Never Miss a Chance (Kellington Book Two)

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Never Miss a Chance (Kellington Book Two) Page 21

by Maureen Driscoll

  Lizzie sighed and looked at him. He wasn’t going to make this easy. “The betrothal would appear to be for marriage, but I would cry off at some point down the line.”

  “And what reason would you give for doing so?”

  “I’m sure I could find any number of them. No offense, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “The important thing is that everyone must believe we’ll marry.”

  “Don’t you already have a fiancé?”

  Lizzie felt the blood drain from her face. “Yes. But I cannot marry him. And you cannot ask me why.”

  “I have no intention of it. But what’s in it for me? If I’m to be jilted in a matter of months…”

  “Perhaps weeks,” she said, eyeing the nearly empty decanter of brandy that was next to him.

  “If I’m to be jilted at all, shouldn’t I be compensated for the inconvenience?”

  Why was everything so difficult? “Yes, I suppose. Would one hundred pounds be sufficient?”

  “Not in the least. Let’s try one thousand, shall we?”

  “It will be two hundred fifty and not a ha’penny more. All you have to do is pretend you persuaded me to marry you.”

  He looked at her consideringly. “I can’t imagine your brothers will be pleased. Or your fiancé. I don’t want to get a blacked eye over this.”

  “For two hundred fifty pounds, you shouldn’t complain about a few bruises.”

  “Ah, my dear lady, you know me not at all. I’ve never been one to risk any type of physical injury. Especially any about the face. If I’m to agree to your proposition, you must give me the funds and protect me from bodily harm.”

  “Very well. We shall put the plan into effect today.”

  He bowed mockingly as Lizzie turned on her heels and left. Without thinking about what she’d just done, she ran up the stairs and down the corridors to her bed chamber. She hoped to remain there shut away from everyone. Especially from Marcus.

  But solitude was not to be found. As she was nearing her room, Arthur caught up to her.

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to ask about my blasted mishap in the lake,” she said.

  “Of course not. I wanted to talk about the chest you found.”


  “Because Kellingtons are curious by nature.”

  They opened the door to her bed chamber, only to find it ransacked.

  Arthur put Lizzie to his back, as he looked about the room. Every drawer had been opened and emptied onto the floor. The clothes from her wardrobe were strewn across the room.

  Lizzie surveyed the mess. “Mansfield may need to hire new maids.”

  “This isn’t a joke, Lizzie,” said her brother, who looked more angry than she. And he wasn’t even the one to have his best gowns thrown on the floor. His favorite beaded slipper wasn’t currently hanging from a bedpost. He walked to her wardrobe, then reached inside. “The chest is gone.”

  “How did you know where it was?” she asked.

  “I must be a good guesser.”

  “Arthur, what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know yet, but have my suspicions. You must promise to stay by Riverton’s side for the time being.” If he noticed her suddenly shuttered expression, he didn’t remark upon it. “In the meantime, I’m off in search of answers.”

  Arthur grabbed her hand, then ushered her out of the room and down two flights of stairs to find the foyer teeming with servants rushing back and forth. Trunks were being carried in and Mansfield was directing his troops like a battlefield general.

  “Find Riverton,” Arthur told Lizzie. “And don’t go back to your room. I’m off in search of someone.” Then he quickly left.

  The front door opened and a grim-faced Riverton entered, followed by the equally somber Lynwood, Hal and Inspector Stapleton.

  “Liam, what is wrong?” Lizzie asked as she rushed to Lynwood. Her brothers and Stapleton looked like they’d raced to Riverton Farms from London. Whatever news had brought them in such haste couldn’t be good.

  “I was about to ask you the same question,” he said as he bent to kiss her cheek. “But perhaps Stalford can clarify.”

  Lizzie turned to see the earl standing near the library door, looking both defiant and ill at ease.

  “What does Stalford have to do with anything?” asked Lizzie.

  “According to the Times, the two of you are affianced.”

  At her look of shock, Hal handed her a copy of the paper. Lizzie was astounded to find the notice in stark black and white. She looked first at Stalford, who’d somehow found another drink, then at Riverton, who would not meet her eyes. Lizzie didn’t know what was going on. Was this someone’s idea of a joke? If so, it had fallen disastrously wide of its mark. Riverton would be so hurt and angry.

  Lizzie thought about his likely reaction. If he thought she’d placed the announcement in the Times, it would create a rift between them. Likely a permanent one. She’d hate knowing she’d hurt him, but, perhaps, that was the only way to save him. It was as good of an opportunity as any to enact her plan.

  “Yes,” she said, to stunned looks from all around. “Lord Stalford and I have been secretly engaged these many weeks. I’m sorry Marcus. So very sorry.”

  Riverton met her gaze for only a fraction of a moment, but it was enough for Lizzie to see the tremendous hurt in his eyes. Pain she’d inflicted. Then he looked away and cleared his throat.

  “Welcome to Riverton Farms, gentlemen,” he said to Lynwood, Hal and Stapleton. “I’m sure Mansfield will have you settled directly. If you’ll excuse me, I have business elsewhere.”

  He left without a single look back.

  * * *

  Arthur found Tara in the stables, trying to saddle a clearly reluctant Merlin.

  “I’m going to end your charade right now,” he said, as he grabbed her arm. “How dare you steal from my sister!”

  “It wasn’t me,” she said, as she tried to pull away.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “All right.” She was vividly aware of his hand on her arm. It made her feel odd and heated all over, but the more she tried to pull away, the more resolutely he hung on. “I was going to search her room, but was too late. They’d already been there.”


  Tara looked away from him.

  “Was it the Marleys?” he asked. “Is that who got there before you?”

  “Yes. And they’re nowhere to be found on the estate. They have the chest, now I must find them.”

  “Out of the question. They could be dangerous.”

  Tara finally pulled her arm away, then immediately felt the loss of his touch. “It is not for you to say what I can and cannot do.”

  Arthur rolled his eyes at the obstinacy of women. “At least tell me what’s going on.”

  “I already told you.”

  “But this time I want the truth.”

  She looked at him, as if deciding how much to reveal. “It’s not a treasure map, but I can’t tell you what it is. All you need to know is it’s vital I find the chest and look at what’s inside.”

  “You mean this?” Arthur held up a piece of parchment wrapped in leather.

  She reached for it, but he pulled it away. “Give that to me,” she said.

  Arthur shook his head. “Not without an explanation.”

  “How did you get it?”

  “While Lizzie was in the bathing chamber, I took a look at the chest that had garnered so much interest. I have a certain skill with latches, so I was able to open it. What I found inside was most interesting, but it’s not a map. At least not to your dear family’s treasure.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because it’s written in code. In French. So now are you going to tell me who you really are?”

  She stared at the parchment, then slowly met his eyes. “I’m with the Home Office.”

  * * *

  Lady Riverton could not believe her very good luck. The Duke
of Lynwood himself was in her formal sitting room, along with his youngest brother Henry, with yet another unmarried Kellington somewhere on the estate. Thank God that dreadfully common Inspector was off with Elizabeth for some reason.

  Lady Riverton’s only problem was Lady Nicholls, who seemed intent on jumping the queue with Melissa, that annoying daughter of hers. The chit should be more than satisfied with Riverton. It was true that Lynwood was a duke, while her Riverton was “only” a marquess, but the girl shouldn’t be greedy. And she should certainly be grateful for everything that was being done to get Elizabeth Kellington out of the way. Of course, Lady Riverton didn’t know exactly what was being done to get rid of Elizabeth. But she had a feeling Edith was up to something. She was a sneaky one, that Edith. Blessed with none of Charlotte’s beauty, but she knew how to get things done. Once Charlotte became the Duchess of Lynwood, they’ve have to see about finding someone for Edith. Perhaps the Duke of Fallmoor. The man was in need of a legal heir. Edith could get the job done and Lord knew the girl wouldn’t care what it did to her figure.

  But there was Lady Nicholls to be rid of first. She’d cornered Lynwood and Lord Henry into drinking a spot of tea, but now they looked ready to bolt. That had to be avoided at all costs.

  “I’m so glad you have come, your grace, Lord Henry,” said Lady Nicholls as she stared like a vulture at the two of them. “My Melissa will be most pleased to converse with you at dinner. Perhaps she can sing for you later.”

  Lady Riverton took advantage of the breath Lady Nicholls was drawing to jump into the conversation. “Lady Nicholls, while that is a most charming suggestion, I had rather thought you’d like to be on your way now that your carriage has been fixed.”

  “But the damage was so extensive,” said Lady Nicholls with a clenched jaw. “I wouldn’t like to risk a journey, only to have it end in calamity.”

  “You are more than welcome to take Riverton’s carriage,” said his fond mama.

  “Or perhaps we might make the journey in his grace’s carriage,” said Lady Nicholls with a smile at the man. “With his escort, of course.”

  Lady Riverton looked like she’d take great joy in using his grace’s carriage to run Lady Nicholls over, but instead turned to Charlotte, who was on the settee next to Lynwood. She’d started off the proper distance away, but was steadily inching closer and closer to him.

  Good girl, that Charlotte.

  Lady Riverton turned her attention to the other brother. “Lord Henry, how delightful it is that you should have joined our party. I hope we have not taken you away from the delights of London.”

  “While I do, indeed, avail myself of the, uh, delights of London whenever possible,” said Hal, “I was most anxious to come here with my brother.”

  “Have I mentioned how very much my Melissa is looking forward to seeing the two of you?” asked Lady Nicholls.

  “As I said earlier,” replied Lady Riverton, barely keeping her anger in check. “I can have your carriage waiting downstairs in a quarter of an hour. You don’t even have to pack. I’m sure you can trust my maids to bundle up your trunks and send them to you. The clothes have seen better days, after all.”

  Just as it appeared Lady Nicholls was about to bundle Lady Riverton into a trunk, Hal set down his tea cup. “If you’ll excuse me ladies, I must set off in search of our aunt.”

  “That is an excellent idea, Henry,” said Lynwood, who began to rise, but was pulled back to his seat by Charlotte’s hand on his thigh, hidden by her skirts. And when the devil had she moved so close?

  “Thank you Lynwood, but I’ll leave you to attend to the ladies.” Hal bowed and was quickly on his way out the door, feeling Lynwood’s wrath even at that distance.

  Lynwood rose from his seat, disentangling himself from the surprisingly strong Lady Charlotte. “And I shall find my sister. If you’ll excuse me, ladies.”

  They very much did not want to excuse him, but in the end he gave them no choice.

  * * *

  Riverton walked further into the woods. He had no destination in mind. He simply needed to get away. He’d not thought it was possible to hurt this much. It had been bad enough to love Lizzie from afar. But to have grown close to her, to have made love to her, only to have it ripped away. It felt like his soul was being wrenched apart. It was agony.

  But something didn’t make sense. She couldn’t be that cruel.

  “I thought I’d find you here.”

  He turned to find Melissa walking toward him. Sweet, beautiful Melissa. He’d had a crush on her those many years ago when they’d spent summers together. But she’d always been unattainable. His to worship and flatter, but never to form a true bond with. Then, as they got older, he saw how she flirted with many men of the ton, collecting hearts like charms on a bracelet. He was thankful she’d never really captured his. In fact, he hadn’t realized he even had a heart.

  Until Lizzie.

  “I haven’t interrupted you, have I?” She smiled at him and the sunlight shone on her perfect blonde curls.

  “It is nothing of import,” he said. “What brings you to the woods?”

  “To see you, of course,” she said, as she closed the distance between them.

  “Is there something you need?” he asked.

  “Most assuredly,” she said, her voice low and seductive. “You, my lord. I need you.”

  She put her hands on his shoulders, then rose on her toes to place her lips on his. The kiss she pressed on him was more experienced than he would’ve predicted. She kissed him with the confidence of a woman who knew what she wanted.

  He pulled back from her, and caught her hands in his.

  “My dear,” he said gently. “I’m flattered. I sincerely am. But I’m afraid my feelings are otherwise engaged.”

  Something flashed in her eyes, then was gone just as quickly. It was replaced by her sweet smile and the light pink blush he’d seen so many times before. She was, once again, the perfect viscount’s daughter. “Shall we walk back to the house my lord?” she asked, as she put her hand through his arm.

  Without much choice, Riverton nodded before leading her back.


  It was as tense of a room as Lizzie had ever been in. Which was significant, given how much trouble she’d been in with the treatise. Lizzie’s brothers, Aunt Prue, Mariah and Inspector Stapleton were listening to Miss Rennard’s extraordinary story. Stalford was also there. He’d tried to get away, but Lynwood, in his dangerously quiet mode, had told him that as Lizzie’s fiancé Stalford had a vested interest in her safety. The earl hadn’t seemed to agree. It was only when Edith said she wanted to learn what was going on that he decided to stay.

  The big confrontation over Lizzie’s supposed betrothal to Stalford hadn’t yet happened, which made her suspicious. Lynwood treated him with cool civility, as did Arthur and Hal. Even Riverton was being frustratingly nice to the man.

  Which was most insulting.

  Miss Rennard had spent several minutes recounting her story. At first, Inspector Stapleton hadn’t believed she worked for the Home Office. He’d quizzed her about different men who worked there, since his duties brought him in contact with them quite often. It was highly unusual for a woman to be an agent, but after hearing Miss Rennard’s story, even Stapleton was convinced she was who she said she was.

  Apparently, the Home Office had been tracking a French operative. While England and France were no longer at war, the peace was tentative at best. And England’s nobility would forever be suspicious of any efforts to democratize the country. As other Home Office agents had closed in on the Frenchman, it was discovered that he’d left a coded message in Kent. Miss Rennard had been sent to Riverton Farms to see if she could find it.

  After doing a preliminary examination of the documents Arthur had retrieved from the chest, Miss Rennard was sure they were on the right track. She couldn’t break the code, but once the documents were safely delivered, she’d be that much closer to discove
ring the British traitor the Frenchman had been trying to contact.

  “Miss Rennard,” said Lynwood, “we will provide you safe passage to London. We can leave as soon as you are ready.”

  Arthur bristled noticeably. “I can provide Miss Rennard with safe passage. You can remain here.”

  “I’m sure my sister would like that,” said Edith.

  Miss Rennard cleared her throat. “Your grace, Lord Arthur, while I appreciate the offer of assistance, I cannot accept it. I must pursue the mission on my own as soon as I reclaim the chest.”

  “But if you already have the papers, why does the chest signify?” asked Aunt Prue.

  “Because the person who can break the code is expecting both. Which brings up another matter. Lady Elizabeth, I believe you may be in danger.”

  “What?” said Riverton as he half-rose from his seat. “I will not allow any harm to come to her.”

  “My lord, I cannot adequately express my regret that it has come to this,” said Miss Rennard. “I was ordered by my superiors not to break cover. Indeed, they’ll be most displeased that I have done so. I thought the Marleys would be more careful than to show their hand in such an obvious way. They can be vicious people. And once they learn the chest is empty, they will return here and head straight for Lady Elizabeth.”

  Riverton started pacing the room. Stalford looked to be half asleep.

  “They sound like a bloodthirsty family,” said Edith. “Quite admirable, really.”

  “They’re not brother and sister,” said Miss Rennard. “That’s only their cover. They’re lovers and two of the deadliest assassins in England.”

  “So if they come back for Lizzie…” said Lynwood, unable to finish the sentence.

  “They’ll kill her if they must,” said Miss Rennard.

  That was met by the predictable exclamations of worry from Lizzie’s loved ones and silence edged with boredom from Stalford and Edith.

  Lizzie had listened to everything. She’d taken everything in. And she had the solution. “So there’s only one thing to do,” she said.

  “Absolutely,” said Riverton. “We’ll hire guards to keep you safe in your room, then Stapleton and I will ride out to get the villains while your brothers watch over you here.”


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