
Home > Paranormal > Trazzak > Page 12
Trazzak Page 12

by Layla Nash

There was no shortage of things to appreciate. The slope of her neck to her shoulders, her core taut with anticipation and desire, the strength all too visible in the muscles of her legs. Finally, he let his gaze wander inward, his lips parting slightly at the sight of her soaked pink slit.

  His hearts quickened to a deafening din in his ears, spikes standing to rattle the bones in his hair along with the shuddering scales, a rattling chorus of desire joining his lusty growls. The sight of his arousal seemed to push Jessalyn further into submission, and she eased both hands behind her knees to pull her legs up for him.

  At that, he dove forward, wrapping his lips around her plump slit. He growled as his tongue probed and pushed at her opening. The sweet slickness was concentrated there, and he soon found he couldn’t pull himself away.

  Jessalyn rocked her hips more and more urgently, though nothing she could do would pull him from where he’d settled for the moment. Trazzak brought both hands down to the back of her knees and pushed them up to her chest, driving the thick length of his tongue ever-deeper into her as she squirmed and moaned.

  She whimpered softly as his tongue slowed, begging him to continue, though her protest didn’t last long. He clasped his lips around the firm nub of her clit suddenly, and her entire body jerked in response, a cry dragging out of her as she gripped the sheets. The sound of her pleasure sent a wave of hunger through him, and he sucked at her as she wildly bucked beneath him.

  Every moment that passed was another notch marking the height of tension somewhere deep in Trazzak, and he knew it. As much as he wanted to please her for hours, he could barely contain the overwhelming urge to simply push her over onto her hands and knees and ravish her without restraint.

  Seeming to sense his growing need, Jessalyn picked her head up from where it’d been pressed back into the bed in her ecstasy. Trazzak met her gaze, and as she spoke, the dam broke loose inside of him.

  “T-Trazzak…” Her breath came in short, hitching gasps. “I need you to fuck me. I can’t take it anymore. I want it so fucking bad. Everything. What you’re doing now, what I want you to do to me, what… whatever you want to do to me. I’m yours.”

  What issued from his throat was something between a growled moan and a roar, and he wrapped his hands firmly around her hips to flip her over. The surprised squeak she gave at being so easily maneuvered and positioned drove his desire higher still, especially with her so exposed and vulnerable in front of him. The barbarian side of him wanted to dominate her, to show her his strength.

  Once she got reoriented, Jess leaned down and slipped a hand between her legs, spreading herself open wide for him. She looked back over her shoulder, chest hovering just over the bed.

  She didn’t have to wait long. Trazzak was nearly undressed by the time she got situated on her hands and knees, and as he pulled his pants off and tossed them away, his excitement became wildly obvious. The massive length stood up and out from his body, a thick swelling at the base swirling with the vibrant hues of the lust that drove his every move.

  The way her eyes lingered, wide with some strange combination of fear, fascination, and excitement, almost made Trazzak want to slow down to let her experience it a little more intimately before he took her — but his body wouldn’t allow it. His hands shot down to her hips as he stepped forward, and the head of his cock pressed firmly against her waiting opening.

  In unison they moaned, though Jessalyn sounded more pained the longer it went on as Trazzak pressed his huge cock into her, inch by agonizingly blissful inch. She soon buried her head in the heap of covers, her moans rising to a fevered pitch bordering on screams as she began to push back against him.

  A sudden jolt of clarity and concern shot through Trazzak’s chest, and he paused just before he bottomed out against the soft, round cushion of her ass. She was still hurting from the attack — should she even be doing something that excited the body so intensely? Even as he opened his mouth, he seemed to have forgotten how to speak, being so utterly consumed with the feeling of her silken heat around him.

  “I… ah.” He cleared his throat, though his hips jerked forward as she pushed back against him and his fingers bit into the sweet curves of her hips.

  Jessalyn groaned hard and turned her head to look back at him over her shoulder once more. “I’m not going to break. I need this so fucking bad. I don’t care what it takes. Just…” She buried her face in the covers before pushing back further, starting to open up just enough to take the beginning of the thick base.

  No matter what she said, she had to be treated at least a little delicately. Instead of letting her slam back as she no doubt would be soon, he held her steady and read the motions of her hips to guide him. The moment the base slipped into her and he reached under her to flick the bead of nerves that made her tremble, she shot upright and pressed her back to his chest.

  She shouted something unintelligible as her whole body jerked and spasmed, sliding against the roughness of his scales. Her arms drifted up to encircle him and clasp behind his neck, her head inclined to see him.

  Trazzak leaned down to take her lips in a desperate kiss as he pumped into her. He brought one hand down to her clit, rubbing firmly as her breath quickened and her legs shook beneath her. The frenzied kiss drove him into a mind-shattering orgasm, and as his mind short-circuited with ecstasy, Jessalyn froze against him, mouth open in a silent scream as he filled her with everything he had. Her body gripped him in waves of spasms, milking him until Trazzak could feel nothing but the unbearable pleasure of her climax.

  As they began to come down, she tried to move away, but Trazzak held tight to her hips. “Not like that. We’re… joined. Stay.”

  She gave a shaky nod as he guided her down to the bed, not bothering to cover either of them up, their bodies entirely inseparable.


  At some point in the night, Jess had vaguely felt Trazzak slipping from her through the post-coital fog and a hazy dream of being taken again. As her eyes fluttered open, the recollection of that sensation alone was almost enough to make her want another round. No good, though. Now that she was awake, she had to make it to her quarters post-haste.

  Everything she felt during their union was so wonderful, but more than a little scary. She’d come to him resolved that it would be a one-time affair, and that’d be the end of it. The tension between them would be broken, and that would be that. Nothing wrong with a little romp between shipmates, especially when she had every reason to incentivize him to keep his lips closed about her real work.

  As she sat up and turned to ease herself out of bed, the familiar coolness of his palm on her lower back stopped her in her tracks. The memory of his touch sent a thrill through her. She wasn’t even sure he was awake — until he spoke.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Of course he slept lightly. She should’ve expected that.

  She looked back to him, though was careful to not meet his gaze directly. “I should get back to …”

  He groaned his protest, muscular arm encircling her waist and pulling her back into bed. If she’d really wanted to, she probably could have slipped from his half-asleep grasp, but as she started to worm free, it ignited some of that possessive barbarian fire and he pinned her to the mattress once more, leisurely kissing her as his hand drifted between her legs. The gesture melted her urgency and reluctance to stay entirely with the irrepressible fire of his touch.

  Jess surrendered and left him kiss his way down her throat to her breasts, reveling not just in the insane ecstasy of his touch but also the feeling of surrender itself, and eventually Trazzak relaxed his grip.

  She waited for the right opportunity, the right opening, and as he fought back some of the sheets so he could drag her to her knees once more, Jess moved. In one smooth, careful motion, she slipped around him and managed to straddle him, one hand on either side of his head. She gazed down at him, cocking her head to the side. “Want me to stay that bad, huh?”

y wouldn’t I?” He gripped her hips hard enough to hurt, clearly struggling with being on the bottom, but her breasts bounced as she moved and distracted him.

  She couldn’t help but laugh, though she wasn’t entirely sure why. “I could maybe be convinced that round two is a good idea.”

  His eyebrow arched as he watched her, his teeth flashing as one hand cupped her heavy breast. “I don’t think you need much convincing.”

  He was right, of course. Even as they spoke, his thick length hardened between them, the girth parting her slit slightly as she pressed down against it. “I could probably still walk away.”

  “It’d be a cold day in the desert before I’d let you walk away, Earther.”

  His hand tightened in the hair at the back of her head, pulling her down into a kiss that was just as dominant and fiery as she expected from their earlier exertions. She eased her hips forward a bit before reaching back to grasp his cock, guiding it into her with a soft moan. She needed to feel him inside her, regardless of who was on top.

  There was something fundamentally different in the way he rocked up into her. She was no longer being taken — she was giving herself to him, and though the distinction may not have seemed substantial, the feelings it evoked in her were drastically different from the simple but powerful need of fulfillment from their last joining.

  Where he’d seemed desperate to press the base of his cock into her and fill her before, he seemed content to pleasure her just as she wanted, letting her set the pace and depth with the motion of her hips.

  She straightened up and eased down a bit further, leaning back to place her palms on his thighs as she rode him. He seemed utterly enraptured with the sight of her, his hands trailing up and down her sides, cupping her breasts, squeezing her thighs. She almost felt like she was putting on a show — something she wasn’t exactly unfamiliar with, but it was different. Much of her pleasure, she found, was coming from the sight of him and the way he appreciated her. She really felt like she was seen by him, in that moment and in all other — something she couldn’t say about anyone else.

  His hands settled at her breasts as her bouncing became more urgent. She bottomed out against the base, but found herself leaning down to embrace him as she came before she could take it. The now-familiar feeling of being filled with his climax overtook her as she writhed, kissing eagerly at the spikes on his shoulders and his neck.

  Once they began to come down, it was as if they’d never woken at all. Trazzak was fast asleep the moment they settled back into a comfortable position, and Jess wasn’t far behind.

  When she woke, she couldn’t move, and not just because Trazzak’s leg tangled with hers. All of Jess’s muscles ached from unfamiliar exertion, and she had a hard time talking herself into getting up and hobbling back to her quarters. If she waited much longer, Maisy would be up and about to look for her, and the boson would be out of the accelerator. Jess didn’t even want to try to explain the dalliance with Trazzak, though Maisy must have had her suspicions.

  Trazzak snored and his scales rattled in his sleep, and he didn’t stir as Jess eased out of his embrace. She moved silently through the bedroom, carrying her robes and shoes back to the living area to get dressed. It was better that way. No complicated goodbye or invitations to breakfast when he woke up, and no awkward encounters with Maisy or Frrar in the corridor. Jess could get back to her quarters, get cleaned up, and focus on breakfast and the plan to steal the technology. They’d arrive near Dablon Seven in a matter of hours, and she didn’t want to waste a single nanosecond.

  Jess checked the screen near the door to make sure no one waited in the corridor, then she slipped out and left Trazzak behind.

  It was just like every other “relationship” she’d had — one or two nights of fun before she moved on and re-focused on her work. It had always been enough before, but walking away from Trazzak... It didn’t feel right. At all.

  Jess pushed down the regrets and locked the door to her quarters behind her. She didn’t have time to mourn what could have been. Not until after she got rid of the bounties by stealing that technology, and figuring out what the hell to do about the poison in her body. Everything else had to wait.


  Trazzak woke to find himself alone, with only a slight indent in the pillow next to him to reveal that Jessalyn had stayed even part of the night. He frowned as he sat up and rubbed sleep from his eyes, inhaling the remnants of her scent still clinging to the sheets, and debated whether to get up or sleep another few minutes. His mind already raced, anticipating their arrival on Dablon Seven in the near future, so showering and getting dressed was the only option.

  He wondered why Jessalyn fled. She’d snuggled right up to him and fell asleep in his arms, and yet something must have spooked her to make her leave. Maybe she feared what Frrar and Maisy would think, if the rest of the crew discovered their... relationship? Could he even call it a relationship? Trazzak growled in irritation as he dug through the storage bins for an acceptable set of robes for a pirate.

  He wanted Jessalyn. Permanently. Forever. The mating urge swept through him and set his scales rattling as he thought of her soft curves and giving flesh, so unlike his scales and spikes. He wanted to find her and drag her back to his den, to wrap her in the proper robes and mark her so no one else would bother her.

  Trazzak didn’t search for her immediately, and instead went to the bridge. The day before, he sent a communique to one of the rebel leaders based on Dablon Seven to request assistance in locating the facility named in the Alliance’s research and targeting data. Hopefully Yurik sent something back, otherwise they’d waste a good bit of time doing the search themselves.

  Frrar sprawled in the captain’s chair, still reasonably awake, and glanced over as Trazzak strode in. “Morning, Cap’n. It was a quiet trip.”

  Trazzak grunted, frowning at the viewing screens where the blue marble of Dablon Seven crept closer. “Good. Any response from Yurik?”

  The engineer leaned back in the chair and looked around, as if expecting the information to appear in the floor at his feet. “I didn’t hear anything come in.”

  “Were you sleeping?” Trazzak went to the comms station and flipped through the various pieces of traffic and hailing calls that arrived as they traveled. Buried in the mundane noise was a set of coordinates sent from Yurik, along with a short message: Meet here. Trazzak pulled them up on the main screen and pointed at the coordinates so Frrar wouldn’t be mistaken. “Take us to this location. I’ll get breakfast and relieve you as soon as I’m done.”

  “Leave some food for me,” Frrar said, and yawned behind his hand. “And coffee.”

  Trazzak took a tablet with him to review the information one more time before they arrived, and retreated to the mess to pillage the stores for enough protein to see him through a long day. If everything went well, hopefully they could purchase or steal the technology in a day or two and arrange another meeting with Nathan to finally get the Alliance off their backs. Once Jessalyn wasn’t looking over her shoulder everywhere she went, Trazzak could take her to Xarav or a neutral planet so they could mate without worrying about the rest of the crew overhearing. And he could finally uncover the rest of her secrets.

  She practically generated chaos, though. Trazzak frowned at his meal as he stood in the mess, putting a dent in the stores. Jessalyn wasn’t like any female he’d previously been interested in; he wanted calm and steady and rule-following. He wanted traditional roles and a normal relationship. Or so he’d always thought.

  Trazzak spent most of his boyhood and adolescence taking care of his five sisters after their parents died in an enemy raid, and left as soon as the eldest sister was old enough to care for them, so he could make money to send back to them. He didn’t like uncertainty or confusion. The only thing that helped them survive was a set of rules and expectations, and responsibilities for everyone, and no deviation from the plan.

  Jessalyn embodied everything he feared and disli
ked in his world.

  Trazzak brewed more coffee after draining the first pot. He hadn’t thought of her that way before, since he’d been so lost in lusting after her energy and sharp wit and soft curves. In the cold light of morning it was harder to reconcile how any sort of relationship would work. Trazzak needed everything in a neat, well-defined box, and Jessalyn would break every barrier put in front of her, whether she meant to or not.

  He threw a few things together to give to Frrar, so the kid didn’t have to use anything sharp or burning to get himself breakfast. The engineer had a terrible reputation in the kitchen, so it was safer to just feed him instead of letting him touch anything not in the engine room. The last time Frrar spent time in the mess, he tried to “improve” the accelerated heater and instead started a fire that almost destroyed the rest of the ship.

  Trazzak checked his communicator as it alerted him to a new message. Vaant, with a message from the Galaxos. He chewed slowly on another brick of dried meat, scrolling through the message. The Galaxos was still under repair at a rebel base, but the Heisenberg had been out and about through Alliance sectors. Bounty hunters and Fleet ships found them at every turn, regardless of how they shielded the ship and blacked out any communications or radar, so Vaant suspected someone on board leaked the travel plans to the Alliance.

  Trazzak groaned as he leaned back against the counter and re-read the message. That couldn’t be possible. The Heisenberg would be able to tell if anyone broadcast that sort of information from the ship; the rebel bases would have alerted them as well, since all rebel ships listened for communiques with flight and ship information, just in case they were intercepted by Fleet ships.

  There was an unspoken question in Vaant’s terse message, though, and it didn’t take much for Trazzak to consider it himself. Jessalyn was the only crewmember they knew who was in contact with the Alliance, and she had the relay device to get encrypted messages to them in secret. If Jessalyn was sending messages, they wouldn’t have any way to tell.


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