I gathered Lord Carlisle does not relish doling out such punishments, though he clearly feels it is sometimes necessary. You should note we are of similar minds on this topic.”

  “Oh. Very well, I suppose I shall go round to visit my sister and tender my apologies. I should be able to manage a quick apology to both.”

  “Oh, my sweet. You are new to these things, aren’t you?” He kissed her nose.

  “Well, you know I am, Stone.” Her brow creased.

  “You shall go, take tea, and have a nice long visit with your sister. It is the final part of your punishment, and then all is forgotten.”

  “But I thought—”

  “Do not question me on this, pet. Punishment is never complete until you have addressed those you’ve wronged in the course of your shenanigans. Just be grateful I am not requiring that you adhere to your normal routine to include a ride in Hyde Park, and then afternoon visits.” His stern tone had her thighs quivering and her bottom tingling.

  Her body’s unusual reaction to him would take some acclimation. How could she both dread yet relish something so heartily?

  “Yes, Master. I am very grateful and shall be sure to linger over tea with Lizzy today.”

  “Very good, pet. I am off to the House of Lords for a horrendously boring session and have a few errands to run. Do be home when I return this evening, as I have plans for us tonight.”

  “Of course, Master.” She couldn’t help the little thrill of anticipation that spiraled down her back.

  “Oh, and please be sure to move your things over to my chamber. You may turn this into a sitting room or dressing room, but you will sleep with me from here on out.” He kissed her soundly again and then strolled out of her room.

  She let her toes curl as she hugged this new command to her breast and reveled in her husband’s change of demeanor. Then she decided to ring for a bath of Epsom salts to help ease her aches and pains.

  * * *

  Later that morning, Theo stood in her sister’s private sunroom and waited for her. She needed a moment after the carriage ride over. She could have sworn Stone bade the driver to run over every pothole and bump in the road.

  Her sister appeared looking fresh and happy. There was no sign of her having been spanked. Nor did she remember any sign during the ball the night before. Instead, Lizzy rushed in and hugged her tight. “Oh, do tell me what happened last night.”

  Theo followed her to the settee, where they sat together. As they took their seats, they both winced. Theo giggled. “I, uh, see you’ve suffered the same results of last night as I did.”

  “Indeed. Do you forgive me for telling? I really had no choice. It only would have made things worse.” Lizzy blushed and dropped her eyes.

  “Oh, I understand more now than I did last night. I assume you were spanked sometime yesterday?”

  “Oh yes. Right after Stone left, I received twenty swats for various infractions. Of course, afterward, I was taken care of in the most delightful ways. But I tell you that is the last meeting with a madame I shall ever arrange for anyone.” Lizzy nodded in emphasis.

  “Yes, well. I have to say I’d happily do it again if it achieved the same results. But let me tell you what occurred.” Theo told her sister the entire story, right up to the end of the spanking. The rest was, of course, far too private to share.

  Lizzy blinked. “Oh my, he sounds even more commanding than Carlisle.”

  “I daresay I need it more than you. I am forever getting into trouble. I shall strive to avoid such things, but in the past, that has not proven a successful strategy.”

  “Well, perhaps together we can keep you out of trouble.” Lizzy grinned.

  “I find that highly unlikely.” Carlisle walked in and bowed to them. “Please do not stand on my account. Sit.” He flashed a knowing smile at them, the beast.

  “I am glad to see you, Carlisle, as I am to tender my apologies. I am very sorry if I got Lizzy caught up in one of my scrapes. I do have a knack for such things. But I shall endeavor to keep her out of any future mistakes.”

  “Thank you, Lady Stonemere. I do appreciate the effort. If you two will excuse me, I only wanted to make myself known to my wife. I am home from the House as we let out early.”

  “Oh dear!” Theo jumped up. “Sorry, Lizzy, but I must get home right away.”

  Lord and Lady Carlisle’s laughter chased her out of the house as she bounded into her carriage and called for the driver to take her home.

  She walked into the town house and found her husband had not yet returned. Relief coursed through her as her poor abused bottom still ached. No need to revisit that lesson so soon.

  She quickly handed over her outer garments and headed upstairs to see after Mary’s progress in moving her things to Stone’s chamber. As usual, Mary had all well in hand. Theo strolled around and tried to imagine how she might utilize the newly vacated space.

  She realized the afternoon sunshine was lovely in there and that it would make a fine personal sitting and dressing room. She asked Mary to have her writing desk brought up from storage along with some other furniture for the room. She would leave her dressing table there as well and give it dual use.

  As she contemplated a color change to the room, big warm hands wrapped around her waist and hauled her up against a far bigger and warmer chest.

  “Good afternoon, Theo.”

  Mmmm, she enjoyed how he nuzzled her neck. “Good afternoon, Stone.”

  “I am happy to see you followed directions very well today. I understand you had a nice long visit with Lizzy. I assume you apologized to Lord Carlisle while you were there.”

  “I did, just before I dashed home. I see you finished early.”

  “We did. Then I ran a few errands, and here I am. I would very much like to have a private word with you.”

  Theo followed him into his—well, their—chamber. He sat down in a wingback chair by the window and patted his lap. “Come and have a seat.”

  “Of course.” She perched on his lap without a wince, as the throb had begun to subside, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I wanted to speak of last night and how our relationship has changed as a result. There are topics we should speak of so that we are both content in how things develop.”

  “Very well, what would you have me know?” Theo tried to ignore the butterflies flitting about in her stomach.

  “I am a dominant man. After years in the military, I expect to be obeyed. There will come occasions where you will break my rules and will, therefore, need to be punished. Punishments can take on many forms. Spanking will be one. I shall always discuss with you what your punishment will be and what you are being punished for prior to meting such things out.”

  “Thank you for the reassurance.” Theo snuggled closer to him.

  “I shall also never punish you in the heat of the moment. I do not wish to hurt you or scare you in such a way that it would break the trust in our relationship. Neither of us wanted to marry, but I believe we are finding our way to a better-than-average marriage, and I would not jeopardize that.”

  Theo nodded solemnly. “Agreed.”

  “Good. Do you have any questions about anything you saw or experienced last night?”

  Theo stared at the floor, unable to voice her questions. Flames licked her cheeks, and she was sure her skin had turned red.

  “Ah, I see there are questions, but you are not ready to ask them. I wish you would ask me, but I shall wait until you are ready.” He drew a breath. “One last bit of business. As we explore the kinds of things you saw last night and other things I would enjoy doing wit
h you, I need you to understand that I shall push your boundaries. It is human nature to reject new and different things, so I would like us to have a phrase or word that you may use when you absolutely cannot continue on with what we may be doing. Keep in mind, you may not use it for punishment, but you may use it any other time you need to stop everything.”

  “What kind of word? I’m not sure what I should use.” Theo tried to push her nerves aside and focus on this opportunity to give her some way to control things even as she surrendered herself to her husband. The notion made her both giddy with desire and utterly terrified.

  “I think something that would not come up under intimate circumstances, like a color or an animal, might be best.”

  “Oh, how about Zeus? I should think he wouldn’t come up under such circumstances.”

  “Very well, Zeus it is. I would like to hold you a bit longer, and then I shall let you dress for dinner. We have an invitation to the Grishams’ tonight for dinner and cards.”

  Theo groaned. A long night of nothing but sitting. How would she ever survive it?

  Chapter 16

  July 1860

  Stone strolled along Bond Street on the way to his jeweler. He had it in mind to buy a pair of sapphire earrings to match the necklace he’d given Theo. After her stunning revelation the previous night, he wanted to reward her courage. As she had sat curled against him on their bed, she’d looked up at him with a wariness that had disturbed him at the time. But with a little patience and trust, she took the leap and told him what he had already suspected. The pairing with Linc and Wolf had excited her, made her fantasize about what it might be like. And to his great pleasure, she shared those deep, dark thoughts with him, which gave him the opportunity to find a way to make her fantasy a reality. As a result, he was terribly excited at the prospect—hence, his trip to the jeweler.


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