THE EIGHTH TOWER: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum

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THE EIGHTH TOWER: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum Page 8

by Keel, John A.

  You are constantly surrounded by energies from the electromagnetic spectrum, as I have already pointed out, and all the radio frequencies are now so overloaded they interfere with each other and sometimes produce breakdowns of electrical mechanisms. In addition to this EM incompatibility, we are also suffering today from psychic pollution. The energies of the superspectrum are overloaded, too. More than three billion human minds are pumping signals into the superspectrum today. The earth is surrounded by an enormous field of human energy. The greater proportion of this energy is negative, the byproduct of thoughts concerned with hate, prejudice, fear, and greed. Just as negative energies in the EM spectrum can produce a feedback and blow out a transformer, the negative energies of the superspectrum can and do generate all kinds of feedback. Theologians and philosophers have recognized this for centuries, and so most religions have placed an emphasis on love, the strongest of human emotions, and the need for thinking pure, positive thoughts. But without scientific understanding of the overall phenomenon, such efforts are doomed to failure.

  Love becomes a negative force.

  The rise of the “Jesus freaks” and many of the other cults currently extant demonstrate this negative love. The followers of these cults enter a state of possession, surrendering their bodies and their lives to an emotion as ruthless and destructive to the individual as the emotions of hate and anger that swallow up the victims of demonic possession. Both are cosmic systems for robotizing humans.

  Witchcraft, black magic, and the even more esoteric secret orders all provide systems for trying to control elements of the superspectrum. The rites and paraphernalia of these groups are just window dressing, a part of the games. The energy of the participants is all that really counts. They try to direct those energies through their rites. The effort intensifies those energies, attracts negative energies from the superspectrum, and usually results in a form of possession and the ultimate destruction of the practitioner.

  Each frame of reference provides its own explanations for paranormal manifestations. The religious orders conjure up angels, even great luminous blobs purporting to be God Himself. The magical crafts call up demons and great spirits. The spiritualists summon the shades of the dear departed. While their rites and beliefs may vary greatly, the basic methods are all the same. Persons with psychic ability—tuned minds—probe into the superspectrum and gather its energies to themselves. When fragments of that energy are collected by the human receivers, just as a radio collects the energies of the EM spectrum, the frequencies are changed. The energy is brought down to our reality, our space-time continuum, and in the cases of materializations it is altered from pure energy to atomic matter. The entities so produced have no actual mind of their own. Their mind is partly gained from the human receiver and is partly connected with the energy field of the superspectrum. Some of these transmogrifications attain a degree of independence once they have been created. But they are mindless and lost. They wander around our dimension as ghosts and goblins, harmless until they find a believer. Then they feed off the mind and emotions of that believer, assuming the identity subconsciously chosen by the believer, and creating manifestations within the context of the belief or frame of reference.

  During the Middle Ages millions of people believed in fairies, and there were fairies all over the place. But the fairy manifestations, and the medical effects on the human percipients, were identical to those in the later spiritualistic period and the modern flying-saucer period. While the games change, the basic phenomenon remains the same.

  In the end, all paranormal manifestations may seem utterly meaningless. However, all these weird events and games do have a subtle underlying purpose. They very efficiently provide a cover-up camouflaging the presence of the real phenomenon and its purpose. Penetrating that camouflage and correctly interpreting the true nature of the phenomenon could well be the final stage of man’s evolution.


  In 1966 a polygraph expert named Cleve Backster wired a lie detector to some plants and discovered they produced humanlike responses indicating that they were capable of emotion and even seemed to have a memory system. They responded to pain and to the threat of pain. They also seemed to have a kind of psychic connection to the human experimenter. Other scientists have continued these experiments with amazing results. One man found that his plants even reacted when he had sexual intercourse some distance from his lab. It’s all reminiscent of an old story by Ray Bradbury in which plants screamed with pain when a farmer approached with his scythe.

  Semyon Kirlian, a Soviet electronics engineer, found he could photograph the energy field or “aura” around the human body by piping high-voltage, high-frequency current into the subject. Today Kirlian photography is an important parapsychological tool. Kirlian photographs of the human body have demonstrated that the ancient Chinese medical art of acupuncture (suppressing pain by inserting needles into certain parts of the body) is based upon a precise knowledge of the aura or energy field.

  We have been learning some surprising things about these biological energy fields. All living things and some inorganic things (such as flowing water) radiate energy in the superspectrum range. What’s more, there is a constant exchange of this energy between organisms, and the organisms are influenced by energy waves from many sources on many frequencies. A cloud of these energy waves engulfs the earth, and the process of energy exchange is undoubtedly cosmic as well, with the earth broadcasting and receiving energies from all parts of the universe. The flow and pulse of the earth’s natural magnetic field influence this cloud of biological energy just as they affect the weather. Paranormal manifestations tend to occur in areas where magnetic deviations occur and during magnetic storms.

  Ancient occultists spoke of “gateways.” specific geographical areas where paranormal events occurred with regularity, generation after generation. The leys and dragon tracks of yesterday apparently delineated these magnetic fields of force. Modern UFO events follow them, as do certain religious events (the appearances of apparitions). Psychics—people whose brains are tuned to the superspectrum—see remarkable things in these gateways or window areas when all the conditions are just right. In a speech in London in 1969, no less an authority than RAF Air Marshall Sir Victor Goddard stated that he had reason to believe that when non-psychic people stood within the range of a psychic’s aura, they could also perceive UFOs and entities that would normally be invisible to them.

  At the 1970 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Anaheim, California, Rexford Daniels, president of Interference Consultants, Inc., stared that these energies have many names, such as

  a second force of gravity (Gravitons); Eloptics; Hydronics; dowsing, radionics and radiesthesia—to name a few. Modern electronics is beginning to stumble over them but has no means of tying into them for practical answers…A group in Georgia obtained a patent on instrumentation on both to transmit and receive this energy which they called ELOPTICS from a combination of the words electricity and optics because the energy obeys some, but not all, of the laws of electricity and the laws of optics. It is described as energy which radiates from, or is in some manner given off from, or forms a force field around, everything in our material world under normal conditions, at ordinary room temperature and without any treatment of any kind.

  Some psychics have always been able to see the aura around living things. People under the influence of psychedelic drugs have reported seeing auras. Acupuncture was probably developed originally by gifted aura watchers.

  Extrasensory perception is unquestionably the result of human minds tuning into the superspectrum and riding these high-frequency waves. Sir William Crookes was already aware of this when, in 1897, he said: “It seems to me that in these rays we may have a possible mode of transmitting intelligence…Let it be conceived that the brain contains a centre which uses these rays as the vocal cords use sound vibrations and sends them out, with the veloc
ity of light, to impinge on the receiving ganglion of another brain.”

  While we become enthralled with minor manifestations of this force, such as Uri Geller’s bizarre ability to bend keys without touching them, Soviet scientists have been conducting elaborate methodical experiments. They have found, for example, that talented psychics locked into Faraday cages (a screen that blocks out all radio waves) can still receive and transmit ESP messages. Some tests have found that the waves of the superspectrum exceed the speed of light despite Einstein’s contention that this would be impossible. Radio waves travel with the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), so there is a slight time lag when they are broadcast over a great distance. But ESP waves seem to travel instantaneously from brain to brain no matter how great the distance involved. This is further proof that the superspectrum is outside our space-time continuum and so not governed by our natural laws. Theoretically a psychic on a planet billions of miles from earth could send a message to us instantly even though it would take a radio wave years to teach us.

  If the UFOs are masses of energy from the superspectrum, they could also transfer themselves across the universe instantaneously making trips that would take our primitive rockets hundreds of years.

  Since plants and animals can apparently send and receive signals through the superspectrum, it is also probable they can receive signals from a higher source, a source that is able to exert subtle control over the whole organism. The superspectrum is therefore not only controlling us, but it is directing all living things in our environment, producing same order out of what would otherwise be total chaos.

  Early man discovered that he could even talk to the superspectrum directly and ask favors of it. When the request was within the range of the superspectrum’s manipulative abilities, it was answered in some fashion and prayer was born. Later it was found that prayers were more effective when they were performed collectively by whole groups of people. So religious rites began. Pagan religions tried to control the superspectrum through magical rites and sometimes succeeded, for it has a computer-like intelligence and can be controlled. But as the population increased, the lower frequencies became jammed with static while the upper frequencies became more and more concerned with dealing with growing numbers of minds.

  The fabled Akashic Records of the Orient (legendary books said to contain the complete histories of all individuals, past, present, and future) may exist out there somewhere. If we could learn to tune into these cosmic tapes selectively and at will, we could control our awn individual and collective destinies. But until we manage that important step, the superspectrum controls us like radio-operated robots in some mad scientist’s laboratory.


  Dr. John C. Lilly, the scientist who became famous through his experiments in communicating with dolphins, conducted a long series of tests on human subjects with psychedelic substances. He set out to prove that the human mind could be reprogrammed like a computer, but he went beyond the standard methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare. Through the use of drugs, his subjects were guided into experiences that seemed to confirm the test beliefs. In 16 experiments the subjects were led into “leaving the body and parking it” while they went off to explore new universes. In psychic phenomena this is known as astral projection. The consciousness is presumably detached from the body and goes wandering all over the landscape. This phenomenon also occurs in ufology with the percipients travelling to other planets while their bodies stay home. All of our contact cases are a form of astral projection. The percipient stands alone in a field, entranced by a bright light flickering on the same frequency as his or her brain waves. The body becomes “paralyzed,” and the subject hallucinates a spaceship and a trip in it. Later he is “returned” to the very same spot, and when he resumes consciousness, he remembers the hallucination with vivid clarity.[9]

  In psychic phenomena, some astral projectionists have been able to describe distant events occurring at the very moment of their trance. It is interesting that many astral projectionists have a psychic guide, usually an Indian or Oriental, who leads them through their adventures in the cosmos, just as UFO contactees are led by a spaceman from another planet.

  Some of Dr. Lilly’s subjects were led to believe in “the existence of beings in whom humans exist and who directly control humans.” Others were guided to “seek those beings whom we control and who exist in us.” In other words, Dr. Lilly deliberately contrived some devil theories and reprogrammed his subjects to accept those theories.

  “Group acceptance of undemonstrated existence theorems and of seductive beliefs adds no more vitality to the theorems and to the beliefs than one’s own phantasizing can add,” Dr. Lilly warned. “Anaclitic group behavior is no better than solitudinous phantasies of ‘the truth.’” [10]

  Flying-saucer enthusiasts point with glee to the various polls that show that half the population, including many scientists, now believe in the existence of UFOs. But the people of other ages also accepted the existence of dragons, vampires, werewolves, and fairy folk on the strength of the very subjective testimony of the witnesses. However, as Lilly states, group acceptance of a belief does not convert it into a reality. Such group acceptances are merely the product of metaprogramming and a mass suspension of disbelief.

  If you could view some of your personal occult and spiritual beliefs (and, in many cases, political beliefs as well) with total objectivity, you might suffer the shock of recognition and realize they are based more on conditioning and metaprogramming than on actual fact.

  However, thousands of years of careful observation and the experiences of millions of people, repeated endlessly throughout history, indicate another type of programming—the direct interference of the superspectrum in the lives of humans, a staggering accumulation of unaccountable coincidences, even the subtle direction of whole nations. Major events that seemed completely evil (antihuman) to one generation often prove to be, generations later, beneficial to the general human condition. The affected generation could not understand this or foresee the results, but it sometimes appears that certain events were part of a larger plan. In earlier periods, many important human events were actually staged by leaders following the directions of oracles (trance mediums), astrologers, and black societies who conjured up supernatural entities and obeyed their orders. Man was conditioned from the very beginning to accept the existence of the gods and to obey their orders without question. The god-king system deteriorated in the Christian era, becoming increasingly more political with the advent of the Holy Roman Empire. And a religious-political system controlled most of the world until 1848 when widespread revolutions took place and the Industrial Age really began. That year the long, painful transition from occult rule to human rule got underway. It took us at least five thousand years to reach that point.

  God or the God-like force would be at the highest point of the superspectrum; energy vibrating at an incalculable frequency, storing all information in negative and positive charges, and operating with an intelligence so refined and so all-encompassing it defies description. Like a computer, it would be without compassion or emotion as it manipulates all the physical components in the universe from microbes and ants to whole galaxies. It would be capable of changing frequencies at will, descending down the spectrum, manipulating energy masses into the lower EM spectrum, creating matter, even living things, from energy. Hairy monsters, bug-eyed spacemen, loathsome things, and shining angels would all be its handiwork, its way of reaching down and communicating with us. The entities thus created would have no identity of their own, no past and no future. They would come from outside of time and space, forever repeating the cryptic statement, “We are One.”

  In a real sense, we are all one with this infinite energy field. It is not a part of us. We are a trivial part of it. Energies on the lower frequencies would sometimes be responsive to rites and prayers. Man’s own mind, being part of the greater mind, could unconsciously manipulate some of these energies and fo
rm a pseudo-reality populated with spirits and demons. As Emanuel Swedenborg and other great thinkers discovered, we can even program these entities ourselves and bestow them with identities. Like Dr. Lilly’s experimental subjects, we create the supernatural world. It is a part of us. The ghosts of our dead are an offshoot of the beliefs of the living. The devil is the byproduct of the evil that is in all of us.

  Today even the more conservative religious journals are discussing this energy concept, although it has been around a very long time and is an integral part of Mary Baker Eddy’s Christian Science, Soon we will have a mathematical equation for this force as simple as E=mc2. As our technological society exhausts our resources and limps to a halt, we will revert back to an age of magic. The world of tomorrow will not be a world of wall-to-wall television and a spaceship in every garage. It will be a world of oracles. We may be able to accurately foresee the future and avert terrible disasters. We may be able to levitate ourselves and great blocks of stone so we can build pyramids in our backyards. If we can just develop ESP on a practical level, we can drive the telephone company into bankruptcy.

  Perhaps men have gone through all this before. Perhaps 100,000 years ago, or five million years ago, there were intelligent beings who discovered these energies and used them. Like us, they started with pragmatic sciences and eventually their physicists, like ours, found themselves confronted with the unexpected, the inexplicable. Once they achieved direct, conscious communication with this force, the values of their material world evaporated. Oneness with the cosmos would eliminate the need for money, for productivity, for an organized civilization. The whole population would become like the scattered few ascetics who sit entranced in caves, enjoying Godhead, total ecstatic unity with the superspectrum. Our world would grind slowly to a halt as those elusive fragments of energy we call consciousness deserted our bodies and joined the main mass.


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