I noticed Gato paused a millisecond before he answered, "Two of us will go to your shipyard and see what you have. Give us a ship of yours. We don't need to breathe either, but we appreciate being able to do so. Go now, and we will soon see."
The Workers rose, and two of Gato's men followed them out of the Planetarium buckling on their gear as they walked.
The other three rose from the table to walk around the area.
Gato said, "I will be honest with you. Other attacks on the ANNU KI have failed. Yours might fail. The question among Essences is; do you have the determination in yourselves, and secondly do you have a slim chance of succeeding. If I decide you do, others will arrive. If not, we're going to do it ourselves, you and us six. Essences don't like to die either, and needlessly we won't, as a rule. We are here because we owe Marvin, our lives. If we all die here, it has been a good ride. Are we clear?"
I said, "That's as clear as you can be. Thank you for being blunt. Tell me, why did the other attacks fail?"
"Various reasons, the Hybrids stopped one with their Fusion Bombs. You've got past that. One attack used the spear tactic and had so much sniping at their flanks that the spear broke. The next one killed everyone on any planet and got there, but couldn't do much damage to the ANNU KI because they couldn't adapt to the non time issue. They crumpled and withdrew, and the ANNU KI came forth again with a vengeance and destroyed them. That's when they started destroying anyone who could ever be a threat, a tactic in place today. Another attack had at its core a massive bomb. They got there, but the Universe ARK's defenses wouldn't permit it to be destroyed. It came out of dormancy long enough to neutralize the bomb. Other attacks used your methods of slow advances, which we think is the only way, but their base political climate changed, caused by a Fifth Column behind the front; promising peaceful co-existence, so that effort failed too. Others were a combination of those failings."
"Will you stay for supper?"
"Thank you for saying I'm valuable, of course."
I noticed that Maria had gone away for a moment.
"What is it, Maria?"
"Torme and Jill, and the Germanic A-Is there ask for a video conference."
Gato said, "I'll go join my men."
"No, stay, your pound is about to come into play. Seat them around the table, Maria."
The three figures wavered and then came into focus. We exchanged greetings.
The A-I went first. "Our observations of enemy tactics lead us to think an attack from the edge of space is immanent. Food for the fighter pilots is their weak point. We suggest, and we can, putting planetary, and if necessary system shields around the planets in their line of advance to disallow them access to the agricultural and junction worlds."
Torme added, "This has been discussed in both Reg and Alliance councils. All are determined that this attack of ours succeed. We will, among us, man the Defense Shields. This effort will take no people from your Force there."
Jill announced, "The Second Federation has officially joined us. Now that they know the fate of the First Federation they say, "Not us." Support comes from even further back from the front lines. The gold rolling in will allow us to recruit where we need to. People arrive every day in orbit here, and ask where the front is and what can they do. We want you to know this. Reg ships, A-I ships, and support ships, have already left from here. When they get there you direct them to the target planet. That's all for now, oh, Reg Essences on this planet have agreed to keep in contact with you, Maria. They will send other details, out."
Gato observed, "The Second Federation covers a lot of space."
I informed him, "The Leader, Walter, had a Hybrid in his Honor Guard."
"I would be upset. I assume they got it before any damage resulted?"
"Barely. Maria, bring that region of space down to us. Let's get Gato's opinion of where to place the shields."
"Will do, there, oh, a message from Granger, he's in orbit with another Improved ANNU KI Mother Ship, eventful journey."
"With him walking to lunch is eventful. Have Lil, Mary, First Officer Jelene Destra and him join us, right now. No don't say right now, he might land the ship inside here. Say at their leisure."
Gato looked at me inquiringly, I said, "A Metallic, not a slow mover."
"I know the type. If you move slowly on Home they ship you out."
"That's what happened to his whole neighborhood. Turned out to be a population reduction grinder. Only he survived. He's not a happy person, but a brilliant tactician and loved leader."
"They are generally above norm in everything."
"We have a million five of them going into ANNU KI bodies."
"Oh me, this is going to be an interesting show."
We were deciding on planets which would get shields when the four of them arrived. I called them over and introduced them to Gato. They took places around the table and I asked, "How did the run go?"
Mary and Lil laughed, Lil gestured to Mary so she began, "We stopped off at another AG world, no ANNU KI, killed the Hybrids, which took out the Governments and the finance people, and top military, about three hours. Then a secret group came forward and restored order. Seems they had been waiting for centuries to have us arrive. They were so pleased they wanted to give us their virgins, so Granger accepted."
Granger said nothing, nor FO Destra.
Lil said, "She jests, a bit. The Research arm of this secret group; ran by a virgin collector, extraordinaire, had a vast data base. We looked at it briefly. Lots of data and conclusions of ANNU KI conduct. We didn't have time. So we accepted six virgins, and a copy of the data base, promised support, and went on. Maria has brought us up to date. Though that world isn't on the Universe Rim, I suggest they get the first shield as a test case. How about you, Gato, do you need six virgins? They're big farm girls."
"We'll see about that, but we can add considerable to their data, test their behavioral pattern analysis, piecemeal. Where are they and the data base?"
Lil took a memory crystal out of her vest, "Here is the date base. The girls are out on the plateau enjoying the scenery. You better get to them before the Torkens."
One of Gato's men took the crystal and left the room.
I said, "I agree with you Lil. Maria, send the coordinates to Jill, and tell her yesterday, and if the shield ship isn't ready to send screening craft."
I asked, "What else happened?"
FO Destra asked, "Is this man cleared?"
"I hope so. We can't shoot his ship down anyway, so we decided to trust him. Marvin vouches for them."
"That's about good enough for me. The secret is the ship. The Phaeton A-Is got a hold of new Tech, and while it looks the same on the outside, it has ten times the engines and shields of the previous ship. If you want Gato's ship shot down we can do it. We're locked onto him, as a matter of a possible security breach. We're doubled on the Bridge if you're under duress. And I appreciate your attempt to contact me mentally Mr. Gato. I and my crew are solid a billion years back. If you care to go back beyond that and try to influence me, go ahead."
I stopped breathing, just for a moment. I ran every possible check I knew. Those around the table watched me.
I said, "I'm not under duress, or being influenced in any way. I've been done to by experts. I would know."
"I accept that. With your agreement, Granger, I'll order stand down."
Granger thought, "Tracks for me, do it."
She didn't do anything, visibly, but the tension around the table gradually returned to normal.
I commanded, "Walking time, you're all in for a treat. Let's go back to your valley, Gato, and look at your pond."
We walked, here and there, for an hour. Everybody appeared impressed. We left Lil, Mary and FO Destra in a tight grove figuring out whether two hammocks tied together would do for her, or not.
Back at the table Betty and Janus waited. I introduced them to Gato. I thought Betty and he were going to say something abou
t each other, but both zipped their lips.
Janus said, "We got a few more details out of that rat ANNU KI. In addition we took his girls away from him, and his other creations. They are now in a safe place. We brought the girls here. They are copies of Melin, without the appetite, harmless, and curious. We told them to find someplace to sleep and showed them the way to the restaurant."
Gato said with astonishment, "You have a captive ANNU KI here? I don't recall that ever happening, not for more than ten minutes."
Betty said, "Unique situation, but what you say is true. I myself wonder why he stays around. He can't get out with any data, I saw to that, but it is odd."
Janus asked Gato, "What exactly are your Galactic reference points?"
"Which system do you use?"
"Various, factor the North star, Polaris as a center point."
Gato answered, "I'll make this real simple. With this planet's North Pole, and our location as a second point, go from Polaris at thirty degrees, no left, no right delineation, toward the edge of the Universe. That's where we started this journey. Why do you ask magician? Do you know someone from that neighborhood?"
"Not yet, but I can ask around. Do you want anyone told about your safe arrival?"
"There's Raquell, she would want to know, thank you."
One of Gato's men returned and laid his hand on Gato's shoulder, and then went away.
"They are the real thing, these virgins, though you may have been sold a false bill on that virgin part. However they aren't window dressing. They have been overlaid with the data. The crystal has only programs. They have alerted my man to a solar system which the ANNU KI Hybrids occupied for a century. Then most of the inhabitants left for no good reason. Thereafter the Hybrids left too, most peculiar. None-the-less we need a smaller room like this with the same capability. We'll make one if none are at hand."
"There's one a third this size," said Maria. "Come along, I'll show you."
After they left I said, "Seems quite simple to me, maybe because I had it done to me. They split the people's minds and sent them out to await the trigger signal. Since they're not Hybrids they don't stand out. Seems they anticipated the Hybrids possible failure. This is a mess. Any ideas anybody?"
No one had any, so I called over to the Signal's station, "Ensign Kresha, get me Admiral Prestrillo, please."
She guided the image to the seat Maria had and we exchanged greetings.
He said, "You there have been busy. The reports read like the fiction novel I never wrote. What's your latest problem?"
"Split personality Fifth Columnists."
"Good luck, but you didn't call me for my well wishes."
I smiled, "Are that bunch we had the conference with on Phaeton still around?"
"Yes, I haven't decided to shoot them yet. They've been regressed to the start of their Phaeton experiences, and are now writing a history. Why?"
"If anyone could sort out this mess, it would be that bunch of double dealing bastards. Can you send them out on the next Mother Ship, direct transit?"
"Yes, but the crew will miss the fun of the side trip; getting to be a one up-man-ship thing."
"Tell them I'll make it up to them, after-burners type of emergency."
"I'll get on it right now. Nice seeing you. We'll have to have a social visit sometime."
With that he faded out.
I said, "Get the word out discretely, that the rear area threat isn't over. Maybe increased Security will make a difference somewhere. Are you, Lil and Mary, on your way back to Mars soon?"
Granger answered, "No, we took care of that back and forth. We left a trio back there who will duplicate into each new crew."
"Good thinking. I want you to take your ship to the Workers. They can scan it and store the improvements. We have a steady stream of captured ships coming out of Frizdier. My plan is to cycle them through here before sending them out to the line."
FO Destra said, "I can manage that Granger. You can stay here and think up some mischief."
Granger half recoiled at her comment, "To be known too well, is my curse, go on, do it, or rather you on the ship will do it, gets confusing, let's go eat."
Operational Area Carrier nearing Moneslakia
Chapter Twenty Eight
Captain Nerre' Walstrom
The Blue alarm light and chimes interrupted my conference call. Tina Helga and Heidi had the same sound in their back ground.
Exasperated I said, "What the hell next. Stay on the line."
"DO here. A Melin ship is nearby and ready to send an officer over with an urgent message."
"How, oh forget how, just tell them to do it. Keep the lines open to the other Carriers."
A sound made me look to the right. A uniformed figure about six feet tall walked toward me. He looked like he had just been on a runway at a fashion show, show boat tan with a blond crew cut, two piece almost casual uniform, no weapons.
He stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Lawrek. Melin has a message for the Green Ship people. Can you type it in to the console, please?"
I pushed my jaw shut with my hand, offhandedly, and said, "Go."
"We appreciate immensely your help with the Hybrids. You saved many lives, and the political stability behind our efforts. Thank you. For obvious reasons you are to now show your entire hand, or we will disembark the crews from the Carriers, and shoot them out of existence."
"DO here. Four Green ships have appeared alongside us."
"Message continues, we will also shoot your ships out of existence. You have one minute."
I thought, 'why me? I just wanted some R&R.'
The console screen chime sounded and a message read, "We hoped to postpone this day. Melin has every right to know who stands with her. We will send a spokesperson if you lower your shields Captain Nerre'."
"All Do's, lock all weapons onto the Green ships and lower the shields on my ship only."
A black swirl appeared near my couch-bed and a slip of a girl walked out of it, about five feet tall, reminded me of the old Tina, all energy and no mass.
She walked toward me saying in Phaeton. "I'm Lenh. Perhaps we should be having this conversation on your ship Lawrek?"
Lawrek answered, "Or perhaps on yours Lenh?"
I said, "I'm here. And I'm not interested in being destroyed, or having my ship destroyed, so you come to some agreement or I'll put both of you in the Brig."
Lenh asked, "Are you finished venting, Nerre'."
"Pretty much, but I meant it, please."
"Don't you have chairs for visitors?"
"Sorry, I don't have many visitors. DO, get chairs in here."
"No wonder no one visits, just making a joke. Do your people laugh Lawrek?"
"Yes, but this is serious."
Aides came in with chairs. Marvin came also carrying his own chair. Lenh and Lawrek looked at him, but neither said anything. What the hell could they say? He and the room were the same, practically speaking.
We sat in a small circle and Lenh began, "When the First Federation died, some in orbit escaped. Some banded together and sought refuge in far away places. Some distrusted too much and went their own way to who knows where.
The banded together ones found a place set aside by a group of Elders and prospered, but never forgot. Weapon development became the main focus, and many were developed, and Green ships. Those of us who couldn't forget, leave, to never go back, and go forth to kill ANNU KI, and their creations. We know we don't make much difference, but we keep them guarding their rear areas."
Lawrek sympathized, "We are sorry for your loss. This is a new day. Report to Melin's world and get identity transponders, or be shot on sight. It can't be any other way. You'll see that there are benefits in doing it Melin's way. If you don't want to accept formal assignments, you'll be directed to a region of space where your sniping will make a difference."
Lenh answered, "I can but speak for my pack. We'll do as you suggest and forward your ultimatum. Some will just lea
ve this area."
Lawrek stood, "Their loss, the enemy is aplenty here. I'm done. Goodbye."
He just winked out. Must have been a computer generated facsimile.
"Marvin, what do you have to say," I asked.
"Had to come to this day. Lenh, what can you share with us before you go?"
"I'm not going anywhere. We never go back. I'm with you people for the duration, unless you dump me in a sun."
"DO here, Green ships blinked out. Nothing on sensors."
Lenh said, "See."
"Marvin, what is she?"
"An Essence, a young one, maybe ten billion years."
"Does she-he-it know anything valuable?"
"I'm still here, people. You can talk to me."
I said, "Well, Lenh, let's see what use you are. A solar system has been mind-split and sent forth to do whatever. They are not Hybrids, but the Hybrids worked on them. Get on the console and find them. Go on now. I'll have bread and water set out for you until you get results."
"This is how you treat your beloved allies. Alright, I'll see what we know, not you we, we-we. Aw just shut your openings and don't disturb me."
Marvin and I walked out of the room. Outside he said, "She won't do any damage if that's what you're concerned about. The green ships were crewed by young Essences. They just don't like to take direction. If they don't, Melin will kill them. She has the capability, and no one to answer to. That's the first I heard about that problem."
"HQ says Gato is working on the situation, and we have mind benders coming out from Earth space to help."
Marvin mused, "That should do it. I'll put my oar in when we get there."
"Do you think she would let me use my bed?"
"Doubtful, her energy would keep you awake anyway. Grab a stretcher in Med Bay."
"Better cock my side arm first, liable to wake up missing something."
We both grinned and went our ways. I went to Med Bay, and that stretcher, which wasn't that hard.
The next thing I knew the deceleration warble sounded. I turned over and asked myself if I could add anything by being on the Bridge, I hoped not. I'd trained them better than that.
Greener Green III: Let Light Reign Page 25