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Then Page 1

by Marie York


  Part One in

  The Tryst Series

  By Marie York


  All rights reserved.

  Printed in the United States of America.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author except where permitted by law.

  Published by

  Marie York

  Copyright May 2015

  Cover Photo by alenkasm

  Cover Design by Cover Up Designs

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  May 2013


  Sweat beaded between my breasts, and I tried to focus on my notes and not my senior seminar partner. Even though he was across the table, I could feel that deep sinister stare.

  Jaxon Reed was the ultimate eye candy. He was tall and lean with the right amount of muscle that you just wanted to run your hands over, at least once, to know what perfection actually felt like. The mystery behind his dark eyes drew you in, and the sexy intensity melted you in place.

  I avoided his eyes while we finished our final project of the semester, refusing to fall under his spell. I had a boyfriend—a serious boyfriend—and it was only a matter of time before he proposed. Our life was planned right down to how many kids we’d have (three), and where we would live (Garden City, New York—where my family was).

  Kyle just needed to slide that ring on my finger and once he did, everything would be perfect. Just as we always imagined it would be.

  “If you just email me your last portion I can throw it on the PowerPoint and we’ll be all set,” I said to Jaxon, making sure to keep my focus on my notebook.

  “Sure,” he said, his voice just as dark and mysterious as the rest of him.

  “Okay then.” I gathered my books from the table, wanting to get out of the library and far away from Jaxon Reed as soon as possible.

  I was all for window shopping in a relationship, but the way Jaxon’s mere presence shot heat to my core and made my pussy ache in want was far from appropriate.

  I scooped up the last book and stuffed it into my bag. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Lyla.” Jaxon’s hand grabbed my wrist, his fingers searing my skin. My eyes darted to his grip then they slowly drifted up to his gaze, my rule to never look him directly in the eye long forgotten. I froze, consumed in his beauty.

  “Why are you always in such a rush?” he asked.

  An entire semester and three projects later and I’d never heard him speak more than two words at a time.

  “I…” I couldn’t form a coherent thought and continued to stare, lost in the dark brown intensity. “My boyfriend,” I finally blurted. “He’s waiting for me.” He wasn’t. Kyle still had twenty minutes left of Econ, but I couldn’t tell Jaxon the truth. I couldn’t admit that he made me think X-rated thoughts that no girl with a boyfriend should ever be thinking about another guy. I couldn’t confess that he’s a regular guest in my dreams.

  Those were my secrets. My personal fantasies. And they were staying locked in my mind.

  “Boyfriend,” he said, and I could detect a smile in his voice.

  “Yes.” I glared at his hand still scorching my skin. Finger by finger he let go. A slow torture.

  “Should’ve known,” he said.

  Breathless from his warm touch I cleared my throat. “Should’ve known what?”

  He stood from his chair with his large chest practically pressing into mine. He lowered his head and my breath caught in my throat. “That you had a boyfriend,” he said against my ear, shooting chills down my spine.

  Then he was gone, leaving me wet and alone.


  Dee, my best friend and roommate, tossed a black miniskirt at me. “What do you think of that with this?” She held up a scoop neck top with a glitter inlay. Her black hair sat just beneath her dark shoulders in beautiful beach waves.

  “Fancy. Big plans tonight?” I asked.

  She swiped the skirt from my hands and fluttered her eyelashes. “I have a date.”

  I sat up straight and slid to the edge of the bed. Dee didn’t date as much as she did group outings. “With who? And why is this the first I’m hearing about it?”

  “Cole Harrison,” she said with the smile she usually reserved for her favorite ice cream. “He’s in my Risk Management class and he’s drop dead gorgeous in that nerdy way.” She bit her lip and blush crept up her cheeks. “I never knew glasses could be so hot.”

  “Oh yeah. Clark Kent. Justin Timberlake. Ryan Gosling.”


  “So where are you and Cole going?”

  “He suggested Giovanni’s for dinner, and then we’ll probably catch a movie. If things go well, maybe a nightcap.”

  “Is that a hint not to be here later?” I asked.

  “Maybe,” she replied with a wink.

  I laughed and tossed my pillow at her. She dodged it and continued holding different articles of clothing up to herself in the mirror.

  “I’ll probably spend the night at Kyle’s place, so feel free to turn this into your sex cave,” I said. “Just don’t do anything on my bed.”

  She picked up my pillow and flung it back at me. We both laughed now and I tucked my pillow behind me. I’d miss this. In a week we’d be packing up and moving out. Four years had felt like a lifetime and I couldn’t imagine not seeing Dee every day. No more late night fast food runs and no more impromptu chick flick weekends.

  But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Besides, the future looked bright. Come Friday, I’d be moving in with Kyle and after the summer we would be getting our own place, no roommates, and starting our new lives away from school. I was terrified and excited of the unknown. However, I knew as long as he was at my side we’d be able to handle anything.

  I stood from the bed and tossed my arms around Dee, squeezing her tight from the side.

  Her eyes met mine in the mirror. “What’s this?” she asked, and rested her hands on my arms.

  “I’m just going to miss you so much.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Just because we don’t live together doesn’t mean we’ll never see each other again.”

  “I know. But what if we have opposite schedules, or you get into that amazing program in Michigan? That’s so far away!”

  “We have phones and Skype.”

  “It’s not going to be the same,” I whined.

  “And what about you? You’re going to get a job in the city at some big shot marketing firm and when you’re not there you’ll be playing house in the suburbs with Kyle.”

  I smiled at the thought of commuting every day. Going out for happy hour with clients and then coming home to my husband. My smile vanished when Jaxon Reed popped into my thoughts. Why couldn’t I get him out of my head? I shook his dark mysterious gaze from my mind and focused on Kyle’s adorable smile and big blue eyes. Kyle was who I would go home to every night. He was who I would marry and have a family with.

  “You’re right. I won’t have time for you. I’ll be too busy with my new awesome life,” I said, thinking of Kyle and only Kyle.

  Dee smacked my ass and I jumped. “You better not be too busy for me,” she said with her hands on her hips.

  “Never.” I picked up the skirt and handed it to her. “Now go make yourself irresistible for Mr. Hottie with the glasses.”

  As soon as she stepped out of the room to head to the bathroom, Jaxon overtook my thoughts and I let him.


; Between studying for finals and putting the finishing touches on mine and Jax’s presentation, I’d barely seen Kyle. So I decided to surprise him Wednesday night. I slipped into my white lace boy shorts and matching bra—Kyle’s favorite—then shimmied into my black maxi dress.

  I loved the way the dress cut just low enough to reveal the roundness of my breasts. I dabbed my favorite scent on my neck and behind my ears before grabbing my keys.

  The days were getting hotter and by the weekend we’d be at a record breaking high. In a week, I’d be relaxing on the beach before starting my internship. I couldn’t wait to have the sand beneath my toes and the salty ocean air blow across my skin.

  I hopped into Bertha, my Volkswagen Jetta with more miles on her than a retired hooker, and headed to Kyle’s.

  He lived in an apartment with two roommates just on the other side of town. It would be an adjustment when I moved into his room in a week. I wouldn’t be able to go back to my place to get away from the testosterone overload. I’d be immersed in it with no way out. It was only temporary though. At least that’s what I kept telling myself.

  Ten minutes later, I pulled up to his building and threw Bertha in park. I checked my makeup, adding a little more lip-gloss to my already glossed lips. It’d been two weeks since Kyle and I had sex. No wonder I got so turned on by a simple whisper from Jaxon. I was obviously depraved.

  The last few weeks had been stressful and tonight I planned on distressing the both of us. Massages, soft music, and a bottle of wine were just what the doctor ordered. I grabbed the wine, I’d picked up earlier from the backseat and the corkscrew I brought from my place because after three years in the same apartment, Kyle never thought to buy one. Then I headed to his door.

  I knocked twice then let myself in. His roommates, Aaron and Scott, never understood why I even bothered to knock first, but I’d rather give them warning. I didn’t want to walk in on anything that I didn’t want to see.

  Aaron, Scott, and Kyle were bent over the kitchen island completely focused on whatever was in front of them. They didn’t even lift their heads to acknowledge me.

  Scott pointed and dragged his finger. “I think if we take this route we could hit all destinations.”

  “What destinations?” I asked, coming up behind them.

  All three boys turned at my question and I peeked through their arms. A map of Europe was rolled out and marked up with notes and dates.

  “Lyla, what are you doing here?” Kyle asked, running a hand over his light brown hair before giving me a kiss. His lips were soft and my urge to have him alone only grew stronger.

  “I wanted to surprise you,” I said and held up the bottle of wine. “Surprise.”

  Kyle smiled.

  “I just feel like we haven’t seen each other.”

  “We’ve both been busy.” He pressed his lips to my forehead and I relished in the familiar touch.

  I pointed to the map. “So what are you guys up to?”

  “Aaron and Scott are going to backpack through Europe this summer. They were showing me all the places they want to stop and we were trying to figure out the best route.”

  “Wow. Europe. For the entire summer. Do you have a place to stay?” I asked.

  “We’re going to couch hop,” Aaron answered.

  “What’s that?”

  “There’s this site on the internet where people post and take in tourists to sleep on their couches.”

  “That sounds dangerous.”

  “It saves us a shitload of money,” Scott explained. “Plus, it’s going to make for a pretty awesome time.”

  I laughed. “And the start of a horror movie.”

  “It’s spontaneous and fun,” Kyle chimed in.

  “But not very safe,” I argued.

  “Sometimes you just need to go with the flow and embrace the unexpected.”

  “I do,” I pouted. “Which is why I’m here.” I fluttered my eyelashes and gave Kyle my sex-kitten eye.

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and saluted the guys goodbye. “I’ll catch you guys later,” he said and guided me to his room.

  As soon as the door shut, I planted my lips on his and pinned him against the door, dropping my bag and the bottle of wine to the carpeted floor. His hands rested on my face, and he backed me up until my legs hit the bed. I collapsed onto the mattress and he parted my thighs with his knee as he hovered above me, never letting his mouth leave mine.

  Needing more, I parted my lips, and skimmed my tongue along his crease. A low moan rumbled up his throat as he accepted my invitation.

  His hand glided across my stomach, pushing under my shirt. He ran his index finger back and forth then in slow mind numbing circles over the thin material of my bra. I whimpered and arced into him, impatient with his slow approach. He answered me by pinching my nipple between his fingers. I let out a quiet yelp and he kissed me harder, while he unhooked my bra with one simple snap.

  I pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the floor. Kyle removed my bra then dipped his head taking the tight pink bead into his mouth.

  I lifted, pushing my core into the hard bulge in his pants.

  “Now,” I said against his ear as he trailed soft kisses down my neck and behind my ear.

  He ripped my pants off, unzipped his, and then pushed into me. I gripped his shoulders as he slammed into me over and over. It was hard, fast and desperate.

  Three minutes later he threw his head back and it was over. He rolled off of me and rested his hand on his chest.

  “That was great,” he said.

  It was, but I wished it lasted long enough for me to orgasm. Still, I was perfectly content—happy to relish in the after sex glow with him. I cuddled into his side and listened to his fast beating heart.

  “I can’t believe Scott and Aaron are really going to Europe.” I closed my eyes then they popped open. “Does that mean that we’ll have the place all to ourselves?” I walked my fingers across his sculpted chest excited at the idea.

  We wouldn’t have to wait until we got our own place to have privacy. I was practically jumping up and down on the inside, thinking of how amazing the summer would be.

  “Actually, no. I can’t afford the rent without them, and even if you chip in we’ll still need another roommate.”

  I sit up and cross my legs. “So why don’t we start looking for a place now? We can start our lives sooner.” A smile spread wide across my face, but Kyle shook his head.

  “I wish we could, but we can’t. I promised the guys I’d stay till they got back.”

  Annoyance rushed through me. “Why is it your problem that they want to traipse all over Europe?”

  “Because they already asked me to stay and I said yes. I’m not going back on my word.” He held his arm up to me. Despite my disappointment, I laid beside him. He pulled me close. “Just be patient,” he said and kissed my head.


  I took my seat and read over my flashcards for the nine hundredth time. I hated presenting in front of people. The whole “imagine them in their underwear” thing never worked. It just managed to make me feel even more uncomfortable.

  My breathing picked up as the clock neared the top of the hour. I tried to gulp back the nervous ball lodged in my throat, but it was useless; that thing wasn’t going anywhere.

  Jaxon slid into the desk next to me, causing my heartbeat to lose all control. It thrashed against my chest and dammit, I started gasping for air.

  “Hey, you okay?” he asked, his eyebrows turning down in concern.

  “I just hate talking in front of people,” I explained.

  “Whatever you do, don’t imagine them in their underwear.”

  I laughed.

  “Trust me. You don’t want to. Scar yourself for life.”

  “Oh, I know. I did it once and I could never look at the professor the same way again or look any of my classmates in the eye again.

  “I bet.” He smiled and I nearly melted into a puddle. Then my mind sta
rted very slowly undressing him, and I had to shake my head a few times to make it stop.

  The professor walked in, thank God, and placed his briefcase on the desk. I took slow steadying breaths, trying to gain control of my nerves.

  Jaxon rested his hand on top of mine, sending heat coursing through my entire body. I glanced up, catching his dark brown eyes.

  “You’re going to do fine,” he said. His confident gaze mixed with his encouraging touch gave me the calm I was desperately trying to find, yet couldn’t.

  “Miss Scott and Mr. Reed you’re up,” The professor said, and I finally swallowed the nervous lump in my throat.

  Jaxon squeezed my hand. “Let’s go kick ass,” he said with a wink.

  I gathered my flashcards, and he put his hand back on mine. “You don’t need these.”

  “What? Are you crazy?”

  He tucked the cards in his back pocket and headed to the front of the class. The calm his touch brought on vanished as I hurried after him. I caught up to him and leaned toward his ear.

  “Give me my flashcards.” I reached for his pocket, but he caught my hand, holding it tight until we were standing in front of the room.

  “Flash drive?” Jaxon asked.

  I crossed my arms over my chest, noticing how his eyes drifted to my pushed up cleavage. “Give me my flashcards.”

  “We can’t do our presentation without the PowerPoint.”

  “I can’t do the presentation without my flashcards.”

  “Forget it. I have it in my email.”

  Damn him! I retrieved the flash drive from my pocket and held my hand out. He reached for it and I pulled my arm back.

  “Flashcards.” I cocked an eyebrow and waited. I didn’t care that the entire class was staring at us. All I cared about was getting those damn cards back. Everything I was going to say was on those cards.

  He stepped toward me, surrounding me in the most amazing scent of wood, leather, and exotic spices. He left barely a gap between our chests. His fingers wrapped around mine and I froze, allowing him to take the flash drive from my grip. Before stepping away, he leaned down, his lips mere inches from my ear and whispered, “You don’t need the cards. Believe in yourself.”


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