Freedom: A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance (Freedom series Book 1)

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Freedom: A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance (Freedom series Book 1) Page 24

by J Grayland

  “It’s my decision you just said.”

  “Fuck,” he spits out and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “I didn’t mean it like it sounded.”

  “I believe it’s called a Freudian slip Mr. King, you know where your true thoughts slip out of your mouth without thinking.”

  “No, you’ve got it all wrong.”

  “Yep, I’m seeing that now,” I say and try to walk away from him again, only this time he pulls me back into his arms and holds me tight against his chest.

  “Stop, you damn stubborn woman, and listen to me.” Closing my eyes, I calm my anger which was starting to bubble and relax into his embrace. Placing both his hands on either side of my face and tilting it up to look at him, he says “ Look, truthfully I never even entertained the thought of a long-term relationship with any woman. I’ve never been the settling down type of person and I still don’t know if I am. I’m arrogant, possessive and I can be an ass most of the time, but no-one has ever challenged me the way you do… no-one has ever made me feel the way you do when we’re together. You drive me batshit crazy sometimes but you also make me feel so comfortable and relaxed I can’t promise you forever Casey, but I need you in my life. You take my breath away, but you also help me to breath baby, so please can we take it one day at a time and see where it leads us?” The sincerity and pleading in his voice relax me more. Smiling, I nod my head, then rest it on his chest, hearing the rhythmic beating of his heart. I feel his mouth kiss the top of my head and breathe into my hair. “I don’t know what you’ve done to me baby, but you have certainly knocked me off balance, and I know you will have to go back home eventually, but let’s just have now, okay?” I nod my head again and he takes my hand in his and we continue to walk back down towards the beach house.

  That night we sat around the dinner table, enjoying bowls of creamy garlic pasta with fresh crusty bread, and a nice bottle of dry Riesling, while Paxton and Nate shared some of their childhood stories with Lynda and I. The way they both laughed recalling some of the sticky situations they had been caught up in as kids, I’m pretty sure their parents had their hands full. It was nice to see how many memories they shared and I was mesmerized as I watched these two handsome, strong men that had so much love and respect for each other. You could feel the strength of their bond emanating around us.

  The next morning we headed back to the Penthouse. It was a quiet drive I looked out the window, taking in the beautiful scenery while Nate drove I guess I was a little lost in my thoughts again, thinking over what he had said to me on the beach the day before and still trying to sort out what is going on between us. I mean logically, I know we have feelings for each other, but I also know Nate’s playboy history, never committing to anyone in the past just a gaggle of woman and one night stands. The thought of him being with someone else so intimately now just pisses me off, but that’s in the past, and I’m an expert on keeping the past buried, so what he did then is just inconsequential.

  But deep in the back of my mind I still have that nagging question that keeps gnawing at me, have I changed him somehow? Have I interrupted his solitary single life? Have I chucked a huge spanner in the works of his comfortable existence? In my heart, I want to tell him everything, lay myself bare and take that chance, but my head is warning me that my shameful past may be too much for him to handle, and when he sees the real me, will he realize the mistake he’s made?.

  Chapter Thirty-four


  Silence is all I get from her the whole drive back I want her to talk to me, let me in, but I also know that when she’s silent she needs it to try and reset herself, but it still pisses me off, and I try to think back to what I said to her in our conversation on the beach. Only the truth, I told her I had feelings for her. I also told her I can’t make her any promises either, is that why she’s withdrawn back into her bubble of silence? But shit, I have to be truthful, and I honestly don’t know where our relationship stands. I care for her I don’t want to let her go, and the thought of her being with anyone else but me, fuck I can’t even go there. I feel my grip on the steering wheel tighten and my knuckles turn white. No that’s not going to happen, but can I ask her to give up her life, her home for me? And what happens if she does and things don’t work out between us. Could I do that to her? Damn, why does this have to be so complicated? My head’s now starting to scramble with so many questions I need to shelve my thoughts and concentrate on the road and I need to talk to Paxton, use him as my sounding board, just to try and work out what the fuck is wrong with me.

  As soon as the elevator opened, Casey started for the stairs, only stopping to look over her shoulder at me and say, “I’m going to take a shower.” Then continuing up the stairs. Dumping my keys on the entrance table I head to my home office to check my emails and any messages that might have come in while we were at the beach house. Sitting back in my chair and idly moving the mouse back and forth, my mind wanders back to the frustration with the woman upstairs who I am imagining is standing in the shower with steaming water cascading over her luscious body while rubbing shower gel over every curve. It’s a constant irritation, just trying to get into her mind. It’s like having a watch that has broken into a hundred tiny pieces and I am trying to fit them all back together into a tiny space with a magnifying glass. If I place a cog in the right place everything ticks but if I accidentally place it in the wrong place, it upsets the whole balance and I need to pull it all apart and start again. Fuck me.

  Then it hits me, we’ve spent a lot of time together but it’s been under pretty difficult circumstances, so maybe I need to roll things back a little and take her out on a real date, so we can get to know each other better as a couple and not so much like a job responsibility surrounded by so much drama. Moving the mouse, I bring up the directory and find the phone number for Higgins Restaurant downtown and make an online booking for two for tonight. Then onto the Indian Head casino for some fun on the tables. Pleased and satisfied that I now have a plan in action for a night of relaxation with my beautiful woman, I push up from my chair and head up to where she is just coming out of the bathroom, a thick black towel wrapped around her body. She rubs her long blonde hair with another towel and I follow her as she walks into the bedroom and grabs a comb from the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed. “Everything ok?” she asks, watching me as a slide behind her on the bed, my thighs resting on either side of hers. I reach out taking the comb from her hand and gently start to run it through her hair. “Thank you.” “No need for thanks, I love your hair, the color, the feel and the smell drives me crazy.” She lets out a chuckle as I inhale that wonderful vanilla scent that she always has. “I have a proposition for you.”

  “Oh, Really ?” she asks turning her head slightly so she is looking at me.

  “Yes, I would like to take you out tonight…on a date.”

  “A date ?”

  “Yes, a date.”

  Shaking her head, she says, “Nate, it’s fine, you have done so much for me and really I can assure you that you don’t need to wine and dine me to get laid tonight.”

  “Ha ha ha that’s good to know, but really I want to take you out, tonight, on a real date, just you and me.” She looks at me and I can tell with that look on her face that my plan was a good decision, as her beautiful full lips turn into a smile before she says, “I would love to”.

  When she walks down the stairs later that night dressed in a strapless figure-hugging black dress that sits just above her knee’s and shows off those long tanned legs in a pair of silver four-inch heels, and her long blonde hair that’s hanging down her back and moves with every step she takes. I want to take her back upstairs to bed and forget going anywhere, but when she reaches the bottom stair with that beautiful smile showing me just how happy she is right now, I think that dirty thought can wait because I want to take my woman out and show her to the world. “You look stunning,” I said, moving into her and pressing a kiss against her neck. “Thank
you, you don’t look too bad either,” she said running her hand beneath my jacket and against my white button down shirt. Taking her hand in mine, we head down to the garage. She starts walking towards the SUV but is stopped when I grip her hand a little tighter. “No baby, not that one tonight, we’re taking the Audi 8,” I say, pointing to the sleek midnight black sports car. Her eyes open wide as she looks from me to the car and then lets me lead her over and open the door for her.

  Dinner consisted of a beautiful juicy rib-eye steak, and I watched every bite she took and every moan she made while chewing it. She caught me staring at her. “Something wrong?” she asked with one eyebrow cocked.

  “I think we need to order dessert. Sitting here watching your mouth devour and enjoy that steak so much is making me uncomfortable,” I said, through narrowed eyes.

  “Why?” she asks bewildered.

  “Because I have something much better for you to enjoy and it’s straining against my zipper right now, I think it might be envious of your steak .” She covered her mouth and let out a giggle.

  “Now I know why you haven’t been able to sit still, but you know I could fix that,” she breathed out sensually.

  Now she had my full attention, and with a raised brow I asked, “Really, tell me more.”

  She slowly ran her tongue over her bottom lip which brought my eyes directly to her mouth, then said, “just stop watching me eat” she grinned.

  “Damn woman, I thought you were offering to get on your knees under the table.”

  “Later” she mouthed giving me a naughty wink, and I was wishing we were back at the Penthouse, NOW.

  After our meal, we drove over to the Casino and I watched as her eyes grew wide in awe at all the lights and glitz. The excitement that had flashed across her face was fuelling my own. Placing a hand against her lower back, guiding her into the casino and to the nearest roulette table. Dropping several hundred dollar bills down they were quickly exchanged for chips. Looking down at the chips I had just placed in her hand, then looking back up at me, she stammered “I.. don’t know what to do.”

  “Just place them on random numbers where- ever you want,” I said motioning to the table.


  “No buts, no thinking, just do,” I said, placing a kiss on the tip of her nose. She turned to the table and hesitantly started to place her chips down. Signaling for a waitress and ordering us both a drink, I stood back and watched her face change as she watched the croupier roll the ball, and then her smile fade as her chips were taken away. She turned to look at me with pouty lips. Smiling and handing her a glass I say, “It’s ok, place some more bets.”

  “But I’m losing your money,” she said taking a sip of the vodka martini, then letting out a hiss. “Wow, that’s..strong.”

  “Enjoy, and place your bets.”

  Turning, she placed down some more chips and on the next spin the croupier was pushing over her winning chips. “Holy shit we won,” she said, her face beaming with elation at me. She looked utterly adorable right now, like a kid in a candy shop. The next time she leaned over the table to place a bet, I noticed the guy next to her lean back and take a good look at her ass. Moving in closer behind her and blocking his view, I turned and gave him a primal look of ownership that seems to make him move pretty quickly to the other side of the table trying to avoid even looking our way. I think I may have made him uncomfortable as I locked my gaze on him for the next few minutes.

  After a few more drinks and spins of the wheel, Casey was giddy with excitement at her growing pile of chips and I’m guessing feeling the effects of the vodka martini and the two margarita’s she’d consumed. Knowing she was a lightweight, when she asked for number four, I lead her away to cash in her chips and we headed back to the car. Before she got in she leaned down and pulled off one of her heels, then the other.

  “Sorry my feet are killing me I don’t think I’m used to wearing these things for so long.”

  “Not a problem” I laughed and helped her into the passenger seat of the Audi. Pulling her seat belt over to lock it in place. Sliding into the car myself and starting it up, I slipped it into gear and headed towards the Penthouse. “Thank you so much for tonight I don’t think I have ever had so much fun,” she said, placing her hand on my thigh.

  “You’re welcome, it was a good night.” Taking my eyes briefly off the road to take a quick look at her leaning back in the seat, she looked so relaxed and content.

  “What were those last drinks I had?”


  “Hmmm I think they are my new favorite drink,” she cooed.

  “Really? I would have never known that.” I smiled to myself at the sound of the slightly inebriated tone in her voice. Taking another look at her face, with her eyes now closed, she stayed like that until I pulled into the garage and shut the engine off.

  As soon as I opened the passenger door her eyes flew open, and she took the hand that I offered her, getting out on somewhat wobbly legs and leaning into me. “Wow that was fast,” she said.

  “Come on my little gambler, let’s get you upstairs and into bed.”

  “Hmm I like the sound of that,” she breathed into my chest.

  Letting out a chuckle at her dirty insinuation, I said, “To sleep.”

  “Noooo,” she moaned. Taking her hand I lead her towards the elevator and press the call button. She looks so beautiful, bare feet, holding her heels and purse in one hand and that wonderful smile of hers. The doors open and I direct her in and swipe my card then pull her against me. “We really have to go to bed…to sleep?” she asks.

  “Yes, we do.” I feel one of her hands move down the middle of my chest towards the front of my jeans and I place my own hand on hers and move it back up.

  “Casey,” I warn in a low voice.


  “Not tonight baby you’ve had just a little too much to drink.”


  “And I’m being a gentleman.”

  “But I don’t want you to be a gentleman, I want you to be wild, rough and dirty,” she breathes into my neck. That sends a shiver down my spine, right to my groin, and in a more sober voice, she says, “Honestly I’m not drunk just a little merry. The drive back cleared my head.” Looking into her eyes and seeing the lust in them was driving me insane. The elevator pings at the Penthouse and the doors open. Taking her hand I lead her to stand at the kitchen island and take off my jacket. Leaning down close to her ear, I whisper, “Don’t move.” Pulling out my phone I scroll through the music list until I find what I’m looking for. Sitting it on the sound system docking station and cranking the volume up, I press play and the slow thumping beat of the Arctic Monkeys song “ Do I wanna know?” fills the air. Walking over to where she’s standing at the kitchen island, I move her to face it and press my hand at the middle of her back bending her so that the top half of her body is lying flat against the marble island. Running both hands down the back of her dress until I reach the hem, I slowly pull it up over her ass and leave it bunched up around the top of her waist, and suck in a breath. When I see the black lace panties and the thigh high stockings that she’s wearing. Running both my hands over her peach of an ass and the lacy material, then down to the top of the stockings. Slipping a finger under the lacy top of the stocking, I run it around against the warm, soft skin of her legs and she squirms a little. “Stand still,” I say in a hard, deep tone.

  “Sorry, it tickles,” she breathes out.

  “Shhh,” I hush. “No movement, no sound,” I say sternly to her, and she acknowledges what I have said with a slight nod of her head. Bending down onto my knees behind her and sliding my fingers around the top of her panties, I take my time slowly sliding them down her legs, tapping her ankles one at a time to lift her feet and slip them off completely. Looking up I am face to face with her beautifully perfect ass I lean in and lean my cheek against the warm skin of it and I hear her breath hitch with the connection. “No sound,” I sa
y, giving her a quick slap on her ass cheek, making her jump slightly, then stop as I press small open-mouthed kisses over the red mark just starting to appear on her skin, and when I give the skin a slight nip with my teeth, she squirms again, earning her another smack on the other cheek. When she stills again I continue to kiss, nip and bite at the red tainted skin, sliding my hand down between her legs and pushing them apart. I run my fingers over her sex, it’s so fucking wet that she has just given me the answer that I was seeking, she likes this…a lot.

  Sliding a finger through her slickness, I hear the slight change in her breathing. Bending down behind her, I gently open her slick naked folds and run my tongue over her wetness and I feel her moan vibrate through her body. Her juice is so sweet and addictive that I need more of it and just like I am intending on eating a peach, I open my mouth over her sex and gorge on her sensitive flesh, running my tongue back and forth over her swollen nub until I am satiated. Standing up behind her, because frankly I am torturing myself much more than I am her, and if I don’t release my dick from my pants I am pretty sure I am going to do myself some damage. Undoing the zipper and releasing my erection letting it slap against her ass. I bend into her so it’s sitting against the warm skin of her lower back and slip my hands underneath to where the top of her strapless dress begins and pull it down, along with her bra, then I fill my hands with her breasts, feeling the smoothness of them first then pinching those hard erect nipples between my finger and thumb. She lets out a low moan in her throat. Moving a hand up to where her long hair is spread over the marble bench, I move it away from her neck, clearing a path for my lips, kissing and licking little swirls from her shoulder up her neck, then biting and sucking just below her ear, while rubbing myself against her. Fuck, she feels amazing. When I suck on the lobe of her ear I whisper to her “Tell me what you want?” She moans out “You, inside of me.” Breathing heavier into her ear, I say “ask me.”


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