Mirin, Christelle - Morgan's Protégé [Bonding Camp 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Mirin, Christelle - Morgan's Protégé [Bonding Camp 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 3

by Christelle Mirin

  “Yes. I’d like to meet with you in my office in an hour. Rodgers will give you a map of the compound so you can find your way around. Feel free to explore.” He gave her a small smile that looked a bit forced.

  Unsettled, Grace nodded and followed Rodgers from the room. They entered the main hall just off the foyer where Rodgers turned to the left, leading her down a long hallway. The house was amazing and beautifully decorated. It reminded her of a swank hideaway hotel. About halfway down the hall, Rodgers stopped and opened a door on the right. “Here is your suite, Ms. Moore.”

  She stepped through the door and surveyed the room. A queen-size bed was comfortably made up in shades of mauve, the pillows propped perfectly for lounging at the head of the bed. Fresh flowers were in a vase on a table by the window, and another door led off into what was probably her own bathroom. She wasn’t going to have any trouble staying here. The layout was awesome. She noticed her bags were in the corner. “Thank you, Rodgers. I’ll just get unpacked and then meet with Mr. Moss.” She turned toward him.

  He had the strangest look on his face, serene yet a hint of intrigue. “You’ll find a map of the compound in the drawer of the nightstand. If you have any questions at all, just dial the operator. It will ring in to either my phone, or Rachel, who you’ve already met, or Missy, our personal trainer on staff, will answer. We’re here to help you during your stay. Don’t hesitate to call on us at any time.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure I’ll be fine until I have my meeting with Mr. Moss.”

  Rodgers turned to leave, stopping at the door. “It was nice to meet you, Ms. Moore.”

  “Please, call me Grace.” She smiled at him. “Ms. Moore is too formal, I think.”

  “Grace. Such a lovely name.” He nodded and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

  Grace turned toward the room, placing her hands on her hips. Best to get some things done then freshen up for her meeting with Morgan. As she unpacked her clothes, thoughts of Morgan filtered through her mind. Her attraction to him was growing by the minute. His aloof demeanor just made her want to get his attention even more. Most men she met paid her too much attention. Her young look combined with her full curves caught their attention more than she liked. She couldn’t help the way she looked. What she wanted most was for men to take her seriously, and though her looks hampered her in that arena, she’d be damned if she’d walk around in ratty clothes, bare-faced without her makeup.

  Clothes put away, she reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out the map of the compound. “This place is like some high dollar getaway,” she said, looking at the map. There was the main house, a garage area, a spa with a gym, the office complex, and walking trails through the woods. She wondered how many acres the compound covered. Getting it straight in her head where she needed to go, she refolded the map and tucked it back in the drawer. As long as she knew her way to the office complex and back to the main house, she’d be fine for a while. Maybe later, if it was at all possible, she’d ask Morgan to walk with her in the woods.

  Entering the bathroom, she checked her reflection in the mirror. Her makeup looked fine, and her hair, short cropped, laid perfectly with small wisps accenting her large brown eyes. She hadn’t worn foundation today and wondered if the sprinkle of freckles across her nose made her look too young to be an intern for the firm. Shrugging, she conceded that it was going to have to do for today. She wasn’t going to smooth on more makeup at this point. Morgan had already seen her this morning, and she didn’t want him to think she had redone her makeup for the meeting. She didn’t think it would look professional. With a sigh, she turned from the mirror and headed out to find the office complex.

  “Hello, Sarah. I didn’t know you’d be here,” Grace said, entering the office complex.

  “Good morning, Ms. Moore,” Sarah said from her desk. “Mr. Moss is in his office. He said to bring you on back when you arrived.” She rose and turned toward a door behind her desk.

  Grace followed, wondering just how large this complex was. Did they work from here often? She was impressed. She could imagine working from here when her presence wasn’t required in the city. Mentally crossing her fingers this meeting went well, she smiled as she followed Sarah to Morgan’s office.

  Sarah knocked twice then opened the door. “Ms. Moore has arrived.” She turned to Grace. “Go right in.” Stepping back, she let Grace pass.

  Morgan was sitting behind a desk that looked exactly like the desk in his office in the city. “Come in, Grace.” He looked at Sarah. “I am unavailable until I call you. No interruptions.”

  Sarah nodded then silently closed the door behind her.

  “Sit down, Grace,” Morgan said, looking at the papers in front of him on the desk.

  There was one chair in front of the desk. It was plain, leather, and looked uncomfortable. She sat down anyway, wiggling a bit to try to get as comfortable as possible. Crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap, she had the sense that she was to not speak unless spoken to. Almost like being called to the principal’s office.

  Morgan’s expression was serious as he read the papers in front of him. After about five minutes, he looked up, pinning her with his gaze. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I just wanted to make sure all of the paperwork was in order.” He slid the paperwork toward her. “You’ll need to sign a non-disclosure agreement concerning Bonding Camp. I’m sure you read about it in the agenda.”

  “I did. I have no problem signing it, but I can’t imagine what there is about bonding camp that would reveal anything about the workings of the firm.” She reached for the papers, but Morgan put his hand on top of them, stopping her from taking them off the desk.

  “There are quite a few things that we would not want revealed to the general public.” He rose and came around the desk. He perched on the edge of it in front of her, a towering, impressive man. He crossed his arms. “At our firm, we pride ourselves on being a bonded staff. It helps us to be a formidable force in the courtroom. We strive to work closely together, each of us knowing all there is to know about the others. This way, we find out what are your strong points and your weak points. It allows us to use you in the best way to enhance our firm and also to further your future. You may have a future with us, once you pass the bar. Would that be something you are interested in?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Was he already offering her a position with the firm? “Of course I would be very interested in a position with Cane, Moss, and White.” What other answer would she give?

  “Well then, are you inclined to reveal everything about yourself? Your interests, your needs, your weaknesses?” He raised a dark eyebrow.

  “I don’t see a problem with it. I’m not sure what you require, but I’ll do my best to give you all the information you need.”

  “Stand up please.” He stood, rising to his full height.

  There wasn’t much room between them for her to stand. She swallowed then rose from the chair. To look in his eyes, she had to tilt her head back. If she took a deep breath, her breast would brush his abs. “What would you like me to do now?” she asked.

  He moved one step to the side and placed his hand on the papers. “I’d like you to sign the paperwork, and then we can begin our bonding.”

  Begin our bonding. His words sounded so sensual and sexy. Bonding with Morgan, in a sexual way, would be the most outrageous thing she’d ever done. She’d better get that idea out of her head. She was here for a job interview, not a date. Leaning in beside him, she picked up the pen and found the place where she needed to sign. Quickly signing her name, she placed the pen back on top of the papers and straightened. “Signed.” She tilted her head. “Now, what can I do for you?”

  He moved forward, closing what little distance there was between them. His hard stomach muscles brushed against her breasts. “While you and I will be spending a lot of time together this weekend, getting to know each other, the first thing I would like to know about is your sex life.”
His eyes moved over her face, hesitating on her lips, then moved back up to her eyes. “What is it that sends you over the edge?”

  Heat rushed to her face. This was unusual to say the least. “You’re really asking me this? Does my sex life really have anything to do with my work?” Sex and Morgan was a heated subject. Oh goodness, would she ever like to do him. But this was her job, her internship and career, riding on the whole bonding camp thing.

  “Not only does your sex life matter when it comes to your work, your friends, your family, and everything you do affects your work ethic.” He parked his hip on the edge of his desk and took her hand in his. “I want to know everything about you, Grace. I realize this is very different than anything you’ve ever experienced before, but this is what works for our firm. The closer we are, the better we work together. This is bonding in the most basic sense.”

  Grace could feel herself warming up to the idea of bonding in the most basic sense with this man. He may be older, but damn, he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen. She loved the way he seemed to dominate the room. And her. Not many men could stand up to her feisty attitude. They usually wimped out once they got to know her. None of them had ever tried to control her, even in the bedroom. One thing that may become embarrassing though was her inexperience with sex. Taking a deep breath, she decided. If she was going to work for this firm, she was going to do everything it took to enhance her chances. If it meant truly bonding with a man like Morgan Moss, that was a plus. She hoped.

  “Morgan,” she said, her voice low, “if you and the firm feel that this sort of closeness, this bonding, makes a stronger front in the courtroom, I’m all for it. I have to admit, I’ve never heard of such a thing, but it obviously works or your firm wouldn’t be doing as well as it is.” She laid her hand on his thigh. “I’m twenty-two and just graduated college. Though most girls go a little crazy at college and try new things, I haven’t had much experience with, well, sex. I’m not even sure exactly what it is that pushes me over the edge.” Her face was hotter than hell and she knew she was blushing, but she couldn’t help it. She was already bonding with Morgan by revealing what she already had. “To tell you the truth, and I’m revealing something very personal here, I think I’ve only ever had one orgasm in my life. With a man, that is.”

  The smile that curled his lips was devilish. “So, you’re telling me the only time you have true pleasure is when you pleasure yourself.”

  Grace brushed a hand over her face, feeling the heat in her cheeks on her palm. “Yes.”

  “This may sound a bit like an interview, and it is really, but are you ready to try some new things? This bonding camp is not only so we can find out about you, it’s also so you can find out about us. And to be truthful, Grace, I have a sexual appetite that runs a bit on the extreme side.”

  This was the strangest situation she’d ever been in during her life. And what was even stranger about it was the fact that she was so intrigued. She’d already revealed more about herself, personal things like not being able to have an orgasm with a man under normal circumstances, and she hadn’t really blinked an eye at doing it. There was something about Morgan Moss that made her want to do whatever he asked. It felt right to her to do it, too. And stimulating. Looking up into those dark, intense eyes of his made her pussy clench with need. “Just tell me what to do,” she whispered, her throat tight.

  “Before we begin, I want you to give me a word, a ‘safe’ word. One that you’ll remember in times of extreme pressure. It’s for your peace of mind. If you say the ‘safe’ word, I’ll stop whatever I’m doing.”

  Her mind raced. How extreme was this going to get that she needed a “safe” word? She’d read about sadism and masochism, bondage and all the things involved with it. She even had a friend in college who kept handcuffs and leather collars in her panty drawer for her and her boyfriend to use. Grace had always been curious about it but had never met anyone she felt comfortable enough with to try it out. She was the one usually in control of situations, including during sex. What would it be like to give up that control, if only for a little while? Just the thought of it caused her nipples to tighten. She gazed up at the devilish man in front of her. She knew he’d never reveal what happened between them to the outside world. She’d read the clause in the non-disclosure agreement about if anything was made public about her, the firm would be required to pay her a sizable amount of money. And she knew the firm would definitely not want it publicized. The feisty side of her wanted to try this. Could she possibly allow him the control?

  “Breathe,” she said.

  Both his eyebrows rose. “Breathe? That’s your word?”

  She nodded. “Yes.” Her fingers tightened on his thigh.

  He glanced down at where her hand rested then turned his gaze back to her eyes. “Stand there and don’t move.” He stood and went to the other side of the desk and picked up the phone.

  Grace didn’t move, didn’t even turn her head to look at him. She didn’t want to screw up already. She heard him pick up the phone and punch some numbers.

  “Sarah,” he said. “Ms. Moore and I will be having a meeting in my private quarters. I do not want to be disturbed. I will call you in an hour with further instructions.”

  She heard him disconnect and replaced the handset. He rounded the desk and grabbed her wrist, pulling her toward the door. “Where are we going?” she asked, rushing to keep up as they entered the hall and headed toward the door at the end of it.

  “I am taking you to my most private place. My sanctum.” He pulled a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door at the end of the hall. “Come.”

  With his long fingers still wrapped around her wrist, she had no choice but to follow. The room they entered was dark, only a dim light in the far back corner for light. Grace blinked rapidly, trying to see into the darkness. It looked as if the walls were painted black, along with the floor and ceiling. She could barely see anything except something hanging from the middle of the ceiling that glimmered like metal. Were those chains? The door closed behind her, and the metallic click of the lock came to her ears. She crossed her arms, hugging her waist, and waited.

  Morgan moved in front of her and stopped. Reaching around her, he moved a switch, and the lights grew a little brighter. The walls, floor, and ceiling were black, but she couldn’t see anything else around Morgan.

  “In here, I am more than your boss, Grace. You are about to learn what it is I like. But first, we’re going to spend a little time on you and finding out your tastes. Can you relinquish control of yourself to me?” Morgan’s eyes blazed into hers.

  Her tummy started to tremble. This was slightly scary and very exciting. She nodded, gazing into those eyes.

  “All right then. We’ll begin once you’ve removed your clothes and put on the robe inside this room.” He took her arm and turned her to the right. He opened a narrow door, revealing what looked like a dressing room in a department store. “Stay inside until I come and get you. Clear?” His voice was taking on a more commanding tone.

  “Yes, Morgan.” She entered the room and turned to the door.

  He closed it, but he didn’t lock it. She heard him walk away, his footsteps fading. Grace glanced around the tiny room. There was a chair and a red robe that looked like silk hanging from a hook on the back of the door. Nothing else. Her fingers trembling a little, she removed her clothes, folding them and laying them on the chair. Naked, she was slightly chilled. Taking the robe from the back of the door, she slipped it on, noticing there was no belt or buttons to close it over her nakedness. The only type of closure at all was along the shoulders, where there were a row of snaps along each shoulder down to the edge of the sleeves, which hung to her elbows. It resembled a hospital gown, but no hospital gown she’d ever seen was made out of red silk.

  What am I doing? I’m standing here naked except for a strange robe, waiting for a man to come and get me and take me into a totally black room where it looked like there were chains
hanging from the ceiling.

  She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. She wanted to do this, wanted to see just what this was all about without worrying about anyone finding out. She also wanted to do whatever it took to get this internship, but she didn’t want to look unprofessional.

  She didn’t have any more time to think about it because the door opened and Morgan reached in and grabbed her wrist. “It’s time,” he said, pulling her back out into the room. He had removed all of his clothes except for his pants, which were tight and dark.

  Grace had the urge to run her hand over his rippled abs. She’d never seen a man this up close who looked so toned and hard muscled. Morgan was a large man, tall and very imposing. He moved her into the room, stopping beneath the chains. Without another word, he caught her chin with one hand and tipped her head back. Then his mouth claimed hers in a savage kiss.

  She closed her eyes and melted when his tongue forced its way between her lips. Instant searing heat flamed through her, his tongue doing interesting things inside her mouth, his fingers gripping her chin and not allowing her to move her head. She reached up to rest her right hand on his shoulder, wanting to lean into him, but he grabbed her wrist yet again and forced her hand down to her side.

  Straightening, he speared her with his eyes. “Do not touch me unless I tell you to.”

  “Okay,” she said, almost breathless from that searing kiss.

  “No.” He rested his finger on the tip of her nose. “The answer is ‘yes, Morgan.’ Clear?”

  “Yes, Morgan.” Oh my god, this man is hot.

  Reaching up, he took hold of the chains and shook them. “These are for you,” he said, taking one of her wrists and lifting her arm. He fumbled with the chain, and then she felt something like leather wrap around her wrist. He tightened it then let loose of her arm. The restraint held her arm high, her elbow slightly bent. It wasn’t uncomfortable. Then he did the same to her other wrist.


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