Russian Beast

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Russian Beast Page 14

by Aislinn Kearns

  Tears pricked Evie’s eyes. What would he do to her? She couldn’t take another beating, or worse. Not now, when she’d finally become stronger.

  Her lungs tightened until she could barely breathe. Blackness swam at the edge of her vision. She needed air, needed not to panic. She’d survive this, whatever happened. She had to. She had to tell Alexei how she felt. She couldn’t die without him knowing what he meant to her, that she was sorry she’d been too afraid.

  Jimmy reached for the collar on her work shirt, his grimy hands pushing her lapel aside.

  “You were always a pretty bitch, even when you didn’t obey me. I suppose that’s why I kept your useless ass around so long.” He tore violently at the collar, popping the buttons until they pinged off in the darkness like tiny death knells.

  The cold air hit her exposed skin and Evie nearly sobbed. Not again. She couldn’t go through this again.

  She freed her left hand. She reached out with it, scrambling in the darkness for something, anything she could use. Her hand touched grime and other substances she’d rather not think about. But not anything useful.

  Her fingers found something, and a faint scraping echoed down the alley, like glass on concrete. A bottle. She could use that.

  She strained forward, the tips of her fingers grazing the smooth side of the bottle as Jimmy pawed at her breasts. The bottle slipped further out of reach, sliding over the ground.

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. She couldn’t reach it. She didn’t have a weapon.

  She took as deep a breath as she could manage and hardened her resolve. She’d just have to fight with her fists, her legs, her teeth, whatever she could. And if she couldn’t stop Jimmy, she’d still survive. She’d done it once before.

  But first, she’d give it everything she had.

  She reached up and without hesitating, ground her thumb into Jimmy’s eye. He howled in pain, rearing backwards and away from her. She scrambled to get up, but he still knelt on her legs even as he clutched one eye and glared at her with the other.

  So, she punched him with all the might she could muster in her sitting position. He rocked to the side from the force of her blow, but didn’t budge from his position on her legs.

  He recovered more quickly than she’d imagine. Before she could use his surprise to her advantage, he launched himself towards her, wrapping his hands around her throat and squeezing tight.

  Her eyes popped wide as she tried to suck in a breath, but she couldn’t. Jimmy’s eyes were burning with hatred as he stared down at her, leaning his weight onto her throat. She slapped at his face but he ignored her, madness having seeped into his expression. He was driven by hatred, by a lust for violence.

  And at the moment, Evie didn’t think she’d survive it.

  Her vision blurred, then darkened as her lungs screamed for air. This was it; her last moments. So many regrets.

  She thought she heard Alexei calling her name, but surely that was just wishful thinking.

  Her vision went black.

  Then, the pressure on throat disappeared and she sucked in a heaving breath. As her lungs filled and her senses returned, Evie had a moment to be grateful she was alive. Then, she wondered how.

  She turned her head to see Alexei, his hulking shape distinguishable in the darkness, slamming Jimmy against the wall. He wrapped his own hand around Jimmy’s throat, and Evie had a moment of savage satisfaction at the sight of Jimmy’s pants-shitting terror.

  Alexei glanced her way, eyes assessing. His expression flooded with relief as he saw her struggling to sit up.

  His eyes darted back to Jimmy, squirming uselessly in his grip, batting at Alexei’s tree-trunk arms. Alexei’s expression turned to one of intense, savage hatred as his gaze landed on his captive. His chest expanded and he looked like he was preparing to destroy Jimmy, an outcome Evie couldn’t find it in herself to regret, except for the trouble it might cause Alexei.

  She finally understood the rage Alexei had felt as he’d seen the men in the bar intimidating her. The last of her anger towards him disappeared.

  She struggled to her feet, intending to tell Alexei to stand down. As much as a dark part of her might want Jimmy to hurt, it wasn’t right.

  But there was no need for her to say anything. Alexei dug into his pocket and held out his phone to Evie.

  “Police,” Alexei said. “I’ll hold him until they arrive.”

  Evie blinked at him, then slowly took the phone from his hand.

  “I’m not sure how long I can keep him,” Alexei reminded her.

  She smiled at him, a big beaming smile that showed how pleased she was that he’d listened to her. She had no doubt he was holding himself back purely because he knew she didn’t like violence. Then, she dialled 911 and spoke to dispatch. She didn’t take her eyes off either man as they waited. Jimmy alternated his glare between both of them, but as much as he struggled against Alexei, he was impotent against Alexei’s superior strength.

  “Give up,” she hissed to Jimmy. “It’s over. You’ll never be able to come after me again. You’ll rot in prison for attempted murder.”

  Jimmy’s eyes narrowed at the threat, but Evie held his gaze. She wouldn’t back down to him.

  The police eventually arrived and took Jimmy into custody. The paramedics came soon after and checked Evie over, pronouncing her physically fine. The police took photos of her injuries for evidence. Both Evie and Alexei gave statements, and the officers seemed pretty sympathetic to her side of the story.

  When they left, Evie quickly turned to Alexei. But as she looked on his hewn perfection—like the brutal planes of his face had been carved from marble—she suddenly noticed how disgusting she felt. There was an unidentified substance in her hair, and she still stunk of that alley and Jimmy’s filth.

  “I need a shower,” she half-joked. She wanted to look beautiful for Alexei, when she begged him for forgiveness, for another chance. She wanted to be irresistible.

  His jaw tightened at her words and he stepped away from her without saying anything.

  Evie’s heart sank. She should have known that just because he’d saved her life, it didn’t mean he wanted to get back together. She’d hurt him, badly, and accused him of some unpleasant things.

  Evie swallowed and blinked back tears. “Well, thank you,” she said as she backed away. “I tried to use your self-defence moves, but I guess I wasn’t ready yet. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been there.”

  His expression softened, just slightly. “I was happy I could help.”

  Evie nodded, then turned to go. After a few steps she hesitated, then turned back to him. Alexei stood where she’d left him.

  “You…” she paused, then drew in courage with a deep breath. “You didn’t hurt him.”

  “I wanted to,” Alexei said quickly.

  “But you didn’t,” Evie insisted.

  Alexei glanced away, then back at her, his eyes intense. “I didn’t want to scare you. Even if I think he deserves to be pounded into the dust.”

  Evie’s heart swelled. “Part of me thinks he deserves it, too.” Her words were an olive branch, a prelude to an apology.

  But Alexei laughed it away, a tinge of bitterness edging his voice. “Yeah, I can imagine.” Then, “Take your shower. I’ll see you around.”

  He turned away, dismissing her.

  Evie tried not to cry, tried not to think of all the ways she’d ruined things as she trudged back to her apartment.

  Chapter 21

  Evie startled at a knock on her door. She froze, towel in her freshly-cleaned hair.

  Clearly, she’d been more affected by Jimmy’s latest attack than she’d thought if she jumped at such normal sounds. But who could it possibly be at this hour?

  She knew, of course. It could only be Alexei.

  Evie shuffled to the door, feet dragging in reluctance. She wasn’t feeling up to facing another rejection tonight. Her heart already ached enough from the one earlier, and tea
rs still threatened close to the surface. Why was he here, though?

  She pulled the lapels of her terry towel robe closer over her chest and folded her arms around herself. She hesitated at the door. Before she opened it, she could live in a fantasy world. Entertain the idea that Alexei had forgiven her, and would sweep her up into his arms as soon as she opened the door.

  But the harsh truth was she’d already blown her chance with him. Whatever he wanted now, it wasn’t a reunion.

  She swallowed and slowly eased the door open, peeking her head through the gap and hiding as much of her body as she could. Even though he’d seen her naked, she felt too vulnerable standing there with nothing beneath her robe.

  He stood in shadow so she couldn’t see his face, but the size of the figure meant it was unmistakably Alexei.

  “Hi,” she said hesitantly.

  Alexei shifted, and his face came into view as her apartment light spilled through the gap above her head and onto him. He gazed at her with an intensity that stole her breath, but she couldn’t tell what it meant. Anger? Attraction? Something else?

  “Hello,” he said, then stared at her some more.

  “Are you…do you want something?”

  He blinked and the intensity in his expression dimmed. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He spoke haltingly, as if the words were new to him, though she was well aware they weren’t.

  Her heart melted, even as her gut churned. He was so sweet to her, even though he must still hurt from what she did.

  “I am,” she said with a small smile. “Thank you again for all you did.”

  He nodded. Evie half-expected him to leave, but he didn’t turn away from her.

  Evie waited a second, wondering what he wanted to say. But when no words came, she figured she’d seize her chance. Maybe, maybe, it wasn’t too late.

  She cracked the door wider. Alexei’s eyes travelled over her, lingering just a little too long to be just friendly, then reluctantly pulled his gaze to her face. Evie drew in a shuddering breath. He was still attracted to her, at least. Maybe that was enough, for now. Some kind of sign that things weren’t truly over between them. There was still hope.

  She grasped the thread of courage that such thoughts gave her and straightened her spine.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured. “For what I said. I should have known you’d never hurt me. I was just scared.”

  He shook his head, as if in denial, and Evie’s heart sank again. It was like being on a rollercoaster, flying and falling every few seconds, her gut sinking and rising with every hill.

  “It wasn’t your fault.” He took a step forward and snatched up her hand in his. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

  Her heart fluttered against her ribs, like a bird trying to free itself from a cage. Hope crept over her, stealing into her mind, her soul.

  “You’ve been nothing but sweet, and I—”

  “Evie, stop.”

  Evie swallowed, the tears that had been threatening earlier now pooling in her eyes. “No. It was me. I just got too afraid of what I felt, and how vulnerable it made me. And, yeah, I don’t want to encourage violence, but I—”

  Alexei cut her off with a kiss. Brief but firm, he stole the words from her mouth.

  She tilted her head up to look at him, eyes wide with surprise. He towered over her, so close that with every inhale her breasts brushed against his hard chest.

  “What were you feeling?” he asked, voice rumbling through her. His expression softened as hope stole over his features.

  Overwhelmed by emotion, the tears spilled down Evie’s cheeks. “I loved you,” she whispered softly, drifting closer to him. “Love you,” she corrected.

  Alexei’s arm slipped around her back, pulling her against him. “Good,” he muttered, then kissed her again. There was more fire this time. His passion had been unleashed with her words and he no longer held himself back.

  His tongue dipped into her mouth as he hauled her up further onto his chest so she was on tip toes. She kissed him back, breathless, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. The pit that had settled in her stomach since she’d broken up with Alexei disappeared, leaving a bright warmth in its place.

  After a long, slow minute, she pulled back from the kiss, eyes still shut as her chest heaved.

  “What?” he asked, the word vibrating through her chest.

  “Does this mean you love me, too? Or is it too soon for that?”

  “Ty moya,” he told her, his eyes darkening.

  She swallowed, mouth suddenly dry with desire. “What does that mean?” she whispered.

  “It means ‘You’re mine’.”

  “Oh,” she said on an exhale. Love and joy welled up in her, obliterating the last of her worries and fears.

  “I love you, Evie. And I won’t ever let you go.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I wanted to give you time. The moment had to be right.”

  “And in the alley with grime in my hair wasn’t the right time?” she asked him, teasing.

  He huffed a laugh. “No. Because then you wouldn’t allow me to do this once we made up.” He bent his knees and swept Evie up into his arms, cradling her against his chest. She pressed closer to him, as close as she could get.

  He pushed into her apartment and closed the door behind him with a kick. He strode with purpose to her bedroom.

  “Does this mean you forgive me?” She had to ask, even as the tears streamed unchecked down her cheeks.

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I swear I’ll never frighten you like that again, no matter what it takes.”

  Evie wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her forehead into his chest. “Thank you,” she murmured, muffled by his chest.

  Alexei lay her on the bed and planted his hands on either side of her. A thrill of anticipation ran through her as she realised what he intended.

  He studied her face seriously. “I would do far more for you. I love you, Evie. Always.”

  And before she could speak, he kissed her again, and everything was perfect.


  Alexei returned to the apartment with a spring in his step. He turned the key in the lock and the door swung out of his hands before he could open it.

  Evie stood on the threshold, her face beaming. “How’d it go?” she asked excitedly.

  Alexei laughed and stepped closer, kissing her deeply before answering. He loved when her eyes grew bright like that, her face flushed with interest and anticipation.

  She sunk into the kiss, instantly distracted by his attentions. Alexei grinned against her mouth. He loved coming home to this. It wasn’t something he was used to, or ever thought he’d have. But the sensation of having someone he loved waiting for him when he got home grew on him more each day.

  They’d moved in together a few months before, and it was the best decision he’d made in his life so far.

  Alexei kicked the door closed and the sound made Evie break the kiss. She squirmed out of his grip and nudged him lightly on the arm.

  “Don’t distract me. I want to hear how it went.”

  He pressed his lips together in an attempt to stop a smile and draw out her suspense longer, but it was no use. He was so excited by the news.

  “I got the job.”

  She squealed in happiness and threw her arms around him. “I knew you would! You’re an amazing teacher.” He’d just had an interview with a local gym, who’d been looking for someone to teach their self-defence classes. The demonstration of his skills had gone so well they’d offered him the job on the spot.

  He hugged Evie close, revelling in the feel of her. She’d always had more faith in him than he did in himself.

  “Thank you for letting me practice on you.” He pulled back from her hug and stared down at her.

  “Soon enough I’ll be kicking your ass,” she said playfully. They’d continued her lessons even after Jimmy had been thrown in jail to rot. T
he attempted murder charge had stuck, helped by all the security camera footage that had been found of him stalking Evie through the streets for months.

  Though she was a long way off being able to take Alexei down without him letting her win, they both enjoyed their sparring sessions.

  “You sure will,” he said instead.

  She laughed, and he watched her carefully.

  “I’ll have to tell McCready on Saturday that I won’t be fighting anymore.” He squeezed her hand, nerves creeping over him.

  “Will he make trouble?” she asked.

  Alexei shrugged. “I hope not, but I don’t know. He’s never quite warmed to me again after the gym incident. And the thing is…most people don’t leave the fights of their own free will. I just don’t how he’d react to me being out in the world, having no need to keep his secrets anymore.”

  Evie threaded their fingers together. “You’ll find some way to convince him, if there’s any trouble,” she assured him. Alexei wasn’t so sure.

  “I hope so.”

  “I believe in you. Besides, you have a great job to look forward to. One that doesn’t involve you getting fists to the face every weekend.” She beamed up at him.

  Alexei hesitated. “About that…” There was a slight issue with the job he didn’t want to mention.

  Her smile died. “Oh no. What is it?” She always could read him well.

  He exhaled. “It’s fine, but I’m worried if they ask me about work permits.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes grew worried, then switched to determined.

  Alexei frowned in confusion. “What?” If he was to hazard a guess, he’d suspect she had a plan.

  “I’ve been thinking about that, and I have a idea.” She gazed up at him with hopeful eyes.

  “Is that so?” he responded, not sure what else to say. He didn’t know what her eyes were trying to tell him.

  “Don’t think I’m crazy,” she warned.

  He laughed. “I won’t. Promise.”

  She eyed him for a moment, as if judging his seriousness. “Okay. Well, I know it’s only been a few months. But I love you. So much.”

  Alexei swallowed at all the love and affection in her expression. Was she doing what he thought she was doing?


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