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Judge Page 5

by Riley, Alexa

  “So, tell me about school,” I say, and you would think me telling her I’m going to fuck her was more of a shock, but again she’s got the round eyes of surprise when I ask her about her day.

  I just can’t fucking win.

  Chapter Eight


  How can him asking me about school be the most shocking thing he’s said to me? Maybe it’s because no one ever asked how my day was. “It was long,” I admit, looking down at my food and suddenly feeling shy. He reaches out to cup my cheek, and I raise my head to look at him.

  “Kitten. What’s wrong?” My eyes meet his.

  “It’s silly.” I shake my head. He pulls me into his lap.

  “It’s not silly. Tell me. I don’t want you keeping anything from me.” His face turns soft, showing me the man behind all that power. A softer side to him. There is still so much we don’t know about one another, but somehow he is the closest I’ve ever been to having someone in my life.

  “I don’t want things between us either.” I admit. He gives me a smile, but I see a warning in his eyes. He won’t let me keep things from him. One way or anywhere he’ll get it from me.

  “That’s real good, kitten, because there isn't going to be.” His words melt my insides. He’s not only won over my body but he’s stealing my heart easily.

  “I was thinking that I can’t recall anyone ever asking me that.” His eyebrows draw together like he’s thinking.

  “No one’s ever asked you how your day was?” he asks, shock clear in his tone. I try and think back on it, but nothing comes.

  “Not that I can recall. Maybe someone who worked for my father in passing, but no. Not someone who actually wanted to know and wasn't asking only to be polite.” I give him a soft smile. “I don’t think you ask questions to just be polite.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. It’s deep and rich and for the first time I don’t see a tightness to his body. That edge he always carries around isn’t so hard now. “No, I don’t ask questions to be polite, kitten.” He shakes his head, still smiling. “God, you’re refreshing. A breath of fresh air I didn't even know I needed.” He lets out a long breath and his body relaxes.

  “That’s fucked up, but you know I’m not sure my parents ever asked me either. They left those things to nannies when I was younger. The only time my father showed interest was when he’d ask about school—if I was fucking up or when it was time for me to move on to a better school.”

  “They mapped your whole life out?” I knew those kinds of parents. I’d seen a lot of them at my old school.

  “Yeah, I’d gone along with it even though in my head I had other plans.” He lets out a humorless laugh. “But he’d gotten what he wanted in the end.” He gazes into my eyes. “There’s still time, though. I think I can still have what I had in mind. I’d thought I’d gotten off track but now I’m thinking I was only waiting.”

  I wiggle in his lap, wanting to get closer to him. “Time for what?” I ask, wanting to know everything I can about him. Everything about him pulls at me and I want all of him. He’s mine to have. I know it.

  “I wanted to be lawyer. I just didn’t want to be like them. I didn't want my career choice to be my life. I wanted what other families had.” His hand moves to my hip, holding me close to him. “I wanted to show my father he’d done it wrong. He could have the career and still have a family that you could be close to. That you didn't have to pick one or the other.”

  “No, it’s not too late,” I agree. That’s what I’d always wanted. A family that cared about one another. Wanted to spend time together. Not because it was what they were supposed to do from time to time but because they wanted to.

  “It’s why I bought this house. It was my first step. I got it right when I became a judge. I’m still not sure if my father was happy about that. He never liked that I chose to work for the city and not go into the family practice.”

  “Why did you?”

  “It was what called to me. When I get my eyes locked on a target I can become a little bit of a bulldozer to get what I want.”

  “I hadn't noticed,” I tease, fighting a smile but losing the battle.

  “But then it was all I did. I got the home but nothing called to me, so I kept on working. I started to think maybe I was just like my father. I only chose not to get married so there was no one to neglect.”

  “Is that why you wanted me to know that you’d meant to pick me up today?” I ask. I was surprised when he’d said that.

  “I really am sorry, kitten.” I see the guilt all over his face.

  “Hey, you’re new to this,” I try to reassure him. I don’t want him to lump himself in with his father. “I mean, whatever this is,” I quickly add when I realize what I said, because to be honest, I have no idea what we are. I feel my cheeks warm.

  “Don’t do that. Nothing between us, remember? I was talking about you when I said maybe I’d been waiting. That’s why I hadn't taken the next step in my life. Waiting for a little thief to come and steal my…” He pauses for a moment. My heart starts to pound. I want him to finish his sentence. Steal his what?

  It takes me a moment before I realize it’s not only my heart pounding, it’s the front door, too.

  “Stay put. I'll be sending whoever it is away,” he tells me. Standing easily with me in still in his lap before placing me back in his chair. I watch him stroll out of the room. I still want to know so badly what he was going to say. Did I steal his heart? Because I’m pretty sure he’s stolen mine. No, I’m certain of it.

  I stand when I hear voices. My first thought is that it’s a woman. That was how it was at my uncle’s. One after another showing up. Never the same except for Sasha. I even noticed when I worked with him for a few days that his office was mostly filled with men. I don’t think he likes keeping the same woman around, but for some reason was okay with Sasha and me. My stomach turns as I remember. I will never understand it. I saw the women who came and went. They were beautiful. He could have his pick, but he focused in on me for some creepy reason.

  I move farther down the hallway and relief fills me that the voices I hear are those of men. It’s short-lived when I peek around the wall. I see two police officers standing in the entryway. Smith stands with his arms crossed over his chest looking ready for a fight.

  Both cops notice me and draw Smith’s attention. “Eat your dinner,” Smith orders. That sweetness we had moments ago is gone. His edge is back. Not that I mind his edge. I enjoy both sides of him, but this is different. That same wild feeling I’d gotten from him earlier is there once again. How can I read him so easily in the short time I’ve known him? It’s not as though it’s some special skill set I have or I would have seen it sooner with my uncle. It’s Smith that I had it with. I think he has it with me, too, but I’m guessing he has a good read on most people.

  “Miss Nora Vaughn?” one of the officers asks. Both look to be in their mid-twenties and remind me of college boys in uniforms. I nod and step out from behind the wall.

  “We need you to come with us.” I stand up a little straighter, fear wrapping around my spine.

  “She’s not going anywhere,” Smith drawls as he steps into my line of sight, blocking my view of the officers. “You’ve seen her. She’s fine. You can leave.” His words are clipped. Final.

  “Justice Prescott, we don’t really have a choice,” one of them says. “She has to be taken down for questioning.”

  “For what?” I ask, trying to peer around Smith.

  “Your uncle is making some wild claims and threatening to press charges. He’s saying you’re being held against your will and Justice Prescott is your captor.” My fingers digs into the back of Smith’s shirt. Probably not because of why they should be. No it was the thought of being his captive. There my mind goes again. Always going where it shouldn't in moments like this. I press into him. My body molding to his.

  “She’s not going anywhere. It’s not wise to make me repeat myself, boy,”r />
  “This isn't your courtroom, Smith,” the other one finally chimes in, folding his arms over his chest. I think he’s trying to make himself look bigger than he is. It might work some places, but not standing near Smith.

  “It’s Justice Smith, or Your Honor,” Smith corrects him. He takes a step towards the officer. I jump in because I don’t want things to get out of hand. His threat about Paul lingers in my mind still. If I’ve learned anything in the last twenty-four hours, it’s that Smith is possessive of me and this could all go very badly. I don’t want him getting into trouble because of me.

  “I can go and answer questions. Show that I’m fine,” I pipe up. Smith turns a little to look down at me. I know I’m going to pay for that one, but I have a feeling it will be worth it.

  “They aren't taking you,” he says again. His eyes look a little wild.

  “I’ll come back.” I meet his eyes, willing him to not make this bigger than it needs to be. “Let’s get this done and over with. Then we can get to those plans you made for us.” I bite my lip thinking about them. Spending all weekend wrapped in him would be more than a dream come true.

  I’d wanted to skip dinner when he’d told me what he had planned, still primed from his office. He’d been so close to taking me. I wanted to feel him deep inside me. Be connected to him. As much as I wanted that, I also want to get this over with. If there’s a way to get my uncle out of my life for good, I want to take it. I could start over new with Smith. I want to be the person to give him that life he thought of as a young boy.

  I want one, too. A real one. It has always been my dream. My mind always blanked when people asked me what I wanted to do with my life. I’d pushed college with my uncle to get away from him. With my father I said that, too, but because it was the next step in life. I thought I was supposed to do that. Thing is, I’m eighteen now and I can do anything I want and I want to be with Smith. I don’t want to do all the crap in between to get him.

  He pulls me into him and kisses me deep, taking my breath away. A dash of shyness hits me that the two police officers are standing there, but more that he’s not hiding this. I hadn't given it much thought, but this thing between us is not going to look good for him. He’s a public figure.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask when our mouths part. I lick my lips, still tasting him. I want to take those words back, but he puts any fear I have to rest.

  “There’s nothing I want to do more than this. I think that’s pretty clear at this point.” I have to fight the tears, knowing they likely won’t help the situation.

  “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said or done for me,” I tell him. “There’s nothing that will keep me from you either. So let’s handle this.”

  “Then I’ll handle you.” I smile at him, looking forward to him handling me. I turn to go with the officers, but he pulls me back to him. I melt into his big frame. “I’m sorry,” he says, taking me by surprise. Even the two cops inhale sharply in unison.

  “I was cold to you at first. I—”

  “I know it was lot all at once. I felt it, too.” He gives me one of his rare smiles. We’ve tipped each other’s worlds upside down. His reaction might have been jerky at first, but I’d be lying if I didn't admit I’d been sucked in by it. I enjoyed trying to figure him out and watching him try to fight this losing battle. Maybe I shouldn’t enjoy the fact that I’d made this man’s hardness crumble for me, but I do. If he wasn’t a jerk, I wouldn’t have gotten to witness what he could become for me.

  “I’m coming for you.” He gives me another kiss. This one is too quick, but I know I need to go.

  “I know you will.” I give him one last look before I let the officers lead me out the door.

  Chapter Nine


  I sit in the back of the cop car, my unease growing by the second. Something is wrong. I can feel it. I think we’re going the wrong way. I’ve never been to the police station before, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the building downtown. Maybe there are different ones. This is a big city. There has to be more than one.

  I chew on my bottom lip to keep myself from fidgeting and showing my unease. Maybe we aren’t going to a police station. At least that’s where I thought they would take me if I was going in to answer questions. I try and think back on if they’d said. I take a deep breath, getting my nerves under control. It’s fine. I know Smith won’t be far behind. I glance out the back window of the car to see if I can spot his car, but the road we turned down is empty. Old warehouses line both sides of the vacant street.

  “You sure you want to do this, Alex? We could still change our minds,” the officer in the passenger seat says. I’m pretty sure I heard the other one call him Bull. I’m guessing it’s a nickname. It doesn't fit him at all. I look over at his question, wondering what he’s talking about. He suddenly looks nervous, and it doesn’t help my growing anxiety.

  “It’s all planned out. No backing out now. We've done worse for less,” Alex replies with a slight shrug. He’s the one who got lippy with Smith. I already know he’ll be regretting that soon enough. Unlike his partner, he doesn't look nervous at all. His eyes flick up to the rearview mirror, meeting mine.

  “She’s hot and all, but I don’t get why the judge and Harry are both so hungry for her.” I sink back into my seat even further now. They’re bad cops. The kind that give the good ones a bad name. My stomach tightens. Dread presses down on me. Smith’s face flashes in my mind. I want him so badly right now—my scary, gentle giant.

  “Yeah, but this is fucking with a judge, man.” Bull shakes his head. “She must have good pussy if Harry is willing to pay us fifty grand each for this. I’m still dreading the beating we’re going to have to take so this all looks legit.” He runs his hand over his face.

  “Fifty grand and you can beat the shit out of me anytime,” Alex says with a laugh. “Though I’m starting to wonder about her pussy, too.” He glances in the mirror again, this time licking his lips. My heart starts to pound in my chest.

  “Where are we going?” I ignore their crude words, knowing even if I did say something about them it would either make them do it more or they’d ignore me. I know their type. Heck, I go to high school with their type. They’re bullies. They get off on making people miserable. Just like my uncle. I’m sure that’s where I’m going. Who else would pay that much money for me? The only other man that would is Smith, and you don’t have to buy what belongs to you. Smith would kill them. I know that without a doubt. He lost it over a boy giving me his number, and then he wanted to fight these guys when they said they only wanted to ask me a few questions. No matter what happens past this point, blood will be spilled. I didn’t want that for anyone. More than anything, I don’t want Smith to end up in prison because of me.

  “If I were you, I’d keep that pretty mouth of yours closed. You’re just Bull’s type.” Alex winks at me. I pull my eyes away from the rearview mirror. I don’t want them to see the fear in my eyes, not just for my well-being but for theirs.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Bull punches Alex in the arm. “Don’t fucking act like you don’t like them young, too.” They both start laughing. I want to ask another question, but I keep my mouth shut.

  “She does smell fucking good. I’d swear I could smell her innocence, but no way she’s innocent with the way Judge was acting with her. I bet he’s been all up in her.”

  “That’s the thing about young pussy. Nice and tight all the time.” The both go back to laughing again. My skins crawls. This is nothing like when Smith talks dirty and crude to me. It’s unwanted and they know it. In fact, I think they are enjoying that they are only making me more afraid by the moment.

  When we pull up to a warehouse, I start to shake, knowing who is going to be inside. I came so close to having it all, but he’s going to take it all from me. I don’t understand why he’s so fixated on me. I should stop trying. He’s crazy and there is no understanding crazy.

p; They both get out of the cruiser. Bull opens my door, reaching in for me and pulling me out hard. I fall into him. I try and jerk away, but he doesn't let me.

  “Don’t,” Alex tells him, catching me by surprise. I look up into Bull’s dark eyes and see his lust there. “He said no fondling. Besides, you already have to take an ass kicking so it looks like we got jumped. Don’t give them a reason to make it worse for you.” Bull’s hard-on digs into me. I have to fight to not gag, knowing it would make him mad. He holds my stare for another moment.

  “She’d almost be worth it. I think I’m starting to see the appeal.” He gives a smirk before letting me go. “Walk.” He points towards a large metal door. I glance around knowing there is no other option. If I tried to run, they’d catch me easily and there’s no one around to hear me scream either.

  I do as I’m told. When I reach the door I push it open. It’s heavy and makes a loud scratching sound as I do. I glance back at the two cops who stay behind me but don’t follow.

  “In you go,” Alex tells me. I don’t know what’s scarier: staying here and begging them to not make me go inside, or actually going inside. At least with my uncle I know what’s coming. I’ve fought him off before. Though I don’t think he thought I’d had it in me then. Now he knows. He’ll be better prepared.

  I step inside and the smell of mold and rusted metal engulfs me. The door slams shut behind me. I don’t have to go far in before I see my uncle. He turns to look at me, a smirk pulling at his mouth. Sasha is standing next to him, done up as always. Her heels look so out of place in the dirty old warehouse. She gives me the look of death. She has a hold of Harry’s arm.

  “Harry. Please. Don’t do this. I love you,” she pleads with him, pulling on him. He ignores her. I’m not even sure he notices her hanging onto him.


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