Ynyr (Tornians Book 3)

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Ynyr (Tornians Book 3) Page 13

by M. K. Eidem

  “That would require a large area to take off and land.”

  “Yes, we call them airports.” As she spoke to Ynyr, Abby felt herself start to relax then there was a loud thump followed by a mechanical grinding sound. Letting out a shriek, her nails dug in even deeper into Ynyr’s hand and she scrunched her eyes tightly shut.

  “It is just the wings extending Abby.” Ynyr hated that Abby was so scared. Why hadn’t he considered this? There was still so much about his world that was new to her. He should have taken the time to make sure she understood what would be happening. He wanted to pull her into his arms and reassure her, but they would be moving forward shortly and she needed to stay buckled in. “It will be okay, my vow.”

  “Do wish me to contact the Healer?” Korin asked quietly, his eyes full of concern. “He will have something that will calm her.”

  “I will be fine!” Abby forced out through gritted teeth, her eyes flying open to spear Korin. “I will never be drugged again!”

  Korin flinched from the vehement look in her eyes. It rivaled that of any enraged warrior and he realized he had truly upset her and that for some reason upset him.

  “No one is going to drug you!” Ynyr shot Korin a look that made Abby’s look tame. “Ever! My vow Abby.”

  Just then the ship shot forward and they were all pressed back into their seats.

  Abby refused to release the scream that was building up in her throat. She would not shame Ynyr. She would not allow Korin to see her as some weak female. Gritting her teeth, she swallowed down her terror. As she did the ship seemed to settle and the ride smooth out. When it did, she found herself pulled out of her seat and into the comfort of Ynyr’s lap.

  “I am sorry Abby, I never considered that this would be new and uncomfortable for you.” Ynyr whispered burying his lips in her hair.

  “I’ve flown before.” Abby said, trying to reassure him even as she moved deeper into his embrace. “This was just different and brought back some unpleasant memories… memories of being taken from Earth. That wasn’t such a smooth ride either.”

  “You remember it?” Ynyr asked hesitantly, he hadn’t realized she did. She had never said anything about it before.

  “Parts,” Abby whispered. “I remember seeing Luuken charging towards me in the library that night. Growling at me. I remember I tried to run but suddenly everything went all gray and fuzzy. When I came to I was lying in a heap on a cold metal floor. Luuken was on the other side of the room, pushing buttons on some type of panel. Suddenly there was this strange grinding sound and I knew if I was going to get away it had to be then so I ran for the door. Luuken caught me. When I hit him he threw me against the wall and everything went black.”

  “You attacked Luuken?” Ynyr couldn’t hide his shock.

  “I don’t think attack is the right word. I mean it’s not like I had a weapon. I boxed his ears, hoping that would make him release me long enough to escape.”

  At Ynyr’s confused look Abby imitated what she had done to Luuken, cupping her hands, she pretended to hit his ears.

  “The next time I came to he was asking me strange questions and Rebecca was screaming.”

  Ynyr closed his eyes, his arms tightening protectively around his Abby. He thanked the Goddess that Rebecca had been there to protect her when he had not been. “I am sorry Abby.”

  “It was not your fault,” she told him. “It was Luuken’s”

  “It is my fault!” Ynyr denied. “You were taken by Tornians because of what we needed. I am Tornian. I am as responsible as Luuken.”

  “Never compare yourself to that bastard, Ynyr.” Pushing away from his chest Abby stared angrily up at him. “You are nothing like him! You have nothing in common with Bertos! And while I wish we could have met a different way,” reaching up she gently cupped his cheek. “I am not sorry I met you.”

  “Abby…” leaning down Ynyr captured her mouth for a grateful kiss.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Korin watched and listened to his new Lord and Lady in shock. He had been on the Searcher when the Earth females had been taken. He had been sent with Luuken by Lord Bertos to oversee that the females were retrieved. Luuken was not supposed to have a hand in the actual retrieval of the females, but only be there to help guide them as the educators were made in the Etruria Region. But when Callen had refused to retrieve more than the first female, Luuken had immediately jumped at the chance.

  Korin had not liked that Luuken went, for he had heard of how Luuken liked to treat the females he Joined with in the pleasure houses but he had said nothing. It had not been his place. Yet hearing what had been done to this tiny female… for Luuken to have thrown her against a wall… for her to be drugged… for all of them to be drugged… Korin had thought his shame could not become any greater but found it could. How many had to suffer for his mistakes?

  Korin had witnessed the devotion between the King and Queen of Luda. He had also seen it between the Emperor and Empress. He had believed that Grim and Wray had only been able to achieve this because their Houses were strong and secure, allowing them to give their females everything they needed. Lady Abby had just proven to him that belief was incorrect since she seemed just as devoted to Ynyr and he was taking her to a House that was far from secure and in no way strong.

  All Korin had ever wanted to do was protect his brother. He had long since given up on his own dream of becoming a great and honorable warrior. One like the ancient ones they still told tales of to the young males. Korin’s sins were far too great to ever recover from but Mabon still had a chance. Mabon had only just begun his training in Bertos’ House and could still be saved. If Korin used this second chance the Emperor had given him wisely maybe Mabon wouldn’t be tainted by his brother’s misdeeds.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Abby tucked herself back into the corner of her seat, making herself disappear as she listened to Ynyr and Korin. It had taken her some time to convince Ynyr that she was fine and that he needed to use this time to plan and strategize with Korin.

  Finally, they had moved to a table across the aisle and Korin had called up a map of House Etruria. It rose up from the table in a three dimensional hologram that they were able to tilt and rotate as they discussed specific areas. It truly was amazing to Abby to be able to ‘see’ the House they would rule like this. It didn’t give her much in the way of the details for each room, but at least now she knew she would be able to find her way around her new home.

  When Korin pulled up the defensive positions along the walls she let her gaze travel around the interior of the ship and grimaced in distaste. If this was what the inside of Etruria looked like, she was glad she couldn’t see it in the hologram.

  Everything in this space was done in some shade of black, trimmed with silver and had a large ‘G’ placed somewhere predominantly on it. It made Abby think that Bertos was overcompensating the way some males did when they weren’t ‘well endowed’. Abby found herself smiling slightly at the thought of Bertos being such a ‘big dick’ because he had such a ‘little’ one. Looking to Ynyr she knew that was another thing Ynyr and Bertos would never have in common because Ynyr was more than well endowed.

  Moving slightly, she grimaced realizing she had been sitting with her legs crossed for too long.

  “What is wrong, Abby?” Ynyr was immediately at her side, his eyes moving over her.

  Abby was shocked. She hadn’t expected him to notice her slight movement. She had actually expected him to forget she was even there with all the vital information Korin was giving him. Information he needed before they arrived in Etruria. It was where his attention needed to be focused. Not on her. She was used to being forgotten and overlooked, but Ynyr was proving to her that he would never do that.

  “Nothing,” she reassured him with a small smile. “I just need to stretch. Is it okay if I walk around?”

  “Lady Risa’s…” Korin cut himself off his skin darkening with embarrassment. “Pardon’s my Lady, your ar
ea is just through that door.” He gestured to a closed door behind her.

  “My area?” Frowning Abby twisted in her seat looking behind her. She remembered passing a door on the way to her seat, but she had assumed it was a cleansing room, like those on Earth airplanes.

  “Yes, L… the previous Lady of House…” Korin’s eyes flew to Ynyr as he struggled with how to proceed and saw Ynyr frowning at him.

  “Stop trying so damn hard to be politically correct, Captain.” Abby snapped at him. “We all know that Risa used to be the Lady of House Guttuso and that Bertos was its Lord and while I would prefer you not calling them Lord and Lady, you won’t offend me by using their names.” Abby waited for Korin’s nod before she continued. “So Risa had her own room here on the Ascension?”

  “Yes.” Korin looked to Ynyr as he spoke and saw him nod that he could speak directly to his Lady. “Risa was never allowed to sit in this area when they traveled. It was reserved for Bertos and his Captains.”

  Rising, she found Ynyr’s hand at her elbow, steadying her as the ship jolted slightly. Smiling her thanks she let him lead her towards the door. Pushing it open she gasped.

  “Abby?” Ynyr quickly stepped around her, putting himself between her and any possible danger and found his own eyes widening.

  The room before them, while small, was filled. Where Bertos had seemed to like everything to be black and trimmed with silver. Risa seemed to favor the metal itself. It was in the statues that appeared to be made of solid silver that she had filling every available surface. It was in the furniture that had been gilded with it. Silver threads were even woven through the fabric of the thick plush comforter that covered the bed filling one side of the room. Ynyr had never seen anything like it.

  “Goddess…” Ynyr whispered.

  “Yeah…” Abby agreed.

  “I made sure that the property Risa and Bertos took with them into Torino was retrieved and had it stored in the cargo hold below.” Korin informed them and found both Abby and Ynyr turning to look at him.

  “What?” Ynyr questioned.

  “She brought more than this?” Abby asked at the same time.

  “Of course,” frowning Korin gestured to the contents of the room, “this is only what Risa required for the flight to Torino. What she needed once she arrived was taken into chambers reserved for the Lord and Lady of Etruria. It was quite…” Korin paused, searching for an appropriate word. “Extensive… for she was Lady Risa of…”

  “Etruria. Yes, I heard her say that on more than one occasion.” Abby cut him off, then frowned. “How long does it take to get to Etruria?” She asked suddenly realizing she didn’t know.

  “The Etruria Region is on the other side of Tornian Abby. It will take us at least eight hours by air to get there.” Ynyr told her.

  “Really? I hadn’t realized…” Absently she rubbed her temple, feeling a dull ache start there. “I’m sure it must have been programmed into the educators that were put on us. Bertos would have wanted us to know just how important he was but I can’t seem to be able to access that information as easily as the other women can.”

  “What do you mean Abby?” Reaching out Ynyr stopped the delicate fingers that were pressing harder against her temple.

  “Hmm?” She asked giving him a distracted look.

  “You said you are not able to access the information the educator gave you. Have you been examined by a Healer? Did the educator malfunction? Did it harm you? Do…”

  “Ynyr,” Abby couldn’t believe how agitated Ynyr was becoming. “I’m fine. Yes, I’ve been examined. The educator didn’t malfunction. It’s just me.” She gave him a sad smile. “I’ve always had this problem.”

  “Problem?” Ynyr demanded frowning down at her. He did not like how dim her eyes had become.

  “Learning, the way other people do. I had a lot of trouble when I first went to school… I would pay attention and listen to the teacher, really listen and I would try so hard… but I just didn’t get it. Everyone said I was stupid, that it was to be expected…” Closing her eyes, Abby wrapped her arms around her waist, trying to ward off that old hurt and shame.

  She hated thinking back to those days, back to the taunts and looks she would receive from children and adults alike. If it hadn’t been for her parents surrounding her with their love and acceptance she knew she would never have survived that time but she was on her own now.

  Just as that thought crossed her mind Ynyr’s arms enfolded her with his strength, his warmth and his acceptance, reminding her she wasn’t alone. He was there with her.

  It drove away all those old feelings of not fitting in, of being looked at as an oddity and she realized she was no longer that scared little girl. Thanks to her parents. Thanks to Ynyr. She was now Lady Abby of Etruria.

  “It took a while,” turning into Ynyr’s arms, she laid her head against his chest, letting the beat of his heart calm her so she could continue. “But thanks to my mom and Mrs. Wheeler, my Brownie troop leader, we discovered that it wasn’t that I couldn’t learn, it was that I learned things differently than other kids did.”

  “Brownie? What?” Ynyr frowned at the word.

  “It’s a group… an organization for young females, usually led by some of the mothers. We would learn different things, different skills. One time we went hiking in the mountains, but couldn’t find our way back. Mrs. Wheeler had lost the map and there was a thunderstorm coming in.”

  “Thunderstorm?” Ynyr asked?

  “Wait you don’t call them that… what is the word…” Abby frowned as she thought then smiled brightly up at Ynyr. “Tempest. You call them a tempest.” Abby saw Ynyr finally understood. “So a tempest was coming in and everyone was starting to panic not knowing which way to go.”

  “Who found you?” Ynyr asked, feeling his anger grow at the thought of her being unprotected during a tempest.

  “No one. I led us out of the mountains.”

  “What?!!” Ynyr couldn’t hide his shock. How could his Abby, such a tiny female, been able to find her way out of the mountains at such a young age.

  Abby wasn’t sure if she should be amused or insulted by the disbelief in Ynyr’s voice. She knew she was short, even by Earth standards, but she wasn’t weak or defenseless, not anymore. Deciding to give Ynyr a break and to believe he was not intentionally trying to be insulting she explained.

  “Before we went on our hike we went through the welcome center of the park. They showed us a 3-D model of the park… it wasn’t anything like that.” She gestured to the holograph that was still up behind them. “But because of it, I was able to lead everyone down the mountain.”

  Ynyr and Korin just looked at her in shock. She had led a group of females out of the mountains? Why had no males been with them? Neither male understood this.

  “Earth is different than Tornian.” Abby somehow knew what they were thinking.

  “You should not have been allowed to go. You should have been protected!” Korin found he could no longer remain silent

  “If I had been, I would not be here today.” Abby informed him gently.

  “What do you mean my Abby?” Her quiet statement cooled Ynyr’s growing anger.

  “It was on that day that my mom and Mrs. Wheeler realized that I needed to see to understand. You can’t just ‘tell’ me something and expect me to understand or obey. My dad liked to say it was just because I never liked being ‘told’ what to do.” Abby’s eyes filled at the memory of her dad’s gentle teasing. He had always known just what to say and do when she got frustrated with her ‘handicap’ as others called it, whenever it happened, he would bring her a bowl of her favorite praline ice cream and hug her, telling her he loved and believed in her. God, she missed him. “Others didn’t see it that way. They thought I should be ‘removed’ from the school system because I didn’t ‘fit’ in.”

  “They were wrong, Abby.” The deep rumble of Ynyr’s voice brought Abby out of her memories and drove away her tears.

  “Yeah, they were. It was what made me want to become a teacher. I wanted to be there to help kids like me, the ones everyone else had given up on.” She looked up and gave him a wobbly smile. “Anyway, it seems like I have the same problem with your ‘educators’. They forced all the information into my brain, but most of it didn’t take. I’m just grateful the language part did.”

  “As am I Abby.” Ynyr told her framing her beautiful face with his large calloused hands. His Abby was truly a special female. “For I cannot imagine what would have happened if I had not been able to speak to you.” Leaning down Ynyr captured her lips for a hard kiss. “I will help you my Abby. I will answer any question you have so you can understand my world. My vow.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  It was some time later, after she had finally convinced Ynyr that she would be fine on her own in the ‘Lady’s’ chamber as she had decided to call it and that he and Korin could return to the front chamber, that she remembered what Korin had said earlier. Putting down the heavy statue she had been inspecting she moved towards the door.

  Warriors that had been sent from every House in the Empire were sitting in the hold of the Ascension. These warriors were going to help them secure and build their new House, yet they were being ignored as if they didn’t matter. Well, Abby would take care of that.

  Sliding open the door, she stepped into the narrow hallway and bumped into a small male, well small by Tornian standards, who had been moving towards the front section of the Ascension.

  “Oh!” Abby gave a startled gasp and stumbled back. She would have fallen if two strong hands hadn’t grabbed her.

  “My Lady!” The male immediately released her then dropped to a knee, quivering as he bowed his head. “Forgive me!”

  “Paganus!” Ynyr roared, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword as he charged down the hall, Korin followed close behind. “What have you done?!!”


  “He has done nothing Ynyr.” Abby said in a firm but gentle voice, as she steadied herself. “I ran into him! Paganus stopped me from falling. Please Paganus, rise.” Abby asked of the still kneeling male. Then Abby did something no Tornian female would ever consider doing. She reached out to help Paganus up.


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