Beneath Him (Harlow Series)

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Beneath Him (Harlow Series) Page 1

by C. Shell

  Beneath Him ( Harlow Series )

  By: C. Shell


  To my wonderful husband who I adore. I love you more and more each and every day.

  To my girls who are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you two to the moon and back.

  To my Nanny, I miss you and thank you for teaching me that everyone deserves happiness and good things in life. You touched so many people's lives and I was lucky to of had you in mine.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  To the Reader

  About the Author

  Beneath Him

  C. Shell

  Copyright C. Shell 2013

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. IF you are reading this book and didn't purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance between persons living and dead, establishments, events, or location is entirely coincidental.

  Cover image copyright

  © Curaphotography |

  Chapter 1

  "Jessica please say yes!"

  My roommate Jane is worse than a dog with a bone when she wants something and today is no different. Whenever she calls me by my full name instead of my nickname Jess, you know she means business.

  She has been driving me crazy for over an hour begging me to take over her job today as the head make-up artist for a photo shoot at Shimmer Magazine. Normally I would jump at the opportunity; Shimmer Magazine is one of the top five Women's Fashion magazines in the country but last night we went to check out the new posh club that just opened up down the street and ended up closing the place down. My head feels like someone put it through a meat grinder.

  Leaning over my bathroom counter I apply new tea bags to my eyes and pray that the beauty gods have mercy on me and reduce the puffiness and redness from around my eyes. If I tried I bet I could ring the alcohol out of my skin. That is the extent of how much we consumed last night.

  Never again. I have to remember I am not a fish and therefore cannot drink like one.

  Jane comes stomping back into my room determined to win me over. As always I will end of giving in to her. I always do, but just for fun I will let her work for it by graveling and begging a little bit more.

  She and I have been friends since our freshman year of college. We both majored as a Make-up Artist/Specialists, so right away we had a lot in common and soon later became roommates as well. To say her parents are well off is putting it mildly. I mean her parents are beyond loaded with homes and condos sprinkled around the globe, but they are also very down to earth and the sweetest people you will ever meet. After we graduated they offered to let us stay in their lavish condo in Dallas for free until we our business gets more established and we are able to save up enough money to get our own place.

  My family has never been close and over the years her parents have unofficially adopted me as their own. I don't know what I would have done or where I would have ended up if Jane had never wondered into my life.

  "Please Jessica; I will owe you big time. This is my only chance to spend time with David before he leaves for Germany for a month."

  Rolling my eyes for emphasis, I agree. "Fine. I will step in and work the shoot for you today. But you owe me big time."

  Screeching with happiness Jane leaps at me hugging me tightly and almost knocking me on my ass in the process. "Thank me quieter please," I beg. "My head cannot take loud noise right now," I say rubbing my temples.

  "Sorry, I forgot. Wait right here. I have the perfect thing for your hangover."

  "Unless it takes bullets I am not sure it will help," I tease.

  Jane rushes back into my bathroom holding out two Tylenol and a warm cup of tea sweetened with honey."Take these and drink all of this and you will be better within an hour. I promise."

  Not that I don't trust my friend, but I have tried her full proof plans before and they normally leave me worse off than I started. Today I don't have time to ague as I gulp down the pills and honey tea before jumping into the shower. The water is hot and is just what I needed to help wash away my aches and the after effects of last night. I dress quickly in a deep green cashmere summer sweater paired with black skinny jeans and my new black stiletto leather boots.

  The rich smell of coffee wafting in from the kitchen calls to me and momentarily deters me from my task of getting ready as I stalk into the other room to make me a cup. Jane smiles at me knowingly as she hands me a cup already filled with cream and sugar just the way I like it.

  I smile remembering why I love her.

  "Now you're just going overboard. I already said yes," I giggle.

  "I know and I really appreciate it Jess. Come sit with me and I will explain what the shoot is all about so you will be prepared."

  I follow her over to our overstuffed sofa and curl into the opposite corner of it than her, tucking my feet under me as I get comfortable.

  "I know it is some kind of spread about wealthy Dallas men right?" I don't remember much of what she had told me before but that part of the conversation definitely caught my attention.

  "Yes that is the gist of it. The spread will be centered on five top sexy wealthy men of Dallas. It should be an easy job since you will only be dealing with men, so make-up will be minimal and the shoot should take no longer than four hours. I will text you the address so you can download it into your GPS."

  "Sounds easy enough," I sigh glancing back at the clock and making sure I have enough time before I need to leave. I am neurotic when it comes to being on time to my job shoots.

  "I am going to finish putting my face on and fix this mop of hair on my head," I say striding into the kitchen to wash out my coffee cup and place it in the dishwasher. "So where are you and David going this weekend?"

  "He is taking me to his parent's vacation house on Lake Travis for two nights and if our plans hold than we will be parting down on Sixth Street in Austin. We have been so busy lately I plan to use this weekend to remind that man why he loves me," she squeals.

  "I hope David realizes what a lucky bastard he is. He does not deserve you." I call out on my way back to my room.

  I like David well enough, but I don't think he is good enough for Jane. She has the kindest heart and will do anything for a friend and even though he is nice to her I think he takes advantage of her good nature. I secretly think he just enjoys having a smoking hot girl on his arm.

  Jane is average height at five foot six inches with killer legs, a natural tan that most girls pay top dollar for, long golden blonde hair, skinny as a rail, and baby blue eyes. She is a living Barbie and most guys walking dirty dream.

  She and I are polar opposites, not that I am ugly or anything but I would not make it into the Barbie Hall of Fame with my short stature of only five foot two inches, pale skin, thin but curvy figure, and chocolate wavy brown hair that match my eyes. Nope Barbie would not know what to do with hips and breasts larger than a size B, although I bet
money that Ken would not mind it.

  Running my hands through my hair I opt on throwing it up on top of my head in a stylish but simple bun and pull a few tendrils down around my face. There is nothing worse than trying to work on a client and having your hair fall in your face every time you bend over. Now for some black mascara, a little blush, pink lip gloss and voila. I am ready to go. Taking one last look into the mirror I am stunned that after the wild night I had I have managed to clean up quite nicely.

  I look pretty damn good if I say so myself.

  I smile happily noticing I have ten minutes to spare. Damn I am good. I have barely walked around our small apartment twice and my feet are already protesting my new leather boots. Thank heavens this gig is short. If it goes any longer than five hours I might not be able to walk by the end of the day.

  Reminder to self, new leather shoes need breaking in.

  No time for that now. Grabbing my purse, keys and cell phone I kiss Jane good-bye with a promise from her that she will contact me once she arrives at the lake house and let me know how everything is going.

  My little red convertible Mazda purrs like a happy kitten as I zip down freeway 161 towards the North side of town. Blaring my radio I sing along to Britney Spears song Womanizer as I enjoy the lack of traffic this morning. I arrive at Shimmer Magazine and after showing my credentials to the guard that refuses to crack a smile I am escorted to the elevators that take me to the thirteenth floor. I have never worked a shoot for this magazine before but Jane has a few times and always has great things to say about them.

  The magazine is owned by the Harlow family. It was started by Mrs. Jocelyn Harlow and after she passed away four years ago to cancer it was inherited by her only son Alex Harlow. Since becoming CEO at the ripe old age of twenty-four he has taken an already profitable business and more than tripled its readership and sales. Rumor has it he is worth millions. I tried googling him to find a current photo of him but came up empty except for some business reports and short non-descript biographies.

  Jane says all the shoots are run with the upmost professionalism. Hopefully today will go smoothly and since I will not be dealing with snotty models than maybe it will even end earlier than they are predicting.

  After last night I am in need of some down time.

  The elevators open and I am in complete awe. The whole thirteenth floor is one huge studio that seems to be used solely for photo shoots. My own little piece of Heaven. The ceilings go on forever with lightening blanketing the whole floor. You could easily run seven photo shoots at one time in here with every option of backdrops, props, and cameras at your disposal.

  Jane told me to find a brown short haired plump lady named Kelly and she would instruct me where to set up and run me through my schedule for the day. Gazing at the sea of bodies scurrying around I momentarily panic. This should be fun.

  I am not normally a nervous person but I feel completely out of my element and after ten minutes of mindless searching I have yet to find this so called Kelly lady. As my mother always says when in doubt ask someone. She should have added that the person you choose to ask needs to look friendly and not as though they will bite your head off for interrupting them.

  Scanning the area I spot a small short man standing beside the snack table in a horrible dark purple pant suit with a kind face and a head set attached to his balding head. He looks as though he might work here.

  "Excuse me sir. Do you know where I could find Kelly?" I ask hopefully.

  Answering around the donut stuffed in his mouth he spurts," "She is the brunette standing over by James the photographer. Over there near the back wall," he points.

  Following the direction where he is pointing towards, I nod. "Thanks for your help."

  Thank goodness I arrived early or else I would now be considered late. Hastily I walk across the studio trying not to bump into anyone on my way over to the infamous Kelly.

  Tapping her lightly on the shoulder I say, "Excuse me Kelly. My name is Jessica Grayson; I am filling in as the make-up artist for Jane Tillson today." I use my professional voice as I plaster a smile across my face.

  As she looks me up and down I instinctively I know this woman is not happy with me. The knots in my stomach feel similar to the ones I would get back in grade school when I would be sent to see the principal's office for being bad. Not that I was bad often but there were a few times that my mouth would work faster than my brain and spout off at the teachers.

  "Finally your here. You were on the cusp of being late and we do not tolerate tardiness," she hisses. "Follow me please and I will show you to your station. James here will be the photographer on the set you are working." She does not even give me a chance to introduce myself to James as she turns away pulling me with her. I have to walk fast to keep up with her and those around us dart out of her way. Obviously she is not someone you want to mess with.

  We stop in front a desk with a full length mirror in the back corner of the studio. With a wave of her hand Kelly announces that this will be my station. It is small but the lighting is amazing.

  "You have five minutes to set up before we start sending the guys your way. You will have fifteen minutes to work on each of them for their shots. Each guy will be doing two sets of shots each today." Handing me a list of the men's names she continues, "The men will come to you in this order. Keep up and we will not have a problem. Remember you are paid to make them look good not to be their friend."

  Bitchy much?

  Looking her straight in the eyes I nod my understanding. I refuse to let this overly worked bitsy talk down to me as though I am an irresponsible child. "Not a problem. I am nothing if not professional. I will be ready on time and will not slow anyone down and thanks again for showing me around."


  Setup was a breeze and the first two men were easy and needed very little touching up. At this rate I should easily be out of here within three hours and can go home, veg out on my couch, and watch the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy on my DVR.

  Why can't I ever meet a doctor like that McDreamy character?

  I have four minutes left before the next guy named Deacon is set to arrive in my booth and my breakfast of only coffee is having an adverse effect on my stomach, it won't stop growling at me. I know I promised to be professional and running to steal a donut off the snack table is probably not within the definition of professional, but neither is having your stomach growling at everyone who gets within 5 feet of you.

  I am getting that damn donut!

  Sprinting back from the snack table with donut in hand I run straight into a chest of steel. Arms flaying, donut falling, and legs buckling, I lose my balance heading down towards the floor until a strong arm snakes out and catches me mid fall. Mr. Strong Arms straightens me up but does not let go of my arm. The heat from his touch sends a warm shiver down my spine.

  "Sorry for running into you," I say breathlessly trying to get a look at Mr. Strong Arms but his back is turned to me. "I was in a hurry to get back to my station in time and obviously need to do a better job of watching where I'm going," I apologize while bending down to grab my ruined donut off the floor.

  What a waste of a good donut.

  I try walking away but realize Mr. Strong Arms has yet to release me. In fact if anything he has gripped my arm tighter. I glance up ready to protest and find myself staring into the most beautifully intense and angry green eyes I have ever seen.

  Chapter 2


  I don't understand why this Adonis of a man before me looks as though he wants to stomp me into the ground. I apologized for running into him and yet his jaw is clenched so tight I am afraid he is going to break off some teeth.

  I know it is rude to stare, but I swear it feels as though my eyes are glued to his and as much as I know I should turn away I just can't. He is perfect in every capacity. From his inky black hair, intense emerald green eyes down to his chiseled Abercrombie features and hard as steel torso. His expen
sive black suite and pale blue shirt stand out among the casual dressed crew of photographers, lighting techs, and other common workers running around. Although he is dressed nice enough to be a model I immediately dismiss that notion, this man is way too domineering and important to be a model. He obviously does not work on this floor so he must be either in the marketing department or maybe even higher up in management.

  He is panty drop gorgeous.

  His lips twitch as his eyes flick from mine down to my lips causing warmth to spread in my belly. Even through his clothing you can tell the man is built like a god. Scanning his body my mind wonders into unchartered territory. What it would feel like to be with a man like him? Withering beneath him while he brings me to orgasm over and over. A small moan escapes my lips and I quickly duck my head embarrassed for my lack of control.

  I shake myself out of my lust filled daze coming back to the present and the problem at hand. I struggle to find my voice. This is crazy! No man has ever rendered my speechless before. I hate to break my connection with him but I cannot afford to screw up this job.

  "Could you please let go of my arm? I really need to get back to my area before I cause the photographer to slow down and upset everyone," I murmur softly.

  He drops my arm quickly as though it burned him then without saying a word turns around and storms off. I stare down at my arm where he was holding it immediately missing the warmth of his touch. He is by far the most beautiful and confusing creature I have ever met, but I don't have time to contemplate why he was upset with me or why I reacted to him the way I did. I need to get back to my area before anyone realizes I left. I finish my sprint back to my booth just as a very red faced James is walking up.

  Great now I get to deal with another pissed off man and my stomach is still growling.

  "James I am really sorry if I ...


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