Yesterday's Sins

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Yesterday's Sins Page 16

by Wine, Shirley

  "I don't think so. What a shame to waste all that wonderful energy in rage, but first," He reached into his pocket and pulled out his handkerchief and holding her head in one hand wiped her lips thoroughly. "I dislike the taste of another man on my woman's mouth."

  Kate stared at him, hurt and bewildered by his harsh words, and then burst into tears.

  Alex frowned in consternation then scooped her up in his arms and strode across to the chair. He sat down, cradling her against him as she sobbed.

  "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to push you so hard."

  Kate was confused.

  It wasn't Alex's fault she'd been so rudely rebuffed by Bryce Bennett, yet she'd turned on him like a virago.

  She'd hated Alex with such unremitting fervour for so long, it was more than a little disconcerting to discover he was now necessary for her comfort.

  "Why not let me make you a hot chocolate," he suggested mildly, as she rested against him, exhausted.

  The suggestion had her sitting bolt upright, staring up at him. Had he come here to make love to her?

  "You're quite safe. I can control my libido," he said dryly putting her off his knee.

  Hot and flustered, she retreated to the bathroom and tried to repair the ravages of her tears, grimacing at her reflection in the mirror. She'd never been a crier yet now, tears came far too readily.

  You built a new life by pretending the old one never existed.

  Dabbing a cold flannel against her reddened eyes, she recalled Joe's words.

  She heard Alex moving around in the kitchen. As she walked back out to the lounge, he appeared carrying two steaming mugs. She sat down and he handed her one.

  He sat opposite and put his coffee on the side table. "I'm here because this is the most private place for this discussion. It's Sarah."

  Surprise vied with apprehension. "Is something wrong?"

  "No, she's fine," he said, leaning forward and putting a hand over hers.

  Relief left her shaky inside. The idea of her little girl hurt or miserable made her feel sick. "What is it then?"

  "Your next visit, Sarah hasn't stopped talking about you."

  "Did she like me?" Kate craved the reassurance she knew she had no right to expect.

  "Too much for my peace of mind, but you knew that. You overheard her at Smith's farm."

  She winced and stared down at her chocolate. "She only likes me as Kate. It could be very different when she knows I'm the mother who walked away from her."

  Alex picked up his coffee, sipping it and frowning heavily. "I'm hoping giving her time to get to know you will make her more accepting of you as her mother."

  She watched him, troubled as she ran a finger around the rim of her mug. "Is it still okay for me to come on Sunday?"

  His expression softened. "I was going to suggest that you come with us to the zoo on Saturday instead."

  "As well as the concert?"

  "Yes. I promised her a zoo trip as an end of term treat."

  Excitement vied with apprehension. Why was he so determined to push her and Sarah together at every opportunity? Not that she was about to complain. "A day trip?"

  "We'll take a picnic lunch," he said, giving her an amused. "Do you think you're up to it?"

  Kate chewed her lip. What he was implying.

  He grinned. "How much experience have you had keeping up with energetic seven year old girls, Cat?"

  "Not a lot. I've been out with Paula and Brett's terrors occasionally, usually with their parents."

  "Then you won't be offended if I tell you to wear something comfortable."

  She shook her head. He stood up and looked down at her. "Does my generosity warrant a goodnight kiss?"

  Kate nodded. He sat on the arm of the chair and gathered her in his arms pulling her close. He spread his hands through her hair holding her head captive, looking into her eyes, his expression grave,. Her hands encircled his neck drawing his mouth to hers.

  "Catriona—Cat," he whispered, his mouth finding hers, coaxing her response. Far too soon he lifted his head and looked into her eyes. He lifted a hand and traced the curve of her lower lip with the tip of one tanned finger. "How much longer, little Cat?"

  Kate stared at him, eyes wide, puzzled. "For what?"

  "How much longer will it take for you to forgive and to trust me?" His grave, steady voice unnerved her.

  "What are you asking?" she whispered, disturbed by his intensity.

  "If you even need to ask, I'm wasting my time." He stood up freeing her clinging arms from around his neck before leaning forward trapping her body within his arms.

  "Do some more thinking, some more soul searching." He kissed her with punishing force. "Sweet dreams."

  He left, closing the door quietly.

  For a long time she stared at that closed door, hand covering her tingling lips, worrying his cryptic words. The more she worried them the more she felt that she was missing something vital.

  But what?

  With a frustrated sigh she prepared for bed, but sleep was a long time in coming.

  Several times she turned her pillow over and punched it, trying to make it more comfortable.

  But nothing helped. She could understand his need for her forgiveness. He would never find peace unless she did. But could she forgive him for setting himself up as judge, jury and executioner?

  As for trusting?

  Once she'd trusted him, thought him a man of honour.

  In good faith, she'd visited his house the day Marcos Korda was killed. And he'd betrayed her trust in the worst possible way. Could she trust him again?

  And wasn't trust the other face of love? She didn't love Alex, Lust wasn't love, she wasn't about to add that mistake to all the others she'd made.

  Conscience squirmed.

  When she wanted him to make love to her, she'd suspended her hostility and trusted him then. When it suited her, she'd been prepared to trust him, and acknowledging this was sobering.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kate was ready and waiting long before the appointed time. Anxious, she fiddled with her hair and clothes. It's only a junior school class play.

  Maybe, but this is Clevedon. And I know how the rumours will fly.

  Would everybody assume that she and Alex were lovers?

  Sarah looks so much like me, how can they not know?

  When Alex's car slowed at the curb, she caught up her coat and opened the door before he had time to press the bell.

  "All ready?" An enigmatic smile played around his mouth.

  Smothering the impulse to break into a nervous babble, Kate nodded.

  He was elegant and casual in dark trousers and a matching coloured sweater. His cream silk shirt open at the throat, the collar neatly laid over the neckline. He took her arm as he escorted her to the car.

  Sarah was bouncing around the back seat in a state of high excitement.

  "Buckle up your seat belt, Sarah. I said we'd only be here a moment."

  "I wanted to see inside Kate's house," she pouted.

  "Too bad. Some other time Kate might just invite you to visit her, but like me she probably doesn't like nosy little girls."

  "Ohh…Daaaad, you're so mean."

  Kate struggled to contain a smile.

  "Tell me about your play." She diplomatically changed the subject. "Do you have a part?"

  "It's modem day Cinderella." Sarah forgot her grievance and broke into enthusiastic chatter. "I'm one of the plain sisters."

  "Plain sisters?"

  "We don't have ugly sisters. Everyone has some attraction."

  Kate glanced at Alex and saw his amusement.

  "Of course not." Kate stifled a smile. Sarah was far from plain.

  "Here we are." Sarah's voice was high pitched with excitement as Alex parked the car. Fumbling with the catch of her seat belt, she opened the car door and tumbled out.

  "Sarah wait."

  The curt order stopped her in her tracks. "Daaad. It's only school

  Alex was beside her in an instant. "Maybe. But you don't get out of a car and take off, young lady, unless you want to get yourself hit by another car. Okay?"

  "Oaky." She tugged on his hand, impatient.

  "Did you leave your manners at home, Sarah?" he asked sternly. The little girl shook her head. "Kate is our guest. We both wait until she is out of the car, then we'll all walk in together, okay?"

  As she listened to the interchange, Kate was struck by a sense of déjà vu. How often had Fraser chastised her for her impatience and impetuosity? She looked at Sarah with fresh eyes. The little girl was like her in more ways than looks.

  Together, they walked across the asphalt towards the lighted classroom. Once inside the gate, Sarah took off.

  Kate smothered a pang of disappointment. To Sarah it was obviously no big deal to attend a school evening with a woman friend of her father's. Had there been so many of them over the years?

  What business is that of mine? I left them. I have no right to resent their friendships.

  "Talk about a live wire." Alex's amused comment forced her to bring her wayward thoughts under control. "She's been looking forward to this night for weeks."

  "Didn't you when you were her age?"

  "Not that I remember." Alex put a hand under her arm. "My mother was dead, my father too wrapped up in making his millions and Noni never felt comfortable at our local school."

  How very different her early years had been.

  Emily's words ghosted through her mind, Alex has never known the softness of a woman's love.

  Was this why he was going out of his way to ensure she took an active part in Sarah's life? He wanted to make sure his daughter didn't miss out, like he had?

  They reached the classroom doorway before she could answer. Once there, Kate was acutely conscious of being the focus of a good deal of attention. Many of the adults made no attempt to mask their curiosity. Sarah raced back to them catching Kate's hand in hers and tugging her forward.

  "Come and look at my work, Daddy and Kate."

  Kate laughed and the moment was broken.

  She touched a hand to the Sarah's hair, and as she breathed in the smell of chalk, paint and paper, she was back in her childhood, dragging her parents to see her artistic attempts.

  "Lead on, Sarah," she said, smiling at the little girl. "It's your night, caraid."

  She shared a smile with Alex as Sarah hustled them across the classroom to admire her paintings. Engrossed in Sarah's excited chatter, their heads bent and touching, they were unaware of the speculative stares they attracted.

  The teacher clapped his hands and the excited chattering quieted.

  "Is everyone here?"

  "Yes, Mr. Owen," the children chanted in unison, and Kate noticed that many of the adults wore identical amused expressions.

  "Good," he said briskly. "If we can have all the children sitting on the mat here, the parents can find a comfortable seat at the tables and the play can begin."

  There was a crescendo of excited chattering as the children surged forward to obey. The adults surveyed the tiny chairs with rueful smiles. Kate smothered a grin as she saw Alex trying to fit his six foot frame into one, before giving it up and sitting on the comer of the table, bracing his arm on the back of her chair for balance.

  "Some things never change." Another father grumbled as he too preferred to perch on the end of a table.

  "Okay if everyone is ready, we can begin," Mr. Owen looked around the assembled audience. "Our narrator tonight is Julianne Evans."

  A tow headed girl came forward, a book in her hands and a bright flush on her cheeks, eyes brilliant with excitement.

  "Our play tonight is—" the teacher beat a few notes on a small drum—"Modern Day Cinderella."

  There was a smattering of applause, Kate and Alex joined in.

  Over the next hour, the room echoed with chuckles and laughter as the children portrayed their version of the old fairy tale.

  Every child had a part to play in the unfolding drama.

  At times they forgot their words, making up lines that were so droll, the audience laughed hysterically.

  One small boy threatened to swing a punch at another boy who told him he'd made a mistake but the teacher skilfully intervened to avoid a fracas.

  As Sarah struggled to fit her foot into a tiny slipper, Kate stole a glance at Alex, amazed to see him wiping away tears of laughter. And maternal pride and hysterical amusement vied for supremacy as she watched Sarah storm off the mat, her expression any as mutinous as her father's.

  The play ended with a storm of laughing applause.

  Children deserted the mat and tumbled into parent's laps.

  Sarah wound her thin arms around Alex's neck and buried her face against him. He returned her hug; his face buried her honey blonde hair.

  Kate was on firmly outside. The exclusion was unintentional but Kate was crushed by the awful sensation of being a spare wheel to a very cosy duo.

  "What's the matter?"

  She shot a glance at Alex through her lashes.

  "Just tired." And she was, but more than that, she was heartsick.

  Sarah yawned and rubbed her eyes.

  "So is this little girl." He stood up, Sarah glued to his hip, golden head snuggled into his shoulder. "Home time possum?"

  "Yes," Sarah lifted her head and stared at Kate. "Did you like our play?"

  "It was fun. You were a pretty 'plain sister'." Kate pasted on a smile. Her arms ached to reach out for Sarah. The need so intense it was almost physical.

  Alex put Sarah in her car-seat clicking the seat belt. He opened the door for Kate, keeping a hand under her elbow until she was seated, then leant across her to secure her belt.

  On the short drive back Kate kept her profile averted to conceal her distress. She craved privacy.

  "Don't bother coming in." She opened her door as soon as Alex slowed the car to a halt. "Sarah needs her bed."

  "I'll see you indoors." He ignored her, gripping her elbow. On the porch, he took the key and opened the door, switching on the light. He put a hand under her chin and lifted her face.

  Kate blinked, desperate to dispel the tears.

  "Poor little Cat," he murmured. His pity ate into her like corrosive.

  He dropped a fleeting kiss on her trembling lips before pushing her inside and shutting the door.

  She leaned against it, her face in her hands.

  Becoming closer to Sarah was almost too painful to bear. She brushed away a few tears with the heel of her hand.

  It was too late for tears, years too late.

  She walked to her chair, sitting in the dark, yielding to sorrow.

  Hours later, or maybe it was days later, a soft knock jerked out of her absorption. Another louder knock had her walking to the door. "Who is it?"

  "Kate, it's me, Alex."

  She sighed and unlocked it knowing he wouldn't go away. He stepped inside bringing with him a draught of cold, crisp air.

  "Why are you sitting in the dark?"

  "I like sitting in the dark." Even to her ears, her voice was thick and husky. "Besides with street lamps it's never completely dark."

  "It's not a healthy occupation," he said switching on the small table lamp beside her chair.

  Reluctantly, she sat down and it was all she could do not to squirm under his penetrating scrutiny.

  "You've been crying."

  "I wasn't aware crying was against the law."

  With an impatient sound he caught her hands in his. "You're grieving for Sarah."

  She shrugged and looked down at their joined hands. "No amount of grief will replace the lost years."

  "Those years were not of my making," he said gravely releasing her hands and leaning back in his chair. "Have you ever sought counselling, Kate?"


  She stiffened and looked at him. Suddenly, Alex calling her Kate acted like a release valve and unleashed years of repressed anger.


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