Now I just had to persuade Granger to come up with 10,000 like him.
Three days and countless three person Bridge hands later, Bertra, Wil, and I had our afternoon tea interrupted by Granger and Tel.
Granger made to speak but Tel beat him to it, "We've absorbed all that you gave us access to. We discussed the info and we're sure it's holding, no gaps in either of our memory banks. Either give us more access, or lay out what you want of us."
Bluntly put. I waited for Granger to put in his two credits. Nothing showed, waiting. "What I want, is, you to accept a free planet where you two are the Prime Directorate. Can you expand your minds to allow that to be?"
I opened my mind enough to allow them to see the truth of what I said. They couldn't expand quite enough, but their minds didn't fail at the concept.
"And who do we have to kill to get our planet?" Granger asked.
"I'm in, you Tel?"
"I'm in, too. Let's get on with it."
"Just one thing, Tel, can your family accept you in this guise?"
"Not without a lot of preparation on my part."
"So we'll leave them in a mental-essence state. Where do we pick your family, Granger, just before their deaths?"
I shut my mouth and watched them allow a small bit of hope crawl out of their hatred. Hate is a good motivator, but it won't pull you along as far family survival will.
"Mary, prepare to receive the story of Planetary Settlement Unit 307709."
I made a file into which the data could flow. Instantly it filled with another testament to deceptive evil. Overpopulated planet sends out settlers. Good planet, but no one says that a tenth of the yearly cycle consists of planet wide dust storms. Still good, brings rich soil down from high plateaus. Only, no hermetically sealed domes on cargo manifest. So whole expedition, 25,000 strong, dies, except Granger's team, which were in deep caves surveying mineral deposits. After the storm; and emergence from cave, everyone, but Granger shot themselves in a fit of grief. Question existed, how many settlement units had died like them on the very same spot. Marvelous excess populations purge possibility.
"I've got the data. I can do three things: either arrange for the proper shelters, pick up the colony before the storm, or pick them up after the storm. You're not cleared for how. We don't have time for you to understand. Just consider, believe, and choose."
Tel suddenly shrugged, went to the food wall, and began ordering.
"I'll speak for us, Granger said, sitting at a table. "There is no painless way. You get shelters on the ground. That will break the reality chain. After the storm, pick up the essences, all but me. I don't know if an essence reality chain can be broken, or not. Do you?"
"It will be split. Eventually the pieces will come to each other, if they're not otherwise occupied."
"Best we can do. What's the first step?"
"We get shelters."
Granger's eyes glazed over. Evidently he had a one on one going with Betty, their business.
Bertra and Wil had gone to a neutral corner. Wil took great gulps on her reality readjustment. Bertra took it all in stride. I wondered how much of him; that long ago Metallic time shifter had left with her.
I got a slice of cherry pie, thought of Rafe, and sat at Tel's table.
"You ready to give up this form?" I asked.
"Forms don't hang me up anymore."
"In that case you'll like your next one, fourteen feet tall, direct energy manipulation capability, great intellect capability, almost immortal."
"Sounds like fun. I see I'm to be the test subject. Tell me, how alive can I be, when I'm already dead?"
"Everybody has to sort out that answer for themselves. Personally I've lost track of how many times I've been dead. It gets to be a non issue after a while."
"Thanks. I'll consider that. Looks like Granger is back. We get to meet your people?"
Granger sat down beside me and said, "I'm satisfied that you're on the square, Mary. If you'll give me access, I'll enter the exact time space star reference points into the Nav base. Betty thinks it would be best if I don't go into an ANNU KI body. So you may be stuck with this form and me, aboard this ship for a long time to come."
"Fine, why don't you sit with Wil and Bertra a moment? Maybe you can convince them we're not from the Dark Lagoon. I'll block access to that vid, go."
He went. I finished my pie, tart, and sweet at the same time. Tel finished, and looked at the wall again.
"You have the Nav data, don't you?"
"Put a sock in it, and let's go forward and get business taken care of."
We took care of the inputs. Then I cleared him for the ANNU KI download. He tilted back in my right seat and lost all expression. Not that snake faces had much, disdain; anger, and hunger, about covered them. Millions of them beyond count, got on with only that. Too many millions, maybe this galaxy needed an equalizer. A gun which killed only snakes. Pass them out to everybody. Oh boy, I had a mission, lab here I come.
Operational Area Earth ARK I between the Ice Ages
Chapter Seven
I brought Derek along to my apartment on the lake to serve snacks. I didn't want conversations to be spread around anymore than could be avoided. Punctually at noon the chime sounded.
"Let him in, Derek."
Derek returned with a figure in a robe and cowl, which thrown back reveled a relaxed round face with dreamy eyes.
"Reverend Haskin; I'm so glad that you could find time in your busy schedule. Let's sit in the atrium where we can see the lake."
"Glad to be here, Thelma. We haven't been in each other's presence since you resurrected me."
"I wouldn't put the instance exactly that way."
"I know. I jest, a little. But that outlook would be shared by many in the circumstances I found myself."
Derek served food and a snack tray. He'd taken the time to ask what the Reverend favored.
"That's true. I've been careful to stay in the background though. You're your own free agent. When asked the resources of ARK I, have been at your disposal."
He finished his bowl of berries with milk.
"Delicious. Little things in life mean so much. About resources, I suppose this is my call to the mountain, where I shall be given commandments."
I about choked on my salad. "Goodness no, we have the same goals. I wouldn't think of commanding you. You'd probably tell me to go somewhere un-nice if I did."
He put several frosted cinnamon rolls on a plate and settled deeper into his chair. "I really don't know what I would say. I've kept appraised of events in each theater of your operations. As much as is released, anyway. I do believe you share the church's goals. Nobody with me is naïve enough to think there isn't going to be bloodshed. The question is what can we do to keep the bloodshed to a minimum?"
"How many worlds are you on now?"
"Nine hundred and seventy eight and we can expand to others; others that the Elders have established Banks on. We find little resistance when it's evident that we only feed the poor, and give them shelter when needed. Somebody, you I'm sure, opened accounts in all those Banks in the Church's name."
"Guilty. If you come to a world which you don't have an account on let me know. I'm sure not all of the Rim Worlds came under the Elder's attention. To accomplish our mutual goal of less bloodshed there is something you can do. A movement is underway to form a Rim World Alliance. That can be accomplished by conquest, or the planets falling over themselves to join. Falling over them selves to join will be the result of much prep work. None done by your people, but your Monks arriving on a planet get no notice. Other people do get notice."
"So you want me to accept into my fold your agents, and put them on the planets they're assigned to."
"That about covers it." I waited patiently for his decision. A lot rode on i
He rose and walked back and forth along the outer glass wall; much like I did when I puzzled over a decision."
He came back and sat. "You know history, Thelma. Many think a church should be above the fray. I personally think a church, to matter, has to be part of the fray. What else makes any sense if the church is to be part of its members lives, what else?"
I agreed, "I think you're part of the solution, or you're a problem. Same end result. An extraordinary individual will present himself to you. His people will be well trained. You can help by adding a reading room to each Church which stocks all of the current publications of the locality. That's actually not a bad idea in itself."
"I have a position open for assistant director. You interested?"
We both laughed heartily, but seriousness and calculation showed in both our eyes. Maybe High Priestess would fit my personality. Na. Anyway not tomorrow.
I asked him to think about the possibility of establishing Churches behind present time. We agreed that would take a special group of individuals. He agreed to give thought to searching his personnel records to see who might qualify.
We hugged each other when we parted company. His load didn't look like mine, on the surface, but light didn't describe it. He assented to a tour of the local shops, with Derek, and diner for him and his local people; before Derek took them back to their quarters in the off ship Church complex. I liked him, and I think he knew it.
Operational area Reg World Tosolinko
Chapter Eight
I sat facing the fifty foot wide fireplace admiring the honey combed chimney which shared space with open air passages through its glazed surface.
The waitress, arriving with my double farmer's breakfast shook me out of examining its internal complexity. When I first arrived and sat I got hard stares. Everyone realized they were still looking down onto my seven foot six inches so they relaxed and went back to their card playing.
The waitress smiled. Her upper and lower fangs weren't that long, and they did fit nicely together. "Have a good brotseit. Call if you want seconds."
"Thank you. I probably will."
The tables in Torme's Great Hall had thick tops; to better stand up to the thumps made by the card players. They would never fit into a Bridge Club. Since ten o'clock had passed, the meal came with a beer stein foaming over. When in Rome, I thought as I lifted it to my lips.
Mostly finished with the second helping and the second stein, I paused, and looked over to the fireplace, to a figure a foot taller than any I'd seen so far, Torme.
He threw his hands up and rushed over to me. "I but waited to let you eat."
I rose and hugged him. "Don't forget, Mother knows all. I'm glad to see you, and to be here on your world. Sit with me please, if duty allows."
"It does. Came to inspect us did you?"
"That's the same old discreet, Torme. I sense a lack of battles to be fought."
"I'm sorry, Betty. You're welcome here, under any circumstance."
"You know I've looked at the whole system. I find nothing I can better in what you're doing." I pushed the empty plate away while I continued. "I have a business deal to discuss. I need 500,000 Battle Wagons."
"We only have 50,000 in storage inventory. Can I ask what configuration you need, and why so many?"
"We're opening up the First Federation."
I laid my hand on his arm and filtered the data into his head. He got it and rage flashed over his face. I patted his arm and said, "In due course we'll collect."
"Not soon enough for me. I'll have to involve the A-Is."
"Most likely, Rork and Rorklin still it?"
"They are. Most likely they're down in the Tombs. They find something new every day. I don't know how they do it."
I put my hand on his arm again and explained how they did it, time drops.
He waved at the waitress, "Bread, and cheese for me. Prepare double breakfasts for our AI friends. Betty, you did call them?"
"Of course. Before they get here, I want to spring another reason for my visit on you. You have first chance on being the new HQ for the Rim Alliance."
I might as well just hold hands with him, I thought as I touched him and passed that data on. Except that his wife probably would take exception. The waitress arrived with his personal oversized stein. He grabbed it and emptied it in one series of gulps. The waitress looked cross eyed at me as she went off to get a refill.
"You might have warned me."
"I just did. How would you like it if delegates started arriving and you knew nothing at all?"
He looked around. "Bloody slow waitresses."
He relaxed. We both laughed. Rork and Rorklin arrived the same time their food did. They knew me right off, and didn't comment about my changed appearance. Torme and they started on manufacturing flows while I cast around the planet for a suitable building site. I found a horseshoe shaped island on the equator about five thousand acres in size. It had a natural harbor (because of its shape) on one side and high granite cliffs on the other three sides. A peak, in the middle of it rose to 5,000 feet. I could see houses perched all over the mountain, and meeting halls carved out of the insides with lots of glass windows. I got so lost in my vision Rorklin had to shake me.
"Come back here. Not nice to not share." She said with a smile.
So I shared. The A-Is added their practical two cents. I down loaded the result into Torme. He started to think of how he could have a beer tap brought to the table.
"I'll have to take it up with the Grand Council."
Just then the latest refill arrived, along with a heavy sheet of parchment, which the waitress laid next to him like it could explode any moment. He picked it up and tilted it toward us so the light from the high windows fell onto it. Across the top appeared the seal of the Grand Council. Under that the Reg words for "Do it." and then two columns of signatures.
He didn't choke. He looked like he would choke me, for a moment. But then a pained smile spread across his face.
"I didn't think they were sentient enough. I owe them all a most humble apology. I'll render that in person. It's a shame Jill isn't here."
"I'll stop there on my way off planet. I want to tell her the Brenesi will have a place on the R/W Council. Then it's off to Moneslakia."
Rork offered, "That's a strange planet."
"I'll have you over a bit later. Some furniture rearranging to do first. Won't take long."
All three smiled, and did a 'thumbs up.' Maybe that gesture would unite all beings. I slipped a gold bar in the waitress's apron as I went by. Tgthr didn't need all of my gold.
Later, on the Battleship en-route to Moneslakia with Torken and Melin I reflected on how Jill had gone native--Brenesi attire, and necklaces of bones, dead enemy bones. She promised to represent the Brenesi at the council. The ambassadors from Moneslakia slept down the hall. I pondered. Did making me heavier and taller constitute 'going native' also, got a hung jury on that one.
In orbit around Moneslakia, I got the news that Mary and Lil were one day out. Might as well go down and look around the mountain side ANNU KI ship. I sent a message to Tgthr asking whether his ship differed from it. He said, "No." Asked me to visit, see his latest. I said I would. Boy would I. He had no idea. He had grown stronger, but he posed no threat to me. Maybe he mellowed in his old age. Must ask him how long they normally lived, probably most of forever.
Torken, Melin, and I took a Battle Wagon down to the plateau. Nothing had changed in our absence from the planet, though I sensed waves being created. The ship appeared just the same as Lil and Mary had reported. I cast about for Torken II. He came back strong from some thousands of miles away through a headband of his own. He would return in a week, killing slavers, great satisfaction. The Ranger Battle Group carried out their mission. They knew I didn't have anything to add, being on a mission of my own which they couldn't help me with. We promised to co
py each other.
I'd read the reports of this ANNU KI ship's interior, but hadn't thought about them much. I wandered around: conclusions, this had been designed for a crew of ten, and then retrofitted to be handled by one person. Assumption, a shortage of ANNU KI bodies, or no one wanted to go on a one way mission. Need for detailed intelligence, a priority I concluded.
I walked out of the ship and looked up at the night sky. Stars so close I could almost touch them. Melin and Torken were sleeping in the Wagon after their latest attempt to conquer DNA differences. I didn't want to go down that road yet. I went back inside the ship and found a rejuvenation chamber to lie in. Then I cast my mind around the planet for people I could change to suit our purpose. Some could be changed. Some couldn't be and were enemies of our cause, so those wouldn't wake up tomorrow.
Eleven o'clock in the morning, Lil and Mary arrived. They screamed down from the skies like two meteors. Trying to impress someone, I guessed. Their ships took a while to cool after landing. Eventually ramps came down and they walked out followed by a strange mixture of beings. I immediately centered on Granger, and he on me.
He walked over to me and said, "So you're the prime mover in this."
"Yes. I'm sincerely sorry about your family, and that you won't realize your children's growing up."
"I see that you are. Thank you for caring. So this is what we'll be flying."
"They go up to four times the size of this one. Care to look around?" I offered.
"Yes, but why don't you download the data into my mind so I'll know what I'm looking at. Some of my people can download too."
"Done, and for the others. I'll just follow you and add what the data stream failed to do."
We walked up the ramp to the outer ring. He smiled and said, "When did you last leave something out of place?"
Greener Green III: Let Light Reign Page 6