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Stranger Page 1

by Bryant, S. J.


  S.J. Bryant

  Copyright 2016 Saffron Bryant

  Published by Saffron Bryant at Smashwords

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  The Journey Continues

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  Nova's knuckles gleamed white against the controls as the ships plunged through a thick layer of atmosphere, hurtling towards the green planet below. White heat streamed past the front window and created a sheen of sweat over Nova's skin.

  "Everyone hold on tight. This is going to be a rough landing," she said through gritted teeth.

  The planet seemed to zoom up to meet them; growing until it encompassed the whole front of Crusader.

  Nova tugged a rusted harness into place over her chest, locking herself to her chair. She ducked her head and wrapped her arms over her face just as the ships broke through a thick layer of trees and slammed into the ground.

  Nova's body hurtled forward and ripped back, the harness digging into her shoulders with blunt bites. A loose spanner flew from behind her and slammed into the front window before clattering to the ground.

  Crashing items and dull moans echoed through the speakers from the other ships.

  "Damage report," Nova said, wincing as she pulled the harness free and massaged her bruised shoulders.

  "No casualties," Crusader replied. "Minor injuries only, but all of the ships are critically damaged."

  Nova closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "How critically?"

  "Take off would be impossible without extensive repairs."

  Nova swallowed. "Is it possible, Cal?"

  Cal hovered in from the storage bay, motor whirring. "I could do it but it will take months. I'm fine too, thanks for asking."

  Nova rolled her eyes. "Show us what's out there, Crusader. And how do the vitals look?"

  Crusader's front screen flickered, changing to show a forest thick with trees and vines. Dappled sunlight dotted the ground, dancing as wind rustled through the leaves.

  "Temperature, pressure, and oxygen are safe. No toxins detected," Crusader said.

  "I thought out of the border things would look... different," Nova said.

  Tanguin hobbled in nursing her elbow. "Weird, right?"

  Nova nodded.

  The speakers buzzed and Aart's voice crackled through. "Sylar's reporting some gas leakage from Crusader's engines and recommends evacuation until it's fixed. Shouldn't take long."

  "Copy that," Nova said. "Coming now."

  Nova and Tanguin shuffled through the side door connecting Crusader to Sylar, where they met the others. All five ships had docked together to create a bigger combined vessel before they'd gone through the Confederacy's border, side doors connecting them all internally.

  A cut above Orion's left eye dribbled blood down his face but he grinned at them as they approached. Everyone else appeared undamaged.

  "Nice landing," Orion said, swiping a drop of blood from his chin.

  Nova grinned. "I think it was a group effort."

  They walked together to Sylar's main exit door. It hissed open, revealing a green forest beyond with vibrant vines and blooming flowers crowding around the crashed ships.

  Aart held out his arms at the entrance, stopping them. "Take a moment guys. These will be our first steps on a planet outside of the border. I think we should savour it."

  Nova drew a deep breath. The scents of flowers and clean air filled her nostrils and she couldn't help smiling.

  Aart withdrew his arms and as a group they stepped forward, their feet landing in soft soil. Birds called between the trees above them while dappled shade created an easy cool amongst the trees.

  "I don't know how," Aart said. "But Nova said she'd get us past the border. And dammit, she's right again."

  The others cheered.

  Red bloomed on Nova's cheeks and she ducked her head. A weight had lifted from her shoulders and the constant fear of The Confederacy breathing down her back had faded. She smiled. "We're here."

  "Won't the Confederacy come looking for us? After everything," Tanguin said.

  Nova shrugged. "They might. But they don't have the resources out here, no satellites or monitoring equipment. Unless we accidentally encounter one of their vehicles I think we're safe, especially while we're stuck here."

  "And if we were going to be trapped on any planet while we wait for repairs," Orion said. "I have to say this is a pretty good option. Except for a tropical island, that would have been best."

  "You're just not thinking big enough," Aart said. "We're beyond the border. We've got a whole planet to ourselves! There could be a tropical beach just on the other side of these trees for all we know. We've got time to find it."

  Orion grinned. "You're on. Whoever finds a beach first gets to name it after themselves."

  Aart waved his hand. "I bet—"

  A dark blur leapt out of the trees and slammed into Aart's waist.

  Nova stepped forward, hand on her pistol, when a weight slammed into her chest, throwing her to the ground. She scrambled for her gun but it lay pinned under her hip. She writhed and her eye caught on Sylar's open door. "Crusader! Shut everything down!"

  A broad-shouldered man shoved her face into the ground while another tied her hands behind her back. A sharp rock dug into her cheek and dirt coated her tongue.

  "What the hell do—" Aart's protest died as his attackers drove his head down.

  Four men held Gus's arms, struggling to pull them behind his back. He roared and whipped his hands up, tearing them free. The attackers fell backwards, arms flailing as Gus swung two massive fists at them. He caught the closest two and sent them flying, blood pouring down their faces.

  Four more men ran forward and dived over Gus's arms, wrenching them back while two more tied them together. Gus kicked and spat, twisting to get free, until a tall man with dark eyes stepped forward and slammed a thick tree branch across his face. Gus fell onto his knees, blinking.

  Tyra had managed a single shot which flew wide into the forest as two men threw her to the ground beside Tanguin and Orion.

  Nova struggled but the rest of the Hunters writhed on the ground beside her, trapped. "Cal! Can you hear me?" she projected the thought, keeping her lips pressed together.

bsp; "Nova… interference… action." Static buzzed between muffled words.

  The men holding her dragged her to her feet so that she stood eye-to-eye with a man wearing a long black cloak with red trimming. His pitch-black eyes glared at her like the centres of treacherous storms.

  He barked something in a foreign language. The man closest to Tyra snatched away her gun and held it at arm's length like a venomous snake.

  The leader glared into Nova's eyes and spoke at her in his language.

  "I don't understand!" Nova yelled back. "Let us go!"

  The man yelled even louder and pushed his face to hers, showering her with spittle.

  Nova twisted away, glancing at the others. "Can any of your understand him?"

  "Not a bloody word," Aart replied.

  The man holding Aart drew back his fist and slammed it into Aart's cheek. Blood exploded out of Aart's nose and showered the green leaves around him.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Nova said, lunging forward but ripped back by the men holding her arms. She glanced down at the gun in her belt. If she could just get to it, then she'd show these bastards.

  The man in front of her followed her gaze. His eyes widened as they came to rest on her gun and his hand whipped out, snatching it.

  "Give that back!" She strained against her ropes.

  The man shouted some orders and the other captors went to work patting down Nova and her companions. They pulled ten guns from Gus alone.

  Nova's mind raced, projecting thoughts to Cal. "Cal. I can't hear you. Have you got a language patch? Are the weapons online?"

  "… Offline… Language… No response…"

  "Cal, if you can hear me. Keep those ships closed. Don't open them for anyone else. Get the ships back online and come save our arses!"


  Nova pursed her lips and glared at their attackers, hoping that Cal would find a way to break them free.

  There were no women and the men wore long cloaks, like dresses. Instead of guns they carried primitive blades, like long thin swords.

  She frowned. How could there be a primitive class five planet beyond the borders of the Confederacy?

  The man in charge gestured to his men and they pushed the Hunters along. Nova stumbled as one of her captors shoved her in the back. She kept her footing and glared over her shoulder. Her captors didn't seem to notice.

  They were silent and stared straight ahead as they marched the prisoners along a rough forest trail. The plants on either side bloomed unlike any Nova had ever seen. They towered above her head and sprouted flowers the size of people. Vibrant red roses lit up the green forest.

  She glanced over at Aart.

  He shuffled forward and his left eye was swollen shut. His captors held him upright as blood dripped from his nose and left a trail behind him.

  Nova clenched her fists. As soon as she worked out how to get away from these bastards they would pay. In the mean-time she focused on learning everything she could about the new planet.

  After a stumbling walk through the forest they came out of the trees and into a cleared area, a village. Wooden huts lined dirt streets, and simple stalls bowed with wares created splashes of colour in the otherwise dull landscape. People in long flowing cloaks hurried between the houses and stalls carrying baskets. Most of them wore wide-brimmed hats that hid their faces.

  Small farms with rough sticks for fences surrounded the side of the village. Small birds, similar to chickens, clucked from a row of cages at the back of a wooden hut. In the very centre of the village a young girl pulled water from a deep well and heaved the bucket down the street.

  To Nova it felt as if she'd been pulled back through time into a picture book. She'd been to primitive planets before, out of curiosity, but none of them had felt as quaint as this. The huts were small, half the size of Crusader, and they looked flimsy enough that a strong breeze would knock them down.

  Above the village, a green hill rose up to connect to a mountain range in the distance. Halfway up the hill loomed a bigger house made of thick logs, a mansion compared to the rest of the houses. A tall wooden fence marched around its exterior, broken only by a broad gate. A dirt path wound up the mountain from the village to the house, disappearing beneath the gate.

  A silhouetted figure stood half-way up the path, gazing down at the village.

  Their attackers shoved Nova and the Hunters into the village. As soon as they came into view, the villagers froze, staring with open mouths. Some ran and hid behind closed doors.

  The man with black eyes who'd taken Nova's gun yelled at the villagers. They shuddered at his voice and hurried back to what they'd been doing, although they kept their eyes on the Hunters with subtle sideways glances.

  "Take us back to our ship and we'll leave you alone," Nova said.

  The leader of their captors rounded on her, laying a hand on the hilt of his sword and glaring into her eyes. He smirked and then pointed at Aart, made a fist, and then pointed at Nova. His eyes locked with hers and he stood absolutely still.

  "Are you threatening me?" Nova said.

  "Ban!" the man roared and brandished his fist again, right below Nova's nose.

  She clenched her jaw shut and nodded once. She'd play along for now, if only to save herself a broken nose.

  The man nodded once and walked away. A sharp shove to Nova's back made her stumble after him.

  Her gaze raced around the village, searching for a friendly face, but everyone managed to ignore her whilst still keeping a keen eye on her and her companions.

  They marched to the other side of the village where a wooden door had been set into the dirt. A man ran forward and lifted the trapdoor, it squealed in protest as darkness surged out to greet them.

  They jostled Nova forward to the door where a thin set of stairs led down into darkness. The smell of rotten meat and piss rolled over her like a physical wave, seeming to soak into her skin.

  She tried to bury her mouth and nose into her shoulder but it leaked through, bringing bile to her throat. She reached out a tentative foot to the first stair, it squeaked under her weight but held firm. Eight steps later she reached a short hallway with cells on either side. Rusted iron bars made up the fronts and sides of the cells, casting long shadows on the stained floor.

  Her hands fell free and she was pushed into the nearest cell. The bars slammed shut behind her while the rest of the Hunters were shoved into the other cells with the jangle of metal keys.

  Nova glared at her captors. The one in charge nodded and tested each lock as he strode from the far end of the hallway back to the stairs. He stopped outside of Nova's cell and stared at her for what felt like days.

  She jutted her chin and stared right back at him with her feet spread shoulder-width apart.

  The man grunted and turned with a flurry of his cloak, striding up the stairs and out of sight. The rest of their captors climbed the stairs after him, except one who stayed at the base of the trapdoor like a silent statue, staring at the far wall and not acknowledging any of the prisoners.

  The captors dropped the trapdoor shut with a resounding bang that echoed through the prison, blocking the warmth of the sun. The only light came from a flickering torch set into the wall beside the stairs that made dancing shadows across the guard's face.

  Nova turned away from him, hands clenched into fists.

  Packed dirt scuffled under her feet and made up the back and left wall. She could have walked from one side to the other in less than two strides. A bucket in the corner reeked of human waste, and her stomach churned at the thought of using it. Even during her time in Ankar she'd been able to use a real toilet. The rest of the cell lay flat and bare; no bed, no chair, no way of escape.

  She sighed and lowered herself to the floor as far away from the bucket as she could manage. She faced the rest of the prison and her fellow Hunters. They sat in their cells and glared at the prison, eyes flashing and red anger glowing in their cheeks.

  Tanguin a
nd Tyra sat in the cell next to her. On the other side of them Gus made a looming shadow and on the opposite side of the hallway, Aart and Orion stood leaning on the bars of separate cells.

  Out of sight of the guard, Nova tested the metal bars on the front of her cage. They were rusted but strong. Without her gun there was no way she'd be able to break through.

  She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. It was going to be a long night.


  Nova strained her ears.

  Somewhere nearby water trickled against rocks and above them the sounds of voices and laughter drifted through the trap door, but mostly the ragged breaths of the Hunters filled the stuffy silence.

  "What's that saying?" Orion said. "Out of the supernova, into the black-hole?"

  "Something like that," Gus said. "Hey, Aart, how's your nose? He got you good."

  Nova opened her eyes and glanced at the guard. He hadn't moved an inch; apparently it was okay for them to talk in here.

  "Yeah well, if I'd had my hands I would have got him twice as good," Aart said, voice muffled by his hands clutched over his nose. "I think the bastard broke it."

  "Not the first time," Orion said.

  "No, but it still hurts like a bitch," Aart said.

  "You should reset that thing before it heals wrong," Gus said.

  "I know." Aart took a deep breath and a yelp echoed through the cells.

  The guard's eyes didn't even flicker.

  "Better?" Orion said.

  "Barely," Aart replied, his voice high.

  "Now that Aart's nose is sorted," Tanguin said. "What's our plan?"

  "Live long enough to get out of this dump," Gus said.

  "What kind of place is this anyway?" said Tyra. "It's outside the Confederacy border and yet it's a class five at least."

  "Maybe people came out here and lost their technology?" Aart said.

  "Did you see the looks on those villagers' faces when they saw us?" said Tanguin. "They were really scared, like we shouldn't even exist."

  Tyra nodded. "They've been here a long time. Look how primitive they are; that doesn't happen over one generation."


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