Carter: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

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Carter: A Mafia Billionaire Romance Page 12

by Shanna Handel

  She snaps, “Ridiculous? How dare you call me that! I have a right to be upset.”

  I won’t let this conversation go on much longer. “You certainly don’t have a right to act the way you’re acting. Not in this house.” I give her the look. She squirms a little in her chair. I say, “You’re lucky to be getting such a sweet woman for a sister. Look at how she cares for the elderly. And how she pitched in to help you the other week.”

  I can tell by her face that she wants to roll her eyes. At least she’s learned better than to do that. An eye roll right now would lead to a swift trip over my lap for a taste of my belt.

  She is holding herself together. But... she’s still pouting.

  In the past, I would have tried to appease her. Got on the jet and taken her to a private island for a week, a little first honeymoon to take her mind off things back home. Let her avoid Paige and participating in the planning of Paige’s wedding.

  No. More.

  I want Sasha to make Paige feel welcomed, loved. Extending Paige the same grace that the other Bachman women gave to Sasha when I introduced her to the Village. Sasha has an excellent eye for décor. She knows all the vendors we use for our events. I want her to help Paige plan her and Bronson’s wedding.

  When I tell her this, she refuses.

  Sasha is being a brat. It takes a particular type of dom to appreciate a brat. And I am that man.

  She’s being a spoiled, naughty little girl. And so I will treat her like one. Taking her over my knee, spanking her soundly until she is my sniffling, sorry, very good girl once more.

  It’s come time for our little chat.

  “Baby girl. I’ve tried talking to you. I’ve told you where I stand. I’ve made it clear what’s expected of you.”

  She says nothing. Just stares down at her ring.

  I stand from my seat, looming over her. “Upstairs. Now.”

  Her eyes widen. Her lips try to form a protest.

  I stop her before I can speak. With one raise of my brow.

  She hurries up the stairs to our room.

  I follow behind her. We enter the bedroom. She stands beside the bed. Already looking docile.

  I take a seat on the edge of our bed. Sasha moves to stand before me. Her lower lip is sticking out. She’s pouting. I fear she will stomp her foot and I will laugh.

  I put on my serious face, taking my firm tone. But she’s adorable and I want to chuckle. I say, “Enough is enough.”

  “It’s not fair!” she whines. She puts her hands on her hips. There’s the foot stamp I’ve been waiting for. Her bare foot hits the hardwoods and she says, “I was next in line to be married.”

  I shrug. “You shouldn’t have waited so long. You wanted the long engagement.”

  She rolls her eyes. That’s quite all right—the sass will soon be gone from her, spanked right out. “But six weeks? Come on, that’s crazy. What is she? Some kind of gold digger? Hooking him in before he can find out her true intentions and it’s too late?”

  She’s crossing a line. Gold digger is a terrible insult coming from a Bachman woman. We members of the brotherhood have incredible wealth and though we make a point to not live an opulent lifestyle, we are careful those we bring in our circle aren’t just after the power and status that comes with money.

  Paige is certainly not a gold digger.

  I’m going from amused to angry. Sasha has a venomous streak. It’s showing itself and it’s up to me to correct it. “Don’t say that about Paige. She’s a sweetheart and Bronson was the one that insisted on a short engagement.”

  Her pouty lip makes another appearance. “The way you talk about her, you’d think you like her more than me. I’m sorry I’m not sweet enough for you.” She gives a little harrumph noise. She crosses her arms over her chest.

  She’s going from bratty to just plain mean. I, unlike Bronson, like my woman a little on the bratty side. But this had to end.

  “You aren’t being very sweet right now. But I’ll fix that.” I pat my thigh. “Come lay over my lap, baby girl.”

  Her eyes widen. Her brows raise. What did she think was going to happen?

  I guess she’s still adjusting to her new lifestyle.

  I can help her with that.

  “Act like this and you’ll find yourself over my lap with your bottom bared.” She doesn’t move. I raise one brow, high. I pat my thigh again. “Over, now. Or it’s the paddle.” She’s reading my face to see if I’m serious.

  If I’ll do as I say.

  I am. And I will.

  What she sees in my features has her suddenly scurrying over beside me.

  “There’s a good girl,” I say. She’s standing by my thigh. She’s biting her bottom lip. She’s tugging at her ponytail.


  I want to grab her hips and hoist her over my lap. But I’m waiting for her submission. She gives me one long look and takes a deep breath. With trembling limbs, she lays herself over my waiting thighs.

  There’s a welling in my chest. She’s finding her way.

  I croon, “Good girl.” She settles her upper body on the bed. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. I pull down the tight spandex, exposing her ass.

  Damn sexy.

  I decide to leave her thong on. I like the way it looks. She’s starting to squirm a bit. My cock grows hard beneath her belly. I rub her ass with the palm of my hand. Goosebumps rise on her flesh. Time to talk some sense into her. “Sasha, you haven’t been very welcoming of Paige.” I raise my hand. Her cheeks clench in anticipation. I bring my opened palm down with a satisfying smack. She moans. Her hips wriggle.

  She says, “I just don’t know why she has to be married first.”

  “Bronson wants a short engagement. And guess what?”

  “What?” she sniffs.

  I can already tell this will need to be a very thorough chat. “She obeyed his wishes,” I bring my hand down, hard, on the center of her bottom, “like a good girl.” I love the way her ass jiggles when I smack it. I lift my hand. There’s a pink handprint on her skin. I bring my hand down on her right cheek, then left cheek. I repeat the pattern.

  She’s moaning, saying ow. Her hips wiggle as if she is trying to get away. She reaches a hand back to protect her rear. I instantly pin it to her lower back. “Naughty girl,” I say. “Does someone need the paddle?”

  She hates the paddle. She freezes. “No! No! I’ll be good!”

  I spank her again, but this time, her hips stay still. She’s a quick learner. “Let me make something clear, baby. You are going to be kind to Paige,” I bring my hand down, right, left, right, “and welcome her to the family.” I spank her harder. She’s holding still, but she’s cracking. I can hear her moan, start to sniffle. “And you will help her with any wedding planning that she needs.” Left side, right side, left side. My palm is stinging. Her ass is getting red. “Am I making myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir!” Her bottom is hot to the touch.

  “Do you need to stand in the corner to let the lesson sink in?”

  “No! No, sir!”

  I spank her again. “Are you sure?”

  “I said, I’m sure,” she snaps.

  My muscles tense.

  Wrong answer.

  We obviously aren’t finished here. “Go and get your strap.”

  “Oh, no. What I meant to say was that I’m sure. I’m very, very sure, I promise... sir.” She peeks over her shoulder. Her eyes are wide.

  I say, “Get the strap, then lay it beside you. Bend over the bed with your ass over the edge. Do it, now.”

  My tone makes her jump up. She rushes to obey me. Her pants constricting her movements.

  She’s fast and a moment later, she’s laid over the white comforter with her strap neatly beside her. Her ass in the air. Red cheeks with the black thong between them. Her spandex pants tight around her upper thighs.

  I go to my dresser. I open the drawer, the one she’s not allowed to touch. From it, I pull out her
silver bullet. The beautiful one with the curling letter ‘B’ etched in it. I grab my lube—not the one with the hint of menthol in it because I’ll be taking her in the ass later.

  She’s lying still on the bed. She’s being a good girl. Now.

  Now that she’s knows how thoroughly I punish.

  I’m behind her. Her ass cheeks clench. I don’t tell her what I plan on doing with her. “Stay over the bed and pull those pants and panties down to your knees, little girl.” I watch, amused, as she navigates wrestling her way out of such tight clothing in the awkward position she’s in. When she’s finished, spandex wrapped around her legs, I say, “I want your fingers in the crack of your ass. I want your legs spread and your hands parting your ass for me. So I can punish you.”

  An audible gasp comes from deep within her.

  I take a step forward. Reach down and slap her thigh. Hard. An angry red handprint raises.

  She must obey.

  Right away.

  Or face the consequences.

  She says, “Yes, sir!”

  Her fingers go to her quivering ass. She spreads those long, gazelle-like legs. Her hands part her cheeks. I can see her swollen pussy glistening from behind. Her naughty little bottom hole practically winks at me.

  My cock hardens. Pressing against my jeans.

  Down, boy.

  I’ll get the pleasure my body demands, soon.

  First, punishment.

  I say, “Take a deep breath.”

  “Why? What are you doing to me? Carter—”

  Another sharp slap. On her other thigh. A matching print.

  “Take a deep breath,” I repeat.

  She gives a shaky sob as she inhales. I have the bullet lubed and waiting in my hand. I bend over, find the little asshole she’s so beautifully displaying for me. I press the head of the lubed bullet against the tight muscle of her exposed bottom.

  She clenches her ass cheeks. Then she relaxes them. Allowing the head of the bullet to penetrate her. I push it in further and she gives a little mewing noise that makes my cock throb.

  “Good girl,” I croon. “This is your plug. I’ll use it to punish the inside of your bottom when I need to make a point. And to prepare your ass for my cock.”

  She wants to protest, cry out. I can tell by the tension in her shoulders. Instead, she buries her face in the crook of her arm.

  My very good girl.

  She’s only ever had my fingers in her before, so I move slowly. I press the bullet in further. Her muscles constrict, then loosen. Press it away, then accept it. It slides all the way in, and she gives a whiney moan.

  I pat her poor little bottom, still red and hot from my smacking palm. I say, “How does that feel?”

  She takes a moment to think, then whispers, “Tight. Uncomfortable... strange.”

  “Does it make you feel like the naughty little girl that you are? Does it make you feel punished?”


  “Is it working its magic, reminding you of what happens to brats in this house?”

  “Y-yes... sir.” Her voice quivers.

  “Does it make you feel submissive to me? The one who has the power to do what he wants to every inch of your body?”

  “Yes. It-it does.”

  “Good,” I say. “Let’s see how it feels to be strapped while you’re plugged. Get into position.”

  She gives a moan. A little shiver travels down her spine. Her legs go together, the rounded end plug disappearing. A peak of the curve of the handle shows between her ass, keeping the bullet snug in its place. As she presses her ass cheeks back together, she gives a moan.

  The bullet is already doing its job.

  I pick up the strap. I feel the smoothness of the leather, its gentle weight across my palm. I bring it down on my hand, sending a warning smack through the air that makes her jump.

  I lift it in the air, bring it down over her already red ass. She cries out and a stripe instantly wells up.

  “Baby, are you going to be a good friend to your new sister?”

  She’s trying her best to hold still, but the stinging is making her squirm. Her toes curl into the carpet. She cries, “Yes! I’ll be good. I’ll call Paige to congratulate her, right away. I promise!”

  I bring the strap down again. The sound of the smack hardens my cock. Unleashing a part of myself I’ve buried for too long. Her muscles tense and she gives a long moan.

  She must learn her lesson.

  I watch as a new angry streak rises on her curves. I say, “I’ll not tolerate nastiness in my household. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir!” she cries out. I know her so well, I can read her tones.

  She’s sorry.

  She’ll be good.

  She’ll be sweet Sasha to Paige from now on.

  But one more. Just for me.

  I bring the strap down. Hard. I want her ass burning when I take her.

  It comes down with a loud crack, and she cries out, “I’ll be good. I’ll be so good!”

  And she will.

  But I’m not finished with her yet.

  “Good. Now let’s get you up and changed into your punishment panties.”

  She gives a little sob.

  It’s humiliating for her, I know. Sasha prefers her sexy black thongs; only tolerates the panties I’ve purchased. But she’ll not be wearing either. Not after that bratty little display she’s given me.

  I help her up from the bed. She gives me a long look through her tears, silently pleading. I say, “Go on, then.”

  She knows what to do. With her red ass exposed to me, she turns and goes to the dresser. She has a funny little walk from the new sensation of the plug. Every movement reminds her who is charge.

  She opens the top drawer and reaches in. When she returns, she has her naughty girl panties in her hand.

  They are full-cut white panties. They have a little pink bow at the waist. And lacy ruffles all the way across the bottom.

  Little girl panties. To remind her of how childish she’s been.

  I sit down on the bed. Toss the strap beside me.

  She stands next to me. Her leg is leaning against mine, sweetly. I know her cunny’s all wet from her punishment and the plug fills her bottom. She looks at me with her wide brown eyes, and hands me the panties.

  “Good girl,” I say. “Good job, baby girl.”

  She blushes, her cheeks turning as red as her bottom. She loves when I talk to her like this—I know how hungry it makes her pussy. How tightly she will wrap it around my cock when I let her.

  She stands before me in nothing but a black tank, having stripped her sports bra off the second she’d walked in from work. I can see how hard her nipples are through her thin shirt.

  Smell the musk of her arousal.

  I want to know how wet her spanking made her. How turned on she is by my chiding words.

  How confused her pussy is by the feeling of the plug filling and tugging at her ass.

  I drop the panties onto the bed.

  Still seated, I spread my legs. I pull her between my thighs. Her eyes widen. She had no idea I’d be touching her after her spanking. But I want to, and so I do.

  Her hands go to my shoulders, pressing into my muscles. I lock my gaze on hers, holding her eyes as I slide my hand between her thighs. She spreads her legs a little, her eyes closing. Her head leans back as I slip a finger inside of her slick pussy. It’s even tighter than usual, a product of the plug filling her ass.

  She’s soaking wet.

  I pull the finger from her, wet from her juices. I rub her clit. Her hips start to move. She’s grinding against my hand. The scent of her arousal strengthens, making my cock so hard it strains against my pants uncomfortably. My hands leave her, going to my own waist. I slip out of my pants. I tug my shirt up and over my head.

  A moment later I’m sitting on the bed, naked, my cock standing at attention.

  “Sit on it,” I say.

  Her teeth sink into her bottom
lip. She likes what she sees. Her nipples harden even further beneath her shirt. She straddles me, her smooth thighs pressing into mine. I grab her hips, my fingertips dig into her flesh. I pull her up, and line the entrance of her cunt with the head of my cock.

  Her hands are on the back of my neck, running through my hair. She’s groaning. Wanting to press down and have my full length in her pussy. But she knows better.

  She waits.

  Like I’ve taught her to.

  It’s torture for me, but I tease her anyway. Holding her hips and leaving only the head of my cock inside her. I move my hips, swirling just around the tight entrance of that sweet cunt. I watch as her brow narrows in frustration. She wants to sit on me, but I hold her up.

  “You want to sit on my big cock, baby girl?”


  “You want to ride me? With my plug in your ass? Wearing the stripes of my strap across your bottom?”

  She whimpers. “Yes.”

  I press the head into her a bit further. I’m rewarded by a pulse of her pussy. A gush of her sweet cunny juices runs down my cock.

  I can’t take it anymore. I must have all of her tight pussy around my throbbing rod.


  Guiding her hips, I shove her down onto my cock in one hard, punishing movement. Her skin slaps against mine as she’s thrust onto my lap. She’s filled with my plug and my cock and I’m stretching her to her max.

  She cries my name out in pain—the darkest form of pleasure.

  Her head leans against mine. Her soft hair brushes my cheek as she catches her breath. I feel her begin to move slowly, adjusting to the new sensation in her ass. She’s taking all of me, moving faster.

  My hands still hold her hips, but I’m not guiding her.

  I leave my baby girl to do what she does best.

  Without warning, she’s grinding my dick. Riding me hard. Fucking the ever-loving life out of me.

  My hands leave her hips, grabbing at the hem of her black tank. I push it up over her bare breasts. They bounce as she rides, her pink nipples peaked and pretty. I take one in my mouth, sucking and biting until she gasps. I grab her breasts in my hands, cupping them and fondling them.

  It makes her ride all the harder. Her cunt grinds against me, then rises up and plunges down my shaft.


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