Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 15

by Morgan Fox

  “Your majesties,” Gavin called out. “What’s happened?”

  Queen Miranda’s watery gaze searched out Gavin. “Find Julian. Tell him that his brother has been cursed.” She sniffled. “He’s dying.”

  He knew the pain and knew it well. He recognized the queen’s helplessness from his own experience with a curse. Shadow’s despair would forever haunt him.

  Silence gripped Gavin’s arm. “I’ve called for Shadow. They’re on their way now.”

  Gavin nodded, appreciating the psychic link Silence shared with her sister. “We need to figure out how we are going to fight Eblis and his army.”

  “I’ve dispatched the royal guards,” the king said. “They are surrounding the castle and the fae priestesses have already formed a protective shield around the kingdom.”

  “Then why the hell is this place falling apart?” Gavin barked.

  “Eblis is powerful. He has dark magic at play here. His energy is somehow weakening the barrier. That’s why the castle is crumbling around us.”

  “Shit,” Walker spat. “What can I do?”

  “Aaron!” Julian cried.

  Both Julian and Shadow charged into the massive hall, running at full speed to join them. Julian shoved past them, kneeling beside his brother. He gathered Aaron into his arms, practically robbing him from his mother’s embrace.

  “No! No! No!” Julian cried. “Don’t die on me, Aaron. Don’t you dare die.” Julian rocked back and forth slowly, holding his brother tightly against him, muttering those words over and over again.

  Gavin’s entire body was riddled with anger as he watched the fae prince crumble emotionally in front of him. Shadow slid her hand into his, their fingers weaving together. Nothing felt worse than watching a loved one being ripped away. Gavin understood that firsthand.

  * * * *

  “How did this happen?” Julian’s voice didn’t sound like his own. The tone was coated in utter anguish. “Aaron was never supposed to leave the safety of the palace grounds.”

  “If I may, your highness,” one of the royal guards said, stepping forward.

  Julian’s gaze snapped upward. Roger, the guard who spoke, had been Aaron’s training companion since childhood. Julian blinked away the pain that caused his eyes to water and nodded.

  “We found Prince Aaron in full armor. He appeared to have joined the battle, your highness.” Roger hung his head, his hands balled together in front of him.

  Damn it, Julian thought. “Typical, foolish, Aaron,” he said through clenched teeth. “The boy will never learn that his safety should always be priority.” He hugged his brother close, feeling the frigid chill of death creep along the flesh of his body. “Why would he be so stupid as to place himself in danger?”

  Gavin touched Julian’s shoulder, forcing his gaze up to the lycan. “I bet he wants to be a warrior like his big brother.”

  Julian sighed heavily, shaking with the need to do something to help his brother. He appreciated Gavin’s words more than he would ever know. “Thank you,” Julian said softly. His eyes locked onto his mother’s. “Is there anything you can do to heal him?”

  Queen Miranda’s jaw quivered as she spoke, “No, the curse must be lifted by the one who cast it.”

  “Eblis,” Shadow breathed.

  The queen nodded. “He is using Aaron to draw you out, Julian. He knows how much you care for your brother and what lengths you’ll go to save him.”

  Julian’s heart had been torn from his chest. He’d never realized just how important his brother had been to him until the moment he thought he might lose him. A life without Aaron would destroy him, especially because it would be his fault.

  Had I been here, had I taken Aaron under my wing as he desired, none of this would ever have happened.

  He swallowed the bile that crawled up the back of his throat and inhaled the air that would give him enough strength to part from Aaron and seek out Eblis. He would defeat the demon fae army. There was no other choice. Aaron’s life depended on it.

  Another round of explosions rocked the palace walls, bringing down more dust and debris. Julian placed Aaron back into his mother’s arms. “Take Aaron to safety,” he told her, shifting his gaze to his father. “I’m taking control over the army. I’ll leave you your chosen guards, but—”

  “Go,” the king grumbled. “Don’t waste time, Julian.” The king moved to take Julian by the shoulders. “Save your brother and your kingdom. This is what you were born to do.”

  His throat constricted as his father’s words washed over him. “I will make you proud, Father.”

  Then without a moment’s hesitation he stormed out of the throne room and down the narrowing corridor.

  “Julian, wait,” Shadow cried, running after him. “What’s our plan?”

  Julian’s brow furrowed. “The only way to end Aaron’s curse is to kill Eblis.”

  “But Gavin broke the curse without killing Eblis.”

  Julian held her by her shoulders. “No, Shadow, your fae magic coupled with mine saved Gavin.”

  “Then why couldn’t we do that to save your brother,” Gavin questioned, coming up to stand beside them.

  “Because Shadow doesn’t love my brother as she does you,” Julian smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Dark magic, the kind that Eblis is consumed by, is no match for true love.”

  Shadow stiffened in his hands. “So what do we do now?”

  Julian met Shadow’s gaze. He knew she was afraid, even if on the outside she was trying to be fierce. “You and I will find Eblis and kill him. It’s the only way to save Aaron.”

  Gavin cleared his throat and folded his arms across his chest. “That sounds like a great idea, but I don’t think you’ll be doing that with just Shadow.” Walker, Silence, and Lance came up to stand around them, placing Julian and Shadow in the center of their circle. “We fight as a pack. We fight together.”

  A giant lump formed in Julian’s throat as he watched the lycans surrounding him. Julian might not have been one of them, but he certainly felt like family. “Thank you,” Julian murmured, extending his arm out to Gavin. Gavin took it and locked arms with Julian in a show of brotherhood.

  Shadow placed her hand over top of their arms and smiled. Gavin’s gaze moved to hers and for the first time Julian thought they might actually have a chance together. If they survived.

  * * * *

  Shadow’s eyes watered as she felt the pulsing energy fire up her arms. Touching Gavin and Julian brought a surging power through her veins. Her breath caught as her vision blurred.

  Her mind’s eye showed her Eblis and his advancing army. She knew they were making their move on the castle and if she and the others were going to make their stand against the demon army, it had to be now.

  “Eblis is coming,” she breathed, staring off into the unfolding pictures in her mind. “They’re marching up on the southern side of the palace. He’s captured a few dozen royal guards and he’s forcing them to lead out in front of his army.” She blinked hard, wiping away the visions. She focused on Julian. “He’s using those men as shields.” Her eyes watered, knowing that the fae guards were facing certain death at the hands of their own people. “They’ll be slaughtered.”

  Julian steeled himself. “Not if we get there first.”

  Julian took hold of Shadow’s hand and pulled her toward him. She knew they were about to orb in the direction she’d told them the army was headed. Strangely she wasn’t frightened as they rushed into battle. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was energized, fired by emotions and power unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

  Opening her eyes, her feet were firmly planted on the cobblestone of the southernmost facing balcony. Facing out across the land, she saw Eblis’s army racing toward them, destroying everything in their path.

  Shadow’s body hummed with electricity and she couldn’t explain why. Not until she realized that both Gavin and Julian touched her. Their hands were warm on her skin, and the ma
gical power that charged from them pulsed into her. Their union was breathtaking.

  Catching her breath, the hair on her body stood on end as she felt the cold chill of evil tingle upon her flesh. The unsettling sensations had her gut twisting and flipping like mad. She trembled as the wave of tension consumed every muscle in her body. Her fingers squeezed around Gavin and Julian as Eblis appeared before them.

  Like a violent storm in winter, his raspy voice crept into her mind leaving her cold and shivering. Shadow? Her name scraped across his throat as if he’d spoken the word aloud. His gaze was fixed on her. The dead stare left her stepping closer to Gavin and Julian. Both her lovers pressed tightly against her sides, their bodies flexed and prepared to defend themselves against Eblis.

  Suddenly outnumbered, the room behind them swarmed with dozens of Eblis’s men all dressed in armor and wielding swords. The demon fae’s eyes flickered from gold to bright blue as the power of the fae people engulfed them. They were not only outnumbered but outmatched.

  Then with the wave of his hand, Eblis forced Walker and Lance off their feet and into the welcoming arms of the demon fae awaiting them. Walker and Lance struggled against the grasp of their enemies, unable to move.

  “No,” Silence cried, rushing toward them. As she drew near, one of the demon fae warriors raised his arm, connecting with her chest, sending her slamming to the ground.

  Then the demon fae turned and placed the tip of his sword at Walker’s gut and waited for the order to drive the blade deep into the tender flesh of Walker’s body.

  Silence reached her hand forward, begging the warrior not to hurt her mate. Shadow froze, holding onto Gavin and Julian so that they wouldn’t end up like Walker and Lance. She gritted her teeth, unable to stand the pain she watched consume her sister at the fear of losing her mates.

  “Please!” Shadow cried, facing Eblis. “Don’t hurt them.”

  Eblis’s inclined his head and narrowed his gaze. You have a choice, little lycan. You can stand beside your men as I strike them all down one by one, or you can sacrifice yourself and save their lives. His eyes turned black, a soulless color that robbed her of breath. I give you my word that I’ll send them back to Earth never to enter this world again.

  Shadow licked her lips, her mouth dry. Her heart thundered in her ears. How can I trust you? You could be lying just to get what you want. Once I surrender, you could easily betray me and my friends.

  Eblis’s dark eyes brightened as if he suddenly realized how menacing he appeared to her. Why would I do that? I want you to want me, Shadow. I want you to look at me as your Master. Not the vile creature I see reflected in your eyes now.

  Shadow ground her teeth, not sure what to do. She didn’t want to lose her friends, couldn’t stand the idea of watching them suffer. Her sister didn’t deserve this. She, Walker, and Lance deserved happiness and a lifetime of love.

  As much as she wanted the same thing with Gavin and Julian, she knew this was her destined path. She alone was the one who could save her loved ones and end this nightmare. Knowing that both Gavin and Julian would survive was all she needed to know. Maybe with a little luck she could get close enough to Eblis and destroy him, even if it took her years to accomplish.

  You will not harm any of them, including Gavin and Julian?

  I give you my word. Eblis bowed, lowering his head, but keeping his eyes trained on her.

  With wide eyes, Shadow faced Gavin and Julian. Her heart swelled, so thankful for the love they’d shared with her, for the chance to know that her life was meant for something so much more than she ever imagined. She licked her lips and wrapped one arm around Gavin and the other around Julian, pulling them toward her in a giant embrace.

  Her chin up, she told them, “Thank you. I never would’ve known such love without you fighting for me. You will never know how much you mean to me.” She pressed to her tiptoes, kissing Gavin and then Julian, the round-eyed expression revealing their confusion. “I will love you forever and always.” She closed her eyes and waited for Eblis to rip her from her lover’s arms.

  Chapter 14

  “No!” Gavin roared as Shadow was torn from his grasp and hauled across the room in a magical vacuum. He rushed toward Eblis, but Shadow screamed. A powerful force stopped him in his tracks.


  “Stop, Gavin. Please let me do this.” Her eyes watered. “If you truly love me, you’ll let me do this for us.”

  He shook his head, his entire world exploding around him. “I can’t let him have you.” Gavin’s body flexed as his muscles fought to break free of the invisible force restraining him. “I’ll die without you.”

  She bit her bottom lip, her face strained with pain. “You will survive this, Gavin. You, Julian, and the others.” Tears trailed down her cheeks. “It has to be this way.”

  “No!” Julian shouted.

  “Enough,” Eblis said with a groan, waving his hand and knocking Gavin to the ground. He tsked under his tongue, shaking his head. “For a powerful lycan, you sure do act like a woman.” He scoffed. “Grow a pair for crying out loud. Your behavior is embarrassing.” Eblis stepped up to grab Shadow by her hair, wrapping it around his hand and making a fist. He used her hair as a leash, dragging her wherever he walked. “Her decision has been made. She’s mine and there is nothing you can do about it.”

  “Why do you want me?” Shadow asked, her voice raspy and clipped.

  Eblis raised his arm and lifted her up as he did. “Your power,” he said dryly. “Once you learn to master all you are, all you can do…I will be the most feared among our lands.”

  “Our lands?” Julian asked.

  Shadow held Eblis’s wrist as he dragged her over to stand beside Julian. “Of course,” he said with a snicker. “I made the bargain to leave your kingdom untouched, but I never said anything about Earth.”

  “No, you can’t,” Shadow cried. “You promised.”

  Eblis laughed coldly. “I promised I wouldn’t hurt your friends and that I’d send them back to Earth, which I will.” He tugged Shadow up so her head was inclined at an odd angle. “I never promised that I wouldn’t go to Earth as well.”

  Gavin’s teeth clenched tight. His blood rushed to his ears. Slowly, his claws lengthened and his teeth grew, biting into his lip. He could sense Walker, Silence, and Lance doing the same. His wolf was on high alert and he knew they were following his lead.

  Gavin locked gazes with Shadow. Her face was no longer full of fear but of a look he’d seen when she’d been truly pissed at him. The powerful force she’d used to keep him from advancing on Eblis was gone and he figured she’d done it to keep him from being magically bound.

  Smart woman.

  “What would you want with Earth?” Gavin asked Eblis, stepping forward slowly. “The magic there is limited.”

  Eblis chuckled. “That is exactly why I’ll be taking over Earth. The humans will have no way of fighting my army and ruling over them will be the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

  “That’s why my parents and the Fosters tried to keep that portal secured,” Julian said sharply.

  Eblis nodded. “I’m sure your parents thought they’d have more time to figure out how to stop me.” He pulled Shadow up against him. His vile gaze studied her. “Lucky for me your parents died.” He pulled Shadow closer, smelling her hair. “Their faith in you was their undoing.”

  “Do you think they counted on the rest of us?” Silence rose to her feet and took a single step forward, her hands balled into tight fists.

  “I know they didn’t count on me,” Walker said, a flash of light flickering from his fingertips.

  Eblis glared at them. “Do you think your witchy power will do much to hurt me?”

  Shadow pushed to her feet and shoved her hands against Eblis’s chest. Instantly he released his hold on her hair and flew backward, landing hard onto the cobblestoned ground. “Perhaps it won’t just be witchy power you need to be worried about.”

  Shadow’s body
glowed with a light blue aura. Flickers of electricity danced from around her body.

  Eblis’s eyes rounded. “How is this possible?” he barked, his demon face darkened to a pasty gray. His once human eyes changed to solid black. “Your powers are mature. That’s impossible.”

  “Is it?” Shadow asked, extending her hands out to the side, her fingers splayed wide. The pulsing of her magic flared out from her fingertips. With a humph, she shrugged. “Glad I didn’t get that memo.”

  Shadow blasted Eblis with a power that surprised Gavin. His eyes widened as a blue ray of light flashed from her hands and into the demon. With a wild scream, his body flailed on the floor. The intense glare in Shadow’s eyes told him she was prepared to kill the demon leader.

  Walker and Lance tore themselves free of their captors’ arms and tossed them onto the ground like rag dolls. Julian aided them, using his own power to send the dozens of warriors back, safeguarding them in a protective energy shield. Eblis’s power was no longer a threat to them.

  Julian met Gavin’s gaze. “Stay with her, beat the shit out of Eblis, whatever you need to do to keep him contained. I need to stop his army.”

  Julian orbed, and in a flash Walker and Silence disappeared too.

  Lance moved up to Gavin, who was now standing beside Shadow. “Can you hold him?” Gavin asked.

  “I can do better than that,” she said, through gritted teeth. But before she could do anything, Gavin gripped her arm. The hair on his entire body stood on end as the pulse of her magic surged through him. He sucked in a sharp breath, regaining himself. Shadow’s gaze locked on his. “Don’t do something you’ll regret, Shadow. You’re not a killer. You’re a healer.”


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