The Khyma: Taken Part One (Women of Dor Nye Book 4)

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The Khyma: Taken Part One (Women of Dor Nye Book 4) Page 13

by Poppy Rhys

  Traffic was thick, shouts and hollers to ‘move out the way, brood’la’ reached her ears more times than she could count. Apparently, it was an insult, and the natives were super impatient.

  Buildings of all kinds shot up high into the night sky, and Willa could barely make out the stars and golden moon above because of all the different transports zooming back and forth.

  Tosh rang the buzzer.

  A holo-screen on the door flickered alive, the eyes of a Wenden -double pupiled, and stark white- silently stared back at them, waiting.

  “62 Zi 500 Nak,” Willa repeated the code Shu’do had given her to gain entry. She felt a little idiotic, like they were playing a secret spy game, but the screen flickered off and the door buzzed open.

  Willa looked at Tosh, then Kyran behind her. He was the only one that came down. It would’ve been too suspicious to Killian if she needed Nohr and Sem to accompany her too, just to meet a buyer for the Nin fuel.

  Kyran had been training to guard important personnel, so his presence didn’t strike Killian as odd in the least. Granted, she had her suspicions that he knew there was something going on between her and Kyran anyway.

  “Just remember,” she told Kyran, “don’t speak. They won’t be able to understand you.”

  He gave a single nod, and her eyes flickered over his uniform. The black tunic and matching pants fit nicely against his form, and strained against his broad shoulders and muscular chest.

  She cleared her throat.

  They’d already talked about the fact that he needed to appear like protection, not her lover. That, and anyone who recognized him as a protector might get suspicious if his keeper was touching him or talking to him like a sentient being.

  And, honestly, anyone else that didn’t have the implant update of their language -anyone that wasn’t part of Pearly’s crew- would only hear his deep voice barking, growling, and squeaking.

  Willa silently chuckled.

  His English was getting so much better, in such a short period of time, but even that would bring about suspicion. From what she understood, the Khyma weren’t taught languages because there was no need. That’s what their learned commands were for.

  Once inside, they were escorted to an elevator that took them directly to an office in one corner of the building. City lights shone through along the two walls of floor to ceiling windows, and before them stood another one of Shu’do’s kind, tentacles and all, gazing upon the city. This one wore a white, shiny type robe that reminded her of latex, unlike Shu’do who walked around in all his slimy glory.

  A wary jitter skirted her spine. Whoever he was, he obviously had higher aspirations than Shu’do who operated out of a dark alley cave.

  Her eyes swept the expensive, modern looking furniture. Everything was white, or pale gray, even the fire flickering along stones was a ghostly white with blue edges.

  “Payment?” His tentacles smoothly moved him behind his large, blocky desk.

  Willa pulled the thin, transparent, palm sized chip from her cloak and slid it across the desk. “Two-hundred thousand.”

  His single eyeball narrowed. “The fee is three-hundred thousand.”

  Willa’s gut clenched, teeth following suit. “Shu’do told me two.” And damn it, she’d had to pull even more funds from her savings to cover the remaining ten grand for the forged invites. Getting Violet back was beginning to be more trouble than it was worth.

  The squid-like alien bursts into a fit of laughter, his tentacles shivering, and his skin flickering pink, and red.

  She shared an irritated, confused look with Tosh.

  “You are correct,” he bleated some more, a tentacle tapping on his flexible head. “I try to lighten the mood. Life is too serious!”

  Willa barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes, and punching the alien in his lone eyeball. Instead, she slowly exhaled the trapped breath in her lungs.

  His joke wasn’t funny.

  A tentacle picked up the chip, dropping it into a drawer on his desk, and then he slapped a sensor. A compartment in his desk flipped up, revealing what looked like a small, mounted gun pointing downward.

  “Where are the invites I’ve paid for?” Willa had no time for games. They had a party to get to, and the clock was ticking.

  “I’m about to give them to you,” he blinked, a tentacle gesturing toward the gun. “Put your palm under this device.”

  Again, she shared an irritated look with Tosh.

  “This will mark you.”

  “I want an invite, not a mark.”

  “The mark is the invite,” he said simply, a tentacle uncurling and gesturing toward the gun once more. “It will wear off within a few days of being scanned.”

  “And how can you ensure they won’t know it’s a forgery?”

  He flickered blue just momentarily, and Willa had been around his kind enough to know that meant irritation. “I’m insulted. My ink is of the best quality, and my forgeries are masterpieces.”

  “Besides,” he leisurely flicked a tentacle after a slight pause, “I made the original design for the Wenden.”

  Willa squinted suspiciously. She didn’t like the idea of being tatted up with who knew what, but she also didn’t want to walk out of there empty handed.

  “If you don’t believe me, let me demonstrate on your Khyma.”

  Immediately, she felt her hackles raise, and opened her mouth to tell him to go fuck himself, but Kyran had already moved forward, placing his hand under the gun.

  Tosh sidled up closer, clearing her throat and nabbing Willa’s attention. A single shake of her head, and she knew what was being said. The alien would think it suspicious if she cared more for her Khyma’s skin than her own.

  “Don’t maim him,” she gritted, feeling like that was reasonable. What good would a defective Khyma do its keeper?

  With the flip of a switch, the gun shot small white laser pulses from its tip. Willa watched as a small, holographic image began to form upon Kyran’s red palm. When finished, it glowed, and moved. Diamond in shape, while small chainlike vines twisted around it.

  “The Wenden’s invite,” the alien beamed proudly. “You will have no trouble attending the party.”

  Willa went next, surprised that she felt no pain. The light tickled, mostly.

  “Looks kinda cool,” Tosh hmphed, inspecting her palm.

  His chest puffed. “It pleases me that you’re enjoying my ink.”

  Tosh stilled, as recognition paled her face when she realized something that came from the alien’s slimy, squid-like body was floating around under a couple layers of her skin.

  Willa bit the inside of her cheek, equally disgusted, yet finding humor in Tosh’s comical moment of clarity.

  “Let’s go,” the blond shivered, turning toward the door.

  “Pleasure doing business!” The alien spritzed water on his head, and sighed dreamily as he watched Tosh walk away.


  Kyran exited the rented transport behind Willa, and Tosh. The estate looming before them was on the edge of town in what Willa called the ‘high-end neighborhood’.

  Small patches of manicured grass grew; the first he’d seen since landing upon the planet, though he could smell fresh foliage far off in the distance, out of sight.

  Every one of his senses was on high alert tonight. His female was entering a possible hostile environment, and while he didn’t like it, he knew it was necessary. The necklace was important to her, so it was important to him.

  His female.

  Kyran never thought he’d ever fantasize the words, never mind them to be true. Yet, they were, and there she was, covered shoulder to toe in a long cloak, just like she’d been when he first laid eyes upon her at the market.

  She wanted to be his mate, and he certainly wanted to be hers. The way she touched him, the look in her eyes every time they met his, it all made his chest tighten unlike anything he’d experienced before.

  He focused his attention back
on his surroundings. He’d have plenty of time to think about their future together, and all the new possibilities life could offer once the night was over.

  People milled about, adorned in strange clothing, and sparkling jewelry. Their odors of flowers, and musk had his sinuses burning from the chemicals.

  The music touched his ears from within the estate, and the sound of transports roaming the streets of the neighborhood. He focused his radius, paying closest attention to those within the immediate vicinity to better protect Willa.


  This is it.

  Willa’s nerves were on edge. Transports were still delivering guests, mostly other Wenden’s, but plenty of other races she noticed.

  She exhaled, feeling a little better about not sticking out like a sore thumb. The feel of the requal dagger hidden under her skirt, and strapped to her thigh gave her a small amount of relief.

  It was coated in poison. She’d already taken the antidote, in case shit hit the fan and someone tried to use her own knife against her, and insisted Tosh and Kyran do the same. Willa wasn’t taking any chances with the Wenden.

  She realized then, she didn’t even know his real name, or if he had one. Not that she cared. She was there to get Violet back, and then get the hell out of Dodge.

  Tosh walked beside her, Kyran at their backs as they entered the massive, looming front door, and were stopped by two, burly security guards.

  “Invite?” one growled, eyes narrowing. No doubt he wondered what a human was doing there. She hadn’t seen any others outside.

  Willa schooled her features, and held up her hand. If she looked like she believed she belonged at the party, others would too. The power of bullshitting.

  She hoped.

  He held up a wand, brushing it over her palm. It beeped and flashed red. The two guards shared a glance.

  Willa’s heart beat-beat painfully.

  Again, he scanned her palm.

  Seconds ticked by, and then it flashed green.

  He gestured, waving her forward. “Coat check ahead.”

  A slow exhale flared her nostrils. That was entirely too close for comfort.

  She waited, Tosh, and Kyran’s scans going off without a hitch. For a minute, she was sure they’d get busted, and then who knows what. Willa didn’t have a contingency plan for not getting in.

  Probably shoulda thought about that.

  Willa unclasped her cloak, and shrugged it off, handing it to the waiting droid. “Ticket Z25 for pickup,” it informed her.

  When she turned to check on Kyran, she caught his eyes roaming her form, just like they had when she’d tried on the dress weeks ago. Just as quickly, he morphed back into bodyguard mode, features relaxed, stoic.

  The torture of wearing a dress was almost worth it, knowing Kyran liked it. A lot.

  The black dress hugged her form in all the right places. At least, where there was fabric. The whole right side of her body, from toe to shoulder, was exposed. Small, buttery straps held the dress to her body, starting at the hip, and ending just under arm.

  A whole lot of side boob was going on.

  The garment left little to the imagination. If she stepped on a vent, everyone was getting a show, because the dress left no room for underwear.

  “Where do you think he’s keeping it?” Tosh asked, swiping two metal flutes of bubbly from a passing servant. Willa accepted one, eyes roaming over her bestie. She looked even more irritated than usual, wrapped up tight in a strapless white dress that ended just above the knee.

  It made her grin. Even subconsciously, Tosh was the yin to her yang.

  “Your guess is as good as mine, but,” she sipped her drink, milling leisurely around the edges of the crowd, “I would guess somewhere safe, hidden away.”

  “Split up?”

  “Mhm,” she fake-smiled at a passing guest. “I’ll check upstairs, you check downstairs?”

  She’d spotted two sets of stairs on either side of the massive, warmly lit room that were tethered off. No stationed guards.

  “Got it-”

  “We meet again.”

  Willa paused mid sip, lowering the flute and turning slowly. The Wenden, only slightly taller than her, stood there smugly, four eyes narrowed.

  “What a coincidence,” she feigned, like she didn’t crash his party intentionally. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”

  He tossed back his head, and laughed. “Well, it’s my party, after all. So glad you could make it.”

  Willa swished the bubbly around in the flute, speculating whether or not he’d make a scene and toss them out on their asses before they even had a chance to look for the necklace. He had to know that’s what they were there for. The Wenden may be many things, but she didn’t think dense was one of them.

  His ashen olive skin looked flat, even with the fixtures above throwing shards of warm light around, as he extended an arm, pulling forth a woman.

  A very muscular woman. Her pale purple skin was stretched tight over her corded body, and she had a head in height on Willa, at least. An Ulu. She’d only met one, ever.

  “Let me introduce you to Rishbi, one of my lovers.”

  The idea of the Wenden getting freaky with Rishbi had her genuinely smiling, because Willa didn’t think Rishbi was the type of woman to let anyone have the reins in the bedroom.

  She shared a look with Tosh, who must’ve been thinking the same thing, because her bestie never smirked when wearing a dress.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Willa nodded, her gaze traveling-

  Holy fuck.

  As if the universe was working against her, conspiring to dangle things in front of her like an eager youngling, there it was…


  Willa’s eyes glued to the silver, fine-chained necklace resting on the chest of the Ulu woman at the Wenden’s side. The dark violet sapphire protectively clutched in the stone setting, like three small talons embracing something precious.

  Her fingers clenched around the metal flute in her fist as she willed herself not to snatch it off that corded throat.

  “What a lovely necklace,” she choked out, willing herself to sound pleasant.

  “Thank you,” Rishbi acknowledged, her voice abnormally deep. When her meaty fingers fiddled with it, Willa wanted to slap them away. “It was a gift.”

  The Wenden smirked, and she could tell he was enjoying the moment.

  How Willa yearned to shove her stiletto up his ass, wherever his ass may be located, if he even had one. Again, she smiled, thinking about how satisfying that would be.

  “We have other guests to greet,” he finally said, wrapping his arm around his Amazonian she-man. “Please, enjoy the party now that you’re here.”

  As soon as the Wenden was out of hearing distance, she turned on Tosh, seething, “I came this close to pulling out my requal and stabbing his fucking face.”

  “Well, upside,” Tosh scowled, watching Rishbi move through the crowd, “we found your necklace.”

  “Yeah, on the neck of a woman that could double as a back-street brawler.”

  “Mm, a safe to break into would’ve been easier.”

  “I’m not leaving here without it,” Willa finally said, emptying her flute and grabbing another. She downed it in three gulps, setting it back on the tray and waving the servant on.

  “We could offer her money,” Tosh shrugged a shoulder. “She might go for it.”

  “I’m gonna go broke for this necklace, I swear.”

  “Maybe if you listened to me a little more often…”

  “Not now,” Willa groaned, eyes boring into the back of Rishbi’s half bald skull. Most of her rope-like, lavender colored hair shaved off, the rest in a bun atop her head.

  They would have to get the Ulu alone, somehow. It was too risky to approach her with an offer in the middle of the party.

  It lit her skin on fire as she thought about the deliberate way the Wenden flaunted the ‘gift’ in front of her, that cheating, no good bastard.
  For another hour, they milled through the party, making nice, and meeting folks, Rishbi in their peripherals the whole time. Kyran was at her back, and always close by. He garnered covert stares from whomever they passed, and Willa could understand why; she’d begun to realize how rare Khymas were.

  Once or twice, the back of her hand would brush his, as if they were both unable to resist. She had to internally shake herself, and remember to focus.

  The Wenden was never far, making the possibility of approaching Rishbi in the open near impossible. If he caught wind she wanted her necklace back, he’d probably name a price that she couldn’t afford.

  A small, irrational part of her entertained the idea of doing a snatch and run, but there’d be too many witnesses. This wasn’t Tor’s, and these weren’t common criminals. The authorities would be called, and that was the last thing she needed. Willa doubted they’d even make it to the port before the police were on their asses.

  She’d be patient, because like she told Tosh, she wasn’t leaving without that damn heirloom.

  “If you drink anymore, you’re gonna regret it,” Willa mumbled at the blonde when she watched her down another flute.

  “More than I already regret being here, wearing this?” she mumbled back, gesturing to her dress.

  Just then, Rishbi gave the Wenden a pat on the arm, and excused herself. Willa’s eyes slid, watching the woman like a predator, waiting for the right time to strike.

  “Tosh, shut up,” she told her babbling friend, “she’s on the move!”

  As quickly as she could, without gaining attention, she made her way to the hall leading off the room where she’d seen Rishbi disappear. Tosh and Kyran close behind.

  The hallway was dark, compared to the main room. Willa peeked around the corner just in time to see a door close of what looked to be a cleansing room.

  “Now, or never,” Tosh whispered behind her, alcohol clearly on her breath.


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