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B00JORD99Y EBOK Page 2

by A. Vivian Vane

  Mary's eyes widened in shock. The waistband of her drawers slipped to her knees. A fingertip trailed down the curve of her bottom, right between the full cheeks. Jennifer's wriggling warmth squirmed and pressed against Mary's back. Something brushed across the rim of her dark hole, hidden in the depths of her crack, and Mary went weak at the knees. Jennifer was being so strange, so wrong, and yet it felt so good...

  "Oh God, Mary." Jennifer's voice was husky and deep. She planted a kiss on the trembling Mary's cheek. Her hands quivered, and Mary quivered back, transfixed by the growing pressure on her unspeakable back door. Nothing on earth could have convinced her to move away from Jennifer's tender touch, in that moment. "Mary," her maid whispered. "Lover. Yes. I want your ass."

  Mary shuddered at the word. She'd never heard Jennifer curse at her before, though the maid would occasionally slip up and mutter something rude in the course of her household chores. It was a fairly mild word, as far as such things went, but Mary was still a noblewoman, however odd of one, and she had a noblewoman's restraint.

  Or she had had a noblewoman's restraint, at any rate, before her best friend and servant started fondling her ass. Mary blushed to the roots of her dark hair as she realized how long she'd been standing in the dark, savoring the feeling of Jennifer's squeezing hands. Someone needed to have put a stop to their madness a good five minutes ago, at least.

  Cloth rustled behind her -- Jennifer shedding her drawers, Mary realized. She opened her mouth to protest, but a hard squeeze on her rear turned it into a moan. The finger was still nestled between her cheeks; still stroking the tender flesh hidden there. Jennifer's free hand tugged Mary's drawers down firmly until they sagged around her knees.

  In a swift motion, Jennifer knelt. Her lips brushed Mary's back as they descended, tracing Mary's spine in burning little kisses that left her gasping for breath. She nearly stumbled getting out of her drawers, lifting first one leg and then the other mechanically at the prompting of Jennifer's hands.

  "Jenny," Mary finally managed to whisper, "Please. What are you -- what are we -- "

  With a soft moan of her own, Jennifer gripped Mary's hips and pulled backward. She turned her head and ran her silky cheek over the curve of the young noblewoman's backside. Both of them shivered with pleasure.

  "We're making love, Madam Smythe," Jennifer said firmly. "We're fucking, like we should have fucked years ago, and we are starting with me eating your tender little asshole!"

  She grabbed Mary's butt cheeks in her hands and yanked them apart, startling a yelp out of the lust-dazed noblewoman. When a hot, squirming tongue darted out to stroke Mary's hole, the yelp turned into an actual shriek, loud enough to have woken the servants if she'd had any besides Jennifer. Mary jerked in place, one hand reaching down to clutch her crotch almost instinctively as a lance of pleasure shot through the soft, unexplored opening between her thighs.

  "Oh my god, Jennifer!" Mary gasped. Her flesh felt hot and sticky against her palm. There was a slick wetness, thicker than her sweat, gathered in the tangled hairs of her muff. She raised her hand and stared at it dumbly, half-expecting to see her monthly blood come early, but there was nothing but a clear and musky-smelling sheen on Mary's skin. Without thinking, she licked it, and moaned happily when she found the taste sweet, earthy, and exciting in a way that made her stomach clench strangely.

  "Jennifer," Mary moaned, "You can't, you just can't. That isn't right!" She put her hand back between her legs as she spoke and pressed down, trying to quell the strange, hot, tightening sensation welling up inside her. Clutching herself, she leaned back, pinned between her own grinding palm and Jennifer's thrusting tongue.

  Jennifer moaned wordlessly in reply. Her tongue lapped up and down between the soft cheeks of Mary's bottom. The touch was thick, warm, and slick against the noblewoman's crinkled pucker. Mary's face flamed with lust and embarrassment as the wet, slippery caresses sent shivers of pleasure straight down her spine and into the melting heat of her pussy.

  "Mm, sure and it isn't right, Madam Smythe," Jennifer moaned, her voice muffled and lapsing back into its native Irish brogue (which the maid usually took pains to disguise). She slurped loudly, sucking wet spit off Mary's wrinkled flesh. The tip of her tongue traced circles around the Mary's dark hole. Mary groaned and swayed on her feet, her jaw slack in mindless pleasure. She had never imagined that a touch back there could feel anything like it did!

  "It isn't right I've had to wait all these years," Jennifer panted, "keeping my hands to myself, and you a horny little butt-slut all along...we could have been doing this ages ago!"

  Heat flamed in Mary's face, bright beneath her pale skin. "Don't say such things!" she gasped, scandalized. "I'm not a, a, an anything like what you said!"

  She could actually feel Jennifer smirking, the redhead's lips curling against her bottom. "A butt-slut?" Jennifer teased. She giggled, and her tongue slurped. Wet flesh caressed Mary. "Mm," the maid moaned, "Butt-slut, butt-slut, butt-slut!"

  Irritated, Mary reached back and swatted at Jennifer. Her fingers tangled briefly in silken red hair, and she moaned a little, giving a tug and feeling her friend's tongue shift against her slippery hole. "Stop that!" she hissed.

  Jennifer leaned back on her knees and peered up at Mary. Her face gleamed wet in the candlelight. "Stop?" she asked softly. She traced her lips with her tongue. The slow, sensuous circuit made Mary shiver. "I've stopped. Are you glad?"

  Her finger replaced her tongue as she spoke, slipping between the noblewoman's riding-trained muscles to trace the line of her crack. A nail scraped teasingly over her crinkled hole; curled in a little to keep from raking her painfully as Jennifer pressed down more firmly. The tip of her finger made an insistent pressure against Mary's opening, and Mary shuddered as she felt the taut rim give way a tiny bit. Could it actually fit inside her, she wondered dizzily? And what on Earth would that feel like? She bit her lip, wanting badly to know but not knowing how to say as much.

  "Or do you miss my tongue already?" Jennifer's voice was low and enticing. Her finger worked in circles as it pressed slowly inward. "So warm and soft against you bottom. Wet. Needy. Delicious." A throaty moan stirred in the maid's throat. "I think you liked it, Madam Smythe. I think you like my finger, too. I think you want me to go on playing with your bottom."

  Her hand lifted abruptly, and Mary almost fell over backward. Without noticing, she'd been leaning back into the insistent pressure; even spreading her feet wider on the floor to help ease the finger's way into her spit-slicked hole. Her bottom clenched, feeling -- to her embarrassment -- suddenly neglected.

  "Don't you?" Jennifer asked, grinning knowingly. There was a hint of stern finality in her voice, as if she were daring Mary to disagree with her.

  Mary swallowed hard. Her face was flushed; her body dripped with sweat. One hand was still clutched between her thighs, the palm grown slick and wet with her pussy's unfamiliar overflow. Sex-scented musk filled the air.

  Looking away from her friend, Mary lowered her eyes. She felt completely humiliated -- and helplessly, hopelessly aroused! It went against everything she had been taught to even entertain fantasies about such things, let alone participate in them with her own maid. She took a deep, trembling breath.

  "...yes," she admitted, barely even whispering.

  Jennifer made a murmur of encouragement. "Yes, what?" she asked, her breath warm on Mary's backside.

  Mary felt her flush deepen. "Yes," she said, "I want more. It...feels good."

  "Mmm." Jennifer let out a long, happy sigh. She rose from her crouch on the floor, and Mary bit back a cry of disappointment. After making her admit that, her friend was just going to stop? But no, she realized, Jennifer was simply -- finally -- moving them to the untested bed. She squirmed unhappily at the thought of how glad that made her.

  Extending the same finger that had been pressed to Mary's bottom a moment ago, the redhead pointed at the bed. "Over there," she instructed. "Sit your butt on the edge and lie back.
I'll find something for your bum."

  Her gaze wandered around the room; lit on the flower-filled wine bottle. Grinning, Jennifer swept the flowers out and dashed the water inside heedlessly to the floor, rapping the neck of the bottle with one fingertip as she emptied its contents. "Good glass," she murmured approvingly. "Sturdy. And the neck's not too thick...perfect!"

  Naked, Mary crossed the room to sit on the edge of the bed. She stared at Jennifer, torn between arousal and horror. Her palm was still rubbing between her legs; she couldn't seem to keep her hands off her dripping sex. It felt swollen to twice its size, the insides taut and eager for something Mary could not explain or provide. "You can't be serious," she protested.

  Jennifer grinned. The lithe redhead swayed toward Mary, dangling the bottle from two fingers. Mary found herself dry-mouthed at the sight of her friend in all her nakedness. Both of them were avid riders, and that and walking keep their bodies fit, but where Mary was slender and girlish (apart from her oversized breasts), Jennifer was buxom, broad-hipped, and entirely delicious-looking, right down to the flame-like tuft of hair on her pale mons.

  "Lie back," Jennifer instructed, giving the rim of the bottle a playful lick.

  Mary frowned at her. "That's not really an answer," she protested, but she tilted back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows to watch as Jennifer sank to the floor between her knees. Mary blushed, feeling the warmth of her maid's breath against the wetness of her pussy. She was abruptly self-conscious of her appearance, and wondered how Jennifer had managed her dainty, wisp-like curls of red hair. Mary's own slit was ringed with a heavy thatch of brown curls, and she felt heavy and sodden with wetness, making her blush and try to close her knees to hide the whole affair from Jennifer.

  It was too late, of course -- the redhead was kneeling directly between Mary's thighs, and if she minded any of what she saw she gave no sign of it. Her lips actually pressed against Mary's wet cunt for a minute, and the noblewoman gasped, shocked by the thought that her friend would be willing to touch the wet flesh as much as by the wickedness of the act. Her body tensed with excitement, and she found herself lifting her hips to thrust eagerly against the warm stroke of Jennifer's tongue.

  Then the tongue was sliding lower, working its way down Mary's soft slit and past its lower edge, trailing across the smooth skin beneath Mary's pussy. Firm hands gripped her legs; lifted them up and tilted her back. Her feet came up to dangle over Jennifer's shoulders as the redhead's tongue worked lower. Mary blushed bright red, feeling her butt cheeks spreading as Jennifer tugged the strong thighs apart. She knew that in a moment her friend's tongue would be back on her asshole once again, and the thought made her pussy throb with desire.

  "Oh God, Jenny," Mary said. "That's so wrong. Ahh, why...why are you...ah!" She arched her back, gasping as the slippery warmth found her wrinkled hole and pressed against it, taking her breath away.

  Jennifer moaned into Mary's ass. The sound trembled against her hot skin. "Because I like it," the redhead said, her voice muffled and breathless. Her tongue lapped up and down, leaving a slick sheen of spit on Mary's flesh. Silken hair rubbed the insides of the noblewoman's thighs as Jennifer's head bobbed up and down.

  "And you like it too," Jennifer added. She pulled her lips away, and Mary moaned in protest. A grin split the redhead's face. "Just a minute, greedy girl," she said, laughing. She raised the wine bottle to her lips and bent her head over it. Her lips slurped wetly, and she bobbed up and down for a moment, sliding the neck of the bottle startlingly deep into her mouth. Mary blinked, impressed despite herself, and Jennifer winked playfully. She thrust in and out a moment longer, swallowing the bottle all the way to the point where the neck widened into the body of the vessel, and then pulled it triumphantly from her lips with a wet popping sound. A trail of spit hung for a moment between her mouth and the glass rim, glistening. The bottle looked suddenly, terrifyingly large in her hands.

  "Please," Mary said, "I'm not sure..."

  "Shhh." Jennifer touched the cold rim of the bottle to Mary's ass, and the noblewoman gasped in surprise. The hard ring circled, pressing against her. "You'll love it," Jennifer assured her.

  All Mary could do in reply was moan. Her pussy was on fire, dripping thick streams of wetness down onto the bottle as it rubbed her ass. She couldn't even imagine what it would feel like if Jennifer plunged that cold hardness into her -- but she badly wanted to know.

  "Butt-slut, butt-slut," Jennifer teased in a singsong voice as she circled Mary's rim with the wine bottle. "Play with yourself for me, butt-slut. Touch your pussy. Haven't you ever fingered yourself? Just a little frig now and again?"

  Gasping, Mary shook her head. She felt tense and trembling all over, as if she were trying to lift a great weight. Something explosive was welling up in her gut as Jennifer pushed the spit-slicked wine bottle slowly into the resisting ring of her anus.

  The redhead laughed. "Touch your clitty," she said, "right here." Her finger flicked, just for an instant, up the length of Mary's slit, and pleasure lanced through the noblewoman as it circled a tender little fold of flesh at the top of her opening. Mindlessly obedient in her lust, she reached down and put her own hand where Jennifer had touched her.

  "Good," Jennifer said, and smiled. "Now rub up and down...and say 'I'm a horny little butt-slut' for me while you do it!"

  Mary's mouth hung open. Her body began to jerk in pleasure. She felt a sudden, soft stretching between her butt cheeks, and the pressure inside her rose to an unbearable level. With a smooth rushing sensation, the bottle slid into her bottom, plunging deep until the neck widened into the body of the bottle and it came to rest snugged up tight against Mary's ass.

  "Ahh! Jennifer! I'm -- I'm a horny little butt-slut!" the young noblewoman shrieked. Her pussy exploded, spasming inside her as she rubbed her clit. Waves of pleasure washed over her, and her mind went blank, leaving her body to hump against the thick glass tube in her ass by instinct. Jennifer obliged her, sliding it firmly in and out, and the smooth, plunging sensation helped to draw Mary's orgasm out as they rocked together on the edge of her bed.

  Finally, the spasms began to subside, and the bottle slid from Mary's aching bottom just as trembling excitement gave way to a pleasant, exhausted languor stealing over her. She slumped back, her head thumping softly against the mattress, and reached out to pat weakly at the top of Jennifer's red curls with her free hand.

  "Oh, God," Mary moaned. "Oh, Jenny. What was that? Why would you do that to me?" Her voice was breathless with wonder, and she whimpered helplessly when, in reply, the redhead simply began licking at the stretched-out rim of Mary's anus. It gaped darkly where the bottle had left it, opened up into a tiny little ring, and Jennifer's tongue slid smoothly around the circumference, trailing spit.

  "Mmm." The redhead's moan was a deep, throaty purr. Mary could feel it vibrating against her ass. "Because you're a sexy little butt-slut, Madam Smythe. My naughty girl."

  Grinning, Jennifer rose, spit dripping from her chin. She seemed to tower above Mary, staring down at her stunned friend with a wicked grin. Mary shrank a little deeper into the bed and shivered. She was not afraid, exactly, but suddenly things had changed. She would not, a part of her knew, be the one calling the shots in their relationship anymore, at least not in private. There was no going back after Jennifer had seen this side of her.

  From the gleam in her eyes, Jennifer knew it too. "Crawl under the covers with me and get some sleep, butt-slut," the maid invited, her voice gleefully teasing as she climbed up into the bed. One eyelid flickered in a friendly wink, as if to reassure Mary that, underneath it all, Jennifer was still her good friend and traveling companion. She would just, it seemed, occasionally be something more, as well...and despite the ache growing in her bottom, Mary couldn't quite bring herself to regret the change.

  "You'll need the rest," Jennifer promised. Her eyes were wicked -- and, to her embarrassment, Mary realized that she was absolutely delighted to see it.

  Apparently she really was Jennifer's horny little butt-slut...

  Chapter 2

  An insistent pounding at the door came at a very inconvenient moment for Mary.

  She groaned in dismay, in no small part because the sound made Jennifer pause and tilt her head to listen. Crouched on all fours on their bed, Mary winced as her tits swayed beneath her, the oversized mounds still jiggling from the force with which, moments earlier, Jennifer had been pounding her aching asshole.

  Mary had been impressed and appalled in equal parts by her maid's ingenuity when Jennifer had repurposed a spare baluster from the household's staircase repairs and, with a little careful sanding, turned the varnished spindle into a smooth, bulb-tipped phallus for their pleasure. The application of a harness that strapped it to Jennifer's waist, made from the supporting frame of one of Mary's bustles and some ribbon, had quickly convinced Mary not to look a gift horse in the mouth as far as Jennifer's sexual creativity was concerned. Over the course of a few days, the baluster had quickly become her second-best friend in the world, at least when it was in Jenny's skilled hands! They had not gone out much, and Mary had made no effort to initiate either the social or the legal processes of settling into their new estate, which made the pounding at the door unusual as well as irritating.

  "Oh God, Jennifer," Mary groaned. There was more than a hint of petulance in her voice, and she cleared her throat to try and chase the whiny edge from it. "I...I hate it when you have to stop," she admitted, struggling with the frustrated desire radiating outward from her well-stretched asshole. She blushed, still embarrassed by open statements of desire despite Jennifer's enthusiastically encouraging praise for every naughty word or thought that passed her noble lips.


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