Beneath Him (Harlow Series)

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Beneath Him (Harlow Series) Page 11

by C. Shell

  Twirling around I admire my gown in the mirror. I feel like Cinderella, only this Cinderella has a kinky prince instead of a gentleman. My gown is a long dark silver sheath style dress with a fitted halter top and a high slit that shows a lot leg. It is very sexy without being too over the top. Slipping on my matching silver rhinestone incrusted stilettos I call in Jane to get her opinion.

  She barrels into my room with the phone against her ear talking with David. She whistles loudly twirling her finger in a circle as I spin around for her giving her the full effect.

  Putting her hand over the mouth piece she says," You look amazing Jess. That slit is hot."

  "You sure?" I ask uneasy. "You don't think the halter showcases my boobs too much?" I try and pull the fabric up a bit more but it is no use. "I want to look nice not slutty."

  "Honey stop doing that," she says hitting my hands away. "I would not lie to you. You look incredible," she says with feeling.

  Our girlie moment is halted with a knock at the door. "Finish getting your clutch together and I will let Mr. Handsome in."

  My nerves are starting to get the best of me as eye myself in the mirror one last time before walking into the living room to find Alex. The moment I start walking I am quickly reminded that I don't have panties on. I squeeze my thighs together trying to stifle the sensation flowing between them.

  How will I last a whole night like this?

  Turning the corner I am met with the most beautiful green eyes. He looks extremely sexy in a jet black custom fitted Tuxedo with a dark silver button down shirt that matched my dress. Our eyes meet and he gives me that panty dropping grin of his that leaves me wet and breathless.

  "You look absolutely gorgeous Jessica." He breathes leaning down and kissing my cheek.

  I blush instantly feeling my cheeks warm. "You look quite delicious yourself Mr. Harlow. Keep looking at me like that and we won't make it to the event," I warn.

  "Before we go I think we should add this to your ensemble." I watch as he pulls out a dark blue jewelry box from his jacket pocket and opens it revealing a beautiful tear drop diamond necklace.

  I stare at in awe trying not to freak out. It is beyond gorgeous and way too expensive for me to accept.

  "Stop over thinking it Jessica and come over here so I place this on you," he commands.

  "Please stop reading my thoughts. It is creepy," I laugh as I walk over to him turning around and pulling my hair aside so he has access to my neck. I gasp as he places hot kisses on the back of my neck after clasping the necklace together.

  "Ready to go?" He says with a sexy smirk.

  "Lead the way Mr. Harlow." I say quietly.

  Chapter 11

  The Charity event has gone amazingly well as far as business connections go. I have met several producers, actors, and magazine execs over the last few hours. I have even set up an appointment for this month to work out a deal on a commercial that will be shot over at the stadium. I am sure having Alex by my side tonight has helped. Everyone here has tried to take the time to come say hello to him and shake his hand. The man is a business god and the woman all want to sleep with him. Can't really blame them.

  On a personal level I am a complete wreck. I am so out of my element here among the elite and the who's who in one of Dallas premier hotels. Women keep shooting death glares my way for having Alex's attention and several have even dared to come over and throw themselves at him in front of me. Each time he maneuvers us around them letting them know blatantly that he is not interested and each time they try harder. It is embarrassing the lack of morals and pride some of these woman have.

  "Would you like something to drink?" Alex asks pointing towards a large bar stationed at the back of the room.

  "Yes please, that would be nice."

  Steering me with his hand on the small of my back we make our way to the bar and order two flutes of champagne. The cool liquid feels wonderful sliding down my throat. I need all the false courage I can get tonight.

  "So besides rubbing elbows with the ubber rich what else is planned for the evening?" I ask cheekily.

  Laughing Alex says, "We will greet a few more people and dance a bit than I plan on sweeping you out of here early and having my way with you at my place." Rubbing his hand on the nape of my neck he whispers," As much as I love that dress, I love what's under it even more."

  I shiver from top to bottom. "Good plan!"

  More and more people stop to speak with Alex and although he is always the gentleman and introduces me to everyone I feel like arm candy and keep quiet while they discuss the latest model spread or upcoming celebrity poster child.

  Alex is in a deep conversation with a robust balding gentleman about a new digital magazine software program when I feel a tab on my shoulder. Turning around I find a handsome thirty something blonde gentleman standing a few inches away from me with a devilish smile across his face. He looks very familiar but I can't remember why or where I have seen him before.

  "You are way too beautiful to look so bored. Care to dance?"

  Blushing I stare at his outstretched hand than back at Alex not sure what the right thing to do is. I have wanted to dance but Alex has been all wrapped up in business talk for the last hour. This man seems harmless and it is just one dance, so why not indulge him.

  Setting down my drink I take his hand and say." Why not," and allow him lead me onto the large dance floor. We find a cleared area as he pulls my body into his arms I gasp at how tight and close he is holding me. Not that I mind being close to a beautiful man but considering I am Alex's date and we are whatever we are to each other, I don't want to be rude so I pull away slightly putting more room in between us.

  He chuckles pulling me back in close against him again completely ignoring my protests. "Don't worry I don't bite."

  "You might not but I am not so sure my date won't," I warn trying once again to pull away. He does not seem fazed by my warning.

  "I don't remember ever seeing you at these functions. What is your name?"

  "Jessica Grayson. And you would be?"

  "Derrick Johnson," he says cooly. "So Ms. Grayson what are you doing here with Alex Harlow? Are you too dating?"

  I shake my head in bewilderment forgetting what we were just talking about. "Derrick Johnson from the Dallas Cowboy? That Derrick Johnson?" I ask in total shock. I don't know much about football but I have heard amazing things about how he was recently traded to Dallas and that they are expecting him to turn things around for the team.

  He chuckles again nodding his head yes. He has a nice rich voice. "Yes that is me. Now you never answered my question. Why are you here with Alex?"

  Pulling myself out of my stupor I answer, "Alex is my date tonight." I was not sure how to answer that question and did not want to go near that line of conversation so I asked a question of my own. "How do you know Alex?"

  "We grew up together. Went to the same schools and our families were old friends."

  Derrick was a good dancer although I could have done without all the chit chat. I felt like I was on egg shells and dreaded each question he shot my way. The music was coming to an end when the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I did not have to turn around to know that Alex was behind me. I could feel him and I was pretty sure he was not happy.

  Within a few strides he is upon us and pulling me away from Derrick. My eyes shoot to his and I am taken aback by how hard and cold they appear. He stares down at me his expression unreadable.

  Holy shit.... he is mad!

  His jaw clenches as he turns to speak to Derrick. "Enjoying dancing with my date Derrick?"

  Derrick does not seem the least bit phased. "I was until you showed up. How have you been Alex? How is Lexy doing?"

  My eyes shoot up at the mention of Lexy. What does Derrick know about Lexy? The way he asked makes it sound like there was more to the story than what I got out of Alex.

  "I am sure she is fine," he growls out pulling me into his side where his blatant erec
tion rubs against me. "Now if you will excuse us we have other engagements to attend to."

  Between feeling his hard erection against me and not wearing any panties I am completely turned on and wet. I bite my bottom lip to stifle a moan.

  Ignoring Alex, Derrick takes my hand and kisses my knuckles softly. "It was a pleasure meeting you Jessica. I am sure we will be seeing more of each other."

  Alex pulls my hand back tucking it safely into his as he narrows his eyes. "No you won't. Stay away Derrick," he growls as he ushers me away.

  My head is spinning trying to figure out what the hell just happened and why Mr. Handsome has his underwear in a knot. "Alex we were just dancing," I say tightly.

  "He wanted you Jessica and seeing him holding you that close in his arms made me see red. Carson is bringing the car around. We are leaving." His clipped tone leaves no room for argument so I just stay quiet and give him time to calm down and stop being so irrational.

  He is walking so fast towards the entrance I am stumbling to keep up with him in my high heels. Stopping he bends down and scoops me up in his arms causing me to squeal out.

  "Quiet Jessica. When we get home I will give you plenty of things to squeal about and you can be as loud as you want there," he murmurs as he strides to the awaiting limo and deposits me inside.

  Oh hell

  Chapter 12

  Bursting through the front door of Alex's penthouse he slams the door shut before pinning me up against the entry way wall. Our mouths devour each other as though our lives depend on it. I grab his jacket and push it off his broad shoulders than start working on removing his tie and shirt, letting them all fall to the floor.

  "Your mine Jessica. Mine. I don't ever want to see your arms around another man again," he pants while trailing kisses down my jaw and neck.

  He presses his erection into me and I cry out wanting more, needing to feel his skin against mine. He spins me around plastering my hands against the wall as he unzips my gown, easing it down my body and tossing it onto a nearby chair. Standing in nothing but my high heels he moves a hand between my legs finding me already wet and ready for him.

  "Keep your hands on the wall don't move them," he demands. I rest my forehead against the cool wall panting heavily as anticipation curls in my belly.

  I hear the rustling of clothing behind me and it takes everything I have not to turn around and look at him. His fingers trail over my hips before gripping my thighs and spreading them wider apart. I feel open and vulnerable as I wait on him to make his next move.

  Oh, damn! I groan as his fingers move through my wetness, spreading it around my folds and soaking my clit. I buck at the sensation trying to drive his fingers inside of me but he pulls back not allowing me to get my way. 'Who do you belong to Jessica?" He asks moving his fingers around my clit.

  I whimper needing more contact. He slows his assault and asks me again."Tell me Jessica. Who do you belong to?"

  Oh... this is a remember fuck.

  I am burning up with pleasure and my mind has long lost the ability to think over my body's need. "You Alex. I belong to you," I cry out harshly as he gives me what I need. Thrusting two fingers in my slit he strokes me slowly allowing the pleasure to build before rubbings his thumb directly over my clit causing me to fall forward shuddering with my release.

  "That's it baby, come on my fingers," he commands milking the last of my orgasm from me.

  Leaning down he moves my hair off of my back and kisses the nape of my neck sending a shiver down my spine. Scooping me up in his arms he carries me down the hall to his bedroom. I am glad to be in his arms because I am not sure my legs could have carried me there. I glance a look at him as he lays me down on the bed. My mouth waters as I run my eyes down his perfect body. His cock is straining up begging me to touch it but before I get the chance Alex grabs my hands and ties them above my head with his tie.

  I have never been restrained during sex before but my apprehension is quickly diminished as he reaches out and cups my breasts causing my nipples to pucker and ache. I arch up pushing my breasts further into his hands as his fingers find my nipples tweaking them just hard enough to send a jolt straight between my legs.

  I groan loving the sensations he coaxes from my body. "Let me touch you Alex," I plead through ragged breathes.

  "No baby... this is all about you tonight."

  I writhe as he licks my nipples. Taking time with each one as he draws them into his warm mouth, sucking gently and nipping them lightly with his teeth. Smashing his lips against mine he possessively works my mouth leaving me breathless and panting.

  "I like you tied up in my bed," he whispers against my neck. The feeling of his breath sweeping against my skin causes goose bumps to spread across my arms. "I wish I could keep you here like this all the time."

  "Afraid I will run from you Mr. Harlow?" I ask honestly.

  "More than you know love." There is a tinge of sadness in his voice that takes me by surprise.

  "I am trying Alex. I have given you more than I have given anyone in a long time," I say defensively. The moment I say it I feel bad. It is not Alex's fault I have emotional baggage I have yet to sort out. Maybe he was right. Maybe I am broke.

  His eyebrows shoot up as she watches me. "No more thinking tonight babe. Just feel. Feel me loving you. Feel how your body responds to me," he murmurs.

  Speech has totally eluded me as I stare up into his face wanting nothing more than to please this beautiful man who consumes me.

  Running a finger down my slit he curses out," Fuck baby you are soaked. I love how wet you get for me. You're so responsive." Positioning himself between my legs he pulls each leg around his waist as he places his cock at my entrance. Moving it up and down my slit he coats himself with my wetness before plunging into me with one forceful thrust.

  I cry out from a mixture of both pain and pleasure as he starts moving not giving me time to get accustomed to his size. He feels amazing as he slides back and forth against my sensitive tissue setting off nerve endings and bottoming out each time in my womb.

  "You feel amazing Alex. Don't stop please," I beg.

  He groans out in satisfaction. Picking up his pace he slams into me harder and harder each time as we both race towards our finish.

  "You can't ever leave me Jessica," he growls closing his eyes. "Promise me you won't ever leave me."

  He flexes and swirls his hips grinding his pelvis against me and I groan loudly. "I need to hear you say it. Promise me Jessica," he commands.

  He repeats the move and I scream out as my orgasm teeters on the edge. "I promise Alex. I will never leave you."

  Moving a finger to my clit he rubs it between his fingers slamming into me once more. I arch into him throwing back my head as my body claps down around him sending us both over the edge screaming out incoherent words and promises.

  He collapses against me as we lay together until our breathing slows and evens out. Reaching up he unties my hands, kissing each red ring on my wrist before pulling me against him and wrapping his arms around me holding me tight against him.

  As my mind rejoins my body I ask," Alex why are you afraid I will leave you?"

  He is silent for a while and I wait it out not sure I really want to know the answer. I am afraid that whatever he has to say will change everything.

  "My past is complicated and parts of my family history are ugly. There is a lot I want to tell you but not tonight," he sighs sounding defeated and tired.

  "Then when," I ask nervously.

  "Tomorrow baby. I will tell you all about my whole fucked up family tomorrow." Pulling me closer into his arms he runs his talented mouth over my ear and down my neck." Sleep now baby. You had a big day today and need rest."

  I can't argue with that as my eyes are already closing. I enjoy the warmth of his body wrapped around mine knowing tomorrow it could be all over. Tonight I will take what I can get.

  Chapter 13

  I wake up with Alex draped over me, his warm b
reathe tickling my neck as he sleeps. Rubbing my eyes I try and remove the sleepy fog as I think about last night and wonder what today will bring.

  I slowly pull out of his grasp trying not to wake him as I crawl out of bed needing to use the bathroom and wanting to go make some coffee. I can't think straight without a hot cup of caffeine. Stumbling into the bathroom I freak at the sight of my mused hair and runny make-up. I look rough and thoroughly fucked.

  Taking a moment to fix my hair, use the bathroom and wash my face I quietly grab a shirt out of his drawer before heading towards the kitchen. I open several cabinets before finding everything I need to make a pot of strong coffee. Waiting on it to finish I pull out two cups and spoons before locating the sugar and milk.

  As I am filling our cups I hear a noise coming from the entry way and turn around shocked to find a smug looking Lexy walking towards me. I am unnerved as I look her over finding that she is even prettier up close. How did she get in here? You have to have a security key to access the elevator up to the penthouse.

  "Lexy right?" I ask warily.

  "Yes and you are the sweet naive Jessica." I am surprised she knows who I am. Obviously she is not my biggest fan but why does she think I am naive?

  "Alex is still asleep. Can I help you with something?" I ask pursing my lips together giving her the same cold hard stare she is giving me.

  "No I am good. Actually I came to see you not Alex." Her tone is sharp as her eyes narrow on me making me feel like I am under examination.

  What does this bitch want?

  "Oh... Why do I owe the honor of your presence?" I snap.

  "I want to know if you enjoy fucking my husband." She asks raising her voice.


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