Hate 2 Lovers

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Hate 2 Lovers Page 14

by J. D. Hollyfield

  I snuggle into him, inhaling the scent around me. I try not to move, because I don’t want to wake him. I know he’s been working a lot lately, and with my needy hormones, I keep him up late at night.

  I lay in his arms reminiscing about our date. That was the first time anyone has ever done something so romantic for me. It wasn’t about how fancy a restaurant was or how much a date could impress me. It was…honest. Beautiful. It was the start of something I knew, down to my bones, I wanted. I wanted a forever thing with Roman. I can admit that to myself now. And with the strength of his support, I feel like I can admit that to him as well.

  Roman’s hand snaps me out of my thoughts, as it starts traveling down my stomach, his fingers sliding past my shorts.

  “I thought you were sleeping,” I whisper, my eyes fluttering closed. His fingers dip past my pelvis and begin to caress my sex.

  “I was, but you get all squirmy when you’re in your head. Plus, I couldn’t stop thinking about this warm pussy.” He inserts one finger inside me, and slowly strokes me inside and out. I relax my body into him, his chest a solid mass against my back.

  “You know we can’t have sex, right?” I say, biting my lip. His finger feels amazing, the slow movement bringing my body alive with need. I want to tell him he should probably stop, because we cannot have sex, but his mouth wraps around my earlobe, nipping at my skin.

  “Are you sure about that? If I’m not mistaken, I think you want this. Your body is craving it.” He picks up the pace, adding another finger to the mix. I moan, my body betraying me, as I begin to thrust my hips into his hand.

  “Roman, we can’t. The appointment,” I moan as he pushes deeper inside me.

  “What about it? We’re going to find out we’re having a boy, and I’m going to treat you to anything you want.” He picks up his thrusts, and I’m lost in his assault. “Maybe take my girl up to Wellerton, where I hear there’s a brand new stationary store. Filled with paper…” One hard thrust. “Stickers…” I am about to lose it. “And all sorts of hole punchers.” At that, I explode. I grip his fingers with my walls as I orgasm.

  “That’s my girl,” he murmurs into my ear, his tongue pressing against my neckline just before he presses his full, warm lips to my skin. Fuck, he’s good. I sigh as he sucks on my flesh. He rolls me onto my back, his heavy weight covering mine. Our eyes connected, he dips down to place a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” I reply shyly.

  He lowers his head, dragging his large frame down my body until his mouth stops on my belly. I’m about to thrust my hands into his hair and pull him back up. As much as I want another orgasm, and especially from his magical tongue, I kind of need to shower. Before I get a good grip to pull, he does something so unexpected. He presses a gentle kiss to my swelling stomach. A small gasp filters through my lips at his touching gesture.

  “And good morning to you, Roman Jr.”

  I feel his smile on my skin, and I softly whack him on the head. “It could be a girl,” I remind him as he brings himself back up, his eyes glimmering with mischief.

  “You’re right. It could be. But my swimmers are tough. It’s a boy.” I can’t help but match the smile he’s wearing. “So are you sure I can’t show you what a good morning it could be?” he asks, dipping low, placing kiss after kiss along my jaw line.

  My fingers tangle in his messy morning hair and I tug until he’s looking up so I can lock my lips to his. I kiss him feverishly until my lungs give out.

  “Is that a yes?” He smirks, pressing his hard dick into my thigh. I bite my lip to stop myself from demanding he fuck me senseless.

  “Not until after the appointment,” I state, bringing my palm down, caressing his clean shaven cheek. I love the way his always-smooth skin feels under my fingertips. The way his face leans into my touch every time. The goose bumps that cover my skin when he looks at me as if I’m the only thing that makes his clock tick. I love the way he makes me feel like I deserve happiness.

  “Thank you, Roman Holloway,” I say softly as I watch his eyes blink in slight confusion.

  “What are you thanking me for, sweet girl?”

  “For being the best thing that has happened to me. For sticking around even when I tried furiously to push you away. For giving me a chance when I probably didn’t deserve one.” I try to hold in the tears. I don’t want to cry. I’m so tired of this emotional roller coaster. I just want him to know that I am thankful. I know I’m not an easy person to love. I struggle to love myself. But he does it so effortlessly. I wish I could take back all the bitchy things I’ve done or said. He’s never deserved that side of me.

  My dad is right. Roman is not him. Roman is everything.

  “Babe, where’s this coming from?” He presses his lips to mine, offering me strength to continue.

  “I just don’t tell you enough how thankful I am. I’m always too consumed with complaining or bitching or crying or eating. Christ, anything but showing you that I appreciate you.”

  A small chuckle leaves his lips as he offers me his mouth, this time increasing the pressure. His arms wrap around my waist, and before I can object, he’s flipped us so his back rests against the mattress and I’m lying on top of him.

  “Thank you for telling me that. You’re right. You’re not one for words. But you show me in other ways.”


  “I do?”

  He chuckles again, tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear. “You do. When you set the coffee maker just for me, so it’s ready when I wake up. When you pick up your three muffins each morning but put one on my desk, in case I’m also hungry.”

  “But you always give it back to me!”

  “Because I know you’re hungry. And I get so full from your sweet gesture, that I am okay giving up the muffin.”

  Okay, so much for not getting emotional. But that was seriously the sweetest thing ever. “What else?”

  Roman laughs. “How about, all the days you wear those skirts just for me, knowing I love seeing those sexy legs all day long.” At that, I join in laughing with him. Dammit. I thought I was being slick, trying to wear those damn things.

  “Okay, so you got me there.” I lie down, resting my head against his chest. We’re quiet for a few moments until I speak. “Will you tell me something about you?”

  He squeezes me closer to him, pressing his lips to my head. “What is it that you want to know?”

  “Anything. Something stupid. I shared with you my dorky secret. Tell me something about you that no one knows.”

  “Hmmm…” he says as he thinks. “Well, when I was a kid, I had an ant collection.”

  “Awwe! That’s kinda cute. How old were you, like seven?”

  “Actually, more like fifteen.”

  A choked giggle escapes my lips as I try to hide my amusement.

  “I know. Laugh it up. Pretty nerdy to have an ant collection at age fifteen. But I was crazy intrigued with their behavior. Observing their habits. I actually created a colony, breaking them into intelligent groups. They would form units and create colonies within the tank. It was quite fascinating.”

  I try to hold in any further laughter as I allow him to tell his story.

  “I tracked each unit. Made journals of their evolution. I turned my closet into a small base where I kept my tank and journals. Made a small camp out in case it got late and I needed to take a nap.”

  I lift my head from his chest, taking in his serious expression. He must have really liked those damn ants.

  “And what happened to them? Why did you not pursue a career in ant-ology?” I smirk.

  He grabs my hips, raising his head just the right amount to steal a kiss. “Because it wasn’t meant to be,” he states, giving me another peck.

  “Why not?”

  “Because Reagan killed them all. Her current Blue’s Clues episode had taught her about fireflies. That flies eat ants. Reagan had convinced Ram to help her catch fireflies
one night, and then let them all lose in my ant tank. I didn’t realize it until morning. Complete devastation.”

  I throw my hands over my mouth. “Oh my God! Were they all dead?” Poor Roman.

  “Mostly. Enough that all my hard work was ruined. I cried like a baby to my mom, who said she would help me rebuild it, but the damage was done. My ant-ology career was over.”

  I offer him a sad smile, picturing a young fifteen-year-old Roman crying over his murdered ants. I bend down, offering him my lips and he graciously accepts. The kiss doesn’t get out of control. Before it even has a chance to, I sense a fluttering feeling in my stomach.

  I pull away.

  “Did you feel that?” I ask, raising to a kneeling position on top of Roman.

  “No, what happened? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s just… There it is again!” I bring my hands to my stomach, the weird sensation almost tickling the insides of my belly.

  “What, is it gas? If so, maybe I should give you a minute.” Poor Roman has been trapped in a car with me too many times to not know the routine.

  “No, shut up. It’s not gas… Wait, there it is, feel.” I grab his hand and place it over my belly. “Feel it?” I ask.

  “No. What is it? What do you think it is?”

  My eyes swell with thick tears. “Roman, it’s the baby. I finally feel the baby.”

  “Oh my God,” I groan. “He’s so gonna know.” I cover my face with my hands, horrified.

  Roman laughs, stealing one hand and pressing a kiss to the top. “He’s not going to know. And who cares. He obviously knows we have sex.”

  “Yeah, but the poor guy is going to stick that wand up me, and he’s going to get all log jammed by all the sperm you shot up in me!”

  Roman howls in laughter, dropping my hand to hold his chest. “Andie, you peed, showered, and jumped up and down. I think anything I shot up in you is out.”

  Ugh…no it’s not. I can practically smell him still! My stupid hypersensitive senses. I should have never given in, I tell myself. I’m getting restless in the chair, the paper crinkling underneath me.

  Roman goes to offer me a kiss, but the doctor walks in, and I swat him away. Kissing will give us away.

  “Ahh, hello you two. Big day.”

  Romans shakes the doctor’s hand while I try to not make eye contact. He walks over to his equipment, shuffling around with the monitor. With every second that passes, I become more anxious. We’re about to find out the sex of our baby. In less than five minutes, this guy is going to reveal if we are having a girl or a boy. Do I want a girl? Do I want a boy? Does it matter? Will Roman be upset if it’s a girl?

  “Now I am just going to put some warm—”

  “We had sex this morning!” I blurt out. No idea why.

  Roman shakes his head at me, while the kind doctor smiles and pats me on my knee. “Good for you two. Very healthy. No harm to the baby.”

  I stare at him confused. “No, we had sex. He…you know…all up inside me.”


  Another head shake from Roman. Another pat on the knee from the doctor.

  “Totally safe, dear. You can’t get pregnant twice.” He smiles again and grabs for the tube of lubrication.

  “Well, I’m just saying,” I huff. “In case it’s foggy in there and the wand is…well… covered and you can’t see anything.”

  “Andie.” Roman tries shutting me up, but I’ve already said my piece.

  The doctor lifts my gown, exposing my bare belly. “No worries. We’ll be doing an external ultrasound today.” He brings the lubrication tube to my belly. “Just a warm gel.” And squeezes a glob onto my stomach. When the image appears, both our eyes are glued to the screen.

  The doctor doesn’t speak, moving around my stomach. An image of a little tiny human pops up and instantly Roman grabs my hand. I peek at him and the look in his eyes catches my breath.

  “Right there, kids, is the heart. It’s too soon to count the valves, but this baby has a nice speedy heartbeat.” He maneuvers the mouse-like contraption around my belly, until placing it over another body part. “Ahh and look at that. That’s the head. Size is looking good.” More moving. “There are the hands…. Feet…”

  He continues to move the mouse as we both stare at the beautiful little thing on the screen. Our baby. The little human growing in my belly. I use my free hand to wipe a tear off my cheek, and when I turn to see if Roman caught me being a baby, I notice the unshed tears in his eyes.

  “All right. This baby is making it tough. Being a little difficult and not wanting to show us the sex…” Dr. Patterson chuckles. “Ahh…there we go. Good… Well, congratulations, Mom and Dad, you’re having a…”

  Is a Rocket Launcher Too Much?

  “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS,” I mutter for the thousandth time since we found out the sex yesterday afternoon as I pull into my sister’s driveway.

  “I know,” Andie chuckles. “It’s about to go down too.”

  She’s already climbing out of the Range Rover and making her way over to the front door where Reagan and Dani are waiting. I’m still stunned out of my mind.

  I need to prepare.

  I need to buy a gun.

  Perhaps some grenades.

  A Taser could be handy too.

  I hear a whistle and look through the windshield to see Ram in the yard, beaming at me like the cat that ate the fucking canary. Jesus.

  “Come on, loser,” he bellows and waves me inside. “Time to pay up. It’s written all over your face. I won.”

  I flip him off through the glass before getting out of the vehicle and trotting across the grass. “What did we bet again?” I grunt.

  He ruffles my hair and snorts with laughter. “That,” he says with a laugh, “pretty boy.”

  I shove him away and walk inside. Seems the party already started without us. We were supposed to arrive at five, but I was so wrapped up in my head—and overwhelmed with the possessive need to keep what’s mine safe—that I tied her sexy ass to the bed. I had my way with her, and we took a nap after. It wasn’t until I jolted awake two hours after we were supposed to be here that we got it in gear to come over.

  “What’s got your panties in a wad?” Linc’s annoying ass questions the moment I walk through the door.

  I give my sister a pointed glare that says, Why the fuck did you invite this asshole?

  She sticks her tongue out and gives me the because-this-is-my-house-and-I-do-whatever-the-fuck-I-want glare.

  “Okay, you two,” Mom chides as she gives me a hug. “Honey, you’re as pale as a ghost. Your father had that same look in his eyes when we found out what our third baby was going to be.”


  Definitely need to buy more guns.

  “Oh shit,” Linc hollers as he points to a giant poster board that’s been hung over the fireplace showing all of our bets. “Roman, you’re fucked, man.” He snorts and I growl.

  “I knew it,” Chase exclaims from somewhere in the room. Jesus, did they invite everyone to watch my mental breakdown.


  And knife sharpeners.

  Lots of knives for sure.

  “Rey,” Linc laughs, “I told you. Fucking told you. Do you remember what we bet?”

  Reagan throws a couch pillow at him. “We don’t know for sure. I could still win.”

  Ram comes up behind me and clamps a hand on my shoulder. “Little sis, this is not the look of a winner. This is the look of a motherfucker who’s already googling in his head ‘how to weld a chastity belt out of scrap metal’.”

  My eyes find Andie’s across the room as she chats with my mother, and she smirks. I’ll tan her pretty little ass for that smirk later. She may have won this round, but I’ll win once I have her pinned and tied to her bed. Not that she’ll mind. Once I got over my fear of hurting her, I quite like having her at my mercy.

  “What’re you losing?” Dani questions as she looks up at the poster board. “Oh, boy.
Does Andie know that?” She points to the square where Ram and I bet. Of course we couldn’t be normal adults. Nah, this motley crew had to bet like this is a fantasy football game—not my goddamned life and future we’re talking about here.

  “Tense? Just imagine that first time some guy steps up on that front porch looking like me,” Linc says with a chuckle. He waggles his eyebrows at me and then flexes his tattooed, muscled bicep.


  And duct tape.

  Mace. I’ll definitely need mace.

  “I think he’s in shock,” Chase quips as he tugs Reagan into his lap.

  Linc’s playfulness melts away but his gaze never leaves them. “Hey, Rey, can I ask you a quick question?”

  Reagan pops back out of Chase’s lap and follows Linc into the kitchen. When I turn to look up at the board, Dani is shaking her head. “You were pretty confident, huh?” She snorts and points at another box, a bet with my mom no less. “Scrub all of your mother’s toilets for a month?”

  Ram chuckles and saunters over to her. “Aww, babe, don’t tease my big brother. He’s already losing hair as we speak. Being a dad is making him old.”

  She laughs. “I don’t think losing a bet and having to shave your head is the same thing as hair loss from old age. Besides, I don’t see Andie letting this happen.”

  “Let what happen?” Andie pops in behind her friend. Then she screeches at me. “YOU BET TO SHAVE YOUR HEAD?!”

  I run my fingers through my messy and soon-to-be gone hair. “I thought it was going to be a boy!”

  “I TOLD YOU IT WAS A GIRL!” she yells back. “Ew! You can’t have a shaved head. Linc has a shaved head! Ack!”

  Linc hollers from the kitchen and yanks off his beanie. “I’m growing it out. Don’t hate.” He scrubs the short dark hair on his head before pulling his hat back on and winking at my sister.



  Is a rocket launcher too much?

  Nah…definitely going on the list.

  “I thought it was going to be a boy,” I mutter again, mostly to myself.

  Andie grins and wraps her arms around my neck. “You were wrong, ya big oaf. All kinds of wrong. When are you gonna learn I’m the brains of this operation?”


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