The Wedding Season

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The Wedding Season Page 6

by Samantha Chase

  By the time the ceremony was over, Tricia seemed a little more relaxed and he decided to simply let the matter go for now. If she seemed overly anxious to leave the church, he didn’t question it. And when she decided they should go on ahead of everyone to the reception hall, he didn’t say a word.

  It wasn’t until they were seated with eight of her friends at the reception that he saw her tense up again. People were up and dancing and he decided she needed a distraction. Standing, he held out a hand to her. “Would you like to dance?”

  Her smile was full of gratitude as she stood and let him lead her onto the dance floor. They swayed to the ballad and Ryan felt the instant she let herself relax. “Better?” he asked.

  “Much.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Care to tell me who’s behind all this tension?”

  And then she tensed up, looking at him with unease.

  “Come on,” he coaxed. “You’ve been tense and distant ever since the church.”

  She sighed. “Steve’s here.”

  “Okay,” he said slowly. “And who’s Steve?”

  “My ex. We dated for four years. Last two years of high school and then after.” She shook her head. “I’m a little annoyed that no one gave me the heads up he was going to be here.”

  “So I take it the breakup was bad.”

  “Is there really such a thing as a good one?” she asked with a hint of sarcasm. Then she shrugged. “I don’t know. To me, it was bad. He lied, he cheated and…it was pretty awful. Sean can’t stand him either. Even back in high school he used to beg me to break up with him, but I wouldn’t listen. Guess I should have.”

  “It wasn’t his call to make,” Ryan said simply. “Sometimes we need to go through things for ourselves.” He looked around the room. “So I guess you’d like to just avoid this guy, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, at least we know he’s not seated at our table. That’s a good thing.” He continued to look around. “Have you seen or spoken to him since you two broke up?”

  She shook her head. “He called a lot in the beginning but I never took his calls. Now I get an occasional voicemail or text from him.”

  Ryan looked at her like she was crazy. “Why? What could he possibly have to say?”

  “Oh…you know, the usual. Wanting to say hi. Just making sure I was doing okay. He was thinking of me. Blah, blah, blah. It doesn’t matter. I never respond.”

  “I don’t blame you.” They went back to companionable silence and listened to the music. Another ballad started and Ryan was thankful for it. He felt himself relaxing a bit when…

  “Mind if I cut in?” Came a deep male voice. Ryan didn’t turn around, but he could tell by the look on Tricia’s face who had asked the question.

  “You know,” Ryan began as he looked over his shoulder, “I think I do.” Then he pulled Tricia a little tighter and moved away. It took a few seconds before he realized Tricia was staring at him. “What?”

  “Don’t you think that was a little rude?”

  “Seriously? Did you want to dance with him?”

  “Well…no but…”

  “Then don’t give it another thought. Clearly this guy isn’t good at taking your hints. I think I made it perfectly clear for him.” When the music ended, they walked off the dance floor and back to their seats. They immediately got caught up in conversations around the table and for that Ryan was grateful.

  It was after five when the wedding ended and he stood and watched Tricia say goodbye to all of her friends – until next month. He thought it was kind of funny how they were all acting as if they’d never see one another again. When she was back by his side as they walked to his car, he could see that all of her earlier tension was gone.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “For what?”

  “For…understanding. You didn’t push and you didn’t want to make a big deal out of the whole thing and I appreciate it.”

  He couldn’t help but shrug. “It really wasn’t my place. But know this…” He stopped, put his hands on her shoulders and turned her toward him. “If he had gotten out of line, if he had said or done anything to upset you, I would not have hesitated to set him straight. Wedding or no wedding, I would have taken care of it.”

  Then he waited to see how she would respond. Tricia’s eyes scanned his face and for a minute, he didn’t think she was going to say anything. Then she gave him a slow smile. “Luckily it didn’t come to that. I would hate to think the wedding would have been ruined because of me.”

  “Not you, sweetheart. Him.”

  Ryan watched her swallow hard, her eyes lightly welling with tears. He took a step closer and reached up to cup her cheek. The need to touch her was almost overwhelming. All around them, people were chatting and walking to their cars but Ryan barely noticed. All he could see was Tricia.

  “Well, aren’t you two cozy?” Ryan didn’t have to even turn his head to know it was Steve’s voice. “A little incestuous, don’t you think?”

  With a soft stroke of his thumb across Tricia’s cheek, Ryan turned and faced Steve. “Excuse me?”

  “You know…all the years she had your brother at her beck and call and now here you are.” Then he looked at Tricia. “Keeping it in the family, huh?”

  And just like that, Ryan saw red. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed Steve by the lapels. He caught the man off guard and when they were practically nose to nose, he nearly growled. “Listen, I don’t know what your deal is and I don’t want to know. I think Tricia has more than proven she wants nothing to do with you. I don’t want to hear you’ve called her, texted her or even spoken her name, are we clear?”

  “Or what?” Steve sneered right back.

  “I’m not as nice as my brother,” Ryan said and shoved Steve with enough force to send him stumbling several feet away. “Of course, if you’d like to find out just how different we are, stick around a little longer.”

  Steve got to his feet, his face red, fists clenched at his side. He glared at Ryan and then looked over at Tricia who was standing there wringing her hands. “You know what? Forget it. You’re not worth it.” And he turned and walked away.

  Ryan stood rooted to the spot and didn’t move until he saw the guy get in his car and drive away. Then he turned back to Tricia. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “I…I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to have to get involved. It was really stupid and childish of me. I keep saying I’m fine and over him – and I am – but when I see him or hear his voice it just…I don’t know. I get so mad and freaked out that it almost paralyzes me. How stupid is that?”

  He stepped in close and wrapped her in his arms, grateful when she hugged him back. “I don’t think it’s stupid at all. I think it’s pretty normal.” He tightened his arms once before letting her go, taking her hand and leading her to his car. “I’m sorry he upset you.”

  “Right now, I’m more upset with myself.” They climbed into the car and it wasn’t until they were almost home when Tricia spoke again. “I’m sure you’re anxious to get home and get away from my high school drama.”

  Actually, he wasn’t. And he wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

  Unaware of his internal dilemma, she continued. “I’d completely understand if you wanted to back out of the rest of the weddings. It’s basically a lot of the same people so there’s a good chance Steve will show up again. I’m sure he won’t bother me, and now that this happened, I think my reaction will be a lot different the next time.”

  Ryan didn’t want to think about there being a next time. The guy was a real jackass who seemed to have a bit of a mean streak. The thought of Tricia having to deal with that on her own wasn’t an option.

  They pulled into her driveway and when he parked and shut the car off, she looked at him quizzically. “Were you coming in? I thought you were anxious to get on the road.”

  And now she was trying to get rid of him? Ryan wasn’t sure why it
bothered him so much, but it did. Without a word, he got out of the car and stalked to the front door, using his key to get in.

  Tricia was only a few feet behind him. “Ryan? Are you okay?”

  He tossed his keys on the entryway table as he loosened his tie and kept walking toward the back deck, Tricia fast on his heels. She called his name again once they were outside and Ryan simply stopped and let his head fall back.

  “What’s going on?” she asked softly. “I don’t understand what you’re so angry about.”

  And that was it. That was all it took to bring his frustration to the surface. “You don’t understand?” he mimicked as he turned around and started walking toward her. “Seriously?”

  She shook her head. “No…I don’t. I mean, I know you were angry earlier because of Steve but…I thought that was over.” She took several steps backwards as he kept advancing.

  “Yeah, I’m upset about Steve,” he said curtly. “I can’t understand what you even saw in him.”

  “I was young and back then, he was different,” she said, a slight tremor in her voice.

  “I don’t want you to see him at any of these other weddings. I know it’s not my call to make but I can’t help it. I don’t want him near you, upsetting you.”

  That seemed to relax her a little. “Tonight was a bit eye-opening. It had been a while and I guess by not responding to him all this time, he wasn’t getting the point. I’m sure he does now.”

  “Not good enough.” They were stepping back into the house. “If there’s a chance of him being at any of these other weddings, then I’m going to be there with you.”

  “Oh…okay,” she said and then paused. “I just don’t want you to be so…upset. Angry. I know I kind of overreacted earlier. I didn’t mean to drag you into this mess.”

  “I’m not angry!” he yelled and then realized how ridiculous it sounded considering the tone of his voice. Raking a hand through his hair, he closed his eyes and mentally counted to ten.

  When he had thought about this weekend, it seemed like such a short amount of time and now it seemed as if it was lasting forever. Ryan knew he should have just gotten in the car and left, but he couldn’t. He was too wound up and restless and the thought of spending three hours in the car with nothing to do but think was beyond unappealing.

  The entire situation was getting out of hand. It was supposed to be simple – go with Tricia to some weddings. That’s it. Sure there was the whole fake relationship angle, but he hadn’t counted on any real feelings coming in to play. Looking at her now, he realized just how wrong he was. Not only were there real feelings, but they were strong. Very strong.

  Too strong.

  Tricia was studying him hard and Ryan knew he was going to have to say something to try and explain why he was freaking out. “Look, I just didn’t like seeing you so upset. Personally, I don’t understand it, but that’s none of my business. I’m doing Sean a favor and making sure no one upsets you and…”

  To his surprise, Tricia was the one to snap. “So that’s what this is all about? Like hanging out with me is some sort of chore?” She snorted with disgust and shoved past him to get out of the kitchen. In the hallway she kicked off her shoes. “I am so sick and tired of everyone thinking they know what’s best for me or treating me as if I can’t think for myself.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, following after her.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she snapped, walking over to the front door and opening it. “You have a long drive ahead of you and you should go.”

  He looked at her incredulously. “You’re throwing me out?”

  She nodded. “I don’t need a babysitter. I can handle myself. I’ll admit I didn’t realize until tonight just how out of control I’d let things get. If it were Sean here with me, I’d be giving him the same lecture. I’m a grown woman and it’s time I started acting like one. I’ll deal with whatever comments anyone throws my way at the rest of the weddings. They’re no more insulting than needing someone to fight my battles for me. I’m not a child and like I said…no more babysitter.”

  He glared at her but stayed where he was. “I don’t appreciate being referred to as a babysitter. I’m here because my brother…”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah…he asked you to. He asked you to watch out for me. Well…newsflash. I don’t want to be looked after. If I don’t have a real date to go with me, then I’d rather go alone. It’s a lot less humiliating.”

  He sighed loudly. “Seriously, Tricia, what’s this all about? I thought everything was pretty much okay. You didn’t seem to mind me taking Sean’s place when we talked about this.”

  She shrugged. “Well now I do. Sean’s always looked out for me and I think we’re both a little too old for that anymore. He’s my best friend and I love him but…” She took a steadying breath, “I need to handle things on my own.”

  This time he did step closer, crowded her. “No one says you aren’t handling things on your own, Tricia.”

  “Really? It seemed to me I didn’t speak a word to Steve tonight. You did it all for me.”

  She had him there. “Okay, fine. I stepped in without thinking. I just reacted. That doesn’t make me a bad guy.”

  “No but it made me realize how this is what I do – what I always do – and I don’t like it.” She leaned back against the door. “So thank you for helping me out this weekend, but for the remainder of the weddings, I’ll be on my own.”

  Ryan shook his head. “I don’t think so.” He closed the distance between them. Tricia’s eyes went wide. He reached up and touched her cheek.

  “Why?” she whispered, her eyes scanning his face. “And don’t you dare say it’s because of Sean.”

  It was as if she could read his mind.

  “It’s not,” he murmured huskily.

  “Then why?” Her voice was barely audible.

  “Because…this.” He lowered his head and claimed her lips with his.


  Ryan was kissing her.

  Really kissing her.

  This wasn’t an innocent peck on the cheek or anything like the kiss they’d shared the other night. This was all wet and deep and filled with need. Tricia’s back was against the door and his hands – those gloriously rough hands – cupped her cheek.


  How was it possible that she’d known him all these years and hadn’t felt such a pull of attraction to him? How had she gone this long in her life without being kissed by him? Wanted by him?

  It didn’t take long for things to escalate and somehow they were moving away from the door, Ryan slamming it closed before backing her up toward the den. Thank God. The thought of breaking the kiss and making it up the flight of stairs was more than she could handle right now.

  Both of their hands were exploring and touching as they moved from one room to the next. Her eyes were closed and she felt almost too lazy to open them; besides, it made everything that was happening a total sensory experience. Taking away her ability to really see Ryan but being able to touch and feel him? It was quite exciting.

  He whispered her name as his lips left hers at the same time her legs hit the back of the massive couch. Her head fell back, her long hair spilling behind her as he nipped, licked and kissed the slender column of her throat. When he whispered it again, it was a plea and Tricia could only sigh and say “yes.”

  The next thing she knew, they were on the sofa. She kicked her shoes off as Ryan settled beside her – his hands roaming all over her from calf to shoulder – but never stopping for long. Mentally she was begging him to stop and pay attention to some of the good parts, but when his lips came back to hers, she couldn’t think at all.

  Her hand anchored in his hair as he slanted his lips over hers again and again until she felt like she couldn’t take anymore. The need to take in big gulps of air and maybe pinch herself to make sure this was really happening was overwhelming. She said his name on a sigh and couldn’t help but smile when he reared up
and peeled off his suit jacket and tie. The only light in the room came from the fading sun coming through the blinds.

  His eyes never left hers as both garments hit the floor. Then one hand rested on her knee and then began a slow journey upward, taking the hem of her dress with it. Tricia swallowed hard and licked her lips in anticipation. By the time his hand was on her hip, she let out a purr – desperate for more of his touch.

  “Trish?” he whispered.

  She couldn’t speak. “Mmm…”

  “Tell me this is what you want,” he urged. “Or tell me to stop.”

  Was he kidding? Tell him to stop? Um, no. That wasn’t going to happen. Not right now. Possibly not ever. “Don’t stop,” she said, forcing herself to speak. Her heart was racing as he sat perfectly still for what seemed like forever. She began to squirm under his intense gaze and just when she didn’t think she could stand it another minute – the silence, the anticipation – he stood.


  Leaning forward, he placed a finger over her lips and then straightened. Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off. He toed off his shoes as he unbuckled his belt. As the minutes went by, the more overwhelmed Tricia became. It was a striptease in the most basic sense and yet, it was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. Her fingers twitched with the need to touch him, to be skin to skin with him. When his trousers hit the floor and the only garment left on Ryan were dark boxer briefs, she nearly sent a prayer heavenward.

  Ryan reached out a hand to her and pulled her to her feet. Yeah! She thought. My turn! Stepping in close to him she held her breath as he reached behind her and unzipped her dress. When his hands moved away, the dress slipped slightly, but caught on her breasts. His gaze strayed to where the fabric stopped and she heard the slight intake of breath.

  This was it. It was all or nothing and right now, Tricia wanted it all.

  With Ryan.

  With a slight shimmy, the dress slid from her body and pooled at her feet. The strapless garment had allowed her to go braless and even as she stood before him in nothing more than panties and stilettos, she didn’t feel embarrassed. It was the most natural thing in the world.


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