Legend of the Inero Dragon

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Legend of the Inero Dragon Page 5

by JF Jenkins

  "Yes, Father." He wanted Matt to lie for him? To his wife even? This had to be big.

  As soon as the two were shut up into the bathroom, he went over and pressed his ear to the door.

  "I had another vision about the Touched ones," Seth said.

  "Good news?" Lynx asked.

  "Yes, I think so. It's hard to say. I also saw the Terran lord. He agreed to your request, and I know the price he will do it for."

  That was when his father turned on the sink, shower, and bathtub all at the same time. Every other word they spoke was drowned out.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kat stared out the bedroom window. She and Matt were now life companions, which made her smile. From the beginning, she knew there was something special about him. Finally they were together forever. Yet, she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Everything seemed different. Maybe she should have thought twice before jumping into bed with him. Being one of the Elite gave her the privilege of being closer to him than ever before. And she wanted that more than anything. Still, the instant they made love things seemed to change. The chase was over.

  The last thing she wanted to be was insecure. Surely he cared about her. He'd chosen her to be his Elite and dropped enough hints about it to ease her fears. Never before would she have ever imaged she would be a member. The women who made up this special group were always gorgeous beyond belief. Kat didn't feel worthy to be a part of it.

  Growing up, like most girls in the city, she'd always admired the Elite from afar. Outsiders didn't know what these women did or why they existed, but they could see the lavish lifestyle they lived. They wore expensive jewelry and dressed like goddesses in their high-end, trendy clothing. There were servants following them around, doting on them endlessly. A man was there to cherish them, sometimes multiple men. To be an Elite meant being taken care of and never having to work a day in her life. They were every city girl's dream because they represented security, which wasn't something that was easy to come by.

  Her stomach rumbled. She almost left the room to find some food, but she was scared to venture around the castle without Matt. She didn't know where to go or who she might run into.

  Are you coming back soon? I'm hungry, she finally asked him. She hated giving in and being the first to talk after their fight. However, she was lost without him.

  You can eat without me. The kitchen is always open, he replied.

  But I don't know where it is, she said.

  I can give you directions.

  She scowled. She couldn't tell if he was angry and being cold or if he simply was too busy. I wanted to go together.

  Then why did you tell me to eat without you? You said you weren't hungry, he said.

  Her frown deepened. That was two hours ago. I thought you'd be back by now.

  Father called me into a meeting. Since you told me to go, I thought you wanted to be alone. I didn't think you'd mind. We'll be done shortly. I will bring you something, he said quickly.

  Thank you. I love you. A smile formed on her face for the first time since their earlier squabble. He was trying, at least. That counted for something.

  She hadn't told him she loved him before then. When they were only friends, she didn't want to make things awkward between them. Matt could be hard to read sometimes, especially when it came to his emotions. She had almost said something last night when they were finally together, but she held it in. The passion they shared was a much better way to communicate than words.

  She said it in search of reassurance, which may have been unfair. She needed the words too. It felt like a good time to verbalize her feelings, but he was too quiet. It made her nervous. The quiet lasted too long. Tears welled up in her eyes. Did he not feel the same way?

  I'm done. See? Short, just like I said. When she didn't reply right away, he spoke again. Kat?

  I'm here.

  Is something wrong? You're quiet. It's not like you.

  I'm fine. Maybe he just didn't hear it?

  What do you mean I didn't hear? I didn't hear what? Kat, what's going on? he asked.

  She hadn't meant for him to know everything she was thinking. She didn't even know what he could hear when it came to her thoughts. Half of the time she heard him, she couldn't tell if he was talking to her, Jason, or just thinking.

  Does everything I think get sent to you? she asked.

  Just about. It's not as easy when I'm talking with other people vocally, so I might miss a few things. Jason is better at it than me. Then again, I'm the only one who's inside of his head. I can teach you how to filter things better . It takes some practice, but it's possible. I'm sure you don't want me knowing everything going on inside of your head. He paused. So what did I not hear?

  I'll tell you when you get back.

  The handle to the door turned, then he stood in the doorway. "It's good I came when I did. I wouldn't want you to forget."

  She scowled because she'd been hoping for more time to prepare. "I guess so."

  "So what did you say?"



  "I love you," she said, rushing through the words, wanting nothing more than to disappear after they came out.

  A small smile formed on his lips. "I'm so glad you said it first because I was scared to."

  "Isn't it one of your manly duties to be first?" she teased.

  "I suppose so. I was worried you wouldn't feel the same way."

  "Funny, that's what I was thinking too. Most of the women haven't mentioned love here when talking about their husbands. I didn't know if it was normal to feel this way and I didn't want to push you. I feel it, though, and I have for a while," she said, blushing, not wanting to admit it had been since practically first sight.

  That's cute. He kissed her forehead. "I have as well. They don't talk about love because it's not a common emotion. It does happen. It's possible. I'm so grateful we have it because I don't ever want to lose you."

  "Nothing could keep me from you Matt."

  He kissed her again. "Some day I'll explain to you how fragile love is here. For now, please let me show you how much I do feel for you. And how sorry I am for displeasing you."

  You don't have to explain. I already know. She kissed him with more passion than before. "Our love is far from fragile, so just focus on us and not on everyone else."

  "Yes dear," he said, laying her down on the bed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A picnic with one of the wives didn't sound like a good time to Gwen, but it did get her out of going to the pool with the masses. She'd only been there for three days and already they all irritated her. Jason had insisted the picnic would be a good idea. She was tired of staying home. The pool and home were the only two places she'd seen. Fresh air sounded lovely.

  "This is Navi," Jason said with a sweeping gesture. His eyes showed nothing but admiration as they practically lit up at the sight of her. Then, as an afterthought, he did a slight wave at a tall, blue-eyed man behind her. "Oh, and her bodyguard, Chris."

  He had brought Gwen to the castle grounds, though they never entered the building. As far as she was concerned, she never wanted to step foot inside it ever again. It creeped her out. Something about it didn't feel right to her. She couldn't quite place a finger on why.

  Instead, they had waited outside until the young woman arrived. Jason held a large blanket in his hands, and the woman had a picnic basket in hers. The young man trailed behind her, never standing closer to her than three feet, but never further than five. Why would Navi even need a bodyguard to begin with?

  "It's a pleasure to meet you," Gwen said, eyeing Navi carefully.

  "Navi is my stepmother," Jason continued. "One of them I should say. The one who matters the most. She is my father's current wife."

  Gwen raised an eyebrow. Navi looked awfully young to be married to someone old enough to be Jason's father.

  The woman took Gwen's hand and curtsied. "You as well," she said then faced Jason. "I like that she disresp
ects me. It's refreshing."

  "I didn't realize I was being disrespectful," Gwen said with a frown.

  Navi laughed then mimicked the raised eyebrow Gwen had given her. "This is not a look I get often. I don't mind. Most of the women I meet are too fake or afraid of me. Apparently they think I'll complain to my husband or something," she said, glancing at Chris, then snorted.

  With a shrug, Jason changed the subject. "Navi has kindly agreed to help you out. Anything you need, go ahead and ask her. Because she's married to my father, she holds a lot of weight. He is the lord over all of the Inero, after all. She's also decided to stay at the house with you while I'm away at the council. That's not for three weeks, though."

  "We'll have plenty of time to get acquainted," Navi said with a smile. "This is your first time going, period, correct?"

  "Yes," Jason said, nodding. "I've never had the privilege of going. Matt's been, not me."

  Navi rolled her eyes at the mention of Jason's twin brother. Gwen had yet to meet him. With the way the other woman reacted, though, she wasn't sure if she wanted to.

  "Matt is special. Of course he gets to go before he's allowed," Navi said, her voice rich with sarcasm.

  Jason opened his mouth as if he were going to say something, but quickly closed it again.

  "I'll only be gone about a week. We can discuss all of this later, Gwen," he said. His body was tense, and he gestured for them to begin walking across the castle yard.

  Navi stared at him with sorrowful eyes. Gently, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Shall we get some lunch? Gwen, you've been here for three days now, correct? You're lucky."

  "I'm sure," Gwen said. She didn't understand it. Why was she so lucky? She'd been taken away from her family. While Jason had promised she could go back and visit them, she knew she wouldn't be allowed to leave him. Not with how many times he insisted it was too dangerous.

  "She doesn't get it," Navi said to Chris. He shrugged nonchalantly.

  For a while, the four were quiet. Attempts at small talk no longer made as they walked through the castle grounds. They passed several rose bushes on their way into a light, man-made forest. The trees were lined up in neat rows, evenly spaced apart. Gwen was used to the wild forests on the outside of her farm. Nothing in Inero City felt natural.

  After the blanket was settled on the forest floor, Navi unpacked their lunch. Gwen decided to ask the question burning on her mind. "How did you come about being his stepmother? If you don't mind my asking."

  "In similar ways you became Jason's wife," Navi said in between bites. Her tone suggested she wasn't bothered by it. Her body tensed up slightly. She smirked at Gwen. "I will tell you all about it during our girl time. Jason doesn't much like the story."

  "You're so considerate of my feelings, Miss Navi." Jason rolled his eyes, sitting up on his knees. He leaned into the basket for some more grapes.

  Navi threw a potato chip at him with a laugh. "Don't forget it, son."

  If Gwen hadn't known better, she would have thought he was flirting with the woman. Something about their relationship was peculiar, though they may have simply been best friends. So far, the only side she had gotten to see of Jason was him trying be strong and stoic for her. She appreciated it, but he also needed to relax, especially if she was expected to live with him and enjoy it. She'd like to see his personality one of these days.

  Jason threw a grape at Navi then glanced at the other man. "Don't worry. I'm not assaulting her, Chris," he said, pelting her with more fruit. The bodyguard didn't do anything. He barely cracked a smile, nor would he eat with them despite the empty space on the blanket for him to do so. He clearly took his job seriously.

  Without thinking, Gwen reached out to grab Jason's shoulder. Gripping it firmly, she pulled him to the ground onto his back. The shocked expression on his face made it worthwhile. He lay there, staring up at her with his jaw hanging open, his dark eyes sparkling in the sunlight as he stared into hers.

  "You're going to catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that," she said. She forced his lips shut. She hoped she hadn't overstepped a boundary by trying to join in on the fun.

  For a moment, he only stared at her. She was pretty sure he could see into her soul with how focused and intent he became. Slowly, the corners of his lips lifted upwards.

  "I'm sorry. Are you feeling left out?" he asked coyly before tossing a grape in her direction.

  With more grace and skill than she normally had, she caught the grape in her mouth. Navi erupted into a fit of laughter, toppling over onto her side. Her dark hair splayed outward glamorously as she did so. "I think she's a keeper, Jase," Navi finally said.

  Jason grinned. "I'm glad you approve," he said, his eyes never leaving Gwen's.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Three weeks passed by slowly. By the time the Dragon Council rolled around, Matt felt as though he'd been wed to Kat for a lot longer than a month. Normally, Matt wouldn't have been so thrilled to leave her, but he needed the time to himself. When the Terran dragon came to give his family a ride to the council, he practically leaped on board the great beast's back.

  "She's taking over all of my space," Matt said, breathing out sharply. He missed talking to his brother. Jason had always been one of the few people who sat and listened to him. He made a note to do it more often and not let Kat absorb so much of his free time. While he still cared about her, a lot, he wasn't sure about being attached to her at the hip. She hated when he left her to do anything. She'd never been so overprotective of him before.

  He couldn't get out of going to the Dragon Council. For the past two years, he'd attended every major meeting and every quarterly meeting. If he was supposed to begin leading the military operations for his father, then he needed to understand how the politics worked—not only in his nation, but also in all of the dragon tribes. The purpose of the council was for all of the nations to come together and stay bonded for peace. How a country was run displayed a lot about its strengths and weaknesses.

  For example, he knew the Aero tribe would rather hide in their mountains than stand up for something they believed in. The Oceina spent too much time voting and being diplomatic to get anything done in a timely fashion. Finally, the Terran were only focused on self-preservation. They would follow along with anything that seemed like something they could benefit from, which made them similar in many ways to the Inero. Matt noticed how much better his father got along with the Terran lord than any of the others.

  All of it fascinated him. He couldn't wait to share this world with Jason. Hopefully, he would find it just as interesting.

  The Terran dragon they rode on turned sharply. Matt grabbed onto the thick, mud-colored scales so tightly his tan skin turned white. He doubted he hurt the other dragon, but even if he did, it would be deserved. The Inero were the only species of dragon that couldn't fly. Naturally, heights and the idea of plummeting to his death from them terrified Matt. This was a common fear amongst his kind, so the Terran dragon should have known better than to scare him half to death.

  Flying beat taking a boat to the council with the other attendees. The majority of the Inero traveled for three days by water across the great ocean. Water scared Matt even more than heights did. He didn't know how to swim. The element was his magical weakness. Having his magic be so potent, every time he touched the liquid he felt as though he were being stung. He could tolerate taking a shower, the occasional light rainfall, or drinking from a glass, but beyond that he avoided water all together. The idea of being surrounded with it for three days made him nauseous.

  Jason didn't appear concerned by the ride at all. Then again, he had always been less afraid of everything. He stared in front of him, but he blocked his thoughts from Matt—another skill he was better at. In a lot of ways, Jason's magic was stronger than his.

  All Jason did was nod. He could always be counted on to just listen.

  "Don't get me wrong," Matt continued. "I think she's great, and she means a lot to me. I d
idn't think she'd want all of my attention, though. Is your woman like this too?"

  "She's your wife, not your woman," Jason said stiffly. The brothers briefly made eye contact. "Gwen has her places in the house and I have mine. Then again, she doesn't love me nor I her. I don't think there's a pressing need to be together twenty-four seven."

  "Probably not," Matt agreed. He frowned, staring at the Terran dragon. "Are you really going to wait until you're in love?"


  "I think it's sweet. What happens if a year passes and you still haven't mated with her? You know they'll take her away and force you to be with someone else."

  "I'll figure it out if it gets that far," Jason said then paused. "Back to your problem. I think you should move out of the castle and get your own house. Then you each can have more space for yourselves."

  "But we have an entire castle."

  "Lived in by several other people. She needs a spot to own, a haven. Find her one," he said, sighing. Besides, the castle is creepy sometimes.

  You didn't use to think so, Matt said.

  Most of the time, Matt ignored his brother's asides and let him have his own opinions. This wasn't one of those moments. How could Jason so easily forget about all of the great times they had together there?

  "I need a haven," he said at last.

  "Maybe she's insecure?" Jason suggested. Matt had wondered the same thing. Jason continued his thought: I didn't realize it until I got out on my own.

  To each their own. I like being close to my family.

  Hopefully, he struck a nerve with that comment. Jason was starting to sound ungrateful toward his kin.

  "Why would she be insecure?" Matt wondered. "She should be honored. I didn't have to pick her."

  "Don't tell her that," Jason replied with a smirk.

  "Why not? It's true."

  "She won't understand."


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